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"g"61233_4R18882828X3X3  _4   National Warning Centres - recommended roles and performances - Warning/Watch Reception and interpretation of RT seismic & sea level measurements Reception of RTWC messages Dissemination of warning and cancellation messages to national authorities according to the national response plan Monitoring tsunami propagation and update information to national authorities Determination of seismic parameters Forecasting of tsunami arrival time, amplitude and run-up for the national coastline Provision of information to other national TWCs and RTWCs Above and beyond watch time National Tsunami Emergency Plan National Procedures (SOP), documentation National tsunami exercises Catalogue of inundation scenarios National tsunami data base Requirements Seismic as well as tsunami/oceanographic expertise Access to Tsunami and large earthquakes data base Real-time transmission systems for reception of data Real-time alert reception system e.g. GTS, Internet Backup/independent power supply Permanent staff on 24/7 watch Inundation modelling capacity Regional Watch Centers - roles and requirements - Watch Reception and interpretation of RT seismic and sea-level measurements Determination of seismic parameters Forecasting of tsunami arrival times and level of alert (yellow, orange and red) at each forecasting point specified by MS Exchange seismic parameters and information with other RTWCs and NTWCs Disseminate watch and cancellation messages based on the alert-level decision matrix to NTWCs and the Tsunami Warning Focal Points Monitoring of tsunami propagation and disseminate updated information in priority tsunami amplitude measurements Above and beyond watch time Monthly tests of the watch system Procedures, documentation Regional tsunami exercises Conduct training courses in collaboration with other RTWC and IOC Participate actively and report to the ICG and WGs Requirements Seismic as well as tsunami/oceanographic expertise Direct access to a tsunami and large earthquakes data base Real-time transmission systems for reception of data Real-time alert reception and transmission systems like GTS, Internet Backup/independent power supply Permanent staff on 24/7 watch Tsunami modelling capacity to produce and update canned scenarios '1=?@AHINOyz} ! 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