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Presentations on the Operational Ocean Forecasting System in Australia1.2 Adoption of the agenda 1.3 Working arrangements 3. Impact on JCOMM Activities and Priorities of Decisions, Guidance and Requirements from WMO and IOC Executive bodies meetings4.3 Cross-cutting activities within JCOMM: satellites, CB and outreach (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) Deliverables, recommendations, future actions 4.4 Science issues and opportunities (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) Deliverables, recommendations, future actions6.1 Programme Areas structure and sub-structure 8. Technical Conference in conjunction with JCOMM-III 11.00Coffee Break11.152. Presentations on the Operational Ocean Forecasting System in Australia4.1 JCOMM Programme and Priorities (aligned with the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans; and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy) JCOMM Operating Plan5.1 International Polar Year (IPY) legacy (e.g., SOOS, IAOOS) 5.2 WIGOS 6.2 Management Committee and Bureau 6.3 Meetings structure, frequency, attendees (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan)9.1 Officers 9.2 Expert Teams ToR and membership 13.00Lunch Break14.002. Extended presentations on the activities under the three JCOMM Programme Areas; and a presentation on the status of the implementation of OOPC 4.1 [] (continuation) 4.2 Programme Areas (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) Deliverables, recommendations, future actions5.3 Severe Weather Forecast Demonstration Project extension to include marine forecasting aspects 7.1 Agenda, annotated agenda and documentation plan Preparation of final report (Secretariat and co-presidents)16.00Coffee Break16.152. Extended presentations on the activities under the three JCOMM Programme Areas and a presentation on the status of the implementation of OOPC4.2 [] (continuation)5.4 Maritime Safety Services 5.5 Storm Surge Watch Scheme7.2 Structure of the session 7.3 Documentation and timetable structure of the documents 10. Any other business 11. Adoption of the report and Closure of the Session 18.00Informal reception hosted by the BureauPossible meeting dinnerAd libitum _____________     MAN-V/Doc. 1.2(1), p.  PAGE 2 MAN-VII/Doc. 1.3, APPENDIX, p.  PAGE 2 MAN-VII/Doc. 1.3, APPENDIX => " # ' ) * / 6 7 ? 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