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The two co-presidents of JCOMM, Dr Peter Dexter and Dr Jean-Louis Fellous will chair the session jointly. After the formal opening, the remainder of the first day will be devoted to agenda item 2, with some external participation. 1.2 Adoption of the agenda The Committee will be invited to adopt the agenda for the session based on the provisional agenda prepared by the Secretariat. 1.3 Working arrangements The Committee will agree its hours of work and other practical session arrangements. The documentation will be introduced by the Secretariat. The documentation, and the meeting itself, will be in English only. The co-presidents or any other members of the Committee may request the consideration of additional issues. In that case, they would be requested to prepare the relevant documentation and submit it to the Secretariat in due time. Possible such issues are listed below. In addition, a few sub-items require a separate discussion and are identified as such. 2. Scientific and technical workshop The workshop will comprise of two parts: a) the first half day on operational ocean forecast systems, with particular reference to the Australian BLUElink System, developed jointly by the Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and the Royal Australian Navy, and run operationally by the Bureau; b) the second half day will include extended presentations by the JCOMM Programme Area Coordinators on the work and achievements within their respective Programme Areas, a presentation on the status of the implementation of OOPC (Ocean Observations Panel for Climate) requirements and recommendations, and highlight science issues and opportunities of interest to JCOMM. 3. Impact on JCOMM Activities and Priorities of Decisions, Guidance and Requirements from WMO Congress, Executive Council, Regional Associations and Presidents of Technical Commissions Sessions; and IOC Assembly and Executive Council sessions The outcome of the decisions of WMO Cg-XV, WMO EC-LX, and the 2008 meeting of the Presidents of Technical Commissions, and IOC Assembly-XXIV, IOC EC-XLI will be reviewed with particular emphasis on actions that may need to be initiated, including the corresponding responsibilities and time schedules for such actions. 4. Programme preparations for JCOMM-III 4.1 JCOMM Programme and Priorities (aligned with the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans; and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy) JCOMM Operating Plan The Committee will discuss the JCOMMs role in the WMO Strategic Plan and in the IOC Medium-term Strategy. The Committee will identify priorities and will develop the JCOMM Operating Plan, including a monitoring system for evaluation, in alignment with the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans, and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy. 4.2 Programme Areas (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) Deliverables, recommendations, future actions Under this agenda item, the three Programme Area (PA) Coordinators (Observations, Data management and Services) will highlight issues and opportunities within their PAs that need action or discussion by the Committee; the PA work plan for the remaining intersessional period; and deliverables, decisions and recommendations that are planned for presentation to JCOMM-III. Under this item, the Committee will also review options for the future structure of and directions for the PAs after JCOMM-III. 4.3 Cross-cutting activities within JCOMM: satellites, CB and outreach (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) Deliverables, recommendations, future actions The Committee will be invited to address future action plans and priorities, as well as expected deliverables for JCOMM-III, from the different cross-cutting activities and areas under JCOMM, including satellites, capacity building and outreach. 4.4 Science issues and opportunities (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) Deliverables, recommendations, future actions The Committee will be invited to address future science issues and opportunities of interest to JCOMM, as well as expected deliverables for JCOMM-III. 5. JCOMM Collaboration with Specific International Programmes and Projects The Committee will review the status of its collaboration with specific international and cross-cutting programmes and projects, and will address necessary follow-up actions. 5.1 International Polar Year (IPY) legacy (e.g., SOOS, IAOOS) The Committee will discuss the JCOMMs role in the IPY Ocean Observing Systems and its legacy road map focused on the process for the development of iAOOS and SOOS, as well as sea ice elements of the GCW. 5.2 WIGOS The Committee will review the progress made with regard to the development of the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM in close cooperation with the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP). It will review the recommendations from the Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM, and will decide on recommendations to be made to the JCOMM Programme Area Coordination Groups and Expert Teams as appropriate. It will also review status with regard to the integration of appropriate data sets in the WIGOS framework, and the Pilot Project relationship with the development of the ocean data standards process. The Committee will review progress with regard to the development of the JCOMM catalogue of Best practices and standards as a contribution to the WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF) and the WIGOS Pilot Project, whether any resources are available to develop it, and if not propose a mechanism for identifying new resources. 5.3 Severe Weather Forecast Demonstration Project extension to include marine forecasting aspects Under this agenda item, the Committee will be presented with a report on the existing and new WMO initiatives and projects of relevance to JCOMM, including the Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP), and its extension to include marine forecasting aspects, and the Shanghai Multi-Hazard Early Warning Demonstration project. 5.4 Maritime Safety Services The Committee will review the progress made with respect to the provision of user-focused met-ocean services, in particular the maritime safety services activities. The Committee will discuss the required collaborations with international organizations and other entities representing users interests (e.g., IMO, IHO, OGP, etc), and will address necessary follow-up actions. The Committee will be informed on the status of preparations for the International Maritime Services Conference, and will be invited to advice on the future actions. 5.5 Storm Surge Watch Scheme Under this agenda item, the Committee will be informed on the progress in establishing the Storm Surge Watch Scheme, based on the decision by the WMO Executive Council (June 2008), and will be invited to advice on the future actions. 6. Structural preparations for JCOMM-III 6.1 Programme Areas structure and sub-structure The Committee will review the overall JCOMM structure agreed at JCOMM-II, and develop proposals for modifications of the structure and working methods of JCOMM, to allow it to take new priority tasks effectively, as well as maintain key ongoing programme activities, given the likely available resource base. 6.2 Management Committee and Bureau The Committee will discuss the frequency of the Management Committee meetings and consider requirements for further interactions, among members on a regular basis through teleconferences or opportunistic meetings. 6.3 Meetings structure, frequency, attendees (aligned with the JCOMM Operating Plan) Based on the Programme Areas structure and sub-structure agreed under agenda item 5.1, the Committee will discuss the structure, frequency and attendees of the required meetings during the upcoming intersessional period. 7. Logistics for JCOMM-III JCOMM-III is planned to be held in Marrakech, Morocco, in November 2009. Logistic preparations and planning for JCOMM-III will be a major discussion item for the Committee at the present session. Specific issues, which will need to be addressed, include the following agenda items. Agenda, annotated agenda and documentation plan The Committee will review the likely major issues to be presented to the Commission for decision and recommendation, and agree on the formal agenda and annotated agenda, and outline documentation plan for JCOMM-III. 7.2 Structure of the session The Committee will agree on the structure of the session, including the possibility of having information sessions prior to the more formal decision taking sessions, in the Working Committees or in Plenary. 7.3 Documentation and timetable structure of the documents The Committee will advise on the structure of the documents to be presented to the Commission and agree on the provisional timetable for JCOMM-III. 8. Technical Conference in conjunction with JCOMM-III The Committee will address the topic of holding a technical conference in conjunction with JCOMM-III and advice on the theme of the conference, its expected outcomes, etc. The Committee will also discuss logistic preparations for the technical conference, including organizational aspects, financing, topics, the Organizing and Programme Committees, and other arrangements, and agree on required action items identified during discussions. 9. Personnel for next intersessional period In the following two agenda items, the Committee will develop proposals for modifications of the Expert Teams Terms of Reference and memberships based on the Programme Areas structure and sub-structure agreed under the agenda item 5.1. 9.1 Officers 9.2 Expert Teams ToR and memberships 10. Any other business The Committee will be invited to raise any additional issue for consideration in the remaining intersessional period. 11. Closure of the Session Based on the results of discussions under preceding agenda items, on the preparations for JCOMM-III and on the alignment of JCOMM activities within the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans 2008-2011 and IOC Medium-Term Strategy 2008-2013, the Committee will consider requirements for further interactions among members through teleconferences during the remainder intersessional period. The Committee will review, modify as necessary and approve the final report of the meeting. It is expected that the seventh session of the JCOMM Management Committee will close at 16:00 on Friday, 12 December 2008. ___________     MAN-VII/Doc. 1.2(1), p.  PAGE 2 => " # ' ) * / 6 7 ? 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