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FORMAL LAUNCH OF FUST FUNDED OCEAN INFOHUB PROJECT Representative of EWI-Flanders Mr Gert Verreet, Policy Advisor at the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation of the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) will address the meeting as representative of the donor agency. Representative of IOC/UNESCO (A. Troisi, IOC Chair) Mr Ariel Troisi will address the meeting in his capacity as IOC Chair and Chair of the IOC Group of Experts on Capacity Development. He will provide a historical overview of IOC, its membership, its structure including regional subsidiary bodies, the SDGs, the UN decade of ocean science for sustainable development and the need for a global data system as key output of the UN Decade. Representative of IOC/IODE (IODE Co-Chair S. Belov) Dr Sergey Belov will address the meeting in his capacity as IODE Co-Chair. He will provide a brief history of IODE, its network of oceanographic data centres, its global and regional projects, and its lead role in capacity development. PRESENTATION OF THE IOC INFOHUB Putting Ocean InfoHub in context: CHM/TMT, BBNJ, Mr Ariel Troisi will place the Ocean InfoHub (OIH) into the wider context of the IOC Capacity Development strategy, the Clearing-House Mechanism for the Transfer of Marine Technology (CHM/TMT) publication and the BBNJ. He will also stress the need for inter-agency cooperation within the context of the UN decade in order to develop a global data and information space. The Ocean InfoHub : introduction Mr Tobias Spears will provide an overview of the OIH objectives and expected outcomes and outputs, and how this responds to the requirements of the CD strategy, CHM/TMT and BBNJ. THE IOC INFOHUB PARTNERSHIP (what they will contribute) This Session will be moderated by Mr Peter Pissierssens. He will explain that the objective of this Session is to share what each partner (global or regional) will contribute to the OIH and also what benefits they will obtain from the OIH. He will inform the meeting that each speaker will have approx. 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes for Q&A. Global Partners IODE Mr Pissierssens will provide an overview of the data products and services that will be contributed by the IODE programme (e.g. OceanExpert, OceanDocs, World Ocean Database, Ocean Biodiversity Information System, IODE Ocean Data Portal, Ocean Best Practices, OceanTeacher Global Academy, etc.). Other IOC global programmes The representatives of IOC sections Mr Salvatore Aric for IOC Ocean Science Section (IOC/OSS), Mr Julian Barbire for Marine Policy and Regional Coordination Section (IOC/MPR), Mr Bernardo Aliaga for Tsunami Unit (IOC/TSU) will provide information on the data and information products and services that can be contributed by their programmes and activities. EurOcean (S. Bryton) Dr Srgio Bryton, Executive Director of the European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology will provide an overview of the eurOcean data and information services that will be contributed to OIH. EMODNET Mr Jan-Bart Calewaert, Head of the EMODnet Secretariat will provide an overview of the EMODnet gateway to marine data in Europe and how this system will contribute to OIH. Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) Dr Sophie Seeyave, Executive Director of the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) will explain that since 1999, the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean, POGO, has served as a forum for leaders of major oceanographic institutions around the world to promote global oceanography, particularly the implementation of international and integrated global ocean observing systems. POGO is an international network of collaborators who foster partnerships that advance efficiency and effectiveness in studying and monitoring the worlds oceans on a global scale. Through its efforts, POGO has promoted observations underpinning ocean and climate science, interpreted scientific results for decision makers, provided training and technology transfer to emerging economies, and built awareness of the many challenges still ahead. She will further consider how POGO may contribute to, and benefit from OIH. University of Ghent (Belgium) Dr Tim Deprez, Master Programme Coordinator & Doctoral Programme Coordinator at Ghent University (Belgium) will provide an introduction to the marinetraining.org catalogue of marine training and education opportunities and how this will contribute to OIH. Regional Partners (organizations/institutions) Mr Pissierssens will then invite representative of regional organizations within the three project focus regions to introduce their organizations and to describe how their organizations may contribute to, and benefit from OIH. He will explain that the regional partners will play a key role in the co-design of the project as they have direct contact with stakeholder communities in their respective regions and are therefore well placed to define data and information needs and identify additional data and information sources that will contribute to the OIH data and information space. 4.2.1. Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) Dr Julius Francis, Executive Secretary of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) will explain that WIOMSA was established as a regional, non-profit, membership organization in 1993 and registered in Zanzibar, Tanzania in 1994 as a non-governmental organization. The organization is dedicated to promoting the educational, scientific and technological development of all aspects of marine sciences throughout the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region (consisting of 10 countries: Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Runion (France)), with a view toward sustaining the use and conservation of its marine resources. WIOMSA has a particular interest in linking the knowledge that emerges from research to the management and governance issues that affect marine and coastal ecosystems in the region. He will further consider how WIOMSA may contribute to, and benefit from OIH. 4.2.2. The Pacific Community Mr Zufikar Begg, Ocean Science Officer at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Regional Office, Fiji will provide an introduction to the SPC as the principal scientific and technical organization in the Pacific region, supporting development since 1947. SPC is an international development organization owned and governed by 26 country and territory members. Its mission is to work for the well-being of Pacific people through the effective and innovative application of science and knowledge, guided by a deep understanding of Pacific Island contexts and cultures. Mr Begg will further provide an overview of the data and information products and services developed by SPC. As SPREP could not participate in the meeting Mr Begg will also provide an introduction about SPREP: the regional organisation established by the Governments and Administrations of the Pacific charged with protecting and managing the environment and natural resources of the Pacific. The head office is based in Apia, Samoa with about 100 staff. There is also a SPREP office in Fiji with four staff as well as SPREP Officers stationed in the Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Its Secretariat is based in Apia, Samoa. SPREPs mandate is to promote cooperation in the Pacific region and provide assistance in order to protect and improve its environment and to ensure sustainable development for present and future generations. He will further introduce the various data and information portals developed by SPREP and how these can contribute to OIH. 4.2.3. INVEMAR-Caribbean Marine Atlas Ms Paula Sierra-Correa will provide an overview of the Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA), an online digital platform that stores and provides access to geospatial information (and related documents) on the "Marine Environment and Human Societies in the Wider Caribbean Region". Its two primary objectives are: (1) to support regional-level Integrated Ocean Governance; (2) to support Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in IOCARIBE Member States. Its contents are directed towards organizations and professionals with responsibilities for conducting analyses, providing advice and/or making decisions on the governance and management of the marine environment at the regional, sub-regional and national levels. CMA was developed in two phases through support from the Government of Flanders. It involves 13 countries in the Caribbean Region and is hosted by INVEMAR in Colombia. Ms Sierra-Correa will also provide information on the CHM/TMT pilot activity developed by INVEMAR as a precursor to OIH. She will also propose how CMA and INVEMAR may contribute to, and benefit from OIH. Potential new Partners Mr Pissierssens will invite other organizations, represented at the meeting, to make brief statements on their possible participation in the OIH project focusing on possible contributions to, and benefits derived from OIH. 4.3.1. Abidjan Convention (tbd) 4.3.2. Other Flemish institutions (tbd) 4.3.3 Other regional (tbd) REGIONAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR OCEAN DATA AND INFORMATION AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL (which the IOC Infohub will aim at fulfilling) Mr Troisi will explain that the objective of this Session is to obtain an overview of data and information products and services that are needed within the three focus regions, together with a wider context of the use of these data and information products and services reflected in ocean science, observation and sustainable management strategies and work plans. They should preferably contribute to decision-support by decision makers. He will inform the meeting that each speaker will have approx. 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for Q&A. Africa (IOCAFRICA) (M. Odido) Mr Mika Odido, IOC Coordinator in Africa will provide an overview of the IOCAFRICA strategy and work plan as well as associated requirements in data and information products and services. Caribbean (IOCARIBE) Dr Cesar Toro, IOC Secretary for IOCARIBE and Mr Jos Mancera Pineda (Colombia) will provide an overview of the IOCARIBE strategy and work plan as well as associated requirements in data and information products and services. Pacific SIDS (Z. Begg, J. Koravulavula) Mr Zulfikar Begg, Ocean Science Officer at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Regional Office, Fiji and Mr Jiuta Korovulavula, IOC/TSU Fiji will provide an overview of the major marine environmental priorities in the Pacific SIDS region, the strategies, work plans and activities implemented by the various organizations and countries in the region and the related ocean data and information products and services needed. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY The Ocean Infohub network structural elements This agenda item will be introduced by Mr Tobias Spears. Referring to the Project Document he will note that the architecture of the Ocean InfoHub will have 3 key structural elements: the Global Hub, Regional Nodes and Thematic Nodes. Mr Spears will then provide details on each of these elements. After his presentation Mr Spears will invite questions and comments. Matchmaking services (A.K. Lescrauwaet) This agenda item will be introduced by Dr Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, Chair of the IOC GE-CD Task Team on the implementation of a TMT/CHM "portal" and related activities. She will provide information on the OIH matchmaking service which will actively connect the needs of individual users with capacities described in the InfoHub. Content included in, and provided by the Ocean Infohub (T. Spears) This agenda item will be introduced by Mr Tobias Spears. He will provide an overview of the initial range of products and services provided by the InfoHub based upon those offered by the already identified partners (see agenda item 4). Mr Spears may also mention some of the requirements already highlighted in agenda item5. The Ocean Infohub and IOC Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) This agenda item will be introduced by Dr Pier Luigi Buttigieg and Dr Sky Bristol. They will focus on the early implementation of technological developments related to the IOC Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS). The ODIS concept can be summarized as follows: The IOC Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) will be an e-environment where users can discover and access data, information and associated products or services, provided by Member States, projects and other partners associated with IOC. IODE will work closely with existing stakeholders, associated or not associated to the IOC, to improve the accessibility and interoperability of existing data and information, in a manner aligned to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data principles. The ODIS element within OIH will build on the existing ODIS Catalogue of Sources (ODISCat: an online, annotated catalogue of online resources serving ocean-related data and information products/services ) as a source of online data and information services that are candidates for interoperability products. The ODIS component of the OIH project will create a proof-of-concept reference architecture (ODIS-Arch) that will enable multiple data systems to interoperate with IOC systems and with each other across a range of information types through machine-to-machine interactions. This will initiate a process to remedy the current lack of automated and scalable communication between the many (hundreds) of marine data and information systems, such that both developers and end users must query and download from each online source, often expending immense resources to contend with a multitude of shifting formats and conventions. The results of this proof-of-concept will also provide valuable perspectives and scoping for the future ODIS Steering Group and contribute substantially to the foundations of ODIS. FOCUSING OCEAN INFOHUB ON SERVING REGIONAL NEEDS This agenda will be introduced by Ms Paula Sierra-Correa. She will explain that co-design will be a fundamental property of the OIH project whereby user needs are the driving force. The project will clearly identify these user needs through consultations with stakeholder communities in each region. For this purpose, a regional stakeholder workshop will be organized at the start of the project. Ms Sierra-Correa will then provide more details on (i) the regional stakeholder workshops; (ii) the regional (detailed) work plans developed by the regional workshops; and (iii) the need to define who does what within each region. Regional stakeholder workshops Development of Regional work plans Coordination of work in the region (who does what) Following the presentations by Ms Sierra-Correa she will invite the participants to create break-out groups (3 by region and 1 on ODIS). The regional groups should discuss, for their region, agenda items 7.2 and 7.3: For 7.2 they should identify a few key products and services that they can already identify based on available global products/services (as discussed in agenda item 4) as well as additional products/services that are available within their region as well as desired products/services that are not yet available. In addition, and responding to 7.3 the 3 regions will be requested to identify who will be carrying out what tasks within their region (e.g. who will coordinate input into the system, who will enter content, who will QC inputs, who will manage the node, who will implement the communication plan, who will take care of matchmaking, etc). During the breakout participants can seek advice from all global partners. The 4 groups will then be invited to present a brief report on the outcome of their discussions. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: WORK PACKAGES This agenda item will be introduced by Mr Tobias Spears. He will invite each speaker to elaborate on a work package detailing the tasks to be implemented, proposed timelines for each task and associated resource allocations. He will inform the meeting that each speaker will have approx. 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for Q&A. Work Package 1: Project management, coordinator and evaluation (A. Lambert) Work Package 2: Technology Development (S. Bristol, PL Buttigieg) Work Package 3: Establishment and initial support of the global hub and regional nodes (A. Lambert) Work Package 4: Training and capacity development of the nodes (G. Reed, C. Delgado) Work Package 5: Communication, user marketing and feedback (A. Lambert) Administrative procedures (K. de Lichtervelde) TIMELINE AND NEXT STEPS This agenda item will be introduced and moderated by Mr Arno Lambert. He will provide an overall overview of all work package timelines and invite comments and questions by the participants. He will also briefly review all Project Document annexes allowing for further comments and questions. ELECTION OF (CO-)CHAIR(S) OF THE STEERING GROUP AND WORK PACKAGE LEADERS This agenda will be introduced by Mr Peter Pissierssens. He will inform the meeting that all IODE projects are managed by a Steering Group. Each Steering Group will elect its Chair or Co-Chairs. As described in the Ocean InfoHub Project Document (item 3.1) the Steering Group is composed of (i) SG Chair(s); (ii) Project Manager; (iii) 5 Work Package Leaders; (iv) 3 Node managers. Mr Pissierssens will further inform the meeting that the recruitment process for the Project Manager was started on 18 February 2020 with the advertisement of the position on the UNESCO and IODE web site using the Terms of Reference as included in Annex I of the Project Document. It is expected that the Project Manager will be able to be formally recruited as soon as project funding is received (expected by end of March 2020). Mr Pissierssens will invite the Steering Group to elect its Chair (or Co-Chairs) as well as 5 Work Package Leaders. CLOSING OF THE MEETING Concluding remarks byA. Troisi, IOC Chair     IOC/IODE/SG-OIH-1/1 add.prov. Page 2 IOC/IODE/SG-OIH-1/1 add.prov. 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