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Adoption of Agenda The Committee will be invited to adopt the agenda for the session on the basis of the provisional agenda. The Committee then will agree its hours of work and other practical session arrangements. The documentation will be introduced by the Secretariat. The Chairperson or any other members of the Committee may request the consideration of additional issues. In that case, they would be requested to prepare the relevant documentation and submit it to the Secretariat in due time. Formation of Sessional Working Groups Under this agenda item, the Committee will agree on the focused topics of the session, and formation of a sessional working group for each topic. Those working groups will be convened in parallel during afternoons of second and third days of the session, and will report to the Committee under the relevant agenda items or at the morning session of the fourth day. INTRODUCTION Role of GSSC, I-GOOS, and GOOS Project Office in GOOS The Committee will firstly review the role of GSSC, I-GOOS, and GOOS Project Office, particularly based on its amended Terms of Reference at the 23rd Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2005). The Committee is invited to advise on its future commitment, in particular, on prioritization of issues that the Committee should focus on during the next intersessional period. The Committee is also invited to recall its role toward I-GOOS, GOOS Project Office, and sponsor organizations (ICSU, IOC, UNEP, and WMO). Review of GSSC-IX actions and I-GOOS VII recommendations to GSSC Under this agenda item, the Committee will review the work undertaken during the intersessional period, to follow up the action plans made by its previous Session, as well as the status against the recommendations to the Committee from 7th session of I-GOOS (April 2005). The Committee is invited to advise on its plans for the pending actions during the next intersessional period, in conjunction with the agenda items within this session. By the recommendation from the 3rd Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances (November 2006), the Committee will also review the GOOS Regional Alliances and their compliance with the conditions listed in the GOOS regional policy. The Committee is then invited to advise I-GOOS IX and further the IOC Assembly on the official approval of the regional alliances. GLOBAL GOOS Global Climate Change: Progress and Gaps in Our Understanding The Committee will be presented with reports by the chairperson of the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), on the progress in phased implementation of the sustained global ocean observing system for climate and relevant development in strategy. The Committee is invited to consider future GSSC contribution on this topic, and in particular, further steps needed. COASTAL GOOS Recommendations of Joint JCOMM-GSSC-GRA ad hoc Task Team The Committee will be presented with reports by Dr. Tom Malone, on the recommendations made by the Joint JCOMM-GSSC-GRA ad hoc Task Team on Implementing the Coastal Module of GOOS, which had its meeting in June 2006. The Committee is invited to review and advise on the report of this meeting and recommendations, and consider it in the discussion on future plans and actions for next intersessional period. Recommendations from the Third GOOS Regional Forum The Committee will review the recommendation made during the 3rd Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances (November 2006), particularly on the coastal issues, and advise on its actions to follow-up during next intersessional period. Coastal Hazards and Ocean Observations Based on the reports and presentations above, the Committee will discuss on the current capabilities, plans and gaps in the area of coastal observations and hazard warning. The Committee is invited to identify the immediate actions to be made during the intersessional period, to facilitate and enhance ongoing efforts for Coastal observations. GOOS IMPLEMENTATION Pilot Projects Ocean Chlorophyll Pilot Project progress Under this agenda item, the Committee will be presented with reports by the Chairperson on the progress of the Ocean Chlorophyll Pilot Project initiated by GOOS and POGO. The Committee is invited to review and advise on the future implementation of the project. Planning Other Pilot Projects The Committee will review and advise on other pilot projects, if any. The Committee is then invited to consider formalizing an intersessional review mechanism for proposals. The Committee is also invited to consider its future role in coordination of various pilot projects within GOOS framework. Coastal GOOS Implementation In conjunction with agenda item 4, the Committee will discuss on actions to be made during the next intersessional period for coastal GOOS implementations, particularly with clear priorities. The Committee is invited to draw a list of prioritized actions and recommendations for coastal GOOS implementation. In particular, the Committee will review discussions regarding the establishment of PICO and links with IGOS and GTOS, and consolidate a recommendation to I-GOOS on this issue. Role of JCOMM In conjunction with agenda item 3, the Committee will discuss on JCOMM role in terms of the implementing arms of GOOS. Recognizing JCOMMs essential role in coordination of the global ocean observations, the Committee will review and discuss on the possible roles of and contributions by JCOMM to coastal observations; how can JCOMM make a difference, what can it take on, criteria for taking on observations (also to be discussed/recalled agenda item 4.1). The Committee is invited to set recommendations to JCOMM and to I-GOOS on these issues. The Committee is also invited to review a draft version of the JCOMM Data Management Strategy, which attempts to provide the broad outlines and recommendations JCOMM and IODE can jointly support. Role of industry and interest in ocean observations and products Under this agenda item, the Committee is invited to review and discuss on needs and requirements of the private sector toward ocean observations and products. It will further review the ongoing and planned activities for ocean observations and relevant research initiated by the industrial sector. The committee is invited to consider ways and set recommendations to enhance private sector involvement in the full implementation of a sustained global ocean observing system. Data Management: Coordination with GOSIC Under this agenda item, the Committee will be presented with reports by Dr Christina Lief on the Global Observing Systems Information Center (GOSIC), which provides access to data and information, and overviews of the structure and programs for the GCOS, GOOS, and GTOS. The Committee is invited to review the GOSIC activities ( HYPERLINK "http://www.gosic.org" http://www.gosic.org), and carefully consider what GOSIC is doing and whether there is any overlap in the GOOS community in activities and bring feedback to GOSIC on its future implementation particularly in development/improvement of the GOOS matrix. The Committee is also invited to consider how the GOOS community use / will use this resource in GOOS implementation. The Committee will also review regional activities in terms of data exchange, if any, particularly on the issue of data exchange on national EEZs among countries, and advise on further implementation. Support for research activities in GOOS framework The Committee will review the needs and existing restrictions to sustain research activities such as underway measurements by thermosalinographs, acoustic doppler current profiler, and eco sounders. It will be invited to consider and seek for ways to support such activities, in view of the benefit and necessity of research activities as part of GOOS. Role of Regional Programmes) The Committee will review the activities of regional programmes such as ICES and PICES, and advise on their further implementation from GOOS perspectives. GOOS and GEO Under this agenda item, the Committee will be presented with report on the GEO-related activities by the ocean community as a whole; particularly on the establishment of GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice under the GEO User Interface Committee. It will also be reported on the activities of the Ocean-United and review the participation of GOOS in GEO/GEOSS process in general. The Committee is invited to consolidate recommendations/actions to GOOS community on future activities regarding GEO/GEOSS, particularly on communication within ocean community and with GEO Secretariat. REPORTS OF THE SESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKING GROUPS Regional Issues: East Asia Under this agenda item, the Committee will review briefly the results of the preceding Scientific Workshop, particularly the conclusions of each session in view of regional perceptive. The Committee is invited to decide on the theme and structure for a similar workshop with its next session. Reports of the parallel Working Groups The Committee will be reported by the chairs of sessional work groups on the conclusions and recommendations from each working group session. The Committee is invited to make decisions based on sessional working groups reports, with amendment as necessary, and complement its action plans and recommendations at the end of the session. GSSC SHORT, MEDIUM and LONG-TERM PRIORITIES AND ACTIONS The Committee will consolidate a set of actions for itself during the next inter-sessional period, and prioritize among those actions, considering its short, medium and long-term vision. INPUT TO I-GOOS VIII Under this agenda item, the Committee will consolidate a set of recommendations arising during the session and working groups to the I-GOOS VIII. MEMBERSHIP The Committee will decide on its membership, and make decisions if required. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT SESSION The Committee will decide on the dates and place of its eleventh session. CLOSURE OF THE SESSION The Tenth Session of the Global Ocean Observing System Scientific Steering Committee (GSSC-X) is expected to close on Friday, 16 March 2007. ********     GSC-III/1 prov. 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