ࡱ> 9;8 @ bjbj ""؝؝6666666 {~ $RKF 6  66 5"6 6 :F,66 Ek r K0{|R J4~"66666,   b H  D DGreetings, as one of the sponsoring agencies, as well as the Chair of Working Group IV on preparedness, readiness and resilience as a member of the US delegation. We live in an area that has experienced a not insignificant number of tsunamis in recorded history, and in our lifetime and memory of most people here, there have been several in both Pacific and Caribbean coasts. The purpose of Working Group IV is to advise and recommend to the ICG strategies to enhance preparedness, readiness and resilience capabilities among Member States and to develop the recommendations, tools and procedures in order to do so. The functions of WG IV, as established during the ICG-CARIBE-EWS II meeting in Cumana, are: To identify the strategies that the MS can integrate into their national risk reduction programs Provide guidelines to the MS for policies and legislation for emergency prevention, mitigation and response Define strategies for the implementation of national plans for the preparedness and response of the communities which should include training, dissemination and evacuation procedures The December meeting of Working Group IV focused on the following items in order to advance the overall purpose: To propose a mechanism for developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for tsunami-related warning and emergency response in the Caribbean and adjacent regions; To recommend coordinated actions to enhance public awareness and preparedness for tsunamis within the Caribbean and adjacent regions; Agrees to convene a meeting of experts on preparedness, readiness and resilience at the community level for tsunami and other coastal hazards in Panama, in July 2008 with the support of IOC/UNESCO, USAID/OFDA and UN/ISDR in collaboration with other partners, Requests Member States and Secretariat to support/locate funding to send representatives from Central and South America Member States, as well as Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Cuba, as observers to CDERA Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) workshops, Further requests Member States and IOC Secretariat to support/locate funding for Central and South America countries Member States, as well as Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Cuba, for conducting SOP workshops, Recommends the Officers, working in conjunction with Working Group 4 and International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC), to prepare a proposal for consideration at IOCARIBE-X to designate an annual regional Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Awareness Day/Week, Further recommends each Member State to designate a city or community to implement a community-based tsunami and other coastal hazards early warning system, taking into account the lessons learned in some Member States, such as the U.S. TsunamiReady model, or the Nicaraguan community tsunami warning system in Masachapa, Decides that during the ICG-IV a session be set aside for presenting regional experiences in community-based tsunami and other coastal hazard early warning systems, Decides further to establish a Caribbean Tsunami Information web site to be hosted by the IOC and developed in collaboration with CDERA. This Working Group IV may apply to the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, but we are aware that there are some relevant and very interesting experiences on the Pacific side of Central America as well as Colombia. And the fact is that these are countries that in the majority, have both Caribbean and Pacific coastlines. Can these experiences be replicated? How would they need to be modified? Are some of the other countries in the region interested in replicating them? How would these connect with on-going initiatives, or other warning systems already in place? What are some of the obstacles we can foresee to advancing, and how could we deal with them? These are some of the main questions we want to address over the next 3 days. We are consulting with you, to look at how we can do this. Many of you have already started, others are interested. We really are looking forward to your active involvement in this workshop. We would like to come out of this meeting with ideas, recommendations, proposals or concepts, These ideas and all will be fed back into the WGIV and to the ICG membership, but we dont want this to end there. The movement forward will be vetted by the ICG, but the activities are up to member states, interested institutions, organizations, donors, private sector, and all that are looking towards protecting their populations and also their investments. y { L M C&Fܿܿܤܤܤh\1hD@!CJOJQJh\1h MCJOJQJ\h\1h M5CJOJQJ\h\1hcCJOJQJh\1h MCJOJQJh\1CJOJQJh\1h\1CJOJQJz { k l ) L M N c !&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!!!!!+!!!&#!!dhgd M & Fgd M & Fgd Mgd MCDEFEF!+!!ri !&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#!&#dhgd M 1h/ =!"#$%D`D MNormalOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List" z z zD z{kl)LMNc   C D E F EF00000x00 0 0 0000 0 00000000000 0000000x000x0x0x000x0x00x000kl)LMNc  C 000 0 0 0000 0 0Z@0 04HX@0 0X@0 00Z@049X@0X@0Z@004 X0ܭY0 Gh0ܲZ04[0ԡ\0]0^0ԩ_0,`0a0b00 0c0d0e0f0g0\hC   $ 0 8 j m   a      qL # / 6 6 < r v    j    ?*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags stockticker>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PersonName9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity= *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceTypeB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region    :n|0,eR/^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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