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OCEANDOCS PROJECT REVIEW BY THE IODE MANAGEMENT GROUP  PAGEREF _Toc13643456 \h 12 6. OCEANDOCS IT SUPPORT  PAGEREF _Toc13643457 \h 12 7. TRAINING  PAGEREF _Toc13643458 \h 12 8. OCEANDOCS AND AQUATIC COMMONS FUTURE  PAGEREF _Toc13643459 \h 13 9. NEXT SG-OCEANDOCS MEETING 2020  PAGEREF _Toc13643460 \h 14 10. CLOSE OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc13643461 \h 14  ANNEXES ANNEX I: SUMMARY OF ACTIONS ANNEX II: LIST OF PARTICIPANTS OPENING OF THE MEETING APOLOGIES: Mr Peter Pissierssens; Ms Andrea Cristiani; Technical Issues with Webex: Ms Arame Keita could hear but her microphone was not working; Ms Saida Messaoudi had problems with connecting and unfortunately could not participate Ms Kateryna Kulakova, Co-Chair of the SG-OceanDocs welcomed the participants. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS Adoption of the Agenda This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson (Project Manager) She referred to the agenda and supporting documents that had been circulated or shared on GDocs. It was noted that this SG-OD Virtual Meeting was not listed on the IODE Calendar. ACTION: Mr Peter Pissierssens to be reqeusted to enter this meeting on the calendar and upload the final summary report The Group adopted the Agenda for the meeting. REVIEW OF THE 2018-2020 ACTION PLAN This agenda item was introduced by Ms Kateryna Kulakova. She referred to the work plan on GDocs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mP3vkjIHP_e3UiuVY1qSWGtdMoEvejDurwFIQVUPqYo The Group then reviewed and annotated the work plan with updates as shown below. TM Technical Manager, PM = Project Manager Agenda item2016 Action planResponsible Party now (revised)Description/ Background2018 actionProgress May 20193[9] The group recommended that OceanDocs should try to harvest collections in DPM instance of AOD hosted at  HYPERLINK "http://afrilib.odinafrica.org/dpm" http://afrilib.odinafrica.org/dpm Using the built in DSpace harvester or else at least try to export the collection to DSpaces Simple Archive Format and try the import. TM + Ms. KeitaMs. Keita informed the group that DPM uses AgriOceanDspace in Senegal. Their repository is divided in two sections denoted by two categories: catalogue of all the publications in the DPM library Publications owned by DPM. Update: Ms Keita noted that a new version (7) of DSpace may be considered. This will imply however that all customized scripting/coding will need to be re-written. The Group stated that we may wish to wait taking into account the work and costs involved. Ms Keita recalled that AFRILIB ( HYPERLINK "http://afrilib.odinafrica.org" http://afrilib.odinafrica.org) (and DPM (both use AgriOceanDSpace) repository should still be migrated from UHasselt to the IODE Project Office. Reference was made also to the web pages on:  HYPERLINK "https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=87467016" https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=87467016 Mrs Keita The Group decided to ask for an update from Marc Goovaerts regarding the transfer of AFRILIB and DPM to the IOC Project Office for IODE. AK: NOT DONE Because of unplanned circumstances Marc G ( ill) he was not able to work on AFRILIB and DPM . It is expected to work by August this year3[9] The group requested Ms Keita to change the name of the (DPM) catalogue website to e-Catalogue once the publications are harvested by OceanDocs. Ms. KeitaSee PreviousThe DPM collection (metadata + docs) will be imported into OceanDocs. The remaining catalogue (metadata only) will be retained on a separate server together with the AFRILIB catalogue. The 2 catalogues will be hosted by IODE. AK: NOT DONE Same reason as above3[9]Ms. KulakovaMs. Kulakova informed the group that IBSS lost their repository (CEEMAR) to power failure and there is no way of recovering the records. But, some of the records may be in ASFA. She also plans to deposit documents in OceanDocs henceforth. Update: Ms Kulakova referred to discussions at the 2016 and 2018 ASFA Board where she talked to Ms Paula McCoy. It will be necessary to re-enter inputs (documents) as CEEMAR no longer exists, only the metadata records in ASFA exist. The total number of records is about 700. Monographs were entered as 1 file but also by chapter. All PDFs are available. So Ms Kulakova will enter all metadata in OceanDocs, attach the PDFs ((about 130 records have been entered already), and then enter new links to the documents (located in OceanDocs) in ASFA. Note: an alternative process may be used: installing an older version of DSpace and use old version of the conversion tool ASFA->OceanDocs.Ms Kulakova will enter all metadata in OceanDocs, attach the PDFs, and then enter new links to the documents (located in OceanDocs) in ASFA. KK NOT DONE she will do this manually- it will take a year- large task3n/aPM/TMThe Group recommended to consider investigating the possible use of new technology (semantic searching) used in OBPS, for OceanDocs. PM to monitor OBPS development and report back to SGPM: DONE OBPS to become a formal IOC/IODE/GOOS project (IOC Assembly 2019). Plan to migrate OBPS technology to OD when there is IT support available 3[9]SG/ SecretariatThe Group, noting that no projects have contacted OceanDocs, decided to pro-actively contact projects such as CMA2, CLME+, CCLME, IIOE2 (they were contacted in the past) and propose for them to set up their own DSpace (with OceanDocs configuration). It was also recommended to get involved in early stages of project development to promote DSpace/OceanDocs. contact projects such as CMA2, CLME+, CCLME, IIOE2 and propose for them to set up their own DSpace (with OceanDocs configuration) or use OceanDocs. It was also recommended to get involved in early stages of project development to promote DSpace/OceanDocs.  NOT DONE6.2[23] The group recommended that this matter should be further pursued and possibly a formal complaint should be launched with Wikipedia as administrator misconduct (PS +PP)P.M + Mr. PissierssensMs. Pauline Simpson introduced this item. She informed the group that she had created an article on OceanDocs. But one of the Wikipedia editors rejected the article as publicity of a product and blocked her Wikipedia account and her IP. The Group reviewed and revised the draft articleMs Simpson will submit the final version to WikipediaPM: DONE with help of TM Waiting to see if accepted SG considered whether to wait until the possible merger and submit an updated version, but it was agreed to submit the present agreed version3[34]Ms. Simpson/TM French and Russian and Spanish translation of the registration email text have been created but not implemented. The Group requested Ms Simpson to investigate if this has been implemented Ms Simpson will investigate believe added to bugtracker but not been implementedNOT DONE In Bugtracker 3[41] The group recommended that OceanDocs should request WHOAS to help with contacting @mire and get the contract through before the end of the year. (upload from URL)  TM + Ms. RaymondMr. Kakodkar (at SG-V) had mentioned the progress with the contract with @mire. He informed the group that he had contacted @mire for a quotation for developing an Upload Full Text Document File Using URL functionality for OceanDataPractices repository which is based on OceanDocs and this functionality was later to be incorporated into OceanDocs. Initially @mire quoted $3300 for the work. The secretariat then proceeded to request the funds from the IODE officers (which were approved) and to write detailed Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the work. The discussions with @mire stalled, as @mire was not ready to sign the ToRs. They mentioned that it was their policy that they do not sign ToRs if the work is less then $10000 and that they were ready to work on a technical maintenance contract without any terms. They further mentioned that they would have to come up with a new (higher) quote if they would have to sign the ToRs. There was no further progress on this issue. Update: It was noted that contacts had been made with C. Dupriez on a different issue. A proposal had been provided for a recurrent contract (upgrade version 6.2) of approx. $10K/year. It had not been possible to proceed with this contract yet. The Group considered adding the above mentioned functionality in the arrangement with Mr Dupriez. The Group decided to contact Mr Dupriez for advice. Ms Simpson will prepare a document listing all issues that need to be resolved. He should also advise on the besr version of DSpace to use (6.x,6.2,6.3,7) as we want the version to be in use for at least 2 years. [BUDGET ITEM]PM: NOT DONE C. Dupriez has retired. Budget of 4k agreed at IODE25 for this but a problem in finding three quotations. SG and TM identified DSpace Service Providers at  HYPERLINK "https://duraspace.org/dspace/resources/service-providers/" \t "_blank" https://duraspace.org/dspace/resources/service-providers/ PM and TM to progress the contract for URL upload3n/aPM+TMASFA Board This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson and Ms Kateryna Kulakova. Ms Kulakova informed the Group that she had participated in the information session that was held during the ASFA Board meeting. She highlighted errors that are made when entering and editing OceanDocs records. There are issues with the ASFA Thesaurus Ms Simpson will receive a new version of the ASFA Thesaurus in MS-Word or SKOS format from Ian Pettman so the IODE IT staff can include the new version in OceanDocs. The Group requested that Ms Simpson should consult with Elvi Nemiz from SEAFDEC for further advice as he reported to have a solution to this problem. Ms Simpson will consult with Elvi Nemiz from SEAFDEC for further advice as he reported to have a solution to this problem  NOT RECEIVED NOT RECEIVED Users other than KK are able to open and select ASFA terms. SG agreed to wait and see development of merger of AGROVOC (multilingual) and ASFA 5.1Ms Keita PMCOMPLETION OF OCEANDOCS, EXISTING PROJECT REPORT The Group requested Ms Simpson to include in the report that will be submitted to IODE-XXV, the tables of the number of records from each country for each region. This may assist in improving inputs for currently poorly performing countries. The Group noted that, where applicable, if countries are hosting their own repository this should be mentioned. The Group also called on new AIUs to actively collaborate in OceanDocs. The Group requested Ms Simpson to edit the 2 reports based upon discussions held and to submit these to the IODE Secretariat by 12 October 2018. Ms Simpson will identify the number of records from each country Ms. Simpson will edit the 2 reports reviewed and submit to IODE Secretariat by 12 Oct 2018 DONE6.1 [9]Ms KulakovaThe Group stressed the need for an updated conversion tool from ASFA to OceanDocs but noted that the ASFA Secretariat would only make a decision on this after the startup of the new software solution. The Group requested the ASFA Secretariat to include an updated conversion tool from ASFA to OceanDocs to avoid the need for double entry of records when the contract for ASFA software upgrade is placed in cases where harvesting is not possible. The Group considered that an alternative way of operating would be for ASFA to harvest records from OceanDocs and requested Ms Kulakova to further discuss this with the ASFA Secretariat on behalf of the Group. Update: the Group requested that this test should be carried out as soon as possible. Update: the Group noted that a number of institutions have records in OceanDocs that should be harvested into ASFA. The Group requested the IODE Secretariat to contact FAO in this regard. The Group requested to investigate the possibility of generating revenue in this regard.  Ms Kulakova to further discuss this with the ASFA Secretariat on behalf of the Group. DONE Decision will only be made after ASFA software migraion (and now possibly OD/AC/ASFA merger as above6.4K. KulakovaThe Group decided to create a second promotional leaflet with the 10 reasons. Ms Kulakova offered to carry out this task (using the current leaflet as a template). If there are technical problems that cannot be resolved the Group requested the IODE Secretariat to contact Ms Katherine Joyce (WHOI) to create the leaflet or investigate the possibility of editing the original to create a second leaflet. The Group further requested Ms Kulakova to share the new draft leaflet with the Group for approval. The Group also requested the Secretariat to print 1000 copies of the leaflet (superior paper). Create a second leaflet with the 10 reasons why using the existing template [BUDGET ITEM]KK produced 12 reasons list  HYPERLINK "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sdOZMFp5UyeM1_vM4OF6TQxK7yqxgwS2" https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sdOZMFp5UyeM1_vM4OF6TQxK7yqxgwS2 NOT DONE Because no responses from SG ACTION: KK to circulate the 12 reasons again to obtain agreement then organize printing Noted that WHOI graphics dept reorganized so possibly not available to design a new leaflet LR will verify availability7.2UPGRADE TO 6.2 (6.3?)  TMDSpace statistics which are currently not operational. It was noted that this was one of the reasons for upgrading to a new version The Group decided to seek advice on this matter from Mr Dupriez (does statistics function in version 6.3?). Ms Raymond offered to check with her DSpace service provider for information on this matter. The Group noted that this information indicated that it may not be necessary to upgrade DSpace to have functioning statistics but that some technical remediation may be needed in the current version. The Group requested the Technical Manager to look into this as soon as possible.  [BUDGET ITEM] Dupriez retired NOT DONE is in Bugtracker 7.3TMOCEANDOCS BUGTRACKER Ms Pauline Simpson reviewed the current list of issues. It was noted that a substantial number are outstandingThe Group requested that the outstanding issues should be resolved as soon as possible. NOT DONE Post meeting TM assigned Bugtracker items to himself TM asked to allocate and schedule some time to work on the bugtracker items. He will ask PP10.1A Keita A.Cristiani, K. Kulakova, A. KeitaThe Group requested Ms Keita to revise the editor guide and identify which sections should be corrected. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Keita to update the translations of the updated editor guide into Spanish, Russian and French respectively Deadline: End of 2018. AK Revise editor guide Translate editor guide after AK revisions NOT DONE AK will try to finish by end of June 2019 NOT DONE BECAUSE OF ABOVE10.1[68]SG A.Cristiani, K. Kulakova, S. Messaoudi TM The Group decided to review the English version of the search guide to ensure it is correct and decided to complete this task by 12 October 2018. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Messaoudi to translate the updated search guide into Spanish, Russian and French respectively. Deadline: End of 2018. The Group requested the IODE Secretariat to upload to the OceanDocs interface the new versions of all language versions of the search guide Deadline: End of 2018 Review English version of search guide COMPLETE Translate update of search guide Upload new versions of search guide to OceanDocs UI DONE DONE but it was decided that a small group (KK/AC/SM/PS) would review ALL users guides: editors, depositors, search, FAQs and update and add to the text10.1[72] Cristiani, Kulakova, Messaoudi TMIn addition FAQs have been developed but have not yet been uploaded to the OceanDocs web site. The Group decided that also the FAQs should be made available in multiple languages. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Messaoudi to translate the FAQs into Spanish, Russian and French respectively. Deadline: End of 2018 The Group requested the technical manager to upload the English version of the FAQs to the OceanDocs UI as soon as possible and the other language versions when available.  Make FAQs available in multiple languages Upload FAQ (English) to OceanDocs UI Upload other language versions to OceanDocs UIDONE but it was decided that a small group (KK/AC/SM/PS) would review ALL users guides: editors, depositors, search, FAQs and update and add to the text DONE In bugtracker but will wait for the updated versions10.3[76]SG + OTGA The Group decided to develop a specific OceanDocs training pack that can be used during OTGA MIM courses but also as a stand-alone module (and possibly video recorded). (more information under para number 76 in table under agenda item 3 of SG-V)Develop training pack [BUDGET ITEM]  NOT DONE But may come from the EURASLIC Workshop 2019. KK is talking to Euraslic about obtaining a video or recording 10.4 Co-ChairsThe Group considered the need to organize OceanDocs training associated with IAMSLIC conferences, similar to those organized for Aquatic Commons. In this regard reference was made to the 10 reasons to use OceanDocs discussed under agenda item 6.4. It was noted that the 10 reasonsclearly identify the uniqueness of OceanDocs which would assist new users seeking to develop an e-repository with their decision making on the most suitable solution. The Group requested the Co-Chairs to contact IAMSLIC to suggest an OceanDocs workshop at the 2019 IAMSLIC conference.  [BUDGET ITEM]  see 6.4 DONE SM suggested but because of EURASLIC course and AC/OD merger discussions OD workshop at IAMSLIC 2019 WILL NOT BE HELD10.4The Group decided to make the necessary arrangements for a day OceanDocs workshop in May 2019 during the 2019 EURASLIC conference and invited Ms Kulakova to undertake the training. Ms Kulakova will conduct a day OceanDocs workshop in May 2019 during the 2019 EURASLIC conference May 2019 [BUDGET ITEM]  DONE11[78]Ms. CristianiIMAR, the Inventory of Marine and Aquatic repositories was a collaborative project between IODE-IAMSLIC SG-OD. It provides a list of e-repositories in aquatic and marine science. It will provide a list of repository targets for OceanDocs to harvest. Ms. Cristani agreed to review IMAR list to identify possible harvesting partners based upon agreed criteriaMs. Cristiani will identify potential harvesting partners End of 2018  NOT DONE14A Cristiani IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat/ Co-Chairs/ PM See also agenda 11 above The Group decided to review each of the repositories to investigate (i) if they are OAI compliant; (ii) what metadata structure they use; (iii) DSpace or other; (iv) being updated regularly (new input); (v) if contact information is available; (vi) if they are willing to have their records (metadata + documents(s) harvested by OceanDocs. Ms Cristiani volunteered to undertake this review. [Deadline: end of 2018] The Group stressed the importance of also calling for submission of national and regional marine policy documents in OceanDocs. Each country would then create sub-community Policy documents. . 3. The Group invited IOCs ocean science section to consider using OceanDocs as the repository of choice for SDG14 related documentation. . 4. The Group regretted that the original agreement was not respected and requested the IOC Secretariat (Nick d Adamo) to discuss this matter at the earliest convenience with INCOIS. The Group stressed the need for a secure archive of IIOE2 publications as a long-term body of scientific knowledge that will benefit humankind. . The Group encouraged the IOC regional sub-commissions and regional committee to consider using OceanDocs as a secure archive of scientific output (including coastal management policy documents) and to promote its use in their region, while recalling the availability of training. . The Group decided to discuss with CMA2 for them to either use OD for their documents, or we could discuss the harvesting of their repository into OD.  IMAR repository review Inclusion policy documents in OceanDocs Discuss with IOC/MPR and IOC/OSS use of OceanDocs for SDG14 To use OceanDocs for documents (IIOE2 D&IM strategy) See above IOC regional bodies to use OceanDocs CMA2 to use OD  NOT DONE PP not available to report on secretariat actions IIOE2 had been chased but nothing extra had been deposited PP not available to report on secretariat actions PP not available to report on secretariat actions 14P. Simpson/ TMThe Group requested Ms Simpson to finalize the 2018 version of the Policy document and to make it accessible through the OceanDocs UI.New version of policy document online in OceanDocs UI DONE ACTION: AFRILIB AND DPM to be migrated to IOE Server (AK and AL) DPM Collection to be imported to OD (AK and Arno L) User Guides and FAQ to be revised by KK/AC/SM/AK (Editor Guide)/PS and uploaded Quotation for upload from URL to be obtained from 3 of suppliers listed on  HYPERLINK "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sdOZMFp5UyeM1_vM4OF6TQxK7yqxgwS2" https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sdOZMFp5UyeM1_vM4OF6TQxK7yqxgwS2 (PP/AL/PS) SG to review KK 12 reasons leaflet and PS arrange printing (BUT if a merger this not worth doing?) Bugtracker items to be scheduled to work on (AL) IODE-XXV AND OCEANDOCS BUDGET This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson who referred to the table included in the agenda. The figures provided for OceanDocs were those agreed at IODEXXV (see below). It was noted that all projects had been required to take a cut in their budgets. ActivityJul Dec 2019 US$Month 2020Noted that the 2019 budget must be expended by Dec 2019 1Software Contracts (DSpace development and maintenance)) (incl. contingency for merger AC and OD)9000Jul-Dec 900Now that we have more Dspace contractors this will be a 2019 priority (PP/AL/PS) 2EURASLIC OD Workshop Travel Support (completed)2500 May3IAMSLIC Conference Travel Support4000Oct (should be $3000 but seems to have been omitted in final figure for 2020)Travel support to value of $4000 to be discussed with IAMSLIC4Steering Group Meeting 12000(date/location tbd)Total$15600$12900 (should be $15900) ACTION: a) 2019 IAMSLIC Conference travel support of $4000 to be organized; b) 2020 IAMSLIC Conference travel support of $3000 to be reinstated into the OceanDocs budget OCEANDOCS PROJECT REVIEW BY THE IODE MANAGEMENT GROUP Despite our work at SG 2018, in drafting the annual report and responding to the 2017 comments concerning SG contributions and providing metric evidence of increased registrations and deposits, the IODE MG (which did not have any MIM representation) again gave an overall mark of 70% (the same as last year) which is demoralizing. The Group expressed its concern and suggested that since there was no MIM representative on the MG that they had been comparing OceanDocs to large data products. The Group recommended that where projects do not achieve Score 4 that MG provide advice (and examples) of what they are expecting to be presented - without that feedback, OceanDocs SG did not seewhere they could improve their next report. ACTION: Ms Pauline Simpson to email Peter Pissierssens and Mr Gregory Reed (who administers the IODE MG exercise) to request guidance and examples of what information is lacking from the OceanDocs Annual Report. OCEANDOCS IT SUPPORT This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She highlighted the $9k budget to fund support to maintenance and IT development; this includes bugtracker work and the upload from URL function for which we have been waiting for a long time. The Group that correcting the loss of statistics was a priority requirement. The Group asked Arno Lambert (TM) and PP to agree a specific amount of person days per year allocation for the IT support of OceanDocs be defined and a schedule built into the TM work plan. From the size of the items in Bugtracker but also because of the lack of IT personnel this is an urgent action. In response to a call for suggestions of DSpace service providers that could be approached to support possible outsourcing of some DSpace requirements, Arno Lambert and Lisa Raymond provided names from  HYPERLINK "https://duraspace.org/dspace/resources/service-providers/" \t "_blank" https://duraspace.org/dspace/resources/service-providers/ ACTION: Mr Arno Lambert to discuss with Mr Peter Pissierssens an agreed amount of person days per year to be allocated to OceanDocs IT support. AL to then schedule the Bugtracker work hopefully in August . TRAINING This agenda item was introduced by Ms Kateryna Kulalova who described the OceanDocs Training Workshop she had organized at the EURASLIC 2019 Conference. 16 participants attended the half day workshop. The group thanked Ms Kateryna Kulakova for organizing the training on behalf of the SG. Ms Kulakova hopes that EURASLIC may be able to offer a video or recording of the training sessions which could be the start of building an OD Training Pack. One of the exercises was to obtain feedback from the participants on using OD. Some of the items are waiting in Bugtracker eg. Search Guide, but SG will need to review these participants suggestions and make recommendations on which should be implemented: Aesthetics Change of the color of the footer as it is the same for the content. Alternatively, to make contact and feedback links more noticeable. The front page has very old type format. Most databases now have changed their look. Navigation Confusing Interface Russian interface needs more customization FAQs (multi-language) will be good The SEARCH phrase to be replaced by SEARCH RESULTS at the result page Interface to be similar with the subscription databases Functionality Search by Journal title recommended Advanced search recommended Search history recommended My Profile space recommended Export Button recommended Batch Uploads recommended Harmonization with ASFA metadata recommended LOOKUP Button to be connected to the OceanExpert DB (rather than ORCID (not working) Authors initials to be inputted in one format so that search by AUTHOR gave adequate results Work with search engine optimization (SEO). Google finds the text from the requested title or abstract but the user ends up at the home page of the OD site. Another search engines seem not to index this resource at all. Robots.txt could be changed in accordance with the recommendations of the search engines. The home page could have the button SUBMIT PUBLICATION and further steps can be done with the help of pickup list / dropdown box. Help Notes Hard to find Help Desk. No help actually, only an email address User Guides to be found not only at the front page (as an option, top tab navigation) Search Guide recommended PDF with ASFA Controlled Vocabulary recommended Copyright issues FAO input by countries without getting any permit from FAO Languages Croatian Statistics Lack of statistics a real criticism ACTION: SG to review EURASLIC OD Workshop participants suggestions and recommend which should be implemented OCEANDOCS AND AQUATIC COMMONS FUTURE This agenda item was introduced by Ms Lisa Raymond. The IAMSLIC Aquatic Commons is hosted by IODE in Oostende. Acknowledging that maintaining two repositories of similar scope objectives and stakeholders (Aquatic Commons and OceanDocs) is becoming increasingly difficult to justify, the Aquatic Commons Board has convened a subgroup to discuss the future of the Aquatic Commons repository. Ms Raymond reported that only one discussion meeting had been organized so far, but a survey of all stakeholders on the options was planned in June. SG queried what actions they should be taking now, but apart from getting confirmation that the Group that they support a merger with AC and possibly ASFA, Ms Raymond recommended that the SG wait for the survey outcome. The Group reminded her that the OceanDocs technology budget which included to support any development for a merged product, was only available until Dec 2019. The abstract of the presentation to be given at the 2019 IAMSLIC Conference: Aquatic Commons is a digital repository established by IAMSLIC in 2007 to provide a solution for member institutions without an institutional repository. It is directed by the Aquatic Commons Board, and submissions are reviewed by an editorial team. Originally hosted by FCLA, the repository was moved to IODE in 2011 when FCLA faced major budgetary issues. Aquatic Commons has grown to more than 20,000 publications from over 90 institutions in all areas of the aquatic sciences, including freshwater, fisheries and oceanography yet support for the repository has not kept pace with developmental needs. In order to ensure a sustainable future, the Aquatic Commons Board determined it was necessary to identify and evaluate a number of business models. These include: 1) maintaining Aquatic Commons as a separate repository but upgrading the software; 2) migrating content to the existing DSpace installation at IODE but with separate branding for Aquatic Commons and OceanDocs; or 3) partnering with IODE and possibly ASFA to create an entirely new product with content merged from Aquatic Commons and OceanDocs. Issues to address include thematic scope, branding, software, technical requirements, workflows, and training. ACTION: It was noted that the SG-OD supported the merger of the Aquatic Commons and OceanDocs (and possibly ASFA though as a commercial product that raised other questions). Ms Raymond agreed to regularly update the Group on developing discussions within the AC Board subgroup NEXT SG-OCEANDOCS MEETING 2020 The Group noted that the next SG-OD would be in Oostende with the date and location to be decided. Mr Arno Lambert suggested that the SG consider more virtual meetings at regular intervals ACTION: Location and date of next SG-OceanDocs to be decided SG to discuss arranging virtual meetings CLOSE OF THE MEETING Ms Simpson, Project Manager, thanked all the Group for participating in the virtual meeting and for their contributions. The meeting closed on Monday 03 June 2019 at 15.50 CEST __________________________________________________ ANNEX 1 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS: ADMINSTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS Mr Peter Pissierssens to be asked to enter this meeting on the calendar and upload the final summary report WORK PLAN AFRILIB AND DPM to be migrated to IODE Server (AK and AL) DPM Collection to be imported to OD (AK and AL) User Guides and FAQ to be revised by KK/AC/SM/AK (Editor Guide)/PS and uploaded Quotation for upload from URL to be obtained from 3 of suppliers listed on  HYPERLINK "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sdOZMFp5UyeM1_vM4OF6TQxK7yqxgwS2" https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sdOZMFp5UyeM1_vM4OF6TQxK7yqxgwS2 (PP/AL/PS) SG to review KK 12 reasons leaflet and PS arrange printing (BUT if a merger this not worth doing?) Bugtracker items work to be scheduled (AL) see agenda item 5 IODEXXV AND OCEANDOCS BUDGET a. 2019 IAMSLIC Conference travel support of $4000 to be organized (PP) b. 2020 IAMSLIC Conference travel support of $3000 to be reinstated into the OceanDocs budget (PP) OCEANDOCS PROJECT REVIEW BY THE IODE MANAGEMENT GROUP Ms Pauline Simpson to email Mr Peter Pissierssens and Mr Gregory Reed (who administers the IODE MG exercise) to request guidance and examples of what information is lacking from the OceanDocs Annual Report. DONE OCEANDOCS IT SUPPORT Mr Arno Lambert to discuss with Mr Peter Pissierssens an agreed amount of person days per year to be allocated to OceanDocs IT support. AL to then schedule the Bugtracker work hopefully in August. TRAINING SG to review EURASLIC OD Workshop participants suggestions and recommend which should be implemented (KK/PS) OCEANDOCS AND AQUATIC COMMONS FUTURE It was noted that the SG-OD supported the merger of the Aquatic Commons and OceanDocs (and possibly ASFA, though as a commercial product that raised other questions). Ms Raymond agreed to regularly update the Group on developing discussions within the AC Board subgroup NEXT SG-OCEANDOCS MEETING 2020 Location and date of next SG-OceanDocs to be decided SG to discuss arranging virtual meetings more regularly (PS) ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS CO-CHAIR Ms. Kateryna KULAKOVA Head of Publishing and Translating Group Sector of Scientific and Information Research Support Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography Sverdlov Street 2 Kerch Crimea 298300 Ukraine Email:  HYPERLINK "katia_faust@mail.ru" katia_faust@mail.ru MEMBERS Ms. Arame KEITA Head of Information and Documentation Unit Ministre de la Pche et de l'Economie maritime. BP 17677 Dakar Senegal Email:  HYPERLINK "arame.keita@gmail.com" arame.keita@gmail.com Ms. Jennifer WALTON Library Services Coordinator MBLWHOI Library Marine Biological Laboratory 7 MBL Street Woods Hole MA United States of America Email:  HYPERLINK "jwalton@mbl.edu" jwalton@mbl.edu Ms. Lisa RAYMOND Co-Director MBLWHOI Library, Director of Library Services at WHOI MBLWHOI Library Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 86 Water St, Woods Hole,MA United States of America Email HYPERLINK "mailto::%20lraymond@whoi.edu" : lraymond@whoi.edu  Ms. Pauline SIMPSON (OD Project Manager) Programme Coordinator Central Caribbean Marine Institute KY3-2501 Cayman Islands BWI Email HYPERLINK ":%20psimpson@reefresearch.org" : psimpson@reefresearch.org SECRETARIAT Mr. Arno Lambert (OD Technical Manager) IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium UNESCO / IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 Oostende 8400 Belgium Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.lambert@unesco.org" a.lambert@unesco.org     IODE-SG-OCEANDOCS-VII IODE-JCOMM/SG-GTSPP-II page (ii) IODE-JCOMM/SG-GTSPP-I/3 page ( IODE-SG-OCEANDOCS-VII IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VII Page  PAGE 1 IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VII Page  PAGE 1 IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VII Page  PAGE 1 IODE-JCOMM/SG-GTSPP-II/3 Annex III - page  PAGE 4 IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VI Annex III - page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-SG-OCEANDOCS-VII Page 16 +2356>?ABCDLM_`abcdefghijklmnopuŶ㧙wl]hXU5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4hc{hg7^JaJjh1UmHnHuhc{hg7^Jhc{hg7^JaJhc{hg76CJ$^JaJh~h6@CJ ]^JaJh~h6@CJ ]^JaJh~h6@CJ ]^JaJh~h6@CJ ]^JaJh~h6CJ ]^JaJho"hg75CJ$\^JaJ `abdefghijklmnopgdo"m$gdg7m$$gdg7m$uwjjjZhc{h\ i5CJ\^JaJ-h\ i5CJ\^JaJ-hg75CJ\^JaJ-hc{hg75CJ\^JaJ-hc{hg7^Jhc{hg7^JaJ hc{hg7CJ^JaJh 8CJRHe^JaJ"ho"ho"5CJRHe\^JaJh 85CJRHe\^JaJh5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4ho"5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4      $a$gd "m$gdg7m$ $a$gdg7m$$gd 8m$ $a$gdg7m$               # üyssksksssh\ i@RHg h\ iRHg hc{h\ ih\ i@RHghg7@RHghc{hg7@RHghc{h,Y@RHgh~h@RHgh~h@RHg h~hRHg hc{hg7 h 8RHg hXURHg hZTRHghc(@RHgaJmHsHh\ i5CJ \^JaJ h\ ih~h5CJ \^JaJ *   L M ! & o - n +  p !  $a$gdm$ $a$gdm$gd$ne]n^ea$gd~xgd\ im$xgd\ im$gd\ im$gdg7m$# $ % ' ( ) + , - . / 0 1 3 4 6 7 9 : ? @ B C K L M Q R z { | ȿȁ{{u h7@ hXU@hDMh~@ hDMh~@9RHf h 8@ hZT@1 h~@hDMh~@hDMh~@1 h~@hDMh~@/hDMh~@ hc{h\ i h\ i@ h\ i@ h\ i@h\ i@RHg h\ iRHgh\ i@RHg.     ! % & ' ( , 4 5 6 8 9 P Q R Z i j øzuuuuzqYqQqqqqjhXUU.h1hXU5;OJQJ^J_HmHnHsH hXU *hXUj *hXUUhFAhg7RHc\^JhFAh[`RHc\^JhFAh[`5RHc\^JhFAhg75RHc\^JhU5RHc\^JhFAh~h5RHc\^Jhc{hg7@RHgh@RHghc{h\ i@RHghDMh~PJ^J h~@j k l m n o q r     ' ( ) * + , - / 0 мxjqhXUU jhXUUmHnHujhXUUmHnHu2h1hXU:CJOJQJ_HaJmHnHsH uhXUmHnHuj{hXUU.h1hXU5;OJQJ^J_HmHnHsH hXUjhXUUjhXUU/0 N O P X g h i j l m n p q    $ % & ' ) * + - . 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