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On behalf of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of United Nations Education, Science, Cultural Organization, I would like to extend our sincere congratulations to the :Government and people of China on this National Ocean Awareness Day. We value very highly the theme chosen for this event ”The Ocean and the Olympics”. The Olympic ideal promotes a universal message of friendship and peace among all races and peoples of the world. This message is perfectly matched by the spirit under which the United Nations promotes the peaceful uses of the Ocean and its resources and protects the bottom and subsoil of the world oceans as the “common heritage of mankind”. Besides its beautiful mountain and ocean sceneries, Qingdao is known in China as a city of marine science and technology, home to 25 marine scientific research institutes with more than 6,000 marine scientists and researchers. Qingdao is also selected by the International Olympic Committee (another IOC), as the host city for the upcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic Sailing Regatta which will take place in a couple of weeks. We would therefore wish to thank the government of China, Shandong Province and Qingdao City for their efforts, by bringing these two IOC’s together, the Olympic IOC and the Ocean IOC, in raising public awareness on the vital role that the Ocean and its resources play in the daily life of people and for sustainable development. In this regard, IOC would reiterate our willingness to cooperate with all of you, within its areas of competence. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) was established in 1960 as a specialized agency within UN system to coordinate marine scientific research, observations, service worldwide. Over the past 48 years, IOC has been assisting its member states in learning more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and applying that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, protection of the marine ecosystems and decision-making. In particular, ocean services, have changed substantially in the last decades, with the development of new remote sensing technologies opening a new dimension in ocean observations… the real time. For many years now, new instruments, placed on satellite or aboard drifters, floats, submersibles, and already mutating towards "gliders" that follow marine currents, offer us data on numerous parameters from the most remote ocean areas. The information thus generated not only enriches general knowledge, but also constitute an indispensable element to guarantee proper advanced warning of extreme natural events, forecasting of extreme sea levels and storm surges, characteristic of the ice field and also allows for prevention as well as adaptation in face of the climatic change. In this way oceanography joins meteorology integrating a new concept worldwide denominated “operational”. And what does that mean… simply that the data and information distributed in real or quasi real time, that also support the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) - the ocean component of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) – sustained observing needs of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and results in incredible benefits for coastal populations that depend directly on the sea. Following our 2008-2013 strategy, IOC gave priority to coordinat the development of tsunami early warning and mitigation systems in the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and the Caribbean, IOC assists developing regional and national capability in prevention and reduction of the impacts for tsunami and other related coastal natural hazards. It also facilitates interagency coordination through the UN-Oceans network and works with other United Nations agency in establishing a process for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment. Last, but not the least, IOC is planning the celebration of its fiftieth anniversary in 2010, taking stock of advances in marine sciences and international cooperation at the global, regional and national level. We sincerely wish that as part of the celebrations organized by the IOC, China will participate in the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Commission through a series of national activities. The 50th Anniversary is a huge opportunity to raise the awareness of the people of the world about the role the Ocean plays in our lives, turning the mysteries of the seas into source of resources and benefits for our future generations. Finally I wish this 18 of July, Ocean event a great success, and at the same time express my hope that everybody can enjoy the 2008 Games in the true spirit of the Olympic ideal looking more and better to the future of the world that, without doubts, is within the Seas. )68PQˆ‘  ' . : ; > F G Q R ] e k m ‹ Œ    • – Ђ Ќ Г Л С Т Ф Ш в ж d ‡ ёхйёЪёОёЪёЪёЏёЃхЃ”Ъ”ёО”…”vйОvОvОvхjОхОхОхhф#NCJOJQJ^Jh(j%hѓmчCJOJQJ^Jh(j%hъeCJOJQJ^Jh(j%hМRљCJOJQJ^Jh$0CJOJQJ^Jh(j%h~!:CJOJQJ^JhЬ3CJOJQJ^Jh(j%h ,CJOJQJ^JhѓmчCJOJQJ^Jh‚ИCJOJQJ^Jh(j%hptCJOJQJ^J)()Œ  8 9 п р œ€IJ9;–˜›ќ§‰Š™šњњњњњњњњњњњѕѕ№№№№№№№ѕњњыыыњgd(j%gdф#Ngd ­gd*šў‡ : ~ ‡ Б К ф ш  v Ÿ В о р ѓ ћ   N O P \ b i j t u v ™ Л Ц ж ш э њ ў  Qpst|‡š›žЬвєхжхЪхЪхЪхЪхєхєхЪхЪЛхєхєхЪхєхЪєЪєЪхЪхєхєхЪєЪєЪЎЂ“„“h ­h(j%CJOJQJ^Jh ­heRCJOJQJ^Jhф#NCJOJQJ^JhѓmчCJOJQJ^Jo(hКtchѓmчCJOJQJ^JhѓmчCJOJQJ^Jh(j%hЬ3CJOJQJ^Jh(j%hѓmчCJOJQJ^JhЬ3CJOJQJ^J323RVW^cltЂЇЊюњ ,-K_i~7<HIx‡йётгЧгИгЉЧЉŽЉŽЉИŽИpddUdUdUdUhф#Nhф#NCJOJQJ^Jhф#NCJOJQJ^Jh(j%h*CJOJQJ^Jh(j%hъeCJOJQJ^Jh(j%hЂk1CJOJQJ^JhЙh`CJOJQJ^Jh(j%h%ECJOJQJ^Jh(j%h~!:CJOJQJ^Jh(j%CJOJQJ^Jh(j%heRCJOJQJ^Jh ­heRCJOJQJ^Jh ­hъeCJOJQJ^Jйп89•–fqrzЂЅцч<@ALM˜š›œЋОПётжтжтЪтжЛжЛжЪЌЪжŽЪŽЪтpЪdXh$0CJOJQJ^Jhъ%ECJOJQJ^Jhф#NhїsYCJOJQJ^Jhф#Nh*CJOJQJ^Jhф#NhSЊCJOJQJ^Jh(j%hSЊCJOJQJ^JhSЊhSЊCJOJQJ^Jh(j%h SjCJOJQJ^JhSЊCJOJQJ^Jh SjCJOJQJ^Jhф#Nhф#NCJOJQJ^Jhф#Nh SjCJOJQJ^JПдƒдѓbiy~Ž”ћќ§9QYЯу3OQZ€˜ŸЁётгЧгИгтЌтётёт ‘…y…m…mym]mymyMh‚Иh‚ИCJH*OJQJ^JhаJУhаJУCJH*OJQJ^JhаJУCJOJQJ^Jh‚ИCJOJQJ^Jh1<ХCJOJQJ^Jh(j%h(j%CJOJQJ^JhъeCJOJQJ^JhЙh`CJOJQJ^Jh(j%ha/CJOJQJ^Jh SˆCJOJQJ^Jh(j%hк0CJOJQJ^Jh(j%hъeCJOJQJ^Jh(j%h*CJOJQJ^JЁ"#'*†ˆ‰ŠžЊАЪцчў;˜™šєшсвшвЮТЖєТшєЊєЊєЊєш›Œh(j%h*CJOJQJ^Jh(j%h%nЌCJOJQJ^JhюlсCJOJQJ^JhаJУCJOJQJ^Jh%nЌCJOJQJ^Jh.Ъh.Ъh.ЪCJOJQJ^J h.Ъh.Ъh.ЪCJOJQJ^Jh‚ИCJOJQJ^J0182PА‚. 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