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This was largely due to funding provided by the government of Flanders in Belgium for the implementation of ODINAFRICA-III, funding from Sida for the activities of the first phase of the Capacity Development programme, and the implementation of national and regional Tsunami Warning Systems. During the period, the IOCWIO project office also had increased human resources towards the implementation of activities: The Italian government provided an associated expert to support the implementation if the Capacity Development programme in the region; and short term secretarial support was also sourced for half of 2008. The report is organised using the Main Lines of Actions outlined in the IOCWIO-VI summary report for ease of reference. PROGRAMME MATTERS MAIN LINE OF ACTION 1: ADDRESSING SCIENTIFIC UNCERTAINTIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Oceans-climate interactions and climate change. The establishment of the Regional Group of experts on Ocean Dynamics and Climate Change was not implemented during the intersessional period due to funding constraints. The regional committee may wish to consider forming a sessional working group to commence work on this topic, which can then continue its work by email during the intersessional period. Participants from institutions in the IOCWIO region attended the IODE/JCOMM training courses on Modelling and data management which were held at the IODE Project Office, Ostend, Belgium in September 2005 and October 2006. The following topics were covered: Operational oceanography; Wave research; Modelling Tropical Cyclone and storm surges, Applications in ocean modelling (search and rescue), Circulation, Ecological modelling, and Requirements for ocean data in support of numerical regional ocean models. The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA), in collaboration with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), organised an initiative for analysis and interpretation of sea level data from WIO stations available locally and in global data centres by experts from the region. The tidal predictions for selected stations are available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/glossafrica" www.iode.org/glossafrica. Ecosystem Protection and Marine Environment Protection. The development of an African Register of Marines Species (ARMS) commenced with a series of focused marine biodiversity workshops organized for selected taxa. The information collated during these workshops has been merged with the marine biodiversity information that have been compiled in the Marine Species Database for Eastern Africa (MASDEA). Three workshops have so far been held, covering the following topics: Molluscs (March 2006); Sponges, (November 2006); and Decapods, (June 2007). A new interface for ARMS will be designed to replace MASDEA. ARMS will be a subset of the World Register of Marine Species (WORMS). Regional Implementation of ICAM The Memorandum of Understanding signed between UNESCO/IOC and the Kenyan government to provide a framework for collaboration with the secretariat for the Coastal and Marine Sub-theme of NEPAD (NEPAD/COSMAR) was renewed during the intersessional period. The activities implemented include: (i) publication and distribution of COSMAR Newsletter, (ii) development and maintenance of the NEPAD/COSMAR website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.nepadcosmar.org" http://www.nepadcosmar.org) which has become a useful source of information on coastal and marine programmes in Africa, (iii) development of a directory of marine and freshwater professionals from Africa, (iv) review of projects and programmes on coastal and marine issues in Africa, and (v) enhancement of the coordination capacity of the NEPAD/COSMAR secretariat through provision of equipment and support for Research Assistant. An Assessment of Africas Capacity Building Needs for the Development and Implementation of Ecosystem-based Ocean Governance was completed and awaits publication. The assessment covers gaps, problems and existing programmes in capacity building, and proposes a strategic solution to the problems, in consultation with key stakeholders. Collaboration with NEPAD/COSMAR has slowed down in the recent past due to re-organisation taking place at the NEPAD/COSMAR secretariat. UNESCO/IOC through ODINAFRICA-III, provide support for organisation of national consultation workshops on data and information products necessary for ICAM. The reports of national consultation meetings were collated to identify priority themes that should be addressed. The priority themes that recurred in many of the national reports included: (i) Shoreline changes, (ii) Critical habitats, (iii) Storm Surges and Coastal flooding, and (iv) Biodiversity. These are very similar to the core themes identified during the Africa Process for the Development and Conservation of the Coastal Areas.These were: (i) Coastal erosion, (ii) management of key ecosystems and habitats, (iii) pollution, (iv) sustainable use of living resources (especially fisheries), and (v) tourism. Three types of products were identified by the national consultation workshops. These are (a) databases/atlases, (b) trends (e.g. population of cities along the coastline, fisheries, or evolution of shorelines), and (c) scenario development (e.g. impact of a 20cm rise in sea level, impact of oil spill, impact of reduction in flow of main rivers on coastal areas). The focus during the inter sessional period was on development of databases and the African Marine Atlas ( HYPERLINK "http://www.africanmarineatlas.net" www.africanmarineatlas.net) The IOC Handbook for Measuring the Progress and Outcomes of Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management was published in 2006. It is based on case studies globally, including contributions for the WIO region, and provides an indicator framework that integrates governance, ecological and socioeconomic dimensions. It showcases best practice examples of the monitoring and evaluation of ICAM Projects. In 2007 UNESCO/IOC and the Man and Biosphere jointly published Visions for a Sea Change. Report of the First International Workshop on Marine Spatial Planning. This was following the first International Workshop on the use of marine spatial planning as a tool to implement ecosystem-based, sea use management, held from 8-10 November 2006, in Paris, France. To address the issue of coastal hazards IOC will develop a set of guidelines on mainstreaming awareness and risk mitigation of natural hazards in Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM). A group of high-level experts in the field of ICAM, disaster management, coastal engineering, geosciences, and social sciences, are working to deliver the set of guidelines. The implementation of the COAST-MAP project commenced during the intersessional period. COASTMAP addresses the need for countries to acquire and utilise coastal bathymetry to develop various products mitigating against ocean-based extreme events. This will maximise benefits from coastal bathymetry by transferring skills to create products for zoning decisions and equitable use of coastal spaces. Participating countries in WIO include: Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania. The overall project objectives are: To enhance available expertise to locally produce accurate bathymetric and topographic maps on either side [200 to +50 meters] of the high tide-line. To provide modelling capacity for inputs to tsunami arrival, run-up and inundation in coastal areas. To transfer necessary skills to national Disaster Management and Preparedness agencies to use bathymetric and terrestrial datasets in developing targeted maps and services, including flooding maps, determination of set back lines, coastal ecosystem mapping, and zoning issues for coastal users. MAIN LINE OF ACTION 2: DEVELOPING OPERATIONAL CAPABILITIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OPEN AND COASTAL OCEAN. Development of Regional Ocean Observing system contributing to the tsunami and other hazards The tide gauges in Mombasa and Lamu (Kenya), Inhambane and Pemba (Mozambique), Port Louis and Rodrigues (Mauritius), Pointe de Larue (Seychelles) and Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) were upgraded within the framework of GLOSS/IOTWS, while a new tide gauge was installed in Djibouti by ODINAFRICA. The station in Mtwara (Tanzania) is planned for installation in 2008. The installation at Nosy Be was deferred due to delays in repairs of the jetty. ODINAFRICA collaborated with the Instituto Geofsico D. Lus (IDL), Lisbon, Portugal to collocate Global Navigations Satellite Systems GNSS receivers at the sea level stations in Inhambane and Pemba (Mozambique). The installation of the GNSS stations near tide gauges provides the connection between the horizontal and the vertical datum at these locations. The tidal and GNSS observations together allows one to monitor crustal motions in order to derive absolute or climate related signals in mean sea level from the tide records. The first ODINAFRICA/GLOSS training course on sea level measurement and interpretation and related fields was held from 13-23 November 2006 at the IODE Project Office, Ostend, Belgium and attended by participants from several member states from the IOCWIO region (Djibouti, Kenya, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania). The course included topics such as: introduction to tidal theory; analysis of tide gauge data; introduction to harmonic analysis; introduction to tidal analysis software package; use of data within local and regional operational oceanography; tide predictions. The ODINAFRICA Data Facility ( HYPERLINK "http://www.sealevelstations.net" www.sealevelstations.net), is already operational at the IODE Project Office in Ostend, Belgium. It provides near real time access to sea level data from equipped stations along the African coastline. The roles of the facility are: (i) Data capture via GTS and archive in relational database as an ODINAFRICA backup to national and GLOSS data centres, (ii) Web-display, including plots and provision of raw data as well as tide-gauge operator alert in case of equipment mal-function, and (iii) semi-automatic data quality control. The facility is built in a transplantable format with a view to having it mirrored at a location in Africa. The data will also be mirrored on the respective ODINAFRICA NODC website. The development of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS) continued with the implementation of several activities which are outlined at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/" http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/, some of them are listed below: The ICG/IOTWS-IV meeting took place in Mombasa, 28 February to the 2 March 2007. A number of fellows from the region received training through IOTWS fellowships, funded by the Norwegian government. Some of these fellowships were undertaken in the area of hydrodynamic modelling for coastal management Seychelles hosted the workshop Approaches to Coastal Community Resilience, 27-29 February 2008, Mahe, Seychelles Kenya hosted the Tsunami Teacher workshop 12-14 June 2006, Mombassa, Kenya. Provision of computers and seismic monitoring software is being made to Mozambique. In development of National TWS, missions were undertaken in Mauritius (October 2007 and January 2008), Mozambique (January 2008), Seychelles (2007). Secondment of an expert from Mauritius Oceanographic Institute to the ICG/IOTWS Secretariat for one year. Member states from the region participated actively in working groups of the ICG/IOTWS, including: 1) Kenya as the vice-chair of Working Group 5 on System of Interoperable Advisory and Warning Centres, and 2) Seychelles is the chair of Working Group 6 on Mitigation, Preparedness and Response. The IOCWIO region is covered by two regional GOOS programmes: Indian Ocean GOOS and GOOS Africa. IOGOOS, which was formally launched in November 2002 during the Indian Ocean Conference held in Mauritius has held subsequent sessions in Colombo, Sri Lanka (April, 2004), Bali, Indonesia (August, 2005), Zanzibar, Tanzania (October, 2006), and Phuket, Thailand (December, 2007). IOGOOS proposed pilot project themes include: Combining aspects of: Real time chlorophyll-a mapping; Multi-scale monitoring and mapping of keystone ecosystems; and Assessment of shoreline changes in vulnerable locations. A joint IOGOOS/SEAGOOS pilot project on operational oceanographic products and applications, initially for the North East Indian Ocean but later to be expanded to the Indian Ocean as a whole, based on the Australian Bluelink ocean forecasting system ( HYPERLINK "http://www.bom.gov.au/bluelink" \o "http://www.bom.gov.au/bluelink" www.bom.gov.au/bluelink). SIBER (Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemical and Ecological Research), which is an evolving international scientific movement that is likely to lead to a grouping of high level scientists, akin to IOP but with a bio-geochemical focus working to improve observations, understanding and predictability of the IOs bio-geochemistry. The WIO is a focus of SIBERs plans. The report of the last session of IOGOOS held in Phuket, Thailand (December, 2007) will be available at IOCWIO-VII. GOOS Africa hosted the following meetings in Cape Town, South Africa from 6 17 November 2006: Pan-African LMEs/GOOS-Africa Leadership Workshop on Operational Oceanography And Remote Sensing for the Integrated Management of Large Marine Ecosystems in Africa (6-10 November 2006) Third Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances (14-17 November 2006). The main objective of the Pan-African LMEs/GOOS-Africa Leadership workshop was to cement the cooperation between GOOS-AFRICA and the Pan-African LMEs and other major relevant programmes, and to further develop mechanisms and ways and means that will fast-track their effective implementation. The workshop focused on how to build on, and empower, African capacity in marine sciences and technology, particularly remote sensing. The overall goal of the third Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances was to promote the establishment of a global network of GOOS Regional Alliances that will enable regional development of coastal GOOS and oversee the establishment of the Global Coastal Network (GCN). The participants noted that the LMEs bring ministerial agreements for data sharing (+analysis) and joint surveys in the five modules of LME programmes: Fish and Fisheries, Coastal pollution and ecosystem health, productivity, socio-economics, and governance and management. In developing countries GOOS can draw on data and information collected by the LMEs (eg BCLME, GCLME). The LMEs can benefit from the partnership through: global data exchange (IODE/ODINAFRICA), capacity building and training (Oceanteacher, Bilko), Hazard warning systems and climate change studies. Pilot projects were proposed on: (i) Multi-hazard early warning system, Ocean chlorophyll Global Integrated Network (chlorophyll GIN), landbased sources of marine pollution and run-off, and wind-wave-currents interaction. Enhance the development and dissemination of data and information products for ICAM (see also under Regional Implementation of ICAM) The implementation of the third phase of the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa progressed well, focussing on the activities outlined in the thematic work packages: coastal observations, data and information management, and products delivery. ODINAFRICA has continued to provide support to institutions hosting the National Oceanographic Data and Information Centres (NODCs) to enable them develop a core set of data and information products. These include but not limited to: library catalogues, catalogues of national data sets and data sources (meta databases), directories of marine and freshwater professionals, directories of marine related institutions, marine data archives and marine biodiversity databases. The funds provided covered: purchase of consumables, communications (including internet access), publishing costs, public awareness, local travel, workshop facilitation, software, and equipment upgrade and hardware maintenance. A total of 21 participating countries have benefited during the current phase. The experience we had with installation of VSAT connections under the FUST Small Scale projects initiative was that the maintenance costs for the connection was prohibitive for most of the institutions. The African Marine Atlas ( HYPERLINK "http://www.africanmarineatlas.net" www.africanmarineatlas.net) was officially launched on 23 February 2007 at the IODE Project Office in Ostend, Belgium. The Atlas incorporates existing geo-referenced datasets available in the public domain (but tailored to meet specific scope requirements), and also data products created from national and international marine data collections by scientists participating in the ODINAFRICA program. The Atlas project commenced in June 2006 and, consisted of three phases: (1) Data mining to gather global, continental and national data according to an agreed-upon scope of topics, geographic limits and temporal considerations; (2) Conversion of the collected datasets into GIS-compatible forms and products; and (3) Documentation and compilation of the GIS resources into a well-organized, user-friendly digital Atlas. Six editorial groups were created to mobilize data for different aspects of the atlas. These are: (i) Base Maps, (ii) Geosphere (iii) Atmosphere, (iv) Hydrosphere, (v) Biosphere, and (vi) Human Environment The electronic repository of marine publications from/about Africa (OceanDocs Africa) has been created and contains publications in marine science from scientists affiliated with ODINAFRICA institutes. More than 1400 publications on Africa are now freely available through the Oceandocs web portal: www.oceandocs.net. In addition the Advisory Board for the Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) has approved a trust fund proposal submitted by International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) that will build on the work done in Oceandocs to develop an Aquatic Commons providing access to all free available aquatic science publications globally. Institutions from IOCWIO will participate in this initiative. The ODINAFRICA Websites Improvement Project was initiated to assist the webmasters in institutions participating in the project to improve the quality of their sites (or develop sites where these do not exist). This was recognition of the key role that the internet should play as a medium for dissemination of services and products. Two training courses on websites improvement were held at the IODE Project Office and attended by webmasters from Cote dIvoire, Egypt, Kenya, Senegal, Seychelles, Tanzania, and representatives of ACEP and WIOMSA (5-9 December 2005), and Cote dIvoire, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal, and Seychelles (2-6 October 2006). National websites of the format  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc-countryname.org" www.nodc-countryname.org (eg  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc-mozambique.org" www.nodc-mozambique.org) have been established to provide information at the national level. The ODINAFRICA Planning and Review meeting will be held in Mombasa, Kenya from 14 17 July 2008 to review progress in implementing the activities planned in the current phase, and consider proposals for further development of the network. A summary report of this meeting will be available at IOCWIO-VII. MAIN LINE OF ACTION 3: STRENGTHENING OF CAPACITY OF MEMBER STATES IN MARINE SCIENCE FOR MANAGEMENT THE COASTAL OCEANS The Capacity Development programme focussed on strengthening institutional capacities in three areas: leadership, proposal-writing, and team-building. In addition, activities in modelling and emerging technologies for coastal environment management were undertaken. Leadership: The Leadership programme had following objectives: 1) improve the management and the protection of the ocean and coastal zones by strengthening the leadership capacity of senior-role players; 2) to nurture a network of highly influential leaders who can integrate regional and local initiatives in a manner that builds sustainable and high impact outcomes, and 3) to create an opportunity for personal learning and renewal. The second leadership workshop for directors of marine science institutes of the WIO was held in Zanzibar, Tanzania, in October 2006. During this workshop a session on Marine Action Planning was held to discuss regional priorities and ways for developing institutional capacities for providing science-based solutions to the challenges facing the countries in the region. The session identified Decision Support Tools (modelling, GIS and remote sensing) as a priority and requested IOC to assist in developing these skills in the region. The third leadership workshop was held in Maputo, Mozambique from the 10-14 April, 2008, and attended by participants from 15 countries, including all of the countries of IOCWIO as well as Cameroon, China, Ghana, Korea, Nigeria, Sweden and United States of America. Bid writing The second component of the IOC Capacity Development program was implemented in the WIO region through a bid writing workshop, held in Mombasa, 16-20 April 2007. Training was provided to principle investigators and programme managers from participating institutes to improve their proposal and bid writing skills to attract additional institutional funding. A provisional proposal, and consortium of collaborating institutes, was developed at the workshop, based priorities identified during the second Leadership (October, 2006, Zanzibar, Tanzania). The proposal has been approved by participating institutes for submission to donors. It includes pilot sites in each country, and work packages on physical and socio-economic drivers, hydrodynamic modelling, climate change, fisheries and decision support tools. Participants in the Bid writing workshop have since developed other proposals and submitted to different agencies and programmes. Team building The third component of the Capacity Development programme was implemented in the WIO region through a Team Building Workshop, held 28-31 October 2007 in Durban, South Africa. Participants from 14 institutes of 6 countries in the region trained on how to address the challenges of working together as team. The draft regional proposal was used both as a workshop case study, and to finalise institutional input. The goal of the team building workshop was to advance participants skills in effective networking and collaboration between key institutes addressing national issues as well as trans-boundary issues. Modelling The second Leadership workshop for the Heads of Marine institutions in region prioritised tools for modelling coastal processes during their Marine Action Planning session. IOC was requested to assist the institutions in developing the capacities required for this. Several initiatives have been implemented to achieve this: National modelling awareness workshops were held in Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania, from the 11 February to 14 March 2007. The National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India, provided an experienced physical oceanographer who facilitated each of the workshops. The workshops covered the development of coastal models for research and commercial applications and show-cased the possibilities offered by coastal modelling tools. Four outcomes of relevance to the programme are noted here: (i) many of the participating scientists were able to develop entry level skills in the models used, using data already available in their country, (ii) there was potential for the application of coastal modelling in each of these countries, (iii) there was strong similarities in the types of modelling applications needed in each of the countries which can be grouped into a) hydrodynamics, b) pollution and water quality, and c) coastal processes, and finally (iv) data sets and sites were identified that could be used for training and development of selected model applications. In November and December 2007 two researchers from Mozambique and Kenya undertook five weeks of training funded by the Norwegian Government through the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System fellowship programme. This focused on the use of sea level data to develop hydrodynamic models in support of coastal management. UNESCO Chair in Oceanography and Marine Sciences. The UNESCO Chair on Marine Sciences and Oceanography was established at the Eduardo Mondlane University in March 1999, as a follow up to the Pan African Conference on Sustainable Coastal Management - PACSICOM (July 1998, Maputo, Mozambique). The overall objective of the UNESCO Chair in Marine Sciences and Oceanography in Mozambique is to build teaching and research capacity for Marine Science within the country. The major Challenge of the Chair is to bring scientists from different disciplines, departments within the University and from other institutions outside the university under one roof - Marine Sciences, and so, promoting a multidisciplinary research. Since its establishment, the Chair led actions and contributed significantly to the following achievements within the Eduardo Mondlane University: Development of curricula and establishment of courses in Marine Science. The following four degree courses were established: Oceanography, Marine Biology, Chemical Oceanography and Geological Oceanography. Establishment of a School for Marine and Coastal Sciences within the university Promotion of multidisciplinary and applied research in Marine Sciences Establishment of partnership and resource mobilisation A progress report will be made available to the session, accounting for activities undertaken by or with the participation of the UNESCO Chair in Marine Sciences and Oceanography, during the period January 2006 to June 2008. COLLABORATION WITH OTHER REGIONAL SUBSIDIARY BODIES, AGENCIES, AND REGIONAL ORGANISATIONS IOC has collaborated closely with a number of organisations in the implementation of the IOCWIO-VI work plan. The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) continued to be a major partner and jointly sponsored activities such as the Leadership workshops (Zanzibar, Tanzania, 2006: Maputo, Mozambique, 2008), Bid writing workshop (Mombasa, Kenya, 2007), Bid writing workshop (Durban, South Africa, 2007), and Tidal analysis workshop (Mombasa, Kenya, 2008). IOC sponsored several experts from the region to attend the 5th Scientific Symposium of WIOMSA as well as sponsoring a special session with UNEP at the symposium. The special session took stock of the capacity development activities in the WIO, and provided a forum to discuss ways to move forward in unified regional initiatives of capacity development. IOC and WIOMSA will co-sponsor a regional workshop on modelling in December 2008. The 5th session of the Conference of Contracting Parties (COP) to the Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African (also known as the Nairobi Convention) was held in conjunction with the Abidjan COP from 5-8 November 2007 at the Indaba Conference Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. UNESCO-IOC was identified as a partner in implementation several activities including: Under Theme 3.4: developing skills of managing organisations and programmes, as well as proposal writing and fundraising Under Theme 4.1A: a) Support for the develop a regional information system on the WIO marine and coastal environment and its management, including information on invasive species and climate change; b) Partner maintaining the Nairobi Conventions Clearinghouse Mechanism. Under Theme 4.1B: a) Joint development of marine biodiversity databases (as part of information exchange; b) AfroBis responsible parties for promoting information exchange Under Theme 4.2B: Use of electronic information systems for awareness and information exchange such as data and information management and shoreline change assessment. UNEP, UNESCO/IOC and WIOMSA have jointly supported the development and activities of the Forum of Heads of Institutions, operating within the framework of the Nairobi Convention. The report is available from the COP website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.unep.org/NairobiConvention/docs/COP5_Draft_Report.pdf" http://www.unep.org/NairobiConvention/docs/COP5_Draft_Report.pdf. UNESCO/IOC also joined UNEP in the initiation of the Consortium for Conservation of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-C). The consortium brings together major NGOs and other organizations in the Western Indian Ocean dealing with marine science. These include CORDIO, EAWLS, IUCN, NEPAD, WIOMSA, WCS and WWF.     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