ࡱ> BDC @ bjbj 0؝؝ ,h        $RB       $(  :     h 0:A B FL<  R     @ @Draft agenda for 2nd RTWC meeting, NOCS, 30 Sept/1 Oct Day 1 Coffee/Registration Session 1: review past activities Welcome on behalf of National Oceanography Centre, Southampton Introductory remarks by Chair of NEAMTWS Review actions from last meeting (including status of responses received from Member States to letters) and agree/modify agenda Requirements for a RTWC a) from Task Team meeting in January b) from TOWS and other sources Session 2: Ideas for institutional co-operation towards initial RTWCs Presentation on proposed philosophy of initial system based on arrangements between institutions, followed by: Presentations and discussion of potential institutional/national contributions to an initial network of RTWCs in NE Atlantic and Med. In each case need clear idea of: what is being offered how it builds on relevant existing warning systems how it meets requirements of RTWC feasibility of operational implementation Interest and role of EC: presentation + discussion Session 3: Links with NEAMTWS working group activities Presentation by NEAMTWS WG chairs with particular emphasis on RTWC-related aspects (in particular status of the real-time monitoring networks) followed by discussion Day 2 Continue previous days agenda as necessary Session 4: Implementation plans for RTWCs Next steps in implementing initial system logistics financial arrangements technical arrangements role of EC Draft action plans for RTWCs (work in groups, perhaps one for each RTWC (depending how many participants for each sub-region ?) Discuss and agree output of drafting groups (in plenary) Session 5: Conclusions and recommendations Develop conclusions/recommendations to be transmitted to NEAMTWS-V Close of meeting 78>Stu    8 Q i   d { ?ij姝HhRJfhkU HhQJfhkU hHAhkU HhPJfhkU HhOJfhkU %hkU hkU cHdhdhdhOJfHhSJfhkU HhNJfhkU hHAhkU 5 hkU 5hkU hHAhkU 5CJH*hHAhkU 5CJ%78>RSu^ v o  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^gdkU 7x^7gdkU 7^7gdkU x^gdkU gdkU ^gdkU h^hgdkU $a$gdkU  , ` !U!U & F SEƀNJfM-^S`gdkU U & F SEƀNJfL-^S`gdkU `  !S!H!A!H6! x^gdkU xgdkU x^gdkU W & F SxEƀNJfO-^S`gdkU U & F SEƀNJfN-^S`gdkU   C M d !!!!I!U & F EƀNJfQ-^`gdkU Q & F EƀNJfP-^gdkU ^gdkU xgdkU d { ?j!U!J!J!C!J!>!gdkU xgdkU x^gdkU S & F xEƀNJfR-^gdkU V & F C$EƀQJf^`gdkU .:pkU / =!"#o$S% 8@8 NormalCJmH sH tH :A@: Police par dfaut^i^ Tableau Normal :V 4 l4a _H2k2 Aucune liste N@N kU Texte de bullesCJOJQJ^JaJ78>RSu^vo,`CMd{?j0 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ0ހ0 ʀ00 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ0P0 ʀ00 ʀ 0 ʀ 0 ʀ 0 ʀ 0 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ00 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ 0 0 0 0 ʀ00 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ0 ʀ78>RSu^vo,`CMd{?j0000000000000000 0 0 0 00000000 0 0 0 000000 ` d   y}o33333^v,CcduT/2+z&2 E+" RTWC meeting, NOCS, 30 Sept/1 OctTNuT`44'!A;S[TA;;A4A& ;[4& 2 E ?@Times New Roman- 2  --2 >Day 1nT;;; 2 ># >-(2 Coffee/RegistrationC2!!,,C-1'!,22 2  . 2 % -@Times New Roman-=2 !Session 1: review past activitiest8,''282!,,2,I82'!2,!2!,' 2 # 7-h2 d>Welcome on behalf of National Oceanography Centre, Southampton_,,2N,222,2,!2!I,22,H,-,231!,240C-2!,8222,N222 2  -G2 d(Introductory remarks by Chair of NEAMTWS 2!223,2#0",N,!2'40C2,!2!H=HY=_8 2   -@2 Ud#Review actions from last meeting (iAC,2,H,,22'!!2N,'N,,21!2 U ncluding 3,22212 Up status of ',2(2!/2 U responses received from !,'222','",-,2,2!"2NV2 d2Member States to letters) and agree/modify agenda Y,N2,!8,,'2,,!'",22-1!-,N22#0-1,23, 2 x  -.2 mdRequirements for a RTWC C,22!,N,2'!2!,C=`C 2 m -A2 $a) from Task Team meeting in January,!!!2N>,'2=,,NN-,212(,22,#0 2   .82 b) from TOWS and other sources2!!!2N=H_8,2222,"'22!,,' 2   .-C2 , %Session 2: Ideas for institutional coT8,''282!'8,2'"2,7'!!8!282,2 2 , -!:2 , operation towards initial RTWCs28,,2!28!2I2,8'7!2HCdH' 2 , u 5-2 d Presentati8!,',2,z2 Jon on proposed philosophy of initial system based on arrangements between 22222!222',3222'22302!2,(0',N2,',222-!!,32,N,3'2,H,,222  dinstitutions, followed by:2'222'!22H,230 2  O -^2 d7Presentations and discussion of potential institutional)8!,',2,22',222',2'(222!22,2,2'212,2 /national2,22,+2   contributions to an W,22!2222'2,2S2 ( d0initial network of RTWCs in NE Atlantic and Med.2,2,H2!22!C=_B'2H=H,2,,22Y-2 2 ( n  -82 dIn each case need clear idea o 2,,,2,,(,2,,2,,-!2,,22 f:! 2 D .- 2 @ d-!@"Arial- 2 @  -+2 @ what is being offered H2,'2,213!!-!,2 2 @ h .- 2 d-!- 2  -X2 3how it builds on relevant existing warning systems o22H222'22!,,2,2,3'21H,!221)0',N( 2 !  -- 2 & d-!- 2 &  -=2 & !how it meets requirements of RTWCl22HN,,'!,22!,N,2'2!C=_C 2 &  ,- 2 d-!- 2  -I2 )feasibility of operational implementationn!,,'202!23,!,22,N2,N,2,22 2 ~  -V2 >d2Interest and role of EC: presentation + discussion 2-!,',22!2,2!=C3!,',2,2282',2''22 2 >  .-Y2 4Session 3: Links with NEAMTWS working group activiti8,''282!C78'I!8GCH^Cd8I2,8822,2882,!2!2 s es,' 2   6->2 d"Presentation by NEAMTWS WG chairs 8!,',2,2230H=HY>_8_H,2,!'2  on RTWC22C=_C 2 a -!#2  related aspects !,,,2,'3,,',2  (in particular status !22-!,2,!',2'2 dof the 2!2,2 creal!-, 2 -!2 time eN,)2 monitoring networks)N222!212,H3!2'! 2 J 2.2 |  followed by discussion!22H,2302',2''22 2 /  .-2 Day 2eT;;; 2 # >-L2 X+Continue previous days agenda as necessaryC2222,2!,222'2-0"',2,22,,'2,-,'',#0 2 X  .-I2 )Session 4: Implementation plans for RTWCsr8,''282!'R8-R,8!3!28828'"2,HCdH' 2 c  5-I2 d)Next steps in implementing initial systemrH,3',2'2N2,N,2212,(0',N 2   .- 2 -!- 2  u-2  logistics21',' 2 b -- 2 -!- 2  s- 2 f!+2 6inancial arrangementso2,2,,-!!,32,N,2' 2  .- 2 -!- 2  s-,2 technical arrangements,,22,,-!!,32,N,2' 2  .- 2 n-!- 2 n u-2 n role of EC!2,2!=C 2 n .v2 dGDraft action plans for RTWCs (work in groups, perhaps one for each RTWCH!,!-,222,2'!2!C>_C'!H2!221!222'2-!2,2'22,!3!,-,2C=_C 2 a J2 d*(depending how many participants for each !2,2,223122HN,403-!,2,2'!2!-,,22 D sub'22 2  -!2  region"-1222   ?. 2 7 )! 2 X  ,_2 +d8Discuss and agree output of drafting groups (in plenary)H',2'',22-1",,22222!2!,!311!222'!22,2,#0! 2 +'  .-J2 *Session 5: Conclusions and recommendations8,''282!H28,8'27'288,,,3SR,882!28' 2 {  6-V2 ud2Develop conclusions/recommendations to be transmitH,2,22,23,2'22'!,-2NN,22,22'22,!,3'N 2 u ted to NEAMTWS,22H=HY=_8 2 u- 2 uVH 2 u' --#2 Close of meetingH2',2"R-,!82 2  6-                    ՜.+,0$ hp  IACMST  7Draft agenda for 2nd RTWC meeting, NOCS, 30 Sept/1 Oct Titre !"#$%&'()*+,-./012346789:;<?Root Entry F0v