ࡱ> Y\RSTUVWX bjbjݒ __^&^&44444757575/6+9T75Y=AAAADUI\J$94aKD"DaKaK44AAAcAcAcaK4A4AAcaKAcAc j_)0Y(b@H4 aKaKAcaKaKaKaKaKc@aKaKaKYaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaK^& i3: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies  Steering Group for the OceanDocs Project Sixth Session IOC Project Office for IODE, Ostend, Belgium 10"12 October 2018 UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies Steering Group for the OceanDocs Project Sixth Session IOC Project Office for IODE, Ostend, Belgium 10"12 October 2018 UNESCO 2018 IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VI Ostend, 10-12 October 2018 English only  For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: IODE Steering Group for the OceanDocs Project (SG-OceanDocs), Sixth Session, 10-12 October 2018. Paris, UNESCO, 33pp. 2018. (Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies) TABLE OF CONTENTS page  TOC \o "1-3" 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc527986529 \h 1 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc527986530 \h 1 2.1 Adoption of the Agenda  PAGEREF _Toc527986531 \h 1 2.2 Introduction of the participants  PAGEREF _Toc527986532 \h 1 3. REVIEW OF THE 2016-2018 ACTION PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc527986533 \h 1 4. POLICY DOCUMENT 2016 REVIEW  PAGEREF _Toc527986534 \h 7 5. IODE PROJECTS - NEW REPORTING PROCEDURES  PAGEREF _Toc527986535 \h 7 5.1 Completion of OceanDocs, Existing Project Report and Annual Report  PAGEREF _Toc527986536 \h 8 6. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH  PAGEREF _Toc527986537 \h 8 6.1 ASFA Board Meeting June 2018  PAGEREF _Toc527986538 \h 8 6.2 Wikipedia article  PAGEREF _Toc527986539 \h 9 6.3 SG members report on Promotion of OceanDocs  PAGEREF _Toc527986540 \h 9 6.4 Reasons to use OceanDocs: promotional Message  PAGEREF _Toc527986541 \h 9 7. TECHNICAL ISSUES  PAGEREF _Toc527986542 \h 10 7.1 Introduction of new IODE IT support  PAGEREF _Toc527986543 \h 10 7.2 Upgrade to 6.2 (6.3?)  PAGEREF _Toc527986544 \h 10 7.3 OceanDocs Bugtracker  PAGEREF _Toc527986545 \h 10 7.4 Bespoke functionality - URL Upload  PAGEREF _Toc527986546 \h 10 8. VOCABULARY  PAGEREF _Toc527986547 \h 11 9. STATISTICS  PAGEREF _Toc527986548 \h 11 10. USER GUIDES/TRAINING  PAGEREF _Toc527986549 \h 11 10.1 Guides available  PAGEREF _Toc527986550 \h 11 10.2 Additional guides required  PAGEREF _Toc527986551 \h 12 10.3 OTGA Training Survey 2017 - requirements for OceanDocs?  PAGEREF _Toc527986552 \h 12 10.4 EURASLIC 2017 - training offered.  PAGEREF _Toc527986553 \h 12 11. INVENTORY OF MARINE AND AQUATIC REPOSITORIES (IMAR)  PAGEREF _Toc527986554 \h 13 12. OCEAN BEST PRACTICES SYSTEM (OBPS)  PAGEREF _Toc527986555 \h 13 13. GE-MIM REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc527986556 \h 13 14. SG RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRATEGIC DIRECTION  PAGEREF _Toc527986557 \h 14 15. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET 2018-2020  PAGEREF _Toc527986558 \h 16 15.1 Work Plan  PAGEREF _Toc527986559 \h 16 15.2 Proposed Budget for 2019-2020  PAGEREF _Toc527986560 \h 22 16. ELECTION OF CO-CHAIRS  PAGEREF _Toc527986561 \h 22 17. NEXT SG-OCEANDOCS MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc527986562 \h 23 18. CLOSING OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc527986563 \h 23  ANNEXES  HYPERLINK \l "annex1" ANNEX I: LIST OF PARTICIPANTS  HYPERLINK \l "annex2" ANNEX II: AGENDA OPENING OF THE MEETING This agenda item was introduced by Ms Jennifer Walton and Ms Arame Keita, Co-Chairs of the SG-OceanDocs. Ms Walton welcomed the participants. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS Adoption of the Agenda This agenda item was introduced by This agenda item was introduced by Mr Peter Pissierssens, IODE Secretariat. He referred to the agenda for the item, available from the IODE web site. The Group adopted the Agenda for the meeting. Introduction of the participants This agenda item was introduced by Mr Peter Pissierssens. He invited the participants to introduce themselves briefly. REVIEW OF THE 2016-2018 ACTION PLAN This agenda item was introduced by Ms Jennifer Walton. She referred to  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=22832" Document SG-OCEANDOCS/3 (Review of the 2016-2018 OceanDocs Action Plan). Ms Walton recalled that SG-OCEANDOCS-V had agreed that the following elements could be included in the OceanDocs Budget 2016-2018 to be costed and submitted by Ms. Simpson: SG Meeting 2017/2018 IT Consultancy/additional support Translation: FAQs, Search Guide, Flyer, Import Guidelines OA charge for OceanDocs article to be published in peer review journal Printing of some advocacy material Training session (EURASLIC 2017 0.5 days) The Group then reviewed the detailed action plan as adopted by SG-OCEANDOCS-V: Para ActionResponsible PartyDescription/ BackgroundTarget Date9The group recommended that OceanDocs should try to harvest collections in DPM instance of AOD hosted at  HYPERLINK "" Using the built in DSpace harvester or else atleast try to export the collection to DSpaces Simple Archive Format and try the import. TM + Mr. Sahu + Ms. KeitaMs. Keita informed the group that DPM uses AgriOceanDspace in Senegal. Their repository is divided in two sections denoted by two categories: catalogue of all the publications in the DPM library Publications owned by DPM. Update: Ms Keita noted that a new version (7) of DSpace may be considered. This will imply however that all customized scripting/coding will need to be re-written. The Group stated that we may wish to wait taking into account the work and costs involved. Ms Keita recalled that AFRILIB and DPM (both use AgriOceanDSpace) repository should still be migrated from UHasselt to the IODE Project Office. Update The Group decided to ask for an update from Marc Goovaerts. Reference was made also to the web pages on:  HYPERLINK "https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=87467016" https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=87467016 Dec, 2016 NOT DONE Lack of IODE IT support ; 9The group requested Ms Keita to change the name of the catalogue website to e-Catalogue once the publications are harvested by OceanDocs.Ms. KeitaSee PreviousDec. 2016 Ms Keita is waiting for the harvesting from OceanDocs.9The group requested Ms. Kulakova to investigate if the CEEMAR records could be identified and recovered from ASFA.Ms. KulakovaMs. Kulakova informed the group that IBSS lost their repository (CEEMAR) to power failure and there is no way of recovering the records. But, some of the records may be in ASFA. She also plans to deposit documents in OceanDocs henceforth. Update: Ms Kulakova referred to discussions at the 2016 and 2018 ASFA Board where she talked to Ms Paula McCoy. It will be necessary to re-enter inputs (documents) as CEEMAR no longer exists, only the metadata records in ASFA exist. The total number of records is about 700. Monographs were entered as 1 file but also by chapter. All PDFs are available. So Ms Kulakova will enter all metadata in OceanDocs, attach the PDFs ((about 130 records have been entered already), and then enter new links to the documents (located in OceanDocs) in ASFA. Nov 20169The group recommended defining and developing a cost structure for hosting documents from external partners in OceanDocs for large projects. SG/ SecretariatMr. Pissierssens informed the group that certain large projects might be interested in using a document repository like OceanDocs. Ms. Raymond suggested that a cost structure be developed for consideration of the large projects. Update: reference was made to the OceanBestPractices System (agenda item 12). The Group, noting that no projects have contacted OceanDocs, decided to pro-actively contact projects such as CMA2, CLME+, CCLME, IIOE2 (they were contacted in the past) and propose for them to set up their own DSpace (with OceanDocs configuration). It was also recommended to get involved in early stages of project development to promote DSpace/OceanDocs. The Group recommended to consider investigating the possible use of new technology (semantic searching) used in OBPS, for OceanDocs. AS REQUIRED13The group decided to attach a copy of the edited communication strategy document to this report as an annex SGMr. Pissierssens suggested that the definition of OceanDocs be edited to make it easier to grasp by a wider audience. Ms. Simpson suggested that the implementation plan should be provided more focus during this meeting and the detail editing of the communication strategy could be carried out later.COMPLETE19The group recommended formation of an Advocacy material sub-group and interested members of the SG should contact the chairs. SGMs. Simpson introduced this agenda item. She mentioned the need for an advocacy material sub-group and the need to identify someone from outside the group to help with this. She further asked the group to share their ideas or any material they have developed in the past and invited volunteers seeking to be part of the sub-committee to notify Ms. Walton. Update: a poster and brochure were produced. Ms Messaoudi reported that she had registered OceanDocs in ROAR and OpenDOAR but this would need to be checked since OD had already been registered some time ago (action Ms Simpson). COMPLETE The group is composed of Ms. Raymond, Ms. Simpson, Ms. Pikula and Ms. Messaoudi 23The group recommended that this matter should be further pursued and possibly a formal complaint should be launched with Wikipedia as administrator misconduct (PS +PP)P.M + Mr. PissierssensMs. Pauline introduced this item. She informed the group that she had created an article on OceanDocs. But one of the Wikipedia editors rejected the article as publicity of a product and blocked her Wikipedia account and her IP. See agenda item 6.2Dec, 2016 AGENDA ITEM 201834The group requested Ms. Keita and Ms. Kulakova and Ms Cristiani to provide a French and Russian and Spanish translation of the registration email textMs. Keita Ms. Kulakova Ms. Cristiani Update: This has not been implemented yet. Update: The Group requested Ms Simpson to investigateEnd of the Meeting COMPLETE Was it implemented by Adi?41The group recommended that OceanDocs should request WHOAS to help with contacting @mire and get the contract through before the end of the year.  TM + Ms. RaymondMr. Kakodkar mentioned the progress with the contract with @mire. He informed the group that he had contacted @mire for a quotation for developing an Upload Full Text Document File Using URL functionality for OceanDataPractices repository which is based on OceanDocs and this functionality was later to be incorporated into OceanDocs. Initially @mire quoted $3300 for the work. The secretariat then proceeded to request the funds from the IODE officers (which were approved) and to write detailed Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the work. The discussions with @mire stalled, as @mire was not ready to sign the ToRs. They mentioned that it was their policy that they do not sign ToRs if the work is less then $10000 and that they were ready to work on a technical maintenance contract without any terms. They further mentioned that they would have to come up with a new (higher) quote if they would have to sign the ToRs. There was no further progress on this issue. Update: It was noted that contacts had been made with C. Dupriez on a different issue. A proposal had been provided for a recurrent contract (upgrade version 6.2) of approx. $10K/year. It had not been possible to proceed with this contract yet. The Group considered adding the above mentioned functionality in the arrangement with Mr Dupriez. The Group decided to contact Mr Dupriez for advice. Dec 2016.45The group requested Ms. Simpson to list the required changes to ODPr in the IODE bugtracker.P.M. + SGMs. Simpson introduced this agenda item. OceanDataPractices (ODPr) is a repository of community practices in marine data and information management under the IODEs ODSBP project. The purpose of the repository is to host community approved best practices. This project is supported by various organizations such as IOC/IODE, ICES, JCOMM, WMO, SCOR and ODIP. All the participating organizations are interested in uploading best practices used by their communities for the general benefit of the wider oceanographic community. She mentioned that she is working on the customization of the OceanDocs with the project technical manager and it would be good to replicate some of the functionality in ODPr to make it easier to use. Mr. Kakodkar suggested that the required changes should be documented in the IODE bug tracker so that there is a detailed tracking of the work involved. The Group noted that this item has been superceded by OBPs. The Group decided that no further action is required from the SG-OceanDocs. Dec, 2016 NOT DONE because changes still ongoing and lack of IODE IT support50The group suggested that it should be found out if AGROVOC contains all the terms in ASFA and if so AGROVOC should be used for the OceanDocs. Else ASFA vocabulary should be used. TMMr. Kakodkar introduced this agenda item. He informed the group that the group that the default controlled vocabulary plugin in DSpace is not powerful enough or is not built to handle large number of terms such as contained in ASFA. This causes significant delay in display of the vocabulary in the input interface and makes it difficult for the depositor to use controlled terms. He suggested that the best solution would be to programmatically implement FAOs Agrovoc vocabulary plugin. This will need some programming expertise in Java and/or JQuery. Hence someone with this capability should be either hired for short term or sourced from partner institutions. Update: discussions on this item were referred to Agenda item 8.Nov, 2016 COMPLETE Report from Ian Pettman said that ASFA terms not in AGROVOC. Yet when previous used both in AgriOceanDSpace it appeared so. AGENDA ITEM 201854The group agreed to look at the following aspects of statistics and investigate which of these could be easily implemented. Statistics for 12 months would be good to have Records entered by each submitter/depositor. Aggregate statistic on file downloads. Downloads by community. Search statistics by month is not available Five most downloaded items per month could be enough for public view. Top 5 monthly depositors could be displayed. SGMs. Raymond introduced this agenda item. She presented the different statistics available in OceanDocs and in the WHOAS repository. She then asked the group for comments. Update: discussions on this agenda item were referred to Agenda Item 9. ONGOING Statistics reports were implemented at the meeting which provided many of the core requirements these will be reviewed during the next few months for suitability. AGENDA ITEM 201855Mr. Pissierssens noted that there is a need for an agreement on which statistics are available publically and which should be restricted to admins only. SGSee previousONGOING Depends on the previous action58The group agreed to take time to review the newly implemented monthly statistics reports and evaluate what extra statistics should be requested.SGSee previousONGOING60The group recommended investigating the possibility of including the altmetrics functionality in OceanDocs. TMMs. Raymond presented this agenda item. She demonstrated the altimetric setup on WHOAS website and mentioned that it is a free service which could be used to display the social media impact of a publication. Update: this will be discussed under agenda item 9Dec, 2016 COMPLETED In Bugtracker. There is an DS6 altmetrics.cfg file, but Adi said problems67The group requested a revision of the help text for the abstract in the help text on the interface. SGMs. Keita introduced this agenda item. She mentioned that guides for editors and depositors are already available on the front page of the website. Both the guides are very comprehensive. There is also a search guide available. She further mentioned that in the last section of the depositors needs some clarification about common errors by the editors. She requested the group to share their suggestions about the other language version of the guidelines and suggest corrections. She mentioned the need to include some quality control guidelines. Update: the Group requested Ms Keita to revise the user guides and identify which sections should be corrected. See also agenda item 10.1 March, 2017 NOT DONE No text provided to be submitted to Bugtracker68The group requested the members to approve the search guidelines so that it can be translated in French, Spanish and Russian. SGSee previous Update: the Group decided to review the English version to ensure it is correct. Deadline: by 12 October. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Keita to translate the updated guidelines into Spanish, Russian and French respectively. Deadline: End of 2018. The Group requested the IODE Secretariat to implement the new versions of all language versions. Deadline: End of 2018 End Sept, 2016 HALF COMPLETE Available in English request in Bugtracker to upload 71The group requested that the digitization guidelines should not be uploaded on the OceanDocs home page but should be deposited in to OceanDocs PMSee PreviousSept. 2016 COMPLETE72The group recommended having a FAQ page for the website.PMMs. Keita introduced this agenda item. She mentioned the need for a FAQs section for the website which will answer the common problems of the users. Update: The Group requested the IODE Secretariat to ensure that the FAQs are uploaded to the OceanDocs website landing page.Feb, 2017 NOT DONE FAQ done and Request in Bugtracker76The group recommended that the group should explore possibilities and use the 2016 OTGA survey to address the OceanDocs trainings needs in Africa. The suggestion is to combine the already planned Communications and Outreach course with the e-repositories course.  SG + OTGA Ms. Keita introduced this agenda item. She mentioned the OTGA survey for training needs. The survey was developed to gauge the interest of regions in Marine Data Management and Marine Information Management. The top request was for Development and management of e-repositories. But, due to lack of support from the RTCs in 2016 there is no course planned in e-repositories. The group looked at the results of the OTGA survey and came to a conclusion that 12 people in Africa and 9 in Caribbean and Latin America requested the e-repository course. There was also a discussion on how the participants could be clubbed together to provide trainings in a particular language or at a particular location. Update: courses were organized in 2017 (INVEMAR) and 2018 (Malaysia) and OceanDocs was included in the curriculum. The Group recalled the content on OceanDocs that was included in a 2016 OTGA course: Intro Registration & Activities involved in different roles Guides and feedback User Search, User display, User export Saved searches, RSS Statistics Roles of a depositor,Data Entry,Workflow Some tasks and decisions when hosting your own repository -Software(IT Skills) - Metadata - Workflow & QA -Harvesting The Group decided to develop a specific OceanDocs training pack that can be used during OTGA MIM courses but also as a stand-alone module (and possibly video recorded) a Spanish video OD demonstration already exists).  OceanDocs training pack developed 78The group decide to include the links to IMAR in the OceanDocs intro-text and IODE website (under global activities and Front Page Launchpad under publications). TMMs. Simpson introduced this agenda item. It stands or Inventory of Marine and Aquatic repositories. She mentioned that this was a collaborative project between IODE-IAMSLIC GEMIM. It provides a list of e-repositories in aquatic and marine science. It is the revival of an old initiative, which was closed down due to lack of funding. The idea is to request the IAMSLIC members to register. There are 36 entries. End of the meeting. COMPLETE AGENDA ITEM 201885The group recommended that the ODINAFRICA regional OceanDocs editorial team should be reviewed and new editors should be assigned where requiredMs. Keita + Ms. Messaoudi + PMMs. Keita mentioned the need for identifying editorial responsibilities in the ODINAFRICA region. At present there is no clear-cut responsibilities defined. This causes some of the publications remaining in the workflow for a long timeDec, 2016 DONE88The group suggested that a test for harvesting should be carried out with a collection from drs.nio.org. TM + Mr. Sahu.Ms. Simpson introduced this agenda item. She mentioned that harvesting could be one of the tools by which we could increase the number of deposits. Mr. Kakodkar mentioned that an pre-harvesting agreement would be necessary between the OceanDocs team and the owners of the harvesting collection in the context of minimum required metadata fields and the inclusion of a full text document file. It is also important to agree if all the harvested collections will be displayed individually on OceanDocs or will be grouped together as one collection Update: the Group requested that this test should be carried out as soon as possible. Update: the Group noted that a number of institutions have records in OceanDocs that should be harvested into ASFA. The Group requested the IODE Secretariat to contact FAO in this regard. The Group requested to investigate the possibility of generating revenue in this regard.Jan, 2017 NOT DONE Lack of IODE IT support POLICY DOCUMENT 2016 REVIEW This agenda item was introduced by Ms Jennifer Walton and Ms Arame Keita. They referred to  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=22770" Document SG-OCEANDOCS-VI/4 (OceanDocs Policy Document 2016). The Group decided to discuss this item under Agenda Item 14. IODE PROJECTS - NEW REPORTING PROCEDURES This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She referred to  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=22542" Document IOC Manuals and Guides No. 81 (Procedures for Proposing and Evaluating IODE Projects and Activities). Ms Simpson recalled that IODE-XXIV (2017) had re-structured IODE and also decided to implement a new reporting and evaluation mechanism for IODE activities (projects). Every second year when IODE Committee meets annual and inter-sessional reports will need to be submitted to the Committee and apply for renewal of the project. She further noted that an informal review of OceanDocs revealed that it received a mark of 70%. (60% was needed to pass). The review noted a lack of community engagement. There was also a lack of steering group engagement: insufficient involvement of the steering group members in the implementation of the project: the project relied on too few individual experts. Completion of OceanDocs, Existing Project Report and Annual Report This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She referred to  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=22833" Document SG-OCEANDOCS-VI/5.1 (OceanDocs Annual Report 2018) and  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=22834" Document SG-OCEANDOCS-VI/5.1b (OceanDocs Project Report 2018). The Group noted the substantial increase in deposits 8376 (Jun 2017) to 12642 (Sep 2018) but understood the large majority of these were from the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Group requested Ms Simpson to include in the report that will be submitted to IODE-XXV, the tables of the number of records from each country for each region. This may assist in improving inputs for currently poorly performing countries. The Group noted that, where applicable, if countries are hosting their own repository this should be mentioned. The Group also called on new AIUs to actively collaborate in OceanDocs. The Group requested Ms Simpson to edit the 2 reports based upon discussions held and to submit these to the IODE Secretariat by 12 October 2018. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH This agenda item was introduced by Ms Arame Keita. ASFA Board Meeting June 2018 This agenda item was introduced by Ms Kateryna Kulakova. She informed the Group on discussions during the Board Meeting on the future ASFA input software. Ms Simpson recalled that as part of the DSpace software review she had made a mapping of fields ASFA- OceanDocs. She informed the Group that DSpace was discussed as a possible software but that a decision has been made favouring iMarine. It was noted that one of the reasons for limited input into OceanDocs has been the need for double entry of records: once in ASFA and once in OceanDocs. The Group queried the impact of the choice of iMarine on the need for double entry. The Group stressed the need for an updated export conversion tool from ASFA to OceanDocs but noted that the ASFA Secretariat would only make a decision on this after the startup of the new software solution. The Group requested the ASFA Secretariat to include an updated export conversion tool from ASFA to OceanDocs to avoid the need for double entry of records when the contract for ASFA software upgrade is placed, in cases where harvesting is not possible [action Ms Kulakova]. The Group considered that an alternative way of operating would be for ASFA to harvest records from OceanDocs and requested Ms Kulakova to further discuss this with the ASFA Secretariat on behalf of the Group. Wikipedia article This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She referred to  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=22835" Document SG-OCEANDOCS-VI/6.2 (OceanDocs: Repository of Ocean Publications). The Group reviewed and revised the draft article and requested Ms Simpson to submit the final version to Wikipedia. SG members report on Promotion of OceanDocs This agenda item was introduced by Ms Arame Keita. She invited Members of the Group to report individually. Ms Cristiani : 17Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar - COLACMAR 2017. 13 17 de Noviembre, 2017 Cambori, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Ms Keita: Included in OTGA Courses, Mombasa 2017 and Senegal 2018 Ms Kulakova: OceanDocs demonstration at EURASLIC 2017 and ASFA Board Meeting 2018 Ms Messaoudi: Included in Open Access Days, 2017 and 2018 Ms Simpson: OTGA Course Digital Repositories: the pathway from open access to digital asset management; Malaysia 2018. Reasons to use OceanDocs: promotional Message The Group considered 10 reasons for using OceanDocs to develop an institutional e-repository: OceanDocs can host your repository (no need to have IT equipment or staff to host your own) but you have your own space in OceanDocs with your identity, branding, logo and collection(s) You are in control of your space, collections and content Permanent and secure! UN environment: neutral and open Within your space you can have multiple collections (multiple libraries in same institution, different departments in your institution, ) New technologies in repositories and searching will be available to you without effort as they will be applied to the entire OceanDocs Free hosting and maintenance OceanDocs is harvested by Google Scholar, OpenAIRE, Training available in multiple languages Detailed statistics () The Group decided to create a second promotional leaflet with the above 10 reasons and requested the IODE Secretariat to contact Ms Katherine Joyce (WHOI) to create the leaflet. TECHNICAL ISSUES This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. Introduction of new IODE IT support This agenda item was introduced by Mr Peter Pissierssens. He informed the Group that the Project Office is welcoming two new IT experts: Mr Duckens Constant and Mr Arno Lambert. They will support the IOC web site ecosystem as well as specific products like OceanExpert, OceanDocs, etc. Upgrade to 6.2 (6.3?) This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She recalled that one of the issues is the DSpace statistics which are currently not operational. It was noted that this was one of the reasons for upgrading to a new version. The Group decided to seek advice on this matter from Mr Dupriez (does statistics function in version 6.3?). Ms Raymond offered to check with her DSpace service provider (@Mire) for information on this matter. @Mire has responded as follows: We have reviewed the situation (WHOAS) with the reports, our findings are that overview and results take a significant amount of time to process and could timeout with OOM errors under the hood. This may be why you were not getting a page. At this time, there are over 14 years of dat/html report files present in the directory. These take a large amount of time to get loaded into the UI. We recommend it might be a good idea to move and backup some of the older files so that they are not impacting the load time of the UI. Finally, we have moved the data and html files for 2Sept 2018 out of the way and are allowing those to rerun this evening to see if the output corrects the issue. The Group noted that this information indicated that it may not be necessary to upgrade DSpace to have functioning statistics but that some technical remediation may be needed in the current version. The Group requested the Technical Manager to look into this as soon as possible. OceanDocs Bugtracker This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She reviewed the current list of issues. It was noted that a substantial number are outstanding. The Group requested that the outstanding issues should be resolved as soon as possible. Bespoke functionality - URL Upload This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She noted that this had been covered under agenda item 3. VOCABULARY This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson and Ms Kateryna Kulakova. Ms Kulakova informed the Group that she had participated in the information session that was held during the ASFA Board meeting. She had used her presentation to highlight common errors made when entering and editing OceanDocs records. There are issues with the ASFA Thesaurus. She reported that Ms Simpson will receive a new version of the ASFA Thesaurus in MS-Word or SKOS format from Ian Pettman so the IODE IT staff can include the new version in OceanDocs, but noted this had not been received yet The Group briefly discussed the possibility of using the multilingual AGROVOC but decided that because the ASFA terms are not included in AGROVOC this would not be an appropriate choice. The Group discussed the need to keep the subject: ASFA metadata field in the OceanDocs input interface or to remove it, taking into account that the vocabulary does not load. The Group requested that Ms Simpson should consult with Elvi Nemiz from SEAFDEC for further advice as he reported to have a solution to this problem. STATISTICS This agenda item was introduced by Ms Kateryna Kulakova and Ms Lisa Raymond. It was recalled that the altmetrics.cfg file was not installed on OceanDocs although it is available. Currently no statistics can be obtained within OceanDocs. Ms Raymond showed statistics of the WHOAS repository as examples of information that can be obtained with functioning statistics modules together with additional analysis. That being said Ms Raymond reported that the WHOAS statistics stopped functioning recently as well. The Group briefly visited the Google Analytics site for OceanDocs and welcomed the wide variety of configurations that are available. The Group requested a further study of statistics options based on Google Analytics that would offer possibilities like country, city, region, visits/downloads, pageviews.,with the option to change the timespan. The Group requested that the issue of statistics is investigated and remedied as a matter of urgency. USER GUIDES/TRAINING Guides available The Group requested Ms Keita to revise the editor guide and identify which sections should had highlighted should be corrected. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Keita to update the translations of the updated editor guide into Spanish, Russian and French respectively Deadline: End of 2018. The Group decided to review the English version of the search guide to ensure it is correct and decided to complete this task by 12 October 2018. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Messaoudi to translate the updated search guide into Spanish, Russian and French respectively. Deadline: End of 2018. The Group requested the IODE Secretariat to upload to the OceanDocs interface the new versions of all language versions of the search guide Deadline: End of 2018 In addition FAQs have been developed but have not yet been uploaded to the OceanDocs web site. The Group decided that also the FAQs should be made available in multiple languages. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Messaoudi to translate the FAQs into Spanish, Russian and French respectively. Deadline: End of 2018 The Group requested the technical manager to upload the English version of the FAQs to the OceanDocs UI as soon as possible and the other language versions when available. Additional guides required The Group recalled that a digitization guide has been developed and is available as a document in OceanDocs. The Group decided that currently no additional guides are needed. OTGA Training Survey 2017 - requirements for OceanDocs? The Group considered the need to organize OceanDocs training associated with IAMSLIC conferences, similar to those organized for Aquatic Commons. In this regard reference was made to the 10 reasons to use OceanDocs discussed under agenda item 6.4. It was noted that the 10 reasonsclearly identify the uniqueness of OceanDocs which would assist new users seeking to develop an e-repository with their decision making on the most suitable solution. The Group requested the Co-Chairs to contact IAMSLIC to suggest a OceanDocs workshop at the 2019 IAMSLIC conference. EURASLIC 2017 - training offered. This agenda item was introduced by Ms Kateryna Kulakova. She reported that a EURASLIC meeting had been held in Bremen in May 2017. Many East European participants agreed to continue submitting records to OceanDocs. It was agreed that a half-day workshop would be held at the next EURASLIC conference (May 2019) in Zagreb, Croatia. In 2021 the EURASLIC and IAMSLIC Conference will be organized jointly (AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany). The Group decided to make the necessary arrangements for a day OceanDocs workshop in May 2019 during the 2019 EURASLIC conference and invited Ms Kulakova to undertake the training. INVENTORY OF MARINE AND AQUATIC REPOSITORIES (IMAR) This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She recalled that IMAR had been a proposal from the SG-OD to IAMSLIC as a joint IODE-IAMSLIC Project which had been implemented in 2016 with a listing of 36 marine repositories. The full inventory now lists 59 repositories. She then presented a critique of the OceanDocs and Aquatic Commons Repositories completed as part of the OTGA Malaysia course Digital Repositories : the pathway from open access to digital asset management Sep 2018. The Group noted with interest the comments on OceanDocs in this critique and would consider some of the suggestions during discussions under Agenda Item 13. OCEAN BEST PRACTICES SYSTEM (OBPS) This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson, Project Manager for OBPS, who highlighted how the original OceanDataPractices Repository (ODPr) a deliverable of the IODE Ocean Standards (and Best Practices) Project had been selected as the repository of choice for AtlantOS and ODIP Projects Best Practices Work Packages. With the agreement of the main ODPr partners the repository name had been changed to OceanBestPractices hosting all ocean-related best practices. With funding from AtlantOS, ODIP and NSF RCN, the OBP repository has transitioned into the Ocean Best Practices System offering the scientific community a platform to publish their ocean-related best practices and find practices of others using innovative advanced semantic and text mining technologies for focussed discovery; a peer review journal publishing outlet; a community forum, and a training resource leveraging community capabilities. Building on these successful outcomes, OBPS will be recommended to the IODE Committee and IOC Assembly (2019) to become a new IODE Project - IOC Ocean Best Practices System Joint (IODE/GOOS) Project The Group welcomed the development of the OBPS system and recommended considering using the semantic text mining, searching and natural language processing in OceanDocs. GE-MIM REPORT This agenda item was introduced by Ms Jennifer Walton. TheJoint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management in a transitional capacity met 19-21 February 2018 in Oostende Belgium.The Group reviewed the application procedure for the newly created Associated Information Unit designation. A call for AIU applications went to all IAMSLIC members. The two first AIUs have now been formally established: the MBLWHOI Library (Woods Hole, MA, United States) and INSTM Library (Salammbo, Tunisia) SallyTaylor will be presenting the AIU programsat the 44th Annual IAMSLIC meeting in EntebbeUganda On October 22, 2018. It was noted that two AIUs have been established recently. SG RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRATEGIC DIRECTION This agenda item was introduced by Ms Jennifer Walton and Ms Arame Keita. What is OceanDocs today and what should it develop into in future. Reference was made to the 10 reasons (see agenda item 6.4). Is part of the strategy still to encourage libraries to set up their own repository? It was noted that having in-house IT support and hosting capability is not always possible. So maybe focusing on encouraging building a repository but as a hosted service (through the central OceanDocs repository). Encourage to acquire expertise to manage an e-repository and build an institutional repository (in-house or hosted with IOC/IODE being a free option). What free alternatives exist: Aquatic Commons, (new) ASFA? Ms Simpson referred to OBPS which offers advanced technologies that improve searching capabilities. These could be implemented in OceanDocs as well (when mature). Future of OceanDocs: possibly use IMAR ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iamslic.org/publications/imar" http://www.iamslic.org/publications/imar) (55 records associated with marine) as a source of repositories that could be harvested by OceanDocs (to ensure long-term secure archival of metadata and associated documents). This would be offered by OceanDocs as a service. This would also increase the visibility and discoverability of these harvested repositories. Focus would remain on oceans and coast. Harvesting should be carried out if the owner agrees. The Group decided to review each of the repositories to investigate (i) if they are OAI compliant; (ii) what metadata structure they use; (iii) DSpace or other; (iv) being updated regularly (new input); (v) if contact information is available; (vi) if they are willing to have their records (metadata + documents(s) harvested by OceanDocs. Ms Cristiani volunteered to undertake this review. [Deadline: end of 2018] Should we refocus the type of documents that should go into OceanDocs or continue with whatever we can find? The Group stressed that IOCs mandate is Oceans and coasts so freshwater is not a priority unless it is relevant to oceans and coasts. It was recognized that some institutions may cover marine as well as freshwater research so it was recommended to be restrictive in such cases. The Group decided that any content should be accepted from a marine and coastal institutions. The Group stressed the importance of also calling for submission of national and regional marine policy documents in OceanDocs. Each country would then create a Collection titled Policy documents. Should we try to build special collections on eg SDG 14, etc? The Group noted that communities could be created for this purpose while recognizing that documents could but mapped to more than one OceanDocs community in eg an institutional community as well as in the SDG14.2 community. The Group invited IOCs ocean science section to consider using OceanDocs as the repository of choice for SDG14 related documentation. Should more efforts be put into certain specific collections like IIOE2? Ms Simpson recalled that IIOE2 agreed to use OceanDocs as the repository for IIOE2 publication output. Initially documents were placed in the IIOE2 web site and Ms Simpson agreed to create a community in OD and to enter all available publication into that OD community. This was included in the IIOE2 Data and Information Management Strategy prepared by Ms Cyndy Chandler, IODE Co-Chair and adopted by IIOE2. It was further agreed that the IIOE 2 web site manager would then maintain/update the OD repository. Regrettably this agreement was not followed-up by INCOIS. The Group regretted that the original agreement was not respected and requested the IOC Secretariat (Nick d Adamo) to discuss this matter at the earliest convenience with INCOIS. The Group stressed the need for a secure archive of IIOE2 publications as a long-term body of scientific knowledge that will benefit humankind. Should we continue with regional collections? If so how can we stimulate entries (eg some countries have hardly any documents in the system The Group noted that the IOC has three regional sub-commissions and regional committee and the grouping of content into these regional collections is an easy way to allow the regions to monitor scientific output. The Group encouraged the IOC regional sub-commissions and regional committee to consider using OceanDocs as a secure archive of scientific output (including coastal management policy documents) and to promote its use in their region, while recalling the availability of training. Should we talk to CMA2 to add their document collection to OceanDocs? The Group decided to discuss with CMA2 for them to either use OD for their documents, or we could discuss the harvesting of their repository into OD. The Group reviewed and revised the Policy Document (See Agenda item 4). The Group requested Ms Simpson to finalize the 2018 version of the Policy document and to make it accessible through the OceanDocs UI. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET 2018-2020 Work Plan This agenda item was introduced by Ms Jennifer Walton. The Group then reviewed and adopted the work plan as shown below. TM= technical manager (to be decided: D. Constant or A. Lambert); PM: project manager (Ms Pauline Simpson) Agenda item2016 Action planResponsible Party now (revised)Description/ Background2018 action3[9] The group recommended that OceanDocs should try to harvest collections in DPM instance of AOD hosted at  HYPERLINK "http://afrilib.odinafrica.org/dpm" http://afrilib.odinafrica.org/dpm Using the built in DSpace harvester or else atleast try to export the collection to DSpaces Simple Archive Format and try the import. TM + Ms. KeitaMs. Keita informed the group that DPM uses AgriOceanDspace in Senegal. Their repository is divided in two sections denoted by two categories: catalogue of all the publications in the DPM library Publications owned by DPM. Update: Ms Keita noted that a new version (7) of DSpace may be considered. This will imply however that all customized scripting/coding will need to be re-written. The Group stated that we may wish to wait taking into account the work and costs involved. Ms Keita recalled that AFRILIB ( HYPERLINK "http://afrilib.odinafrica.org" http://afrilib.odinafrica.org) (and DPM (both use AgriOceanDSpace) repository should still be migrated from UHasselt to the IODE Project Office. Reference was made also to the web pages on:  HYPERLINK "https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=87467016" https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=87467016  The Group decided to ask for an update from Marc Goovaerts regarding the transfer of AFRILIB and DPM to the IOC Project Office for IODE. 3[9] The group requested Ms Keita to change the name of the (DPM) catalogue website to e-Catalogue once the publications are harvested by OceanDocs. Ms. KeitaSee PreviousThe DPM collection (metadata + docs) will be imported into OceanDocs. The remaining catalogue (metadata only) will be retained on a separate server together with the AFRILIB catalogue. The 2 catalogues will be hosted by IODE. 3[9]Ms. KulakovaMs. Kulakova informed the group that IBSS lost their repository (CEEMAR) to power failure and there is no way of recovering the records. But, some of the records may be in ASFA. She also plans to deposit documents in OceanDocs henceforth. Update: Ms Kulakova referred to discussions at the 2016 and 2018 ASFA Board where she talked to Ms Paula McCoy. It will be necessary to re-enter inputs (documents) as CEEMAR no longer exists, only the metadata records in ASFA exist. The total number of records is about 700. Monographs were entered as 1 file but also by chapter. All PDFs are available. So Ms Kulakova will enter all metadata in OceanDocs, attach the PDFs ((about 130 records have been entered already), and then enter new links to the documents (located in OceanDocs) in ASFA. Note: an alternative process may be used: installing an older version of DSpace and use old version of the conversion tool ASFA->OceanDocs.Ms Kulakova will enter all metadata in OceanDocs, attach the PDFs, and then enter new links to the documents (located in OceanDocs) in ASFA. 3n/aPM/TMThe Group recommended to consider investigating the possible use of new technology (semantic searching) used in OBPS, for OceanDocs. PM to monitor OBPS development and report back to SG3[9]SG/ SecretariatThe Group, noting that no projects have contacted OceanDocs, decided to pro-actively contact projects such as CMA2, CLME+, CCLME, IIOE2 (they were contacted in the past) and propose for them to set up their own DSpace (with OceanDocs configuration). It was also recommended to get involved in early stages of project development to promote DSpace/OceanDocs. contact projects such as CMA2, CLME+, CCLME, IIOE2 and propose for them to set up their own DSpace (with OceanDocs configuration) or use OceanDocs. It was also recommended to get involved in early stages of project development to promote DSpace/OceanDocs. 6.2[23] The group recommended that this matter should be further pursued and possibly a formal complaint should be launched with Wikipedia as administrator misconduct (PS +PP)P.M + Mr. PissierssensMs. Pauline Simpson introduced this item. She informed the group that she had created an article on OceanDocs. But one of the Wikipedia editors rejected the article as publicity of a product and blocked her Wikipedia account and her IP. The Group reviewed and revised the draft articleMs Simpson will submit the final version to Wikipedia3[34]Ms. Simpson French and Russian and Spanish translation of the registration email text have been created but not implemented. The Group requested Ms Simpson to investigate if this has been implemented Ms Simpson will investigate and add to bugtracker if it has not been implemented3[41] The group recommended that OceanDocs should request WHOAS to help with contacting @mire and get the contract through before the end of the year. (upload from URL)  TM + Ms. RaymondMr. Kakodkar (at SG-V) had mentioned the progress with the contract with @mire. He informed the group that he had contacted @mire for a quotation for developing an Upload Full Text Document File Using URL functionality for OceanDataPractices repository which is based on OceanDocs and this functionality was later to be incorporated into OceanDocs. Initially @mire quoted $3300 for the work. The secretariat then proceeded to request the funds from the IODE officers (which were approved) and to write detailed Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the work. The discussions with @mire stalled, as @mire was not ready to sign the ToRs. They mentioned that it was their policy that they do not sign ToRs if the work is less then $10000 and that they were ready to work on a technical maintenance contract without any terms. They further mentioned that they would have to come up with a new (higher) quote if they would have to sign the ToRs. There was no further progress on this issue. Update: It was noted that contacts had been made with C. Dupriez on a different issue. A proposal had been provided for a recurrent contract (upgrade version 6.2) of approx. $10K/year. It had not been possible to proceed with this contract yet. The Group considered adding the above mentioned functionality in the arrangement with Mr Dupriez. The Group decided to contact Mr Dupriez for advice. Ms Simpson will prepare a document listing all issues that need to be resolved. He should also advise on the besr version of DSpace to use (6.x,6.2,6.3,7) as we want the version to be in use for at least 2 years. [BUDGET ITEM]3n/aPM+TMASFA Board This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson and Ms Kateryna Kulakova. Ms Kulakova informed the Group that she had participated in the information session that was held during the ASFA Board meeting. She highlighted errors that are made when entering and editing OceanDocs records. There are issues with the ASFA Thesaurus Ms Simpson will receive a new version of the ASFA Thesaurus in MS-Word or SKOS format from Ian Pettman so the IODE IT staff can include the new version in OceanDocs. The Group requested that Ms Simpson should consult with Elvi Nemiz from SEAFDEC for further advice as he reported to have a solution to this problem. Ms Simpson will consult with Elvi Nemiz from SEAFDEC for further advice as he reported to have a solution to this problem 5.1Ms Keita PMCOMPLETION OF OCEANDOCS, EXISTING PROJECT REPORT The Group requested Ms Simpson to include in the report that will be submitted to IODE-XXV, the tables of the number of records from each country for each region. This may assist in improving inputs for currently poorly performing countries. The Group noted that, where applicable, if countries are hosting their own repository this should be mentioned. The Group also called on new AIUs to actively collaborate in OceanDocs. The Group requested Ms Simpson to edit the 2 reports based upon discussions held and to submit these to the IODE Secretariat by 12 October 2018. Ms Simpson will identify the number of records from each country Ms. Simpson will edit 2 reports and submit to IODE Secretariat by 12 Oct 20186.1 [9]Ms KulakovaThe Group stressed the need for an updated conversion tool from ASFA to OceanDocs but noted that the ASFA Secretariat would only make a decision on this after the startup of the new software solution. The Group requested the ASFA Secretariat to include an updated conversion tool from ASFA to OceanDocs to avoid the need for double entry of records when the contract for ASFA software upgrade is placed in cases where harvesting is not possible. The Group considered that an alternative way of operating would be for ASFA to harvest records from OceanDocs and requested Ms Kulakova to further discuss this with the ASFA Secretariat on behalf of the Group. Update: the Group requested that this test should be carried out as soon as possible. Update: the Group noted that a number of institutions have records in OceanDocs that should be harvested into ASFA. The Group requested the IODE Secretariat to contact FAO in this regard. The Group requested to investigate the possibility of generating revenue in this regard.  Ms Kulakova to further discuss this with the ASFA Secretariat on behalf of the Group.6.4K. KulakovaThe Group decided to create a second promotional leaflet with the 10 reasons. Ms Kulakova offered to carry out this task (using the current leaflet as a template). If there are technical problems that cannot be resolved the Group requested the IODE Secretariat to contact Ms Katherine Joyce (WHOI) to create the leaflet or investigate the possibility of editing the original to create a second leaflet. The Group further requested Ms Kulakova to share the new draft leaflet with the Group for approval. The Group also requested the Secretariat to print 1000 copies of the leaflet (superior paper). Create a second leaflet with the 10 reasons why using the existing template [BUDGET ITEM]7.2UPGRADE TO 6.2 (6.3?)  TMDSpace statistics which are currently not operational. It was noted that this was one of the reasons for upgrading to a new version The Group decided to seek advice on this matter from Mr Dupriez (does statistics function in version 6.3?). Ms Raymond offered to check with her DSpace service provider for information on this matter. The Group noted that this information indicated that it may not be necessary to upgrade DSpace to have functioning statistics but that some technical remediation may be needed in the current version. The Group requested the Technical Manager to look into this as soon as possible.  [BUDGET ITEM]7.3TMOCEANDOCS BUGTRACKER Ms Pauline Simpson reviewed the current list of issues. It was noted that a substantial number are outstandingThe Group requested that the outstanding issues should be resolved as soon as possible. 10.1A Keita A.Cristiani, K. Kulakova, A. KeitaThe Group requested Ms Keita to revise the editor guide and identify which sections should be corrected. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Keita to update the translations of the updated editor guide into Spanish, Russian and French respectively Deadline: End of 2018. AK Revise editor guide Translate editor guide after AK revisions10.1[68]SG A.Cristiani, K. Kulakova, S. Messaoudi TM The Group decided to review the English version of the search guide to ensure it is correct and decided to complete this task by 12 October 2018. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Messaoudi to translate the updated search guide into Spanish, Russian and French respectively. Deadline: End of 2018. The Group requested the IODE Secretariat to upload to the OceanDocs interface the new versions of all language versions of the search guide Deadline: End of 2018 Review English version of search guide COMPLETE Translate update of search guide Upload new versions of search guide to OceanDocs UI 10.1[72] Cristiani, Kulakova, Messaoudi TMIn addition FAQs have been developed but have not yet been uploaded to the OceanDocs web site. The Group decided that also the FAQs should be made available in multiple languages. The Group requested Ms Cristiani, Ms Kulakova and Ms Messaoudi to translate the FAQs into Spanish, Russian and French respectively. Deadline: End of 2018 The Group requested the technical manager to upload the English version of the FAQs to the OceanDocs UI as soon as possible and the other language versions when available.  Make FAQs available in multiple languages Upload FAQ (English) to OceanDocs UI Upload other language versions to OceanDocs UI10.3[76]SG + OTGA The Group decided to develop a specific OceanDocs training pack that can be used during OTGA MIM courses but also as a stand-alone module (and possibly video recorded). (more information under para number 76 in table under agenda item 3 of SG-V)Develop training pack [BUDGET ITEM] 10.4 Co-ChairsThe Group considered the need to organize OceanDocs training associated with IAMSLIC conferences, similar to those organized for Aquatic Commons. In this regard reference was made to the 10 reasons to use OceanDocs discussed under agenda item 6.4. It was noted that the 10 reasonsclearly identify the uniqueness of OceanDocs which would assist new users seeking to develop an e-repository with their decision making on the most suitable solution. The Group requested the Co-Chairs to contact IAMSLIC to suggest an OceanDocs workshop at the 2019 IAMSLIC conference.  [BUDGET ITEM] 10.4The Group decided to make the necessary arrangements for a day OceanDocs workshop in May 2019 during the 2019 EURASLIC conference and invited Ms Kulakova to undertake the training. Ms Kulakova will conduct a day OceanDocs workshop in May 2019 during the 2019 EURASLIC conference May 2019 [BUDGET ITEM] 11[78]Ms. CristianiIMAR, the Inventory of Marine and Aquatic repositories was a collaborative project between IODE-IAMSLIC SG-OD. It provides a list of e-repositories in aquatic and marine science. It will provide a list of repository targets for OceanDocs to harvest. Ms. Cristani agreed to review IMAR list to identify possible harvesting partners based upon agreed criteriaMs. Cristiani will identify potential harvesting partners End of 2018 14A Cristiani IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat IODE Secretariat/ Co-Chairs/ PM See also agenda 11 above The Group decided to review each of the repositories to investigate (i) if they are OAI compliant; (ii) what metadata structure they use; (iii) DSpace or other; (iv) being updated regularly (new input); (v) if contact information is available; (vi) if they are willing to have their records (metadata + documents(s) harvested by OceanDocs. Ms Cristiani volunteered to undertake this review. [Deadline: end of 2018] The Group stressed the importance of also calling for submission of national and regional marine policy documents in OceanDocs. Each country would then create sub-community Policy documents. . The Group invited IOCs ocean science section to consider using OceanDocs as the repository of choice for SDG14 related documentation. . The Group regretted that the original agreement was not respected and requested the IOC Secretariat (Nick d Adamo) to discuss this matter at the earliest convenience with INCOIS. The Group stressed the need for a secure archive of IIOE2 publications as a long-term body of scientific knowledge that will benefit humankind. . The Group encouraged the IOC regional sub-commissions and regional committee to consider using OceanDocs as a secure archive of scientific output (including coastal management policy documents) and to promote its use in their region, while recalling the availability of training. . The Group decided to discuss with CMA2 for them to either use OD for their documents, or we could discuss the harvesting of their repository into OD.  IMAR repository review Inclusion policy documents in OceanDocs COMPLETED Discuss with IOC/MPR and IOC/OSS use of OceanDocs for SDG14 To use OceanDocs for documents (IIOE2 D&IM strategy) See above IOC regional bodies to use OceanDocs CMA2 to use OD 14P. Simpson/ TMThe Group requested Ms Simpson to finalize the 2018 version of the Policy document and to make it accessible through the OceanDocs UI.New version of policy document online in OceanDocs UI Proposed Budget for 2019-2020 Agenda ItemDescriptionRequired in 2019Required in 20203 & 7Software Contracts$10,000$ 10,0006.4Promotional Materials$ 1,00010.3OTGA training pack for Ocean Docs$ 3,00010.4Euraslic OD Workshop$ 3,00010.4IAMSLIC OD Workshop$ 500016Co-chair and project manager travel to IODE meeting$ 6000Whole agendaOceanDocs promotional travels$ 3,000$ 3,000172 yearly Steering Group Meeting$12,000$ 26,000$ 30,000 ELECTION OF CO-CHAIRS This agenda item was introduced by Mr Peter PIssierssens. Ne recalled that Ms Keita and Ms Walton had been elected as Co-Chairs during the 4th Session of the Steering Group and had now completed two inter-sessional periods. Accordingly it was necessary to elect new (Co-) Chair(s). The Group elected Ms Andrea Cristiani and Ms Kateryna Kulakova as Co-Chairs of the IODE Steering Group for OceanDocs for the next inter-sessional period. NEXT SG-OCEANDOCS MEETING This agenda item was introduced by Mr Pissierssens. The Group proposed to have its next Session in 2020. CLOSING OF THE MEETING Ms Simpson, Project Manager, thanked Ms Walton and Ms Keita for their active support to OceanDocs during their Chairmanship and hoped that they will continue to contribute to and promote OceanDocs. The Steering Group members all echoed the words of Ms Simpson. Ms Walton thanked everyone for the support and enthusiasm. Ms Keita thanked the Group for the support and confidence and she thanked the Project Manager for her enthusiasm and skills to run the project. She further thanked Mr Aditya Naik Kakodkar for his support to OceanDocs. Ms Keita also expressed thanks to Ms Linda Pikula who had supported OceanDocs in her role as Chair GE-MIM. The Co-Chairs closed the meeting on Friday 12 October at 12:25. ANNEX I LIST OF PARTICIPANTS CO-CHAIRS Ms. Arame KEITA Head of Information and Documentation Unit Ministre de la Pche et de l'Economie maritime. BP 17677 Dakar Senegal Email: arame.keita@gmail.com Ms. Jennifer WALTON Library Services Coordinator MBLWHOI Library Marine Biological Laboratory 7 MBL Street Woods Hole MA United States of America Email: jwalton@mbl.edu MEMBERS Ms. Andrea CRISTIANI Serials Librarian Seccin Hemeroteca, Departamento de Documentacin y Biblioteca, Facultad de Veterinaria Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Facultad de Veterinaria Toms Basaez 1160 Montevideo 11600 Uruguay Email: andrea.cristiani@gmail.com Ms. Kateryna KULAKOVA Head of Publishing and Translating Group Sector of Scientific and Information Research Support Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography Sverdlov Street 2 Kerch Crimea 298300 Ukraine Email: katia_faust@mail.ru Ms. Saida MESSAOUDI Library Director Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, Sfax BP 1035 Sakit 3018 Tunisia Email: saidamess@gmail.com Ms. Lisa RAYMOND Co-Director MBLWHOI Library, Director of Library Services at WHOI MBLWHOI Library Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 86 Water St, Woods Hole Woods Hole MA 02543 United States of America Fax: 1 508 457 2156 Email: lraymond@whoi.edu Ms. Pauline SIMPSON Programme Coordinator Central Caribbean Marine Institute PO Box 37, Little Cayman Research Centre Little Cayman KY3-2501 Cayman Islands Email: psimpson@reefresearch.org SECRETARIAT Mr. Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium and IOC capacity development coordinator UNESCO / IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 Oostende 8400 Belgium Email: p.pissierssens@unesco.org ANNEX II AGENDA 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 2.1. Adoption of the Agenda 2.2. Introduction of the participants 3. REVIEW OF THE 2016-2018 ACTION PLAN 4. POLICY DOCUMENT 2016 - REVIEW 5. IODE PROJECTS - NEW REPORTING PROCEDURES 5.1. Completion of OceanDocs, Existing Project Report and Annual Report 6. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH 6.1. ASFA Board Meeting June 2018 6.2. Wikipedia article 6.3. SG members report of opportunities 6.4 Reasons to use OceanDocs: promotional message 7. TECHNICAL ISSUES 7.1. Introduction of new IODE IT support 7.2. Upgrade to 6.2 (6.3?) 7.3. OceanDocs Bugtracker 7.4. Bespoke customization URL Upload 8. VOCABULARY 9. STATISTICS 10. USER GUIDES/TRAINING 10.1. Guides available 10.2. Additional guides required 10.3. OTGA Training Survey 2017 -requirements for OceanDocs 10.4. EURASLIC 2017 - training offered 11. INVENTORY OF MARINE AND AQUATIC REPOSITORIES 12. OCEAN BEST PRACTICES SYSTEM (OBPS) 13. GE-MIM REPORT 14. SG RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRATEGIC DIRECTION 15. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET 2018-2020 15.1. Work Plan 15.2 Proposed Budget for 2019-2020 16. ELECTION OF CO-CHAIRS 17. NEXT SG-OCEANDOCS MEETING 18. CLOSING OF THE MEETING ANNEX III     IODE-JCOMM/SG-GTSPP-I/3 Page ( PAGE ii) IODE-JCOMM/SG-GTSPP-II page (ii) IODE-JCOMM/SG-GTSPP-I/3 page ( IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VI page (i) IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VI page  PAGE 14 IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VI page  PAGE 15 IODE/SG-OceanDocs-VI page 1 IODE-JCOMM/SG-GTSPP-II/3Vdfjl|~ Ŷ㧙wl]ho"5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4hc{hg7^JaJjhk UmHnHuhc{hg7^Jhc{hg7^JaJhc{hg76CJ$^JaJh~h6@CJ ]^JaJh~h6@CJ ]^JaJh~h6@CJ ]^JaJh~h6@CJ ]^JaJh~h6CJ ]^JaJho"hg75CJ$\^JaJ 2 4 gdo"m$gdg7m$$gdg7m$ 0 2 4 > P |||||||llll_RRRh\ i5CJ\^JaJ-hg75CJ\^JaJ-hc{hg75CJ\^JaJ-hc{hg7^Jhc{hg7^JaJ hc{hg7CJ^JaJhTD CJRHe^JaJh~CJRHe^JaJho"CJRHe^JaJ"ho"ho"5CJRHe\^JaJh~5CJRHe\^JaJho"5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4h5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4  gd\ im$$gd\ im$ $a$gdg7m$    \ j l p r óyjj\QHHhc{h\ i^Jhc{h\ i^JaJhc{h\ i6CJ$^JaJh\ i6@CJ ]^JaJh\ i6@CJ ]^JaJh\ i6@CJ ]^JaJh\ i6@CJ ]^JaJh\ i6CJ ]^JaJho"h\ i5CJ$\^JaJh\ i5CJ \^JaJ h\ ih~h5CJ \^JaJ hc{hg75CJ\^JaJ-hc{h\ i5CJ\^JaJ- 6 8 B T  μ숈{{{{kkh\ ih\ i5CJ \^JaJ h\ i5CJ\^JaJ-hc{h\ i5CJ\^JaJ-hc{h\ i^JaJ 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