ࡱ> _bjbj sh1bh1b  Q [ ggg$PL'*"^4-*/*/*/*/*/*/*$,/S*gS*ggh*222Xgg-*2-*22V'(:X6OJg( *~*0*s(x$0T$0((&$0g)2S*S*J*$0 G :DATA BUOY CO-OPERATION PANEL (DBCP) Format for National Reports on Current and Planned BUOY Programmes CountryNorwayYear2018 1. CURRENT PROGRAMME: Agency or programme Long-term observing system for the oceanic regime of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, AntarcticaNumber and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year6(b) operational as of 31 August6(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August nonePurpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[X]Main deployment areasFilchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Southern Weddell Sea, AntarcticaVandalism incidents(a) Number of incidents If vandalism incidents have occurred during the year, please provide the details using the form in the annex.(repeat table above as often as necessary) 2. PLANNED PROGRAMMES: Agency or programme Long-term observing system for the oceanic regime of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, AntarcticaNumber and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 months0Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[0](b) met / ocean research[0](c) developmental[0]Main deployment areas(repeat table above as often as necessary) 3. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS: (a) Buoy design Cable through 800 m ice on the Ronne Ice Shelf Cable through 600 m ice on the Filchner Ice Shelf Sub surface moorings on the Filchner Sill (b) Instrumentation All buoys employs: Currents meters Temperature, Conductivity (Salinity), Oxygen sensors (c) Others Real time data from two of the systems is operational.  4. PUBLICATIONS (on programme plans, technical developments, QC reports, etc.): RefTitleType1Long-term change beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica7234(repeat rows in the table above as necessary) 5. SPECIAL COMMENTS (if any): (a) Quality of buoy data All sensors are manufactured by Aanderaa Instruments. Pre-deployment calibration is carry out by manufacturer and/or operator (b) Communications Iridium is used for the real time transmission (c) Buoy lifetimes The sub Ice Shelf Cable observatory is design for a lifetime for more than 10 years The sub surface systems on the Filchner Sill need service after 3 to 5 years but have a lifetime for more than 10 years. (d) Other   Note: It is recommended that this form is filled in electronically and returned also electronically to the Secretariat. A template of the form can be downloaded from the following ftp site:  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-National-Reports.doc" ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-National-Reports.doc Annex - Form for reporting incidents of vandalism on data buoys CountryContact person e-mailYearBuoy LocationType of Buoy (e.g. Tsunami / Met -Ocean Buoy/Drifter/ARGO floats/ Other)Type of damage to buoyBuoy id/WMO idNumber of days of transmission lostCost of replacementRemarks (e.g. whether photos have been taken)LatitudeLongitudeEfforts taken against vandalismAwareness meeting Organised Suggestions (if any)Photos on Vandalism(please include pictures if available; and email electronic versions to  HYPERLINK "mailto:cgallage@wmo.int" cgallage@wmo.int;  HYPERLINK "mailto:support@jcommops.org" support@jcommops.org) Note: It is recommended that this form is filled in electronically and returned electronically also to JCOMMOPS (cgallage@wmo.int;  HYPERLINK "mailto:support@jcommops.org" support@jcommops.org). A template of the form can be downloaded from the following ftp site:  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-Buoy-Vandalism-Reports.doc" ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-Buoy-Vandalism-Reports.doc ______________ : Types of publications: (1) Implementation, (2) Operations, (3) Instrumentation, (4) Quality Management, (5) Data Management, (6) Data collection and/or location, (7) Data use, (8) Other     $%hiksyz{  D E F G h ĸzk]RJhmH sH hm0hm0mH sH h'G[hZ5\mH sH hZ56>*\]mH sH hZ56\]mH sH h0mH sH (h'G[hZCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h'G[hZmH sH h4^mH sH h'G[hZ5mH sH hZmH sH hZ;CJaJmH sH hZ5;CJ\aJmH sH hZ5;\mH sH hZ5\mH sH $%ijksz) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[% ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,*$gdZ($ ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,*$a$gdZz{c99) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[kd$$Ifl00 &   t0644 l` apyt'G[c>>>% ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,*$gdZkd$$Ifl00 &   t0644 l` apyt'G[ ) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgdm0) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[  ' D F i???) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[kd$$Ifl00 &   t0644 lapyt'G[F G H h j _S))) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[ $$Ifa$gd'G[kdl$$Ifl4F0 &` xk  t06    44 lapyt'G[h i j k      * + , . / E     F G H K ر}ughZ56\]mH sH hZmH sH hZ6>*mH sH hZ6mH sH (h'G[hytCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h'G[h1 ]mH sH h'G[hytmH sH h4^mH sH h'G[hZ6mH sH hm0mH sH (h'G[hZCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h'G[hZmH sH hmH sH "j k l _S!1 ;`0p@ P !$^'.*, $*$If^` gd'G[ $$Ifa$gd'G[kd4$$Ifl4F0 &xk  t06    44 lapyt'G[ 5kd$$Ifl4F0 &xk  t06    44 lapyt'G[) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[  5) $$Ifa$gd'G[kd$$Ifl4F0 &` xk  t06    44 lapyt'G[) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[    * 5) $$Ifa$gd'G[kd$$Ifl4F0 &xk  t06    44 lapyt'G[) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[* . / E 5kdf$$Ifl4F0 &xk  t06    44 lapyt'G[) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[  xNNN) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[kd4$$Ifl00 &  t0644 lapyt'G[  G H _ ` xSSSS% ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,*$gdZkd$$Ifl00 &  t0644 lapyt'G[K ^ _ ` s u     . c t v x y    ! 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