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Data from Met Office waverider buoy in Cardigan Bay has since (21 August) been made available through WaveNet. Met Office Drifting buoys Number and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year6 (b) operational as of 31 July19(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 July18 (1 black-listed)Purpose of programme (a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmentalMain deployment areasSouth AtlanticVandalism incidentsN/A Risks: Met Office funding reductions from FY2019 will ensure that sustaining the present level of its buoy programmes will be a challenge and will have to be justified against the demands of other competing observing networks. 2. PLANNED PROGRAMMES: Met Office  Number and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 months1 (Celtic Sea)Purpose of programme (a) operational(b) met / ocean research(c) developmental[x]Main deployment areasTo test a system with real time temperature profiling from a thermistor chain to 30m depth 3. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS: Met Office (a) Buoy design 3 of the 7 moored buoys are now using Axys Watchman systems on Hydrosphere/Mobilis hulls, the other 4 are older design CR10x/PC42 based systems on Balmoral hulls. In time the intention is to move to having AMOS2X (CR1000X-based) systems on Hydrosphere/Mobilis hulls across the network, with AMOS2X systems also to be used on the light vessels (and for our ship-borne AWS). The AMOS2X systems are presently being tested prior to deployment.(b) Instrumentation The Met Office have fitted an AMOS AWS onto two Trinity House navigation buoys, with wind, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and sea surface temperature sensors. The aim is for a system that can be maintained relatively easily on third party buoys. The data are presently being evaluated. However, whether such systems could be implemented more widely on Trinity Houses navigation buoys will be dependent on funding.(c) Data processingOver the coming year the data processing applications (network monitoring, quality control, data delivery) for the Met Offices land-based and marine observing networks will be migrated to the cloud, with issue of BUFR formatted data for our moored buoys (3-15-008), light vessels and ships (manual and AWS) expected during 2019. NOCS, PML, Cefas Nothing to report. 4. PUBLICATIONS (on programme plans, technical developments, QC reports, etc.): None identified. 5. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: None.     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