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OPENING OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc509512826 \h 1 1.1 Address by the IOC Executive Secretary  PAGEREF _Toc509512827 \h 1 1.2 Adoption of agenda and timetable  PAGEREF _Toc509512828 \h 2 2. THE IOC CD STRATEGY AND TMT GUIDELINES  PAGEREF _Toc509512829 \h 2 2.1 Presentation on the IOC CD strategy and TMT guidelines  PAGEREF _Toc509512830 \h 2 2.1.1 Ocean Literacy  PAGEREF _Toc509512831 \h 4 2.2 Progress status report  PAGEREF _Toc509512832 \h 6 2.3 Instructions from the IOC Assembly  PAGEREF _Toc509512833 \h 6 3. PRESENTATIONS ON REGIONAL PROGRAMMES AND THEIR CD WORK PLANS  PAGEREF _Toc509512834 \h 7 3.1 IOCAFRICA  PAGEREF _Toc509512835 \h 7 3.2 IOCARIBE  PAGEREF _Toc509512836 \h 11 3.3 IOC/WESTPAC  PAGEREF _Toc509512837 \h 14 3.4 IOCINDIO  PAGEREF _Toc509512838 \h 17 4. PRESENTATIONS ON GLOBAL PROGRAMMES AND THEIR CD WORK PLANS  PAGEREF _Toc509512839 \h 17 4.1 Ocean Sciences  PAGEREF _Toc509512840 \h 17 4.2 GOOS  PAGEREF _Toc509512841 \h 21 4.3 IODE  PAGEREF _Toc509512842 \h 25 4.4 Tsunami  PAGEREF _Toc509512843 \h 27 4.5 MPR (ICAM, MSP,...)  PAGEREF _Toc509512844 \h 37 4.6 Transfer of Marine Technology (TMT)  PAGEREF _Toc509512845 \h 47 5. CURRENT IOC CD METHODOLOGIES AND TOOLS  PAGEREF _Toc509512846 \h 51 5.1 OceanTeacher Global Academy  PAGEREF _Toc509512847 \h 51 5.2 Regional Training and Research Centres (WESTPAC)  PAGEREF _Toc509512848 \h 53 5.3 Other (including partner organizations)  PAGEREF _Toc509512849 \h 55 5.3.1 Marine Training Platform  PAGEREF _Toc509512850 \h 55 5.3.2 POGO  PAGEREF _Toc509512851 \h 56 5.3.3 IOI and EU initiatives  PAGEREF _Toc509512852 \h 56  ANNEXES I. HYPERLINK \l "annex1"AGENDA II. HYPERLINK \l "annex2"WORK PLAN AND TIMETABLE III. HYPERLINK \l "annex3"LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IV. HYPERLINK \l "annex5"LIST OF ACRONYMS OPENING OF THE MEETING Address by the IOC Executive Secretary The meeting was addressed by Mr Vladimir Ryabinin, IOC Executive Secretary. Mr Ryabinin recalled the IOC Medium-Term Strategy 2014-2021that comprises Healthy ocean ecosystems; Early warning systems (e.g. tsunami); ( Resilience to climate; change and variability; by science-based services, adaptation and mitigation; and Emerging ocean science issues. He also recalled the 6 IOC functions including ocean research, observing systestems/data management, early warning and services, assessment /information for policy, sustainable management and governance and also, in the middle, serving all, Capacity Development. Mr Ryabinin noted that IOC is active at the global level but also at the regional level with three regional sub-commissions (IOCAFRICA, IOCARIBE and WESTPAC) and one regional committee (IOCINDIO). During the past two decades the IOC has developed a powerful Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), 4 regional tsunami warning systems. IOC also has an active capacity development range of activities. Mr Ryabinin then proceeded to consider the Ocean (Blue) Economy and Ocean Management Domains, noting that the oceans related economy represents $2.5 tn. IOC is involved in Marine Spatial Planning. He further recalled the publication of the first Global Ocean Science Report. This revealed considerable differences in capacity amongst IOC Member States. He then introduced the UN Decade of Ocean Sceince for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) and identified the following potential breakthroughs: Complete ocean bottom mapping Knowledge of deep sea and ocean floor Ocean literacy, take to schools Comprehensive genetic picture of ocean eDNA Guided adaptation of ocean ecosystems esp. coral reef ecosystems New level in marine informatics and data/information services - Portal Ocean prediction also for life in the ocean + fisheries Ocean science for climate services Ocean observations and science fit and recognised for informed ocean governance The initial objectives (foci) of the Decade will include: Knowledge of the ocean for Sustainable Development Cumulative stressors and ecosystems-based management Ocean-related hazards Oceanographic infrastructure, technology Scientific and technical capacity and education, ocean literacy Partnership, cooperation, coordination, and communication The Decade will have a strong CD component with the following targets of the IOC CD strategy: Human Resources, Infrastructure Global, regional, sub-regional (national) mechanisms Research policies for sustainable development Visibility and awareness Sustained resource mobilization Mr Ryabinin concluded by recalling the expected efforts of the Group Capacity Development - Decade Both Developing and Developed WG on CD shall report to Assembly-30 in 2019 Approach codesign: global, regional, sub regional, national Adoption of agenda and timetable This agenda item was introduced by Mr Peter Pissierssens, IOC CD coordinator. He referred to the web page  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventAgenda&eventID=2166" http://ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventAgenda&eventID=2166 which includes the agenda, List of Documents and List of Participants. Regarding the List of Participants. Mr Pissierssens invited all participants to check their information and to make any corrections online through the OceanExpert web site prior to the end of the meeting so a corrected version of the List can be included in the summary report of the meeting. He explained that the first day would be composed of presentations to review progress since the adoption of the Strategy. He recalled that members of the Group had been grouped by region (IOCAFRICA, IOCARIBE, IOC/WESTPAC and IOCINDIO) and invited to revise the input provided for Document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=19578" IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 17: IOC Capacity Development Strategy, 20152021 and its Implementation Plan: Status Report. This exercise has resulted in the documents listed under Agenda Items 3.1 to 3.4. Representatives for each of the 4 regions would be invited to provide a brief presentation on their document. Next, representatives of the IOC global programmes would be invited to make similar presentations. An additional presentation would also be provided on Transfer of Marine Technology. Finally presentations would be provided by representatives of current IOC CD projects or methodologies as well as from partner organizations. Mr Pissierssens further introduced the Provisional Timetable of the meeting. Mr Pissierssens recalled that Mr Ariel Troisi had kindly volunteered to Chair this Session of the Group. He noted that, if there were other candidates to take over as Chair for the next inter-sessional period (until IOC-XXX) they should inform the Secretariat. Mr Troisi had informed the Secretariat that he was willing to continue as Chair, if the Group so desired. The Group adopted the agenda and time table for the meeting. Mr Pissierssens further informed the Group that the report on discussions of day 1 would be circulated during the evening of day 1 and the same for day 2. Participants were invited to send any edits (factual only) to  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org to make corrections to the draft report. THE IOC CD STRATEGY AND TMT GUIDELINES Presentation on the IOC CD strategy and TMT guidelines This agenda item was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi, Chair of the Group. He referred to Document  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16788" IOC/INF-1332: IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015-2021and  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=7292&skip=1" IOC/INF-1203: IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology Mr Troisi recalled that CD is a key component of IOCs programme. He recalled the adoption by the IOC Assembly (2015) of the IOC CD strategy, noting the IOC CD strategy Vision statement: Through international cooperation, IOC assists its Member States to collectively achieve the IOCS high-level objectives (HLOs), with particular attention to ensuring that all Member States have the capacity to meet them. and Mission statement: The IOC will undertake relevant actions to assist Member States with developing and sustaining the necessary capacity to undertake activities necessary to achieve the IOC vision at the national level as well as at the international cooperation level He recalled the 6 outputs and 13 activities of the Strategy (see Figure 1): OutputActivity1. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.2 Continuous professional development1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/ community building1.4 Gender balance2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels)3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional commissions3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)4. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information5.2 Ocean Literacy6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activitiesFigure 1: IOC CD strategy outputs and activities Mr Troisi noted that the outputs are all inter-related and essential. He demonstrated that the IOC already has a very extensive range of CD activities responding to most of the outputs. He recalled that a gap analysis had been prepared for the 2018 Assembly (see also agenda item 2.2). Mr Troisi then recalled the publication of the IOC CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES FOR THE TRANSFER OF MARINE TECHNOLOGY in 2005. In that context Marine Technology was defined as Instruments, equipment, vessels, processes and methodologies required to produce and use knowledge to improve the study and understanding of the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas. He noted that the requirement for a CD implementation plan was an excellent opportunity to also address the follow-up to the IOC Criteria and Guidelines for TMT. He then introduced the different mechanisms for TMT (see Figure 2), noting that most are already available. Exceptions are list of donors and rules/regulations/.  Figure 2: Mechanisms for TMT Finally it is important to embed TMT at the national level through relevant focal points. It was noted that the current strategy will cover 2015-2021 and that a new strategy will be needed beyond 2021. This will enable taking into account the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Mr Barbire (IOC/MPR) noted that the UN Decade on ocean science for sustainable development will need to address capacity development on marine technology. The IOC CD strategy will need to deal with this. He also informed the Group that during the next two years there will be extensive consultations with Member States, scientific community, users etc on the Decade planning. As a mechanism for such consultation the IOC may organize workshops (global and/or regional) in 2018 and 2019. Also CD needs and actions will need to be discussed at those occasions and the IOC Group of Experts on CD may be needed for advice. Mr Troisi recalled that there will be discussions between regions and global programmes so discussions can be held with MPR on this matter. The results of the work of the Group will be reported to the 2019 Assembly and will be important input for the Decade. But it is not an IOC decade but a UN decade. Mr Ryabinin asked what does clearing mean? We need to use understandable language so it will take some time to get engaged in these discussions. Ms Lescrauwaet referred to the 2013 IOC CD baseline survey and requested that this document would be made available for the discussions. The document was added to the List of Documents. Ocean Literacy Ms Francesca Santoro, IOC Ocean Literacy Programme Specialist, introduced this item. She started by introducing the concept and definition of ocean literacy. Ocean literacy is defined as the understanding of the oceans influence on humans and the humans influence on the ocean. An ocean literate person is able to understand the importance of the ocean to humankind, can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way, and is able to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources. While education and traditional advertising can be effective in creating awareness, numerous studies document that behavior change rarely occurs as a result of simply providing information, but through initiatives delivered at the community level focusing on removing barriers to an activity and therefore enhancing the activitys benefits. In more detail, ocean literacy is more than just educating or informing the public and the marine and maritime stakeholders about the importance of oceans. Ocean literacy, through the use of behavioral change methods and by adopting a system approach, aims at facilitating the creation of an ocean literate society. The ocean literacy framework is based on 7 essential principles that, by design, are overarching ideas that do not neatly fall within a particular ocean science discipline. Increased Visibility and Awareness is one of the foreseen outputs of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Capacity Development Strategy. This output should be achieved through two main activities: 1. Promotion and development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutions. 2. Development and enhancement of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice for sharing experiences within and across regions. Ms Santoro further presented the main objectives of Ocean Literacy in the framework of the IOC CD Strategy. Increasing ocean literacy at all levels of national, regional and local leadership will build the capacity for adaptation, enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities, promote best practices in resource management and encourage innovative solutions for a sustainable economy and disaster risk management. Leaders and citizens that have an understanding of ocean and climate science, and who can access information, will be better prepared to respond effectively to future ocean challenges. The current IOC Ocean Literacy activities have been developed accordingly by identifying the major target groups, e.g. scientists, policy-makers, educators, media, and the private sector. Furthermore, the activities have been implemented at different levels. On a global level, an international initiative called Ocean Literacy for All has been initiated at the occasion of the UN Ocean Conference, held in New York in June 2017. Building on existing national, regional, and international ocean education initiatives, this initiative has three main goals: 1.) Encourage cooperation and exchange on ocean education to improve ocean literacy; 2.) Raise awareness of the two-way interactions between the ocean and peoples daily lives, and empower citizens to adjust their everyday behavior; and 3.) Seek and apply innovative ways to make our current and future citizens ocean literate, so that they recognize environmental challenges and can make informed and responsible decisions related to ocean stewardship and the use of ocean resources. In support of the implementation of this initiative, and international ocean literacy conference was held in Venice on 4-5 December 2017, and an IOC ocean literacy platform to share resources, and information on projects and people on ocean literacy for sustainable development will be launched in April 2018. The IOC is supporting the development of ocean literacy activities at regional level, by cooperating with regional marine science educators associations, such as the European and the Asian ones, as well as by supporting the creation of national ocean literacy networks, such as the one established in Italy in 2017, Conoscere il mare, Ocean Literacy Italia (OLI). Ms Santoro concluded highlighting the potential and strategic role of ocean literacy in the implementation of the Agenda 2030. Ocean literacy can contribute, not only to the implementation of SDG14, but also SDG4 on quality education for all. Furthermore, in the context of the of the upcoming UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, ocean literacy can be seen as an approach to contribute to the transformation of the way in which governments, citizens, and other stakeholders perceive the ocean, and the role of ocean science and ocean research for sustainable development. Progress status report This agenda item was introduced by Mr Peter Pissierssens. He referred to document  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=19578" IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 17: IOC Capacity Development Strategy, 20152021 and its Implementation Plan: Status Report. He recalled that the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly (2013) established an Intersessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. The work of the Group resulted in the adoption by the 28th Session of the IOC Assembly in 2015, of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2015-2021) which was published the same year. The Strategy identifies 6 outputs that all need to be addressed on a long-term and sustained basis. Within the same Resolution that adopted the Strategy the Assembly also agreed that the IOC global and regional programmes needed to develop programmatic and regionally relevant capacity development work plans based on this strategy and related needs assessments conducted in a consistent manner, building on ongoing activities and making use of existing training and education facilities. This resulted in a comprehensive document submitted to the 29th Session of the Assembly in 2017 (referred to above) that includes mappings between the six outputs and relevant actions of all IOC programmes. This revealed a number of gaps that need to be addressed. The document also compares the IOC CD Strategy outputs with the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology defined in 2005 noting that a number of required tools have already been developed. However the document submitted to the Assembly was only a draft because the timing of meetings of the four regional bodies was too close to the deadline date for submission of Assembly documents. Instructions from the IOC Assembly This agenda item was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi, Chair. Mr Troisi recalled that in order to continue the work that should lead to a detailed implementation plan the Assembly at its 29th Session had established the IOC Group of Experts on Capacity Development. The tasks assigned to the Group are: assist global and regional programmes with the implementation of capacity development needs assessments in a consistent manner; assist global and regional programmes with the development of programmatic and regionally relevant capacity development work plans based on the IOC CD strategy and related needs assessments, building on ongoing activities and making use of existing training and education facilities; assist with the mobilization of financial and in-kind resources to enable the implementation of global and regional capacity development work plans; provide advice to global and regional programmes on relevant methods and tools to improve the quality and impact of CD efforts; advise the Assembly on, and start implementation of, the Transfer of Marine Technology Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) as requested by the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology making use, to the largest extent possible, of existing data and information systems already available at IOC; The Group will need to submit its work to the upcoming 30th Session of the IOC Assembly in 2019. Mr Troisi then recalled that all programmes would be invited to present progress with revising the mapping and gap analysis under agenda items 3 and 4. In response to a question on follow-up actions Mr Troisi informed the Group that additional work of the Group would probably need to be undertaken by e-mail as funds for CD coordination are very limited and the 2018 budget has been used for the current meeting. The planning for the work that should be undertaken inter-sessionally will depend on the outcome of the current meeting. He expected that the work done on Thursday during the break-out group meetings would determine the work plan for the coming year, taking into account that the working document for the 30th Session of the IOC Assembly in 2019 would need to be ready by March/April 2019. PRESENTATIONS ON REGIONAL PROGRAMMES AND THEIR CD WORK PLANS IOCAFRICA This agenda item was introduced by Mr Mika Odido, IOC Coordinator in Africa. He referred to Document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21327" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag3.1: REVIEW OF IOCAFRICA CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS Mr Odido recalled that the IOCAFRICA sub-commission was established in July 2011 with the following mission Promote regional and international cooperation for the understanding and management of the African oceans and coastal ecosystems, in order to ensure sustainable development and safety of the coastal populations, taking into account the priorities of Member States from Africa and the following Vision statement: to be the voice of Africa on matters related to ocean science and the science base for ocean management, providing a unique Africa-wide platform, bringing together Member States, UN agencies and other stakeholders, to drive research, observations, and disaster preparedness and mitigation for the sustainable management of the African oceans and coastal areas. IOCAFRICA identified the following expected results: Understanding of the ocean & coastal processes around Africa Monitoring and early warning systems for coastal and oceanic natural hazards Understanding of how African oceans and coastal areas will be impacted by changing climates Managing and mitigating the impacts of coastal hazards and climate change Strengthening of marine and oceanographic training and research institutions Creation of critical mass of marine science professionals These will be under the following thematic themes: Ocean Observations and Monitoring Ocean Sciences and Assessments Ocean Data and Information Management Capacity Development in Marine Science and Technology Public Awareness and Science-Policy Interface We refer to the slides for details on each of the thematic themes. For Capacity Development the following priorities were identified: Development of an IOCAFRICA Capacity Development portal Continuous professional development for marine scientists from the region Strengthening and development of regional training centers Strengthening ocean science programmes in African Universities Mentorship and programmes targeting youth and female scientists Organize training courses and workshops on the following topics: Operational oceanography, Ocean modeling and forecasting, Marine biodiversity, Marine spatial planning, and Identification of HABs Mr Odido proceeded to clarify hoe IOCAFRICA responds to each of the 6 IOC CD strategy outputs and what are the gaps: OCEAN OBSERVATIONS AND MONITORING HUMAN RESOURCESCritical mass of experts in ocean observations and monitoring has not been achieved by most member states from the region.PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURESea level stations installed by ODINAFRICA, tsunami programme, and national institutions are the most wide spread equipment for ocean observations/monitoring Few member states from the region have ocean going research vessels, unmanned vehicles, or moorings. Most of the work done off small boats New assessment of availability of equipment and platforms important.GLOBAL, REG. & SUBREGIONAL MECHANISMSGOOS regional network needs to be re-activated and strengthened.OCEAN RESEARCH POLICIESVISIBILITY AND AWARENESSThe cruises by the SA Agulhas and the RV Dr Fridjhof Nansen have provided opportunities for awareness and visibility for ocean observations. However these opportunities were not optimally exploitedRESOURCE MOBILIZATIONThis is an area in dire need of resources. South Africa and Kenya have provided their research vessels for surveys and training. OCEAN SCIENCES & ASSESSMENTS HUMAN RESOURCESGood progress in developing capacities in marine biodiversity and HAB studies as well as climate change Topics such as ocean acidification, oxygen depletion need more attention. Participation in WOA-1 was limitedPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTUREInsufficient equipment and platforms.GLOBAL, REGIONAL AND SUBREGIONAL MECHANISMSRegional networks for HAB and OBIS have been set-up. Climate change and variability work with IGAD Climate Predication and Application CentreOCEAN RESEARCH POLICIESVISIBILITY AND AWARENESSRelevant global programmes could assist in awareness on ocean sciences and assessments. Proposal to link ocean science and marine archaeology programme (UCH/STABRESOURCE MOBILIZATION OCEAN DATA & NFORMATION MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCESThe four phases of ODINAFRICA provided useful training for core group of experts. This is now supported by the OTGA regional training centres which organize an average of 5 courses/yearPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTUREODINAFRICA provided equipment, some of which may now be outdated. Some of the active NODCs have continued to renew the equipment with resources from the host institutionsGLOBAL, REGIONAL & SUBREGIONAL MECHANISMSThe ODINAFRICA network should be re-activated through joint activities and products development. Examples include the Atlases, African register of marine species, and the African Ocean data portalOCEAN RESEARCH POLICIESSome of the institutions now have data policies. However few (maybe none?) of the countries have data policies governing access to and exchange of ocean data, or even research data in generalVISIBILITY AND AWARENESSRelatively good visibility and awareness compared to other IOCAFRICA priority areas. However, there is room for improvement.RESOURCE MOBILIZATIONFollow-up project should be developed to build on the achievements of ODINAFRICA. CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT HUMAN RESOURCESThe number of trainers available in the member states from the region has increased in recent years. Trainers with higher level qualifications (MSc and PhD) still required for some of the priority areas.PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTUREMost of the member states in the region now have institutions offering training in marine sciences. However many of them are not well equipped for this purposeGLOBAL, REGIONAL & SUBREGIONAL MECHANISMSThe Forum for Academic and Research Institutions has provided a useful mechanism for collaboration in Eastern Africa The Early Career Scientists Network is also developing into a useful network that could cover the whole continent The Western Indian Ocean Marine Sciences Association is another active network in Eastern Africa. The marine science institutions in the region should also utilize existing science and technology networks in Africa (eg African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions -ANSTI and the Conference of Vice-Chancellors, Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology - COVIDSET) OCEAN RESEARCH POLICIESVISIBILITY AND AWARENESSRESOURCE MOBILIZATIONSupport for capacity development has been provided by Flanders-Belgium, China and Korea South Africa and Kenya have provided their research vessels for surveys and training. PUBLIC AWARENESS & SCIENCE-POLICY (including GOVERNANCE) HUMAN RESOURCESSome training on communications for marine sciences (including websites development and use of social networks) has been provided in the framework of ODINAFRICA and OTGA. This is an important priority area for which capacity development should be implementedPHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTUREInternet access in Africa has improved significantly in recent years, providing an excellent platform for awareness creation through the use of websites, social media and blogs. However this opportunity is still not utilized optimally due to limitation of bandwidths in some institutions, lack of terminal equipment and the skills required for this.GLOBAL, REGIONAL & SUBREGIONAL MECHANISMSCollaboration with regional organizations and projects is crucial for this. PUBLIC AWARENESS & SCIENCE-POLICY (including GOVERNANCE) cont. OCEAN RESEARCH POLICIESSeveral countries have established ministries responsible for ocean issues, which have focused on development of ocean policies. A new survey on existing ocean and research policies should be undertaken.VISIBILITY AND AWARENESSAfrican day of oceans and seas for ocean literacy programme. World Oceans Day: examples Artwork and Ocean Essays competition for children and youth Technical/media and policy briefs should be prepared for targeted groups Follow-up to IOCAFRICA mission to Africa Union and UNECA Linkages between regional programmes of IOC/WMO/IHO Participation in relevant AU and its ministerial meetings as well as that of regional economic commissions Involvement of landlocked countries in ocean literacy activitiesRESOURCE MOBILIZATION He then showed the elements of the IOCAFRICA CD programme: Strengthening marine science laboratories to be engaged in marine science observations, monitoring and applications Strengthening existing or creating new university programmes to educate the next generation of leaders. Strengthen UNESCO Chairs as a tool for capacity development and establishing centres of excellence and Regional Training Centres (OTGA) Organisation of focussed training, such as workshops and summer schools, addressing specific needs identified by Member States. Continuous professional development to ensure that scientists and technical staff keep upto date with new developments in their fields (including fellowships/scholarships, participation in conferences, researcher mobility programmes). Ensuring equitable participation of African marine scientists in IOC programmes and other global ocean research and observation programmes. Collaboration with other IOC Sub Commissions (IOC-WESTPAC and IOCARIBE) in capacity development. Following a question from POGO on the most adapted method of human resources development in Africa, Mr Odido responded that this had been discussed by IOCAFRICA and the conclusion was that locally embedded training was preferred. Mr Odido noted that the number of Universities in Africa offering marine science training has increased considerable in recent years. Mr Blivi noted the continuing lack of equipment in Africa, rather than a lack of trained staff. He also stressed the need to transfer IOC programmes into national policies. This will avoid the lack of sustainability of project-based activities that shut down once the donor funding ends. Mr Barbire added that the lack of a linkage between research and policy is creating a risk when policies are formulated without scientific underpinning. In this regard he asked fvor special attention to output 4 of the CD strategy. Mr Ryabinin noted that we need innovative and ambitious ideas to achieve progress. One is a campaign for equipment. Another needs to aim at getting research into national ocean policies. We need to go to the highest echelons of power in Africa. The African Union should be involved. Mr Ryabinin also referred to a large conference on Blue Economy that will be organized by UNEP. IOCARIBE This agenda item was introduced by Mr Cesar Toro, IOC Secretary for IOCARIBE. He referred to Document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21430" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag3.2: REVIEW OF IOCARIBE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS. Mr Toro explained that IOCARIBE has a science plan 2017-2026. IOCARIBE also has a CD strategy. IOCARIBE implements a number of programmes and projects such as IOCARIBE GOOS, CARIBE-EWS, ODINCARSA, CLME, OTGA, HAB-ANCA. Capacity development has always been a major element of IOCs activities. The main delivery mechanism has been the regional sub-commissions and regional committees. Over the past 55 years the three sub-commission have themselves defined strategic plans or statements addressing capacity development. Also global programmes have focused on capacity development. GOOS developed regional alliances, IODE its ocean data and information networks and its OceanTeacher programme; HAB adopted its pronciples for capacity development; the tsunami programmes regularly organizes training courses, as does the MPR section. But also our partner organizations such as WMO, POGO, SCOR, IOI, UN-DOALOS, IAEA, GEF and the European Commission have their own capacity development strategies and programmes. But coming back to IOC: as an organization we did not have a strategy that is all encompassing and addresses more than just training. Recommendation SC-IOCARIBE-XIV.1 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY recognizes the importance of enhanced IOCARIBE capacity development; and requests the development of a Capacity Development implementation plan in accordance with the IOC Capacity Development Strategy The IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan (2017-2026) has been developed to fulfil IOC Resolution XXVIII-2 IOC Capacity Development Strategy 20152021 (IOC, 2015). The Science Plan takes into consideration the IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan 2005-2015 (IOCARIBE 2006), IOC Medium-Term Strategy 2014-2021 (IOC, 2014), and the IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015- 2021 (IOC, 2015). The objectives of the IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan are to: Support strategic planning of IOCARIBE Member States in relation to the development of marine sciences, oceanic observations and associated services. Facilitate a coherent management of regional programmes related to the marine-coastal environment and its resources. Strengthen scientific basis supporting regional programmes Main Lines of Action of the Plan are: Oceans and Climate, Ocean Ecosystem Science, including Science for Large Marine Ecosystem Management, Marine Science for Integrated Coastal Area Management and Extreme Natural Hazards. The IOCARIBE CD implementation plan (February 2018) states Today CD must be specific to the needs of the region, the institutions in the region and the individual scientists in the region. CD must be done with the viewpoint that individuals not only gain knowledge and skills but effectively apply it to the needs of the region strengthening the institutions in the region i.e. Capacity must not only be developed but must be empowered to use that knowledge. Mr Toro noted that the region has 101 Universities with a Ocean Science programme, 529 BSc+MSc+Phd. Mr Toro showed an overview of countries that have signed Major Conventions and Protocols:  Figure 3: overview of IOCARIBE countries that signed conventions and protocols National ocean policies and IOC HLOs: [needs summary text from Cesar Toro] Only a few countries have ocean and coastal policies (approx. 10). CD focus in IOCARIBE has been focusing on large projects: CMA2, Tsunami, CLME, etc. Focus was not on individuals but strengthening of institutions. Mr Toro concluded by outlining the CD recommendations for IOCARIBE:   Regarding Travel grants Mr Toro noted that it is recommended to support the National Councils for Science to enable these grants. IOC currently has a weak link with these Councils and it needs to be strengthened. It was noted that human capacity also needs to fit into national strategies and programmes. Too often people are trained but do not find opportunities to put their new expertise into practice. In terms of success of large projects Mr Toro informed the Group that the CLME project was established in 2001 as an IOC project. IOC, as the technical implementing agency, works with UNDP, UNEP, FAO and UNOPS. The CLME is one of the most complex LMEs that GEF has ever funded as it involves 25 countries. Several regional organizations and NGOs are involved as well. A key for success of the project is that member states in the region have requested the project to improve ocean governance. The tsunami warning system was also established upon request from the member states and that makes it successful as they are investing in it. Ms Santoro expressed the hope to discuss how more Ocean Literacy activities can be started in the regions. She mentioned an OceanTeacher Global Academy course held at INVEMAR, Colombia as an excellent example where the CMA2 project was linked with Ocean Literacy. She suggested that this could be a model for other training activities. IOC/WESTPAC This agenda item was introduced by Mr Yafeng Yang. He referred to Document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21420" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag3.3: WESTPAC gap filling actions and required resources He referred to a question posed by Mr Blivi: how to integrate IOC activities into national programmes. All regional bodies should serve as a strategic link between IOC global objectives and national priorities or actions, an essential driver to forge joint actions of scientific communities in addressing development challenges; an indigenous clearing house for transfer of marine technology; and a locally-rooted capacity developer to empower MS to enhance their research capacity. He noted that many WESTPAC activities are in line with IOC global priorities. He referred to Figure 4 below that illustrates the WESTPAC programme structure.  Figure 4: WEST[AC programme structure WESTPAC identified the following priority programmes: Ocean processes and climate Marine biodiversity and seafood safety Ocean ecosystem health Enhanced ocean knowledge on emerging concerns (i.e., ocean acidification, microplastics) This translates into the following action areas with a wide range of activities conducted: Strengthen science-policy interface for ocean governance: WESTPAC has been engaged in the UN Regional Coordination Mechanism and formulation of cooperation agreements between UN and ASEAN, UNESCO and ASEAN, and ensured ocean and ocean research is listed among strategic priorities; WESTPAC actively engaged in the WOA, including its initial phase on the Assessment of Assessments, by encouraging WESTPAC experts to the UN Pool of Experts, organizing regional workshop on WOA and trainings on integrated assessment tools, together with its member states and other regional partners. UN started the new cycle of assessment (20162020) with WESTPAC having hosted and co-organized the regional workshop for the North Pacific in Nov 2017; The triennial WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference has evolved into the largest gathering for marine scientists in the region, demonstrated as an effective platform to develop multinational and multidisciplinary cooperation among member states Develop sustained ocean observations and services for maritime safety: In view of the need for a forecast system generating crucial forecast information, to serve a variety of users, WESTPAC has been spearheading the SEAGOOS Ocean Forecasting system development with 3 days forecast products via the website including surface wind, wave height, temperature and current. Within this framework, technical assistance was provided to countries in the region upon their requests. To improve the understanding and forecasting of Asia monsoon and its multi-scale variability at a regional scale, WESTPAC develops and carries out air-sea observations over the Andaman Sea and analyzing the preconditioning role of ocean in the monsoon onsets, in order to improve the understanding and forecasting of Asia monsoon and its multi-scale variability at a regional scale. Given limited understanding about ecosystem responses to ocean acidification, against a critical need of Member States to develop meaningful projections on the future impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems, especially on coral reefs. WESTPAC developed a simple, consistent/systematic, cost-effective a set of SOPs, respectively on seawater collection and handling for chemistry, Total Alkalinity (TA) and pH measurement, Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) and Calcification Accretion Units (CAUs) recovery and processing. These regional activities were conducted in close cooperation with GOA-ON and NOAA. In view of the mounting concerns over microplastics in ocean environment and its potential effects on human health, WESTPAC takes the initiative to advance cooperation among institutions and countries in the region, with aims to establish marine microplastics monitoring and research network(s); and develop a joint-monitoring and research plan for MP in the region. Safeguarding marine biodiversity and ecosystem health for green development: Needless to highlight the importance of marine biodiversity to the region, as the region is home to the largest marine biodiversity concentration in the world. Serving the needs of its member states, WESTPAC has various programmes, respectively on marine alien species, coral reef restoration, marine toxin and seafood safety, coastal habitat mapping, Harmful Algal Blooms: In response to the recent outbreak of HABs in Cambodia and Vietnam, and upon the request of its members, WESTPAC sent a group of experts to join the national technical team in the efforts to identify the cause. In particular, Mr Yang highlighted WESTPAC actions in terms of capacity development: Bolster institutional capacity for the Future We Want. WESTPAC considers that capacity could be only more effective and sustained over the long term if people are best empowered to realize their full potential with a combination of capacity building tools that are sustainable. To this end, WESTPAC formulated its guiding principle for capacity development : inclusive, adaptive and empowerment, and employs following approaches to its capacity development: Suit national and regional needs, while closely following global emerging issues; Link training to the attainment of research goals by integrating CD into program development; Co-design and co-development with Member States; and promote North-South and South-South Cooperation. Mr Yang then proceeded with an overview of integrated capacity development tools: RTRCs: WESTPAC has been endeavoring to develop the IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centers (RTRCs) on Marine Sciences. The RTRC initiative provides a self-driven approach tailored to the regional needs by building upon existing scientific specializations and expertise of national oceanographic institutes and universities in the region, as demonstrated by the renewed commitment of the IOC Regional Training and Research Center (RTRC) on Ocean Dynamics and Climate for the next six years (20152020), and the strong commitments made by Indonesia to hosting a Regional Training and Research Center RTRC on Marine Taxonomy and Ecosystem Health. The level of backing to this initiative was indicated by the strong willingness expressed by a wealth of delegates at the Session. Several member states, including Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and japan expressed their willingness to establish RTRCs within their countries. Somkiat will give more details. RTRC ODC: Since its inauguration in 2011, the ODC Center has been organizing regular training annually with a total of 312 young scientists from 33 countries having participated in. The regular training at the ODC Center attracts great interests of young researchers on ocean dynamics, and numerical modeling, which could be demonstrated by the ever-increasing number of applicants from wider geographical coverage. RTRC MARBEST: Inspired by the unwavering commitments of the Indonesian Institutes of Sciences (LIPI), 17 October 2016 was another important day to witness the inauguration of another Regional Training and Research Center on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health (RTRC-MarBEST) in LIPI. Shortly after the inauguration ceremony, a two-week long training course on Crustacean Taxonomy was conducted at the MarBEST Centre Building on Pari Island, Jakarta, Indonesia from 17 to 29 October 2016. More than 30 trainees from 10 countries. A training course on Crustacean Taxonomy was conducted from 17 to 29 October 2016. During 25 September-5 October 2017, a training on molecular taxonomy was organized in MarBEST Center. National/regional tailored trainings/summer schools: In addition to the regular training opportunities provided in the IOC Regional Training and Research Centers, a series of tailor regional and national training courses/ summer schools were designed and conducted in WESTPAC Member States on a rotational basis, which include: Harmful Algal Bloom, Marine toxin analysis; Coral reef restoration; MOMSEI Summer. It is worth mentioning that, In response to the emerging issues like Microplastics and Ocean Acidification, WESTPAC integrates capacity development into programem development, by organizing training workshops on a regular basis at either regional and national level. WESTPAC Best Young Scientist Award and Young Scientist Travel Grant : We selected five recipients for the WESTPAC Best Young Scientist Award in order to nurture young scientists in the region, and further encouraged every Member State to spare no effort in supporting and engaging their young scientists in the future conferences and cooperation. Bringing marine science into schools: We also conducted the trial outreach activity Bringing marine science into schools, in order to advocate marine science in elementary schools with more than 1200 students joining in this activity. Despite the achievements made, Mr Yang expressed the concerns of WESTPAC countries over the understaffed situation at the WESTPAC secretariat and limited financial support of IOC to its regions. He further requested the IOC Executive Secretary to strengthen the regional secretariats and to provide more financial support. Mr Troisi then inquired about the lack of data and information component in the WESTPAC programme. Mr Khokkiatiwong responded that, data and information is an integral part of WESTPAC programmme development, and subject to the agreements and national policies of participating institutions. Furthermore, he added that WESTPAC does not wish to make duplicated efforts in developing MS's capacity for data and information exchange and management, as IODE has been working in the region on data and information exchange through NODCs and ADUs, and developing MS's capacity for data and information management through ODINWESTPAC. Mr Troisi also referred to OTGA which was also not mentioned and deserved mapping into the WESTPAC architecture. Mr Troisi concluded by referring to SIDS in the WESTPAC region and he noted that their capacities deserve attention as well. (Note: this point was already reflected in the WESTPAC gap analysis) IOCINDIO Unfortunately no representative was present at the meeting so no presentation was provided. PRESENTATIONS ON GLOBAL PROGRAMMES AND THEIR CD WORK PLANS Ocean Sciences This agenda item was introduced by Ms Beatriz Reguera. She referred to Document  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21439" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag4.1: REVIEW OF OCEAN SCIENCE PORTFOLIO CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS In her presentation Ms Reguera explained that the first Global Ocean Science Report shows the mismatch between where science is generated (papers) and the countries with maybe the largest need to apply knowledge for improved management the size of each country corresponds relatively to the number of citations of papers from authors in that country. She explained that there are 4 focus areas under IOC Ocean Science: Ocean Acidification Deoxygenation in the Ocean Coastal Blue Carbon SDGs Harmful Algal Blooms There is a difference between Ocean Science overall and IPHAB. This may be explained by IPHAB being a mature and somewhat self-contained programme that serves a particular community and has therefore been able to focus very specifically on the CD requirements of that community. The overall OSS portfolio is quite diversified: by the nature of the OSS programme, several of the science issues dealt with are emerging, and the issues dealt with in the OSS portfolio may express themselves differently in different regions, also in light of the often significant capacities of those regions. Ocean Acidification: Needs: Increased OA scientific capacities to observe OA Increased OA technical capacities Increased data management capacities, data storage capacities Improved/Aligned guidelines to measure and report OA Activities: Planning of and teaching at +10 OA workshops, e.g. CPPS, WIOMSA, WESTPAC, GOA-ON SDG 14.3 methodology development Part of the Pier2Peer Advisory Council: Connects scientist to scientist, Provides training opportunities, Strengthens relationships across countries and continents Challenges: OA data/measurement quality control, data repositories OA standards (only one place in the world), sample fixation (mercury chloride) Costly equipment OA research capacities very different around the world 14.3.1 reporting Deoxygenation in the Ocean Needs: Increased collaboration and communication among ocean oxygen scientists, coastal and open ocean Increased awareness that deoxygenation is part of the multi-stressor world Increased scientific capacities to improve models in coastal areas Improved/Aligned guidelines to measure and report deoxygenation Increased data sharing Activities: Planning of Summerschool in Xiamen 2019 Regional networks WESTPAC O2NE Support to scientific conference Ocean Deoxygenation Conference, September 2018 Plans to establish mentor programme Challenges: Oxygen data/measurement quality control, data repositories Collaboration with practitioners, Deoxygenation awareness Coastal Blue Carbon Needs: Increased scientific capacities in countries to map, assess the carbon sequestration potential, to assess the risks of degradation and destruction of Coastal BC Ecosystems Increased awareness of climate mitigation potential Improved IPCC wetland supplement guidelines to measure and report the potential emissions of BC, aligned scientific methodologies Activities: Planning of/ teaching at annual meetings at BC hot spots around the world; 2018 China BC Ocean Teacher course in planning in collaboration with the Blue Carbon Initiative Scientific Working Group annotated outline including description of contents prepared Challenges: Mapping of Blue Carbon ecosystems partly still dont know where Concept of Blue Carbon long term storage of Carbon No direct activities with SBSTA UNFCCC and related wetland supplement guidelines SDG Reporting Needs: IOC custodian agency for 14.3.1 and 14.a.1 reporting Data repositories for both indicators Regular reporting Development and refinement of methodologies Activities: 14.3.1 related to OA work, but in addition there are additional WG meetings, data repository development and methodology, possibly 14.3.1 OceanTeacher 14.a.1 CD activities reduced to methodology, data repository Challenges: More than 200 indicators for each country Identifying the reporter focal points in the country no regular data collection/ measurement in the majority of countries (14.a.1, 14.3.1) Scientific methodology for 14.3.1 needs scientific capacity building, far more than what is currently done within GOA-ON and related activities Scientific and reporting challenges at the same time for 14.3.1 SDG methodology development Needs: IOC providing scientific and technical support to UN Environment for development of the indicator for 14.1.1 on nutrient pollution Development of the indicator and methodology (ICEP) Activities: CD activities on data gathering and transformation of data into ICEP as the indicator Challenges: same as for 14.a.1, 14.3.1 Capacity for improved monitoring and management of harmful algal events Needs: Improve managerial capacity Improve scientific capacity to support management Improve training/education to deliver suitable candidates for jobs Activities: We have for 20 years worked with the recognition of that capacity is composed of capacity at different levels and that capacity development interventions are diverse and case specific: The individual researcher or manager Institution/national level Regional level Global level Challenges: Measuring impact we lack the tools / resources IOC announcement mechanism (circular letters) for CD opportunities is not reaching target audiences Funding for long term CD efforts and funding to ensure developing Member State opportunities to benefit from CD activities Ms Reguera noted the over 25 years of experience in HAB related training: Over the past 26 years the IOC has by itself or with partners organised more than 90 training courses in species identification, toxicity testing and monitoring and management strategies. The figure shows the geographical distribution of the approximately 1000 trainees. Emphasis has been in the regions most unprepared to meet HAB impacts, such as South East Asia and Latin America, but the need for upgraded skills has been global and systematic. 1. IOC HAB courses are characterized by: Basic to advanced level Long term (recurrent) Combination of E-learning (OceanTeacher) and hands-on Examination Certificates Intercalibration excercises (IPI) Often joint with other organisations (IAEA, SCOR) Demand driven Partially self funded by the participants Courses held in-country or in regions are adapted to their specific needs 2. Enhancing capacity of Institutions Cooperative research projects: We have with targeted countries done institutional capacity enhancement where national institutions have been strengthened through enhanced: Research facilities Teaching facilities & curriculum Literature access Individual competences Public reach-out Medium to long term and substantial funding to have impact Staff demanding and a challenge to address multiple Member States at the same time. 3. Enhancing capacity at the region level: IOC HAB expert and managers networks (5) Regional training workshops Region specific publications Regional subject-specific and educational internet portals Regional activities underpin and provides a framework for institutional and individual competencies. 4. Global Research programmes (GlobalHAB) Working groups Manuals and Guides Data products and data access (HAEDAT and OBIS) Intergovernmental fora (IPHAB) NGO -->ISSHA was fostered by the IOC Ms Reguera then showed the gap analysis for IOC Ocean Science CD: OutputOcean Science overallIPHAB1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scale((1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC(X1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandate((1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)((1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organizations on a visiting lecturer programme((1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandate((1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materials((1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fundX(1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programme(X1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksX(1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awardsX(1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean research((2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate access(X2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructure(X3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsXX3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsXX3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmes((4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizations((4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policies((5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutions((5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsX(6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunities((6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector Partners((6 gaps6 gapsFigure 5: IOC Ocean Science CD gap analysis In response to a question on the possibility to track career progression of former students, Mr Troisi noted that the IODE alumni system could be used for other programmes besides IODE. GOOS This agenda item was introduced by Mr Glenn Nolan, Director EuroGOOS. He referred to Document  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21438" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag4.2: REVIEW OF GOOS CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Mr Nolan explained that GOOS has established a GOOS capacity development task team. Terms of reference: Discuss and review the Strategy and Implementation Plan drafts from the particular perspective of embedding Capacity Development, Develop and document ideas on GOOS role, source material for CD (including best practice resources), Engage partner organizations such as POGO, Identify potential funding sources to create a step change in GOOS CD activity, Provide input to the development of the IOC CD Implementation Plan, Report to the SC on progress [SC-7] Members: Nolan, Affian, Marsac, Miloslavich, POGO representative, Pissierssens (IOC CD coordinator) or Delgado (Ocean Teacher Global Academy He explained that within the EuroGOOS web site there is a portal page that shows all observation platforms currently operational. In addition, there is a Global modelling inventory. Any nation or regional alliance can enter metadata for forecast and climate models so there is an up to date picture of models available within the GOOS context. GRA and GOOS are supportive of training activities such as Odyssea, JERICO-NEXT and IOCCP. An idea under development: there are many navigation buoys. Nearly every country subscribes to IALA and there is capacity to piggy-back on these platforms our oceanographic sensors. Discussions are ongoing with IALA. Cooperation also exists with JCOMM on Best Practices: development of database of best practices. The vision is: Identify, coordinate and promote development of standards and documented best practices across the ocean observing (including biogeochemistry) and marine meteorological platforms of JCOMM, partner networks and activities. Catalogue and review them, identify gaps and areas where an holistic approach across platforms and variables can be taken. Create a review, publication and evaluation process, encourage use and provide training in support of delivering multiplatform datasets by variable of known quality. Open access to the GTS is another CD related initiative: put oceanographic data on the GTS to get them into archives and to provide access by scientists. Related to GOA-ON: 1. Pier2Peer: Knowledge exchange Collaborations Joint experiments 2. Direct assistance Sensor kit provision Training workshops Mr Nolan then recalled the overview of current CD actions implemented by GOOS as well as gaps (marked orange) (Figure 6) OutputActivityActionRelevant actions taken by GOOS1. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scaleGOOS affiliated scientists (panel members in particular) at the 2017 GODAE International School 1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC1.2 Continuous professional development1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandateContribution to JERICO and ODYSSEA project funded summer schools in Europe (July-Sept 2018). GOOS co-funded IOCCP summer schools on sensors1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programme1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandate1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsInvolvement in IODE/JCOMM Ocean Best practices activity (GOOS contribution to online repository)1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building 1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fund1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programme1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networks1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awards1.4 Gender balance1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean research2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels) 2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate accessAsset mapping process underway within GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) for all ocean observing platforms in operation (global geographic scope)2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructureGRAs to work with GOA-ON to support the development of standard methods in regional nodes for ocean acidification monitoring. Open Access to GTS pilotprojects to improve data ingestion and download outside of national met agencies 3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional commissions3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissions3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissions3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesWorkshop planned for June 2018 to enhance cooperation among South American GRAs (GRASP, OCEATLAN, IOCARIBE).4. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsAssisting the European Commission in formulating a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the Black Sea4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policies5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information 5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutionsProduction of a scientific paper summarising global initiatives in capacity development relevant to GOOS and opportunities for expansion of such activity (Miloslavich et al)5.2 Ocean Literacy5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsLinks established between EuroGOOS and IOC CoP on ocean literacy. Collaborative activity in planning phase. 6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesDiscussions open with IALA (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities) on possible use of aids to navigation for oceanography. Discussions with EC funding institutions on GOOS pilot projects including MESCAT (N.Africa sea level network) Discussions with potential funders on 4M project (IOCARIBE) Futher develop potential pilot project in the Pacific (PI-GOOS, US-IOOS/PacIOOS, IMOS, WESTPAC/SEA-GOOS, NZ, France)6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activities6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector Partners Figure 6: Overview of current CD actions implemented by GOOS Mr Toro stressed the need to look beyond the observing systems but also consider the services and products that will benefit Member States. In the case of SIDS 38% of the GDP comes from tourism in coastal areas and they require services and products based on observations. So it is important to link all observation systems information to development plans of countries so they understand the added value of observation. IODE This agenda item was introduced by Mr Aidy M. Muslim on behalf of the IODE OceanTeacher Global Academy Steering Group. He referred to Document  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21436" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag4.3: REVIEW OF IODE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS Mr Muslim recalled that the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) was established by in 1961. It strives to enhance marine research, exploitation, and development through exchange of data and information between member states. It supports a variety of programs including standards development, technology, data access, capacity building (education) and adheres to the IOC data policy Free and open access to data and information. IODE developed a worldwide service-oriented network over 80 oceanographic data centres consisting of NODCs (National Oceanographic Data Centres) and ADUs (Assiciate Data Units). This network has been able to collect, control the quality of, and archive millions of ocean observations, and makes these available to Member States. Capacity Development has been a cornerstone activity of IODE since its inception in 1961. One of the major objectives of the IODE Programme is to assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage marine data and information and become partners in the IODE network. The training promotes the use of "standards" amongst all IODE centres and thus achieve interoperability between these centres. IODE follows and contributes to the wider IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2015-2021). The OTGA steering group meetings are held yearly together with Regional Offices and international Experts. IODE and its OTGA perform regularly training needs surveys in order to decide on the workplan for training courses. The last training needs survey was done in August/September 2017. The OceanTeacher Academy Project (2009-14) established a facility to provide an annual teaching programme of courses related to oceanographic data and information management. OTA developed a structured online Learning Management System (LMS). The Web-based training system supports face-to-face training as well as online self learning. The open source Moodle software is used as the LMS. The OceanTeacher Global Academy Project (2014-& ) aims at building equitable capacity related to ocean research, observations and services in all IOC Member States. Develop a global training centre network to increase national capacity in coastal and marine knowledge and management. OTGA moves training from a north-south culture to north-south, south-south and south-north model training traditionally based on experts from developed regions visiting and teaching developing country students. OTGA promotes use of expertise available in developing regions. 22 courses were given in 2015-2016, 22 in 2017 and 17 are planned for 2018. More information on OTGA is given under agenda item 5.1. Gap analysis: Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC Currently there is no UNESCO Chairs directly related to ocean data and information management Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate access While all IODE data centres are expected to have their own IT infrastructure there may be some opportunities to share certain software (e.g. data quality control, modelling,..) Establish a travel grant fund travel grant fund to enable secondments to other experienced data centres, as well as to participate in international conferences Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programme mentoring programme to allow longer-term twinning of data/information managers Promote and support young scientist awards stimulate young professionals to consider a career in ocean data/information management Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissions additional human resources will increase effectiveness and ability to respond to opportunities of IODE activities Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissions stable funding base for the sub-commissions would enable more complementarity between IOC and regional offices Moving forward: OTGA website and e-Learning platform were completely redesigned, as well as the application process, which is now fully online. OTGA modules can be included in University curricula, and that efforts are being made to get universities to include (data and information management) course modules in their curricula. Become a certified Learning Services Provider (LSP) under the ISO 29990 standard, which includes the type of training provided by IODE/OTGA, i.e. non-formal education and training. OTGA is building a worldwide training facility to provide training courses related to IOC programmes, contributing to the sustainable management of oceans and coastal areas OTGA moves the focus of capacity development to regional training centres OTGA invites collaboration with other program to conduct training at RTCs RTCs organize and host courses in regionally languages with focus on regionally relevant topics, using mainly local trainers Mr Pissierssens recalled that in the past IODE had focused on ODINs that combined training, equipment and operational support but this has been somewhat reduced. ODINAFRICA was successful but this was possible because of a generous donor. Other ODINs have been less successful due to the lack of donors. It was noted that IODE also adopted a communication strategy. Tsunami This agenda item was introduced by Mr Thorkild Aarup, Head Tsunami Unit, Technical Secretary of GLOSS. He referred to Document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21421" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag4.4: Review of Tsunami programme capacity development requirements Mr Aarup recalled that 2004 event triggered a new era for the IOCs tsunami program: Intergovernmental Coordination, Group meeting reports, Technical Working Groups, Training reports, .. Since 2004 there have been 11 additional deadly tsunamis. The Pacific tsunami warning system was established in 1965. Tsunami warning systems have 3 essential elements: Intergovernmental Coordination incl. technical WGs Detection, Warning & Dissemination (Alert centers, monitoring network, communication, data exchange) Awareness & Response: Public education, emergency planning and response (training, hazard assessment, SOPs, inundation mapping, evacuation planning, TWS exercises) The role of the Tsunami Information Centres (TIC) is to increase the awareness and preparedness of different target groups with (e.g. local communities, schools, civil protection authorities, ) . TICs work in tandem with the Tsunami Early Warning Systems. In terms of achievements and results Mr Aarup highlighted: Reinforced and sustained intergovernmental process since 2005 (ICG meetings, TOWS-WG) Organised more than 115 technical working group and workshops on hazard management, Standard operating procedures, coastal inundation modelling, .. 20 Tsunami Wave Exercises organised Manuals and technical documents in various languages published Three additional regional TWS established In regards to Disaster Risk Reduction Mr Aarup highlightdc the contributions UNESCO are making in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction for example in the assessment and mitigation of natural hazards earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods and landslides and through various programmes that are part of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. For IOC this does offer an opportunity to also link and build on DRR efforts and networks within the education, culture, science and social science and information sector of UNESCO. Mr Aarup recalled the CD actions Tsunami global and regional shown below in Figure 7 OutputActivityActionAction taken by PTWSAction taken by CARIBE WSAction taken by IOTWMSAction taken by NEAMTWS1. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scalePut in place with UNESCO funding in 2013, a Diploma on scientific basis for tsunami preparedness has been in place for +4 years at the Catholic University of ValparaisoUniversity of Guadaloupe has coordinated Waves workshops in partnership with the ICG/CARIBE EWS in 2012 and 2014. Some academic institutions are participating in ICG/IOTWMS working groups and training activitiesSome academic institutions are participating in ICG/NEAMTWS working groups and training activities funded by EU projects1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOCThe UNESCO IOC Chair in Oceanography at University of Concepcin, Chile, hosted at its XI Summer School, in 2010, in coordination with TSU the theme From tsunamis to water pathogens: Understanding ocean hazards in the XXI Century N/AN/AN/A1.2 Continuous professional development1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandateThe Tsunami Unit (TSU) organizes regularly regional and national workshops/trainings on development of SOPs for tsunami warning & response, coastal hazard assessments. Altogether in 2016-2017 a total of 441 and 862 participants registered for TSU trainings and workshopsTSU organizes regularly regional and national workshops/trainings on development of SOPs for tsunami warning & response, coastal hazard assessments. Altogether in 2016-2017 a total of 441 and 862 participants registered for TSU trainings and workshopsTSU organizes regularly regional and national workshops/trainings on development of SOPs for tsunami warning & response, coastal hazard assessments. Altogether in 2016-2017 a total of 441 and 862 participants registered for TSU trainings and workshopsTSU organizes regularly regional and national workshops/trainings on development of SOPs for tsunami warning & response, coastal hazard assessments. Altogether in 2016-2017 a total of 441 and 862 participants registered for TSU trainings and workshops1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)PTWS Secretariat has been receiving regularly interns from the International Meteorological Expert Training Program of the KMA (Korea Meteorological Agency) and the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) receives secondees from the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA)The Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC) was reinforced in 2014-2015 by interns supported by the Government of BarbadosThe Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC) hosts interns to work on fostering tsunami awareness and preparednessN/A1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmeN/AN/AN/AN/A1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandateITIC and PTWC host every year a 3 weeks dedicated training for PTWS members on tsunami response and preparedness, in the framework of ICG/PTWSThe Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) and the Caribbean Tsunami Warning programme (NWS/CTWP) have actively hosted several 1-week regional trainings for Sea Level and Seismic Network Operators, in the framework of ICG/CARIBE EWSINCOIS (India) and BMKG (Indonesia) have hosted several regional trainings and have also hosted on-the-job training for operators of Tsunami Warning Centers of other IOC Member tatesTechnical exchange visits have been arranged. Several Tsunami Service Providers participate in EU funded projects where there are built in trainings and/or summer schools.1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsICG/PTWS through the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) hosted by NOAA (US) pioneered in developing specialized training modules that are used for training of representatives from regional and national tsunami warning centres, disaster management offices, media and communities. ITIC website is a hub for tsunami related training resources.ICG/CARIBE EWS through the Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC) hosted by the Government of Barbados tailored and adapted ITIC training modules that are used for training of representatives from national tsunami warning centres, disaster management offices, media and communities. CTIC website is planned to be a hub for tsunami related training resources in the Caribbean.ICG/IOTWMS and IOTIC developed specialized training modules that are used for training of representatives from national tsunami warning centres, disaster management offices and media. IOTIC website is used as a platform for sharing training resources.ICG/NEAMTWMS and NEAMTIC have developed specialized training materials and products. NEAMTIC website is used as a platform for sharing training resources.1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building 1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fundN/AN/AN/AN/A1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programmeN/AN/AN/AN/A1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksN/AN/AN/AN/A1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awardsN/AN/AN/AN/A1.4 Gender balance1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean researchICG/PTWS and ITIC encourage gender balance in their activities.ICG/CARIBE EWS and ITIC encourage gender balance in their activities.ICG/IOTWMS and IOTIC encourage gender balance in their activities.ICG/NEAMTWS and NEAMTIC encourage gender balance in their activities.2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels) 2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate accessICG/PTWS maintains databases of seismic and sea-level stations that are used for tsunami warning in the Pacific Ocean.ICG/CARIBE EWS maintains databases of seismic and sea-level stations that are used for tsunami warning in the Pacific Ocean.ICG/IOTWMS maintains databases of seismic and sea-level stations that are used for tsunami warning in the Indian Ocean.ICG/NEAMTWS maintains databases of seismic and sea-level stations that are used for tsunami warning in the NEAM region.2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructureICG/PTWS promotes and facilitates data sharing from all contributing Member States for provision of tsunami warning in the Pacific Ocean.ICG/CARIBE EWS promotes and facilitates data sharing from all contributing Member States for provision of tsunami warning in the Caribbean and its adjacent areas.ICG/IOTWMS promotes and facilitates data sharing from all contributing Member States for provision of tsunami warning in the Indian Ocean.ICG/NEAMTWS promotes and facilitates data sharing from all contributing Member States for provision of tsunami warning in the NEAM region.3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional commissions3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsTSU has contributed to reinforce the presence of IOC in Field Offices, in Jakarta and Apia, and occasionally in Doha (Oman Project), Haiti, San Jose, Rabat and Santiago.TSU has contributed to reinforce the presence of IOC in Field Offices, in Jakarta and Apia, and occasionally in Doha (Oman Project), Haiti, San Jose, Rabat and Santiago.TSU has contributed to reinforce the presence of IOC in Field Offices, in Jakarta and Apia, and occasionally in Doha (Oman Project), Haiti, San Jose, Rabat and Santiago.TSU has contributed to reinforce the presence of IOC in Field Offices, in Jakarta and Apia, and occasionally in Doha (Oman Project), Haiti, San Jose, Rabat and Santiago.3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsRegular Budget of IOC/TSU is implemented through Field Offices in Jakarta and ApiaRegular Budget of IOC/TSU is implemented through Field Offices in Jakarta and ApiaRegular Budget of IOC/TSU is implemented through Field Offices in Jakarta and ApiaRegular Budget of IOC/TSU is implemented through Field Office in Rabat3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesICG/PTWS collaborates with other ICGs through the UNESCO-IOC TOWS WG, closely with IOCARIBE for Central America, and also with programmes such as GLOSS, WMO, JCOMM, GOOS, and the Emergency Management communities including through ESCAP, CEPREDENAC, SPC, UNISDR etc.ICG/CARIBE EWS collaborates with other ICGs through the UNESCO-IOC TOWS WG, closely with IOCARIBE, and also with programmes such as GLOSS, WMO, JCOMM, GOOS, the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Programme (CTWP) of United States and the Emergency Management communities including through CDEMA, CEPREDENAC, UNISDR etc.ICG/IOTWMS collaborates with other ICGs through the UNESCO-IOC TOWG WG and also with programmes such as GLOSS, WMO, JCOMM, ESCAP, etc.ICG/NEAMTWS collaborates with other ICGs through the UNESCO-IOC TOWS WG and also with programmes such as GLOSS, WMO, JCOMM, GOOS, GRAs, ESCAP, UNISDR etc. 4. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsICG/IOTWMS undertook a capacity assessment survey of the IOTWMS Member States in 2005. There is no systematic comparison and/or compilation, however. Member States share information and publications on ocean, tsunami, geophysics etc. 4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesTSU and ICGs facilitate policy Support for Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction and Tsunami Exercises in Member States. In 2016 and 2017 TSU mobilized over 1 million of participants to Wave Exercises.TSU and ICGs facilitate policy Support for Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction and Tsunami Exercises in Member States. In 2016 and 2017 TSU mobilized over 1 million of participants to Wave Exercises.TSU and ICGs facilitate policy Support for Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction and Tsunami Exercises in Member States. In 2016 and 2017 TSU mobilized over 1 million of participants to Wave Exercises.TSU and ICGs facilitate policy Support for Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction and Tsunami Exercises in Member States. In 2016 and 2017 TSU mobilized over 1 million of participants to Wave Exercises.5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information 5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutionsPTWS and its International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) actively promote public awareness and tsunami information through several platforms. All ICGs are taking an important role in promoting the UN World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD - 5 November).CARIBE EWS and its Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC) actively promote public awareness and tsunami information through several platforms. All ICGs are taking an important role in promoting the UN World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD).The IOTIC has been set in UNESCO Jakarta as the information hub for the region on tsunami-related issues. All ICGs are taking an important role in promoting the UN World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD).The Secretariat publishes news article on the tsunami programme and activities in the NEAM region. All ICGs are taking an important role in promoting the UN World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD).5.2 Ocean Literacy5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsPTWS and ITIC published several guidelines and several other publications as resources for wider reference on disaster risk reduction policy, tsunami exercises, tsunami education and awareness materials, including videos, brochures and comics, many of them addressing children and school teachers and students.CARIBE EWS and CTIC published several guidelines and several other publications as resources for wider reference on disaster risk reduction policy, tsunami exercises, tsunami education and awareness materials, including videos, brochures and comics, many of them addressing children and school teachers and students.Published accounts of past tsunamis (Makran-1945, Ambon-1950), tsunami risk assessment guidelines and several other publications as resources for wider reference.NEAMTWS have published guidelines and other publications as resources for wider reference on tsunami exercises, tsunami education and awareness materials, including videos, brochures and comics, many of them addressing children and school teachers and students.6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesTsunami Service Providers (TSPs) are set up and sustained by United States and Japan. China and Nicaragua are working to become TSPs. Several other Member States contribute to maintaining observing networks and National Tsunami Warning Centers (NTWCs) that contribute to PTWS.The Caribbean Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) is set up and sustained by United States and Nicaragua is working to become TSP. Several other Member States contribute to maintaining observing networks and National Tsunami Warning Centers (NTWCs) that contribute to CARIBE EWS.Tsunami Service Providers are set up and sustained by national programmes of Australia, India and Indonesia. Several other Member States contribute to maintaining observing networks. All these contribute to the IOTWMS.Tsunami Service Providers are set up and sustained by national programmes of France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Turkey. Several other Member States contribute to maintaining observing networks. NEAMTWS is rooted in research community and several institutions collaborate through EU funded research projects and consortia. 6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activities6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector PartnersUSAID in Latin America and JICA in the South West Pacific support PTWS activities, China and Korea contribute regularly to IOC for PTWS activities. USAID supports CARIBE EWS activities, Monaco contributes regularly to IOC for CARIBE EWS activities. Netherlands provided funding support towards the Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC). The Government of Australia and IOC UNESCO support the ICG/IOTWMS Secretariat and Programme. Government of Indonesia hosts the IOTIC. Two EU funded projects and Germany have provide some support the Secretariat for implementing activities in the region. No sustained regular support is provided. Figure 7: CD actions Tsunami global and regional Mr Aarup also recalled the gap analysis (see Figure 8) GLOSSPTWSCARIBEIOTWMSNEAMTWSGAP FREQUENCY1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scalen(n(n(n(n 1/51.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOCn(nnnn4/51.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandate(((((0/51.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)((((n1/51.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmennnnn5/51.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandaten(n(n(n(n1/51.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materials(((((0/51.3.1 Establish a travel grant  fund nnnnn5/51.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programmennnnn5/51.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksnnnnn5/51.3.4 Promote and support  young scientist awardsnnnnn5/51.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean research(((((0/52.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate access(((((0/52.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructurennnnn5/53.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsn(n(n(n(n1/53.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsn(n(n(n(n1/53.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmes(((((0/54.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsnnn(n4/54.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policies(((((0/55.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutions(((((0/55.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regions(((((0/56.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunities(((((0/56.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector Partners(((((0/512 gaps7 gaps8 gaps7 gaps9 gaps43 gapsFigure 8: GLOSS and tsunami regional programme CD gap analysis Mr Aarup concluded there is a high level of CD activities in TSU (Full summary statistics for Tsunami Regional Trainings, Workshops, Meetings [ICGs & WGs] and Exercises for 2016-2017 is available as a separate document). Activities reach a significant number of people and representatives from national operational disaster management authorities, seismic/sea level/hydro-met institutions, and local community. Activities are focused and in line with priorities set by the governing bodies of the Tsunami Warning Systems. Gaps mainly fall in area of Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building, though this may be due to a restricted interpretation of specific modalities under this CD activity. Mr Aarup stressed the need to keep in mind the expected lifespan of equipment that was installed after the 2004 tsunami and the equipment would need to be replaced, requiring substantial financial resources. MPR (ICAM, MSP,...) This agenda item was introduced by Mr Julian Barbire, Head IOC/MPR Section. He referred to Document  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21437" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag4.5: MARINE POLICY AND REGIONAL COORDINATION SECTION (IOC-MPR) Review of Capacity Development Requirements Mr Barbiere explained that MPR is not a programme but a coordination activity.  Figure 9: what is capacity development (IASS, 2016) Mr Barbire posed the question What do we mean by capacity development in context of Agenda 2030? He explained that he has borrowed the illustration (Figure 8) from a recent report on CD issued by IASS, point is that is also our vision. Components of capacity include knowledge, skills, systems, structures, processes, values, resources and powers that, taken together, confer a range of political, managerial and technical capabilities. Capacity development interventions need to happen at 3 levels: individual, organisational and societal. Point is that CD needs to address the 3 level to be effective AND TO TRIGGER REAL CHANGE, Integrated Coastal Area Management Mr Barbire then elaborated on ICAM strategy and CD cuts across all three of the below objectives. THEME 1: COASTAL AND MARINE ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING Objective 1: Build collective capacities to respond to emerging ocean issues through ecosystem and area-based management tools such as Integrated Coastal Area Management, Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Sustainable Blue Growth initiatives, including transboundary and Large-Marine Ecosystem (LME) approaches for the sustainable use of marine resources and with a view to achieve a healthy and a productive ocean. THEME 2: COASTAL AND MARINE HAZARDS ADAPTATION AND PREPAREDNESS THROUGH EBM/AREA-BASED MANAGEMENT TOOLS Objective 2: Promote the integration of ocean-related hazards and climate change adaptation within coastal and marine management and planning tools in order to improve preparedness and resilience of coastal communities THEME 3: COASTAL AND MARINE DATA, INFORMATION AND DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS Objective 3: Increase collective knowledge supporting management actions on the status and change of coastal and marine ecosystems and sustained services through use and dissemination of data, information and decision support tools. The three components and objectives of the ICAM strategy are also aimed at supporting the implementation of SDG14 (Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development) of the Agenda 2030 and specifically the targets identified below: 14.2 By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans; 14.7 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism; 14.a Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries. Marine Spatial Planning It is the same for marine spatial planning which has emerged in the last 10 years as a key tool to implement ecosystem based management in national waters, more than 40 coutnries around the world are implementing MSP plans. IOC has plaid a leading role in codifying this approach and we also believe that MSP is a prereuisite to develop sustainable, harmonised blue growth policies. Over the next decade another 30 countries,, will develop and approve marine spatial plans that will cover about a third of the surface area of the worlds EEZs. IOC has provided guidance and training to most of these MSP initiatives and is recognized as a leading international organization on MSP issues. During the second international Conference on MSP that we jointly organised with the European Commission in Paris early this year, we had the participation of many of the MSP authorities at national and regional scale sharing experiences and the strategic objective to accelerate MSP processes worldwide. He then presented the joint roadmap to accelerate MSP worldwide: (Figure 10)  Figure 10: Joint roadmap to accelerate MSP worldwide He explained that a new project will start in April 2018 that covers 5 of the actions included in our MSP Joint Roadmap: (i) Developing transboundary guidance; (ii) The pilot case studies in the Southeast Pacific and the West Mediterranean; (iii) The International Forum on MSP starting in May 2019. Mr Barbiere briefly provided information on projects such as SPINCAM, LME:Learn, UN World Ocean Assessment (2016-2020). [MORE TEXT FROM JULIAN?] Mr Barbiere then recalled the table of MPR CD actions (Figure 10) below. OutputActivityActionRelevant actions taken by MPR until December 2016Contributing global programmesPossible actions/programmes to fill gap or to optimize for the biennium 2017-2019Required resourcesWorkplan 20181. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scaleIOC/MPR is member of the Erasmus Mundus Consortium for Marine Spatial Planning led by the Universities of IUAV-Venezia (Italy), Sevilla (Spain) and Azores (Portugal) which beneficiaries are mainly non-European students IOC/MPR is cooperating with the Ibero-American Network of Universities to promote coastal and ocean ecosystem-based management studies.IOC/MPR supported the project PADDLE (Planning in a liquid world with tropical stakes) due to the urgent and critical need for research on the application of MSP in tropical areas having the case studies of Cape Verde, Senegal and Brazil as pilot projects in which the academic and higher education institutions of the three countries and the European Union are involved.Human and financial resources 20.000 USDActive participation in the first workshop on coastal and marine governance for local communities in Mindelo, Cape Verde with the support of IOCAFRICA and the OceanTeacher Global Academy.1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOCIOC/MPR has invited IOC Chairs to major regional events in Asia, Africa and Latin AmericaIOC/MPR will continue inviting IOC Chairs to major regional events in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean Financial resources to cover the IOC Chairs participation 20.000 USDLinked with regional activities and extrabudgetary projects.1.2 Continuous professional development1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandateDuring the last biennium, IOC/MPR coordinated/contributed the organization of 20 training events in support of ecosystem-based management tools, integrated coastal area management, marine spatial planning, data and information management (including electronic repositories), decision support tools and atlases. Training initiatives have been designed in close collaboration with IODE, OceanTeacher Global Academy. Summer courses were organized in collaboration with the International University of Andalusia (Spain) and INVEMAR (Colombia).CD Strategy and ICAM StrategyIOC/MPR includes in all activities and project initiatives a CD component. In cooperation with the Regional Sub-Commissions of IOC, IOC/MPR will implement during this biennium trainings at regional scale and in different languages taking advantage the availability of resources, mainly from extra-budgetary sources. Financial and human resources 30.000 USDMPR Trainings expected in 2018: MSP Training in French, Regular Programme and IOCAFRICA, Madagascar, May 2018 MSP International Forum, MSPglobal context, Brussels, May 2018 MSP Training in English, Regular Programme and IOCAFRICA, Mombasa, Kenya, September 2018. IOC/MPR will support PADDLE Project for the summer course week in Brest, France, in September 2018. MSP International Forum, MSPglobal context, Reunion, October 2018. MSP Training in Spanish, SPINCAM, MSPglobal and LME:Learn context, Lima, Peru, October 2018. MSP Training in French, MSPglobal, LME:Learn context, Morocco, November 2018. Blue Economy in English at the Global Conference on Blue Economy, Nairobi, Kenya, November 2018. 1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)IOC/MPR has established an agreement for Master/PhD students and young researchers to do their internship in Paris, or in the premises of the Regional Sub-Commissions or Project Offices in close collaboration with them. The most relevant agreements are the Erasmus Mundus, the Foreign Department of the Government of Flanders (Belgium) and the Ministry of High Education of Quebec (Canada)CD Strategy and ICAM StrategyIn the context of the Joint Roadmap to accelerate marine spatial planning processes in the world of IOC-UNESCO and the European Commission (MARE), IOC-MPR has established ocean governance oriented trainings at global scale and at regional scale in the context of the Western Mediterranean and the Southeast Pacific. In the context of the Erasmus Mundus Programme dedicated to Marine Spatial Planning, IOC/MPR is promoting the internships of Erasmus students in HQ, the premises of the regional sub-commissions and project offices. Human and financial resources. 10.000 USDIn the context of the PADDLE Project, IOC-UNESCO has already established collaboration frameworks to facilitate internships and fellowships of Master/PhD students. IOC/MPR will host 3 different interns of the Erasmus Mundus on Marine Spatial Planning 1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmeIOC/MPR has promoted this type of collaboration with the Permanent Commission for the Southeast Pacific (CPPS), INVEMAR (Colombia) and the Government of Andalusia (Spain) which experts have been visiting our premises in order to understand and know better our contribution to the ocean. The support of IOC/MPR to the PADDLE Project initiative is linked with this specific action to promote visiting lecturer programmes in our premises and facilitate the visit of lectures to regional subcommissions. In the context of the Erasmus Mundus Programme dedicated to Marine Spatial Planning, IOC/MPR staff are participating on visiting lecturer programmes. Human resources 10.000 USD IOC/MPR invited Dr. Juan Luis Surez de Vivero (Spain), recognized expert from the PADDLE Consortium, to support the Capacity Development Plan of IOC/MPR and join the expert group. 1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandateIOC/MPR has assisted the OceanTeacher Global Academy during the establishment of the regional training centre for Latin America and the Caribbean located in Colombia. IOC/MPR has assisted OceanTeacher and the RTCs in the preparation of trainings related to IOC mandate in general and specifically those aspects directly linked with the MPR section.CD Strategy and ICAM StrategyIOC/MPR is developing joint initiatives with the different regional training centres in Africa (Mombasa and Dakar), in Latin America (Santa Marta) and with the IODE Project Office for those trainings linked with the mandate of the MPR section in Europe. In the context of extra budgetary projects, IOC/MPR is also promoting and assisting the establishment of regional training networks. Human and financial resources. 5.000 USDTraining courses are under preparation in close cooperation with the OTGA and the RTCs in Mombasa and Dakar. In the context of extra budgetary projects, IOC/MPR is assisting the establishment of regional training networks (e.g. LME:Learn, SPINCAM, AQUACROSS).1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsYES: systematically for all courses organized through the OTGA e-learning platform. Including the translation of existing training materials to other official languages of our institution.ICAM Strategy and CD StrategyIOC/MPR is using the online learning platform of OTGA to share training materials and guidance documents for all training courses. IOC/MPR is currently updating the website dedicated to marine spatial planning in order to have a new section dedicated to share training materials in all available languages. Human and financial resources 5.000 USDAll training courses led or participated by IOC/MPR will produce and share training materials to be published in the online platform of OTGA, in collaboration with the different RTCs and in the IOC MSP website. 1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building 1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fundYES: through the implementation of current projects focusing to young researchers and civil servants of our Member states.UNESCO Youth New project proposals in the current biennium will include travel grant fund to facilitate the participation of young researchers and junior civil servants in those training activities organised by IOC/MPRHuman and financial resources 20.000 USDTraining activities jointly organized by IOC/MPR in the context of the MSPglobal and LME:Learn projects.1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programmeYes, IOC/MPR is a partner of the Erasmus Mundus mentoring programme. UNESCO YouthIn the context of the Erasmus Mundus dedicated to Marine Spatial Planning, IOC/MPR is mentoring the research work of all interns.Human and financial resources 11.000 USDAn intern of the Erasmus Mundus Programme is developing a research on stakeholder participation in marine spatial planning processes under the direction of Dr. Juan Luis Surez de Vivero (University of Seville) and Dr. Alexander Turra (University of Sao Paulo) and supervision by IOC/MPR staff.1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksYES: IODE maintains an alumni database (needs update for IOC/MPR Courses).IOC/MPR keeps track of its participants and engages them into relevant IOC/MPR programme and activities.Part of the day to day operations1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awardsYes. Actively through the organization of trainings in the context of projects under implementation and institutional initiatives led by IOC/MPR.IOC/MPR will continue supporting the promotion of young scientists in the context of the implementation of regional projects and initiativesPart of the day to day operations1.4 Gender balance1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean researchYES: IOC/MPR seeks gender balance when organizing training courses (typically female dominance)Gender ActionsIOC/MPR will continue promoting the participation of women in all activities and events. Part of the day to day operations2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels) 2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate accessYES: IOC/MPR has improved the access to the Marine Spatial Planning website, contents have been updated and all information accessible in 3 languages (English, French, Spain).IOC/MPR will continue supporting the improvement of existing infrastructures developed. Human and financial resources 15.000 USDUpdate of the Marine Spatial Planning website in the three available languages. 2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructureYES: IOC/MPR promotes the development of regional scientific infrastructure and the exchange of good practices and experiences in those topics directly linked with the mandate of this section.IOC/MPR will continue promoting the development of regional scientific infrastructure and decision support tools in collaboration with our Member States and regional bodies. Human and financial resources 15.000 USDSPINCAM: Coastal and marine atlas as decision support tool to support marine spatial planning and sustainable blue growth initiatives in the Southeast Pacific. 3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional sub-commissions3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsCo-designed acitivities developed in the context of the GEF LME:Learn project will strengthen the technical capacity of Sub-Commissions. IOC/MPR is coordinating efforts with the regional sub-commissions to develop regional networks supporting ocean governance and the creation of synergies for financial opportunities. Human and financial resources 30.000 USDIOC/MPR through project initiatives such as SPINCAM, MSPglobal and LME:Learn is improving the capacities of the staff at the regional sub-commissions secretariats.3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsYES: IOC/MPR has contributed with additional funds to training activities and informative events jointly organized or in cooperation with regional sub-commissions. IOC/MPR will continue supporting with contents and additional funding activities led by the regional sub-commissions in aspects related to the mandate of IOC/MPRHuman and financial resources 30.000 USD IOC/MPR is currently preparing different trainings in Africa and Latin America / Caribbean as part of the workplan 2018.3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesOrganisation of annual meeting with regional/global programmes aimed a developing a co-designed programme of new activities. IOC/MPR will continue strengthening effective coordination and communication actions with the secretariats of the regional-subcommissions. Human resourcesDay to day operations.4. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsYES: IOC/MPR includes in all project initiatives a specific component on data, information and sharing mechanisms amongst our member states and research institutions. E.g: TWAP-LME Project, SPINCAM, AQUACROSS.IOC/MPR will continue sharing information on ocean research priorities in the context of the extra-budgetary projects. Human and financial resources 100.000 USDIn 2018, the following actions are expected: LME:Learn will launch the specific toolkits on Ecosystem valuation, Marine Spatial Planning, Ocean Governance, etc. AQUACROSS Project will launch the aquatic and biodiversity information platform led by IOC/MPR AQUACROSS Project will launch the storytelling map for the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean: Andalusia (Spain)-Morocco which will be distributed to all municipalities of the Biosphere Reserve in Spain and Morocco and it will be hosted by the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia. MSPglobal project will establish information platforms to share data and information to support marine spatial planning processes in the Western Mediterranean and the Southeast Pacific.4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesYES: IOC/MPR supports Member States in strengthening marine science management procedures to be applied to national and regional policies. E.g: SPINCAM, ACCC Africa. IOC/MPR will continue assisting member states with the development of national, transboundary and regional marine policy actions. Human and financial resources 500.000 USD SPINCAM will assist member states in the Southeast Pacific to develop the pre-planning for Marine Spatial Planning and recommendations at regional scale towards a regional strategy on sustainable blue growth. MSPglobal will develop recommendations for transboundary Marine Spatial Planning in the context of the Western Mediterranean and the Southeast Pacific. LME:Learn will support member states to jointly develop regional policy actions in the context of the large marine ecosystems.5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information 5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutionsYES: IOC/MPR promotes the development of public information and communication products to support the dissemination of good practices in relation to ecosystem-based management, ocean policy and regional coordination. The promotion is done through the launching of manuals and guidelines, technical reports, regional and global conferences and dedicated websites (e.g: MSP). IOC/MPR will promote during this biennium the development of public information and communication products in relation to the mandate of this section, in line with Agenda 2030, the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences and the Joint Roadmap of Marine Spatial Planning with the European Commission.Human and financial resources 100.000 USDThe visibility and awareness actions will be executed as part of the ICAM Strategy activities and in the context of the different extra-budgetary projects led by IOC/MPR. 5.2 Ocean Literacy5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsYES: Participating in project development and implementation (e.g: TWAP, LME:Learn, SPINCAM, AQUACROSS).Ocean Literacy for all IOC/MPR will continue supporting the Ocean Literacy for all initiative. In 2017, a specific workshop on Ocean Literacy and Story Telling Tools was organized by IOC/MPR in Santa Marta, Colombia with the compromise to share experiences and lessons learnt amongst the different regions. Human and financial resources. 50.000 USD.The actions will include the launching of new web applications, storytelling tools in support of Ocean Literacy for all, leaflets, brochures, new guidelines, etc.6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesYES: IOC/MPR is continuously reinforcing partnerships and networks to increase in-kind support to specific projects and initiatives to be implemented at binational and/or regional level. n future activities at regional and global level. (E.g.: EurOcean, Horizon 2020 Initiatives, GEF Project initiatives, Flemish Scientist Network, etc). IOC/MPR will continue reinforcing partnerships and networks to increase in-kind support to specific project and initiatives implemented at regional and global level. Human and financial resources 20.000 USD During this year, IOC/MPR will strengthen the existing partnership and create synergies with new donors, public and private partners, to increase in-kind opportunities for this section. 6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activities6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector PartnersYES: e.g. Flanders (Belgium), France, Horizon 2020 (European Union), SUEZ (France), Betty and Moore Foundation (USA).IOC/MPR will continue mobilising resources from public and private partners creating new opportunities to develop joint initiatives in line with the activities of this section and in support of the implementation of Agenda 2030, the UN Decade on Ocean Sciences and the Joint Roadmap on Marine Spatial Planning.Human and financial resouces Strategic planning part of the day to day operations.Figure 10: MPR CD actions Mr Barbiere concluded with the gap analysis (Figure 11). ICAMWOASDGGAP FREQUENCY1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scale((( 0/31.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC(((0/31.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandate(((0/31.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)(((0/31.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programme(((0/31.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandate(((0/31.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materials(((0/31.3.1 Establish a travel grant fund(((0/31.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programme(nn2/31.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networks(nn2/31.3.4 Promote and support  young scientist awards(nn2/31.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean research(((0/32.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate access(((0/32.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructure(((0/33.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsnnn3/33.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissions(((0/33.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmes(((0/34.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizations(((0/34.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policies(((0/35.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutions(((0/35.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regions(((0/36.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunities(((0/36.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector Partners(((0/31 gaps4 gaps4 gaps9 gapsFigure 11: MPR CD gap analysis Transfer of Marine Technology (TMT) This agenda item was introduced by Ms Harriet Harden-Davies. She referred to Document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21432" IOC/GE-CD-I/Ag4.6: Concept for operationalising the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology through the establishment of a Clearing House Mechanism. Marine technology includesinformation, data, knowledge, equipment, infrastructure, and expertise. The IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology (CGTMT) HYPERLINK "applewebdata://E2144AE7-67EA-4E92-84A8-7CA1295769F7" \l "_ftn1" \o "" [1]aim to support the implementation of the development and transfer of marine technology as per Part XIV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) by providing a tool to promote capacity building through international cooperation. A clearinghouse mechanism (CHM) was proposed as a principal tool for implementing the CGTMT, by enabling access to expertise and sharing information, and by facilitating cooperation. A confluence ofpolicy initiatives relating to the sustainable use of the ocean are bringing growing attention to the establishment of a CHM(including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goal 14, the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, and the development of a new international legally binding instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction under UNCLOS). HYPERLINK "applewebdata://E2144AE7-67EA-4E92-84A8-7CA1295769F7" \l "_ftn2" \o "" [2]By strengthening the international framework for technology development, exchange and uptake, a CHM could support capacity development. To further develop and implement the concept of a CHM, consideration could be given to identifying:users (and their needs), providers, elements and functions, governance models, technical architecture, partnerships. Within the context of TMT she defined technology as: information and data manuals, guidelines, criteria, standards, reference materials sampling and methodology equipment observation facilities and equipment equipment for in situ and laboratory observations, analysis and experimentation computer and computer software, including models and modelling techniques expertise, knowledge, skills, technical/scientific/legal know-how and analytical methods relating to marine scientific research and observation The Clearinghouse mechanism: IOC CGTMT concept (2003): Provide interested users in Member States with direct and rapid access to relevant sources of information, practical expertise in the transfer of marine technology, as well as to facilitate effective scientific, technical and financial cooperation to that end (IOC CGTMT). She identified the following types of information for the CHM: List of governmental, non-governmental or private entities interested in participating as donors Opportunities for projects or initiatives Sources, availability and cost of marine scientific and technological information and data Directory of marine research institutes which offer laboratory facilities, equipment and opportunities for research and training Offers of cruise studies at global, regional and sub-regional level List of experts/specialists for scientific and technical assistance Universities and other organisations offering study grants and facilities in marine science Workshops, seminars and training courses at global, regional and sub-regional level, in particular those offering financial support Studies on rules and regulations concerning technology transfer and marine scientific research Links with national, sub-regional and/or regional agreements, institutions and centres holding information, experience and technical expertise of scientific relevance. Progress so far: IOC OceanTeacher OceanExpert Data standards, practices, access (IODE, OBIS) Ocean Knowledge Platform, Ocean Data and Information System Capacity development website Regional training centres, information centres and more Other organisations Lots!: CBD, SPREP, Mapping CHM vs CD strategy: Clearinghouse mechanism (IOC CGTMT, 2005)Potential capacity development outputs under IOC CD Strategy 2015-2021List of possible donors6 (Sustained resource mobilisation reinforced)Opportunities for projects or initiatives1 (Human resources developed) 3 (Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened) 5 (Visibility and awareness increased)Sources, availability and cost of marine scientific and technological information and data3 (Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened) Directory of marine research institutes2 (Access to physical infrastructure established or improved) 1 (Human resources developed)Offers of cruise studies1 (Human resources developed)List of experts/specialists1 (Human resources developed)Universities and other organisations 1 (Human resources developed)Workshops, seminars and training courses1 (Human resources developed)Studies on rules and regulations concerning technology transfer and marine scientific research4 (Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives)Links with national, sub-regional and/or regional agreements, institutions3 (Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened) 6 (Sustained resources mobilisation reinforced)Figure 12: Mapping CHM vs CD strategy Some key questions are asked: What type of clearinghouse mechanism is needed? Objective? Users and needs? Functions and elements? How could a clearinghouse mechanism be designed and mobilised? Contributors and partnership options? Governance models and technical architecture? Evaluation? Who would use the CHM? National government agencies, research organisations Regional organisations International intergovernmental organisations Non-state actors, including private sector and international non-governmental organisations Others?  Figure 13: Possible elements of CHM Ms Harden-Davies proposed 2 models which will each have a different cost. One would be a CHM for IOC, while another would be a CHM for Oceans. She concluded with the following summary: Marine technology transfer can support capacity development Technology development, diffusion and uptake Drive scientific advancement, knowledge production, innovation Access, utilise and apply knowledge & tools Trained people Equipment, infrastructure Collaboration opportunities, and financing Global, regional and national scale A CHM can be a tool, but key questions still to be addressed Static information portal? Or dynamic collaboration system? Objective? Users? Needs? Partners? Governance models? Technical architecture? The Group decided to create a sessional working group on TMT/CHM to work on Thursday morning to address specific actions related to TMTM/CHM.   HYPERLINK "applewebdata://E2144AE7-67EA-4E92-84A8-7CA1295769F7" \l "_ftnref1" \o "" [1]IOC-UNESCO (2005) IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology. HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001391/139193m.pdf" http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001391/139193m.pdf  HYPERLINK "applewebdata://E2144AE7-67EA-4E92-84A8-7CA1295769F7" \l "_ftnref2" \o "" [2]IOC 2017. Ad Hoc Report of the IOC to BBNJ PrepCom4 HYPERLINK "http://www.un.org/Depts/los/biodiversityworkinggroup/IOCreportforBBNJPrepCom-FINAL.PDF" http://www.un.org/Depts/los/biodiversityworkinggroup/IOCreportforBBNJPrepCom-FINAL.PDFP14-15. CURRENT IOC CD METHODOLOGIES AND TOOLS OceanTeacher Global Academy This agenda item was introduced by Ms Claudia Delgado, IODE Training Coordinator. Ms Delgado noted that the general aspects of OceanTeacher Global Academy were already addressed by Aidy Muslim under agenda item 4.3. She noted that IODE has a long history of providing vocational training and continuous professional development. OceanTeacher started in 2001, followed by OceanTeacher Academy in 2009 and OceanTeacher Global Academy in 2014. The new OceanTeacher Global Academy builds upon and expands the existing OceanTeacher Academy based at the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium, to a truly worldwide training facility. It provides a programme of training courses related to IOC programmes, contributing to the sustainable management of oceans and coastal areas worldwide, and relevant to Member States in the regions. In 2015 OTGA went global: OTGA Concept: At least 1 RTC for each region and language group Complementary to existing regional training centres Self-driven, based on locally available expertise Should be co-located with other ongoing and funded programmes/projects Sharing of courses with other RTCs using video conferencing technology Inviting of specific expert lectures through video conferencing Use of common OceanTeacher e-Learning Platform OTGA Project funded by FUST (Government of Flanders, Belgium) Since its start OTGA trained more than 2500 trainees (face-to-face courses) during 130 courses from 120 countries and in 4 languages (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese). There are over 4200 registered users on the OceanTeacher e-learning platform. In terms of technology OTGA uses Moodle: Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment ) is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments. You can HYPERLINK "http://download.moodle.org/"download the software onto your own web server or ask one of our knowledgeable HYPERLINK "http://moodle.com/partners/"Moodle Partners to assist you. Moodle is built by the Moodle project which is led and coordinated by HYPERLINK "http://moodle.com/hq"Moodle HQ, which is financially supported by a network of over HYPERLINK "http://moodle.com/partners"80 Moodle Partner service companies worldwide. OTGA has the following course categories: IODE: marine data and information management, inc. OBIS MPR / ICAM: Coastal Marine Management and Planning HAB: Harmful Algal Bloom and Advanced Phytoplankton (APC) Training Tsunami MSR/DOALOS: Marine Scientific Research In addition to course outlines and course content, the system also allows Assignment, questionnaire, quiz, polls, survey, essay, etcAssessment reports can be extracted in real-time and remotely (Internet). OTGA also has an online application form ensuring that all necessary information on candidates is received. Ms Delgado asked whether IOC wants to address training with 19th or 21st century tools and methods. In this regard she referred to the Qingdao Declaration (2015): The Qingdao Declaration is the first global declaration on ICT in education. The text, approved unanimously by participants, highlights the different ways in which technology can support the global agenda for education which was suggested at the HYPERLINK "http://en.unesco.org/world-education-forum-2015/"World Education Forum for the next 15 years. It states that the remarkable advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the rapid expansion of internet connectivity have made todays world increasingly interconnected and made the knowledge more accessible for every girl and boy, woman and man. To achieve the goal of Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Lifelong Learning by 2030, ICT must be harnessed to strengthen education systems, knowledge dissemination, information access, quality and effective learning, and more efficient service provision. The Declaration is a clear statement in favour of the use of ICT to foster access and equity in education as well as to promote the effective pedagogical use of ICT. It highlights in particular the paramount role that teacher development and support will have to play. It stresses that increasing efforts have to be made to promote the culture of open educational resources and the need to ensure quality assurance and recognition of online learning. Finally, it encourages governments, industry partners and all other education stakeholders to join forces and share resources to create equitable, dynamic, accountable, and sustainable learner-centered digital learning ecosystems. In relation to the IOC CD strategy Ms Delgado noted that OTGA responds to 5 actions: OutputActivityAction1. Human Resources Developed1.2. Continuous Professional Development1.2.1. Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandate1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on, a internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organizations on, a visiting lecturer programme1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandate1.2.5 Promote the sharing of the training materials Figure 14: IOC CD strategy actions addressed by OTGA Ms Delgado stated that OTGA is in a very good position to support the SDGs. Mr Troisi stated that the OTGA platform has been used for programmes other than IODE. One of the challenges has been to get the content: we have the platform but getting the content has remained a challenge. Mr Nolan commented that we have many of the system elements for MOOCs. Have we considered this expansion? Ms Delgado responded that we do have the infrastructure and we will launch a MOOC on Research Data Management in collaboration with University of Gent, Belgium. MOOCs can reach large audiences but it is not a solution for all training requirements. Mr Bax noted that an important component is practical work. How does this fit in OTGA? Ms Delgado responded that practical training is already often included in the courses, especially for data and information related training. Mr Yang inquired about content of the courses: how does OTGA decide on the topics for the training. Ms Delgado noted that IODE promotes the use of standards so certain concepts are universal across regions. Regarding topics selection the surveying of needed topics is done by the RTCs. Mr Troisi noted that there are regular surveys where regions can identify required training topics. Regional Training and Research Centres (WESTPAC) This agenda item was introduced by Mr Somkiat Khokiattiwong. He referred to the presentation on WESTPAC under Agenda item 3.3, which gave a clear introduction on WESTPAC Guiding principle for, and approach to capacity development. While emphasizing that WESTPAC takes integrated capacity development tools to serve the needs of its member states, he drew particular attention to the WESTPAC Initiated regional network of training and research centers (RTRCs) on marine sciences . The RTRC network was initiated in 2008 by Member States in the region and subsequently adopted by IOC/UNESCO, aiming to improve national and regional capability and capacity on marine science in a sustainable and systematic manner, through the establishment of IOC Regional Training and Research Centers (RTRCs) in national oceanographic institutes or universities, and regular provision of training and research opportunities in RTRCs on their specialized areas to young scientists mainly from developing countries within and outside the region. Objectives: Improve regional research capacity in a sustainable and systematic manner; Establish and strengthen the Centers of Excellence in the region; Approaches: Building on countries strong ownerships (national ocean research institutes and universities); Host institutions specialized areas and international recognition; Cross-fertilize the knowledge and expertise across the region; Regular provision of training and research opportunities on their specialized areas; Co-design and co-development with Member States and relevant international/national research programmes; Methods/tool: Expert lectures, hands-on practices, group discussions, field trips, sharing of research experience, engagement into relevant research programmes, if needed, ICT technology Establishment: Host institutions specialized areas and international recognition an open and transparent development process of multi-disciplinary and multi-nation representation. Financial resources: self-sustaining Regional Training and Research Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate (RTRC- ODC) - China: established in 2011. A total of 312 early career scientists from 33 countries in 2011-2017. Meanwhile, RTRC has been contributing to international research program development such as WESTPAC SEAGOOS/Ocean Forecasting System. Regional Training and Research Center on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health RTRC-MarBEST - Indonesia: Mission Strengthen the capability of human resources, especially students/young scientists/lecturers of UNESCO/IOC Member States in the Western Pacific region; Network on marine biodiversity among scientists/lecturers in the Western Pacific region; Promote the data and information exchange of marine biodiversity among institutions at Western Pacific region Contribute to the sustainable development and conservation of marine and coastal resources through training and research. Shortly after its inauguration in 2016, a two-week long training course on Crustacean Taxonomy was conducted at the MarBEST Centre from 17 to 29 October 2016, and a training on molecular taxonomy was organized During 25 September-5 October 2017. These trainings were well aligned with national and regional research programs such as WESTPAC programs, respectively on monitoring the ecological impacts of ocean acidification on coral reef systems, and DNA Taxonomy and Recruitment Monitoring of the Coral Reef Marine Organisms. Mr. Khokiattiwong informed that there are also other 2-3 RTRCs are under development with different research focus, He expressed his appreciation for the strong willingness expressed by a wealth of countries in the region at the 11th WESTPAC Intergovernmental Session (21-23 April 2017) and the recent Japan organized workshop on Future RTRC Networking in the Western Pacific (23-24 January 2018, Tokyo, Japan). Several countries, including Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Japan are preparing for the establishment of RTRCs. He finally informed the meeting that the RTRCs network has been accepted as an voluntary commitment WESTPAC made to the UN Ocean Conference Call for Action, which was entitled Develop research capacity and transfer of marine technology through the UNESCO/IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centers (RTRCs) on Marine Science in the Western Pacific and adjacent regions in support of the SDG 14.a: (#OceanAction15266) Other (including partner organizations) Under this agenda item IOC programmes and partner organizations or projects were invited to provide brief presentations on their CD methodologies. Marine Training Platform This agenda item was introduced by Mr Tim Deprez, Master Programme Coordinator / Doctoral Programme coordinator, University of Gent, Belgium. The MarineTraining platform ( HYPERLINK "http://www.marinetraining.org" www.marinetraining.org) is an initiative developed under the umbrella of the Belgian node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre - a distributed European Research Infrastructure Cluster (EMBRC-ERIC) since 2013. In the past five years the platform evolved into the key resource for blue training initiatives in Europe and beyond. The MarineTraining platform focusses on three main pillars: (1) grouping information about training, (2) providing services for training organizers, and (3) providing reliable insights in training needs and training offers. For the first goal of the platform, a comprehensive database using the XCRI-Cap data standard, a standard for describing and exchanging training related information, was developed. The dataset focusses on higher education institutes (both universities and university colleges) and collects marine training initiatives ranging from master and doctoral programmes, to expert trainings and specialist courses. The dataset is expanding gradually by including also non-accredited training initiatives and via involvements in several projects and networks. With over 600 programmes from more than 50 countries the dataset offers the most complete regional view on the current training offer. Services for training organizers in the Marine Training Platform include advertising possibilities, practical services to trainees and training organizers (application and registration) and the support of marine dedicated e-learning initiatives. In the past year the platform also provides support tools for internship and thesis placements and helps in developing new joint degree initiatives or thematic courses based on thorough needs analysis. Finally the portal allows to give reliable insights in the current state of blue training initiatives. Via the dataset and via targeted surveys it allows to identify the training gaps for the rapidly evolving blue economy. In the near future MarineTraining wishes to enlarge its focus by extending the regional and thematic scope. From a regional point of view, MarineTraining paid in the past five years mainly attention to Europe. However, more and more, via collaborations with global marine projects and networks, also trainings from outside Europe were taken up in the dataset. Moreover, the majority of end users of the portal seems to come from outside Europe. As such a more global coverage, via collaborations with specific projects and networks, and via a distributed model of data-delivery is now being developed. From a thematic point of view there is a need to broaden the current scope (mainly academic and accredited trainings) to also technical trainings and vocational initiatives. The Marine Training Platform hopes to become the global one-stop-shop for trainees in search of Marine and Maritime training initiatives, for trainers in search of assistance for organizing Marine and Maritime training, for stakeholders in search of reliable insights into Marine and Maritime training and to help taking the right decisions in development of new human capacity for the blue sectors. For more information:  HYPERLINK "http://www.marinetraining.eu" www.marinetraining.eu In response to a question Mr Deprez informed the Group that registered users can submit information on training programmes, but in addition he informed the Group that marinetraining.eu annually checkes University web sites to identify training opportunities. Mr Deprez further informed the Group that this team is composed of one full-time IT person and 3-4 people working on content quality control. POGO This agenda item was introduced by Ms Sophie Seeyave, Executive Director, POGO. Ms Seeyave provided an overview of its capacity development programmes, partnerships and impacts. POGO is a consortium of 38 oceanographic research institutions from 20 countries. One of the pillars of its mission is to identify and contribute to the development of the key skills, capacities and capabilities needed to achieve its vision of a state-of-the-art ocean observing system that serves the needs of science and society. POGOs capacity development programme consists of a Visiting Fellowship programme (initially co-sponsored by IOC and SCOR), support for the Austral Summer Institute at the University of Concepcion, a partnership with the Nippon Foundation (NF-POGO Visiting Professorships followed by a Centre of Excellence in Observational Oceanography and Regional Training Programmes). In total, POGO has provided training to around 800 early-career scientists from 77 countries. With the NF, POGO has also developed an alumni network, which provides further support to the alumni, through regional and global research and outreach projects, as well as keeping track of their careers progression and involving them as instructors on training programmes. In recent years, POGO has started to evaluate the impacts of its capacity development programme, through surveys sent to former trainees, instructors and institutes that have benefited from the training. IOI and EU initiatives This agenda item was introduced by Mr Werner Ekau, Head of Department in the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen, Germany, and the Director of the International Ocean Institute (IOI) Germany. He provided a brief overview of Capacity Development of the International Ocean Institute IOI and the new South Atlantic Initiative Brazil-South Africa- EU The International Ocean Institute is an independent, international, non-profit and non-governmental organization, founded in 1974. IOI is a knowledge-based institution that conducts training and capacity building to meet the crucial demand for knowledgeable future leaders in ocean governance. It accesses and produces publications of the most current scientific, legal and policy developments and participates in the development of national and international oceans governance agendas. One major goal is Capacity Development in Ocean Governance, provided by five different centres on a global (Canada) and regional level (Malta for the Mediterranean and Black Sea, South Africa for the Sub-Saharan Africa, Brazil for Latin America, Thailand for South East Asia). The signing of the Belm Statement on Atlantic Research and Innovation Cooperation (in the Belm Tower in Lisbon, Portugal, on 13 July 2017) has been the final act of a process initiated in a workshop in 2015 to stimulate a better scientific cooperation among European and South Atlantic states. Signed by representatives of Brazil, South Africa and the EU, it is aimed to bring together all countries around the Tropical and South Atlantic to achieve: Better monitoring and forecasting capacities; Improved safety at sea, human health and well-being; Sustainable use of marine resources; New and emerging technologies to service societal needs and new value chains; and Ocean-engaged citizens through enhanced ocean literacy activities. A special call (H2020-BG-2018-2020 (Blue Growth)) has been launched in 2017 to support this initiative on three important fields: [A] - Coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities in the Atlantic Ocean. [B] - Assessing the status of Atlantic marine ecosystems. [C] - New value chains for aquaculture production. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING 1.1. Address by the IOC Executive Secretary 1.2. Adoption of agenda and timetable 2. THE IOC CD STRATEGY AND TMT GUIDELINES 2.1. Presentation on the IOC CD strategy and TMT guidelines 2.1.1. Ocean Literacy 2.2. Progress status report 2.3. Instructions from the IOC Assembly 3. PRESENTATIONS ON REGIONAL PROGRAMMES AND THEIR CD WORK PLANS 3.1. IOCAFRICA 3.2. IOCARIBE 3.3. IOC/WESTPAC 3.4. IOCINDIO 4. PRESENTATIONS ON GLOBAL PROGRAMMES AND THEIR CD WORK PLANS 4.1. Ocean Sciences 4.2. GOOS 4.3. IODE 4.4. Tsunami 4.5. MPR (ICAM, MSP,...) 4.6. Transfer of Marine Technology (TMT) 5. CURRENT IOC CD METHODOLOGIES AND TOOLS 5.1. OceanTeacher Global Academy 5.2. Regional Training and Research Centres (WESTPAC) 5.3. Other (including partner organizations) 5.3.1. Marine Training Platform 5.3.2. POGO 5.3.3. IOI and EU initiatives 6. GAP ANALYSIS FOR EXISTING CD WORK PLANS: INTRODUCTION 7. REVISION OF GLOBAL AND REGIONAL CD WORK PLANS ACCORDING TO IOC CD STRATEGY AND TMTM GUIDELINES 7.1. IOCAFRICA 7.2. IOCARIBE 7.3. WESTPAC 7.4. IOCINDIO 8. WORK PLAN AND TIMETABLE 9. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT 10. CLOSING OF THE MEETING ANNEX II WORK PLAN AND TIMETABLE ANNEX III LIST OF PARTICIPANTS NOTE: INFORMATION IS OBTAINED FROM OCEANEXPERT - IF THERE IS ANY ERROR IN THE BELOW LIST THEN PLEASE UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION IN OCEANEXPERT. THE LIST WILL BE RE-GENERATED AFTER THE MEETING Member of the Group - IOCARIBE Ms. Lorraine BARROW Librarian Information Centre - Library Institute of Marine Affairs Hilltop Lane Chaguaramas Trinidad & Tobago Tel: +868 6344291 Email: library@ima.gov.tt Mr. Bradford BROWN United States Email: jabaribrad@aol.com Mr. Danilo CALAZANS Professor Institute of Oceanography Federal University of Rio Grande-FURG Av. It'alia km 8 Campus Carreiros RIo Grande-RS 96201-900 Brazil Tel: +55 53 3233 6523 Email: doclarva@gmail.com Mr. Cesar TORO IOC Secretary for IOCARIBE IOC of UNESCO Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Torices, Edificio Chambacu, Oficina 405 Cra 3B # 26-78 Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar, 1108 Colombia Tel: +57 5 664 09 55 Fax: +57 5 664 02 88 Email: iocaribe@col3.telecom.com.co Member of the Group - IOCAFRICA Mr. Adot Blim BLIVI Professor Facult de Science de lUniversit de Lom Togo (FDS/UL) B.P. 1515 Lom-TOGO Bld Gnassingb Eyadema Lom Togo Tel: +228 22216817 Email: cgileul@gmail.com Ms. Arame KEITA Head of Information and Documentation Unit Ministre de la Pche et de l'Economie maritime. BP 17677 Avenue Birago Diop, Point E-n3 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221 77 633 49 37 Email: arame.keita@gmail.com Mr. Charles LUGOMELA Faculty of Aquatic Sciences and Technology University of Dar es Salaam, College of Natural and applied Sciences P.O Box 35065 Uvumbuzi Street Dar Es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255 222410462 Email: lugomela@uccmail.co.tz Mr. Desiderius MASALU Director Zanzibar Tanzania Tel: 255-24-2232128 / 255-24-2230741 Fax: 255-24-2233050 Email: d.masalu@odinafrica.net Mr. Mika ODIDO IOC Coordinator in Africa UNESCO/IOC Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States UNESCO Nairobi Office UN Gigiri Complex Block C P.O. Box 30592 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 7621244 Email: mikaodido@yahoo.com Mr. Dismore SIKO Director Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology to add Pretoria 111111 South Africa Tel: 27128436859 Email: Ramathudis@gmail.com Member of the Group IOCINDIO Mr. Justin AHANHANZO Programme Specialist Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris cedex 07 France Tel: +33 1 45 68 09 91 Email: j.ahanhanzo@unesco.org Member of the Group - WESTPAC Mr. Nic BAX CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (Hobart) GPO Box 1538 Hobart TAS 7001 Australia Tel: +61 3 6232 5341 Email: Nic.Bax@csiro.au Mr. Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG SEA GOOS Chair, Senior Researcher Department of Marine and Coastal Resources Phuket Marine Biological Center Cape Panwa, 51 Sakdidech Rd. Wichit, Amphoe Mueang Phuket Phuket 83000 Thailand Tel: + 66 76 391128 Email: skhokiattiwong@gmail.com Mr. Andi Eka SAKYA Indonesia Meteorological Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) JI. Angkasa I No. 2 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 10720 Indonesia Tel: 62-21-4246321 Email: andi.eka.sakya@gmail.com Mr. Tatsuya WATANABE Director, Deep Sea-Earth Scientific Research Research and Development Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Kasumigaseki 3-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959 Japan Tel: +81 367344454 Email: ml-ocean@mext.go.jp Mr. Yafeng YANG Deputy Division Director State Oceanic Administration 1, Fuxingmenwai Avenue Beijing Beijing, 100860 China Tel: 86-10-68048080 Fax: 86-10-68048080 Email: yyfsoa@hotmail.com Mr. Wenxi ZHU Head, UNESCO/IOC Regional Secretariat for WESTPAC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Bangkok 10210 Thailand Tel: +66 2 141 1287 Fax: +66 2 143 9245 Email: w.zhu@unesco.org Ms. Xuan ZHU Researcher Marine Environment and Resources Research Division China Institute for Marine Affairs No. 3 Maguanying Jiayuan, Fengtai District, Beijing Beijing 100161 China Tel: +86 10 68047766 Email: zhuxuan@cima.gov.cn Member of the Group -other Mr. Werner EKAU Head of Department International Ocean Institute Center Germany c/o Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Fahrenheitstr. 6 28359 Bremen Germany Tel: +494212380023 Email: wekau@zmt-bremen.de Mr. Alan EVANS Marine Science Policy Adviser National Oceanography Centre, Southampton European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)2380 596552 Email: alje@noc.ac.uk Mr. Viktor KOMORIN Director Director Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea 89, Frantsuzsky Blvd. Odessa Odessa oblast 65009 Ukraine Tel: +380 4826 36622 Email: vkomorin@gmail.com Ms. Ann-Katrien LESCRAUWAET Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Belgium Email: annkatrien.lescrauwaet@vliz.be Ms. Pauhla MCGRANE National Coordinator Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training (SMART) Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology GMIT Galway Campus Dublin Road Galway Ireland H91 T8NW Ireland Tel: +353 (0)87 9500911 Email: pauhla.mcgrane@gmit.ie Ms. Allison REED US Department of State 2201 C St NW Washington, DC, United States Email: ReedAD@state.gov Mr. Juan Luis SUAREZ DE VIVEROS Universidad de Sevilla Spain Email: vivero@us.es Mr. Ariel TROISI Head Oceanography Oceanography Department Servcio de Hdrografia Naval Avda. Montes de Oca 2124 C1270ABV Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4301 3091 Email: atroisi@hidro.gov.ar Representative IOC Global Programme Mr. Thorkild AARUP Head Tsunami Unit, Technical Secretary of GLOSS Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris cedex 07 France Tel: +33 1 45 68 04 19 Email: t.aarup@unesco.org Mr. Bernardo ALIAGA ROSSEL Programme Specialist, Tsunami Unit Tsunami Coordination Unit Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris cedex 07 France Tel: +33 1 45 68 03 17 Email: b.aliaga@unesco.org Mr. Ward APPELTANS Project Manager OBIS, GOOS Biology & Ecosystems, IOC Capacity Development UNESCO / IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 Pakhuis 61 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32 59 34 01 76 Email: w.appeltans@unesco.org Ms. Harriet HARDEN-DAVIES Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security University of Wollongong School of Law, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2500 Australia Wollongong NSW 2500 Australia Email: h.r.hardendavies@googlemail.com Mr. Aidy M MUSLIM Director / Associate Prof. Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) +2356>?ABCDLM_`abcdef٭٭ففod[H[=[hJB7h?B^JaJ$jhJB7hD"U^JmHnHuhJB7h?B^JhJB7h?B^JaJ#hJB7h?B6CJ$OJQJ^JaJ*hJB7h?B6@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*hJB7h?B6@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*hJB7h?B6@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*hJB7h?B6@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ&hJB7h?B6CJ OJQJ]^JaJ#hJB7h?BCJ$OJQJ\^JaJ`abdefghijkl   ! 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