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Human and financial resourcesPart of day to day operations. 1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOCThere is only one UNESCO Chair (Ocean and Urban Development) relevant to IOC in the region. No any information is available about what the UNESCO Chair has been doing.If possible, pay a visit to the UNESCO Chair (based in the East China Normal University)Financial resourcesPart of day to day operations. 1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandateYes: Based on the needs of its MS in the region, WESTPAC has been developing and organizing a series of trainings, workshops and MOMSEI Summer School on rotation basis in its MS; For every biennium, averagely there are 8-12 training courses/ summer schools are organized, and 25-35 regional workshops conducted. In addition, Regular Trainings on Ocean Dynamics and Climate, and Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health have been provided at its established Regional Training and Research Centers (RTRC), respectively located in Qingdao China, and Jakarta. IODE: OTGA (2 RTCs) providing trainings mainly on ocean data and information managementEstablish linkages with South Pacific countries, understand their needs and capacity, and further consider possible practical activities; Consider making use of telecommunication technology for trainings, including these in RTRCs; Consider developing/seeking more capacity development activities or opportunities for WOA-2, BBNJ, Ocean Decade, etc. Human and financial resourcesFor every biennium, averagely there are 8-12 training courses/ summer schools are organized, and 25-35 regional workshops conducted. Scheduling activities is part of regular operations, along with funding opportunities. So far, following activities were scheduled for 2018 with some others to be scheduled : Workshop on Species Identification and Genetic Analysis on Marine Organisms in the Coral Reef Ecosystems, 20-21 Jan, Korea; Workshop on RTRCs Networking, 23-24 Jan, Japan; IOC Group of Expert meeting on CD, 21-23 Mar, France; Workshop on SCS cooperation, 27-28 Mar, China; Training workshop on marine toxin analysis, 5-9 April, Vietnam; International Symposium on Microplastics, 24-25 April, China; Asia Network of LMEs, 30 April-4 May, Thailand Workshop on Upwelling in SCS, 7-8 May, Malaysia; RTRC-ODC training, 25 Jun-7 Jul, China; Regional workshop on Micorplastics, 10-12 Sep, China; RTRC-MarBEST training, Sep, Indonesia; Advisory Group meeting,26-28 Sep, Philippines (TBD); Training Workshop on Ocean Acidification, 15-17 Oct, venue TBD; Regional training workshop for the 2nd cycle of World Ocean Assessment (WOA), late 2018 (TBD); MOMSEI Summer School, Phuket, Thailand, late 2018 (TBD) For more activities to be scheduled, Please refer to the WESTPAC Website  HYPERLINK "http://iocwestpac.org" http://iocwestpac.org1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)Yes: WESTPAC provides internship opportunity to IOC MS in the WESTPAC region. Please refer to the WESTPAC website  HYPERLINK "http://iocwestpac.org/join-us" http://iocwestpac.org/join-us Identify linkages with CROP agencies of P-SIDS SPC, SPREP, UPS, FFAHuman and financial resourcesPart of day to day operation, subject to opportunities. 1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmeNo: Not a priority. Done occasionally, not fully established yet as a programStill not considered as a priority, given the present priorities of WESTPAC CD and unstaffed situation1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandateYes. WESTPAC initiated in 2008 the IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centers (RTRCs), with two RTRCs established, respectively on Ocean Dynamics and Climate in China; and Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health in Indonesia with regular trainings being provided to all UN Member States mainly those in the region. Other three or more RTRCs are under development with focus to addressing other key regional issues based on the needs of UN Member States in the region. The WESTPAC action was also reflected as a voluntary commitment to the SDG 14. Please refer to  HYPERLINK "https://oceanconference.un.org/commitments/?id=15266" https://oceanconference.un.org/commitments/?id=15266 Establish linkages with South Pacific countries, understand their needs and capacity, and further consider how to engage South Pacific countries into the regular trainings provided at the RTRCs.Financial resourcesA regional workshop on networking RTRCs in the region held in Tokyo, 23-24 January 2018. The level of backing to this initiative was indicated by the strong willingness expressed by a wealth of countries in the region. Regular trainings will be conducted in the two established RTRCs, on ocean dynamics and climate, marine biodiversity and ecosystem health At least one RTRC shall be established in 2018. 1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsYes. Mainly through the WESTPAC Website ( HYPERLINK "http://iocwestpac.org" http://iocwestpac.org ), host institutions website, and IOC website.Part of day to day operations. 1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fundYes: WESTPAC established WESTPAC Young Scientists Travel Grant in support of the participation of Young Scientists (around 50 each time) into the WESTPAC International Scientific Conference (Formerly known as WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium). Please refer to  HYPERLINK "http://www.iocwestpac10.com/customPage/customPagePreview?pageId=27447&eventId=10001437" http://www.iocwestpac10.com/customPage/customPagePreview?pageId=27447&eventId=10001437  HYPERLINK "http://www.iocwestpac10.com/customPage/customPagePreview?pageId=23049&eventId=10001437" http://www.iocwestpac10.com/customPage/customPagePreview?pageId=23049&eventId=10001437 Meanwhile WESTPAC provides funds for some participants in WESTPAC activities.For every WESTPAC training course and workshops, travel grant will be sought from different sources in support of the selected trainees and experts. Start the preparations for the 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference scheduled for 2020, Indonesia1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programmeYes. Collaborating with GOA-ON ( HYPERLINK "http://www.goa-on.org/" http://www.goa-on.org/ ) on a mentoring program on ocean acidificationConsider embracing JCOMM V result on its CD programme related with mitigating coastal hazards that jeopardizing coastal communities, through community based activity;Consider as part of WESTPAC program development on monitoring ecological impacts on coral reef systems. Refer to the following for the last regional workshop in 2017:  HYPERLINK "http://iocwestpac.org/news/854.html" http://iocwestpac.org/news/854.html 1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksYes: WESTPAC keeps track of its participants and engages them into relevant WESTPAC programs/activities. Part of day to day operations1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awardsYes. WESTPAC established the WESTPAC Best Young Scientist Award since 2011 in order to nurture science leaders and assist young scientists to further dedicate themselves to marine science, sustained observations and services. Please refer to  HYPERLINK "http://iocwestpac.org/news/808.html" http://iocwestpac.org/news/808.html Start the preparations for the 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference scheduled for 2020, Indonesia1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean researchYes: WESTPAC gives priority to women when selecting suitable participant with financial support Part of day to day operation2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate accessIt is not yet a priority to establish and maintain a register of infrastructure, but tremendous facilitation efforts have been made to assist countries in accessing infrastructure mainly through the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation among scientists, institutions and countriesGiven the present priorities of WESTPAC CD and unstaffed situation, establishing a register of infrastructure wont be in the workplan. but facilitation efforts will continue. 2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructureYes. It is one of basis for WESTPAC to establish cooperation, and develop joint programs among institutions, countries in the region.Part of day to day operation, embodied in program development and implementation 3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsn/a. A great impediment for a long time. This should be addressed by IOC Paris without further delay, as the sole technical staff is unlikely to address all demands at every level, including UNESCO, IOC Paris, MS in the region.n/a. This is to be addressed by IOC Paris. 3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsn/a. This is to be addressed by IOC Paris.n/a. This is to be addressed by IOC Paris. 3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesYes: Where applicable, WESTPAC communicates with the relevant global programs mainly by sharing its activity information, providing progress report and attending the sessions of global programs. Moreover, WESTPAC invites relevant global programs to join its regional activities. WESTPAC communicates its programs with other regional organizations, such as PICES, UNEP regional seas programs, WCRP/CLIVAR, LMEs etc.Part of day to day operations 4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsYes. WESTPAC has been providing a universally recognized regional platform for MS to share their research priorities and develop joint research programs on a regular basis. It will continuously be part of WESTPAC programme development and implementation. 4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesYes. WESTPAC has been providing a universally recognized regional platform for MS to share their research priorities and develop joint research programs on a regular basis. Meanwhile, WESTPAC has developed regional research priorities based on the common interests of its Member States, and been assisting its Member States in developing and implementing their national priority activities, under the framework of regional cooperative framework.Establish linkages with South Pacific countries, understand their needs and capacity, and further consider possible practical activities.Part of day-day operations 5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutionsYes. Mainly through the WESTPAC Website, relevant flyers and brochures, and museums and aquariums in Member States.Part of day to day operations, mainly through the WESTPAC Website, relevant flyers and brochures etc.5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsNot yetInitiate a regional network of ocean literary, or consider connecting it with other WESTPAC capacity development programmesHuman and financial resourcesSome attempts could be made, subject to the needs and staffing situation.6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesYes. WESTPAC has been developing and/or strengthening partnerships with various institutions, and international programmes/organizations, receiving a considerable amount of in-kind support from its MS for its program implementation.Human resourcesPart of day to day operations6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector PartnersYes. In cash resources for program and the operation of the WESTPAC Secretariat remain stable. Further resource mobilization is being hampered due to its understaffed situation.Human resourcesStrategic planning, and part of day to day operations.      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