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Grard4GSSC-XI 3.2Prioritize Action List for Outreach and Advocacy Working GroupASAPR. Rayner5GSSC-XI 5.1.1Advise how Pilot Project observations and information must be made available to JCOMMGSSCdone6GSSC-XI 5.2Consolidate outreach message of GOOS, GSSC, GCOS, and JCOMM in relation to GEO and others. Oct. 2008A&O Group7GSSC-XI 5.2Provide coordinated GOOS and GCOS input to GEO 2009-11 workplanMay 9I-GOOSdone8GSSC-XI 5.2Submit GOOS input in the GEO process in defining its data policy. I-GOOS9GSSC-XI 5.2GOOS use case scenario E2E demonstrationA&O Group10GSSC-XI 5.2Request IODE/JCOMM to submit and register relevant services and standardsIODE/ JCOMMOn-going11GSSC-XI 5.2Verify and maintain a list of GOOS participation in GEO committeesGPO12GSSC-XI 5.2Talk to GEO secretariat about how we can raise the whole system awareness.A&O Group13GSSC-XI 5.2Further engage sponsors in supporting GEO advocacy for GOOS On going14GSSC-XI 5.3Encourage OGP delivery of data to the GTSColin Grant15GSSC-XI 5.4.1Request GSSC members to comment on GOSIC data matrix presentationC. Lief16GSSC-XI 5.4.1GPO work with GOSIC presentation of national commitmentsC. Lief, A. Fischer17GSSC-XI 5.4.1Invite C. Lief to GRA ForumGRASP18GSSC-XI 5.4.1Facilitate informal web based bulletin board for GRA communication C. Lief19GSSC-XI 5.4.4Respond to request from POGO for a cost estimate of GOOS activitiesGCOS, GSSC, PICO20GSSC-XI 5.4.4Request Report from IOCCP on ocean carbon issues and activiesGSSCXII21GSSC-XI 5.6Interact with JCOMM to facilitate distribution of animal oceanography profiling data on the GTS with monitoring by JCOMM-OPSJ. Gunn JCOMM co-president22GSSC-XI 12Engage with UNESCO outreach and education activities with external sponsorshipsGPO23GSSC-XI 12The GPO should work with representatives from GRASP, OCEATLAN and IOCARIBE to establish a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for the GRA Fourth ForumGSSC chair I-GOOS board24GSSC-XI 13.1Request IGOOS members to document the national regulatory or statutory information requirements.I-GOOS Board25GSSC-XI 13.1Stimulate co-sponsorship of workshops. GSSC chair26GSSC-XI 13.1Remind GSSC to act on action itemsTwice in yearGPO27GSSC-XI 14.1Initiate dialogue to reaffirm MOUs with sponsoring bodiesGSSC chair28GSSC-XI 14.1Submit membership requirements to GPO for inclusion in recommendations to sponsoring organizationsGSSC chair29GSSC-XI 14.1The GPO to collate and submit a GSSC and PICO membership nomination list to sponsor organizations.Sept. 2008GPO     IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/2.2 page  PAGE 4 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/2.2 page  PAGE 3 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/2.2 page  PAGE 2 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/2.2 page  PAGE 3 01245BFNSW^_mn   m n o p 󹮹{n{n{f{^hSnHtHhSmH sH hSmH nHo(sH tHhSmH nHsH tHh(hSnHtHhS h>/hSh>/hS5\ hS5\hS5CJ\aJhSCJaJhSCJaJnHo(tHhSCJaJnHtHh#hSCJaJnHtHhSCJPJaJh#hSCJPJaJ!5_mn   ipkd$$Ifx\ q)   U(4 xa $$Ifa$gdSgdS '7$8$]'`gdS R H p $ $If]^a$gdS$($If^(`a$gdS$$If^a$gdS$L$If]L^a$gdS$$If]^a$gdS$a$gd" gdSgdS$a$gdS Y ] ^ _ o    ! _ ` d p q r ⱨzkbYYbh" h{+CJh" hL$CJhihSCJaJmH sH h" h" CJmH sH h" hSCJmH sH hphSCJaJh" h`CJh" hSCJhphS5CJaJ!hS5CJaJmH nHsH tH'hphM_5CJaJmH nHsH tH'hphS5CJaJmH nHsH tHhSnHo(tH"  T U 8//// $Ifgd" kd$$IflIֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lalU Y ^ _ a o 1kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" o 1kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd"    $Ifgd"    ! ` e :1111 $Ifgd" kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lale o p q s 1kds$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd"  1kde$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" r K L M V W ` b c d e p      W ` b c e r ~ $&)+,.˼˱˨h" hCJhphu|CJaJ h%!CJh" hCWCJh" hu|CJ h|CJh" hL$CJhphSCJaJh" h{+CJh" hSCJB M W a b $Ifgd" b c e m q :1111 $Ifgd" kdW$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal 1kdI$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd"      $Ifgd"   ! - V W :1111 $Ifgd" kd;$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lalW a b c f r 1kd- $$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" r 1kd $$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd"  %&*+ $Ifgd" +,/;:1111 $Ifgd" kd $$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal1kd $$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" 1kd $$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" $%12 $Ifgd" %0235DLPX %'(*?@GJKMZYZ(ȿѴѴѴѣ!HhSĆhphCWCJaJhphCWCJaJh" h2CJh" h74CJh" hCWCJhphSCJaJh" hf0CJh" hSCJh" hCJ@236D:1111 $Ifgd" kd $$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal1kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" 1kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd"  &' $Ifgd" '(+9}~:1111 $Ifgd" kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal~1kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" 1kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" @HIJ $Ifgd" JKNZ:1111 $Ifgd" kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal1kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" STXY $Ifgd" YZ]eh:1111 $Ifgd" kdw$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal1kdi$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" * $Ifgd" :1111 $Ifgd" kd[$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal1kdM$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" #'()1kd?$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" ()ƾ~k]kLk~HhM_ hM_0JCJaJhmHnHuh\.hM_0JCJaJh$jh\.hM_0JCJUaJhh\.hM_CJaJmH sH h\.hM_CJaJmH sH h\.hM_B*CJaJphhKC]hM_B*CJaJphh7}~jh7}~U h>/hShShphCJaJh" hCJh" hCWCJ!HhSĆhphCWCJaJ),9tu $Ifgd" :1111 $Ifgd" kd1$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal1kd#$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd" v1kd$$IflֈT8$X |)84$ t0|)44 lal $Ifgd"  !"? $B^ y$B$ y$B^a$gdS$a$gdSgdSteRDRh\.hM_0JCJaJh$jh\.hM_0JCJUaJhh\.hM_CJaJmH sH h\.hM_CJaJmH sH hM_hM_CJOJQJmH sH  hM_0JCJaJhmHnHuhM_0JCJaJhjhM_0JCJUaJhhM_CJOJQJmH sH "hM_B*CJaJnHo(phtHh\.hM_B*CJaJphhKC]hM_B*CJaJph!"4>?DEKLMNOPQRSɺ{p{_{QMF h>/hSh7}~hM_CJOJQJmH sH  hM_0JCJaJhmHnHuhM_0JCJaJhjhM_0JCJUaJhhM_CJOJQJmH sH "hM_B*CJaJnHo(phtHh\.hM_B*CJaJphhKC]hM_B*CJaJphhM_h\.hM_CJaJmH sH $jh\.hM_0JCJUaJh hM_0JCJaJhmHnHu?OPQRS$a$gdS $B^C 0 00&P 1hP:pS. 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