ࡱ> q` ;bjbjqPqP ::H- .( $ 4 BBBhCtxCL JC(CphDhDhD6GHG TG$̪h4t- HGG"HHL L hDhD<rMrMrMHxL 8hD hDbMHrMrM=  hDC P>4BPJ$NdR0O>tKx \G>G,PMG$G\G\G\GLd\G\G\GHHHH T. T. L L L L L L  Summary. Further to the decision of the Executive Council at its 39th Session to improve the preparation and processing of Draft Resolutions, the IOC Secretariat bring the proposed revised guidelines to the attention of the Executive Council and in particular to that of its Resolutions Committee in view of updating the current IOC guidelines for the preparation and consideration of Draft Resolutions (Section 9 of the IOC Manual, IOC/INF-785, 1989).  I. Definitions Resolution: Formal expression of a mandate, opinion or a declaration of a decision to act made by a Governing Body within the scope of Article II below. Draft Resolution: A proposed text of a Resolution to be submitted by the relevant source to a Governing Body with a view to its adoption by the body concerned. Decision: Formal expression of a mandate, opinion or a declaration of a decision to act made by a Governing Body outside of the scope of Article II below. It will be placed within the body of the corresponding Governing Bodys session report. Recommendation: Formal expression of an opinion, advice or recommendation by an IOC Subsidiary Body to the IOC Executive Secretary and the body that created it. II. Scope of a Draft Resolution Draft Resolutions should be prepared only when necessary to: reflect major policy, programmatic, external relations, financial and structural decisions approves or modifies the Commissions programme and budget take action on formal Recommendations made to the Commission by its Subsidiary Bodies or by other entities concerned with the oceans. Respecting the division of authorities and responsibilities established in the UNESCO Constitution, Draft Resolutions will not deal with internal matters of the IOC Secretariat nor competences of the IOC Executive Secretary or the Director-General of UNESCO. Draft Resolutions should deal only with matters that have been placed before to be discussed in plenary at the corresponding session of the Governing Body. Resolutions should accurately reflect the discussion and conclusions of the plenary. III. Source of a Draft Resolution Draft Resolutions may be prepared and submitted by: five Member States representing at least three of the five electoral groups of the Commission the Executive Secretary at his/her own initiative or in response to a request from the Executive Head of a UN organization or body co-operating in the work of the Commission, or an IOC Advisory Body the Chairperson of the Commission, alone or with the Vice-Chairperson(s) of the Commission. IV. Submission Draft Resolutions, and amendments to draft resolutions, shall be placed in writing before the IOC Executive Secretary, who shall circulate copies to the IOC Member States. Prior to the concerned Governing Body session, Draft Resolutions may be submitted to the IOC Executive Secretary in one of the four official languages of the Commission as soon as the provisional agenda for the session has been circulated. After examining their admissibility (see Article VI), the Executive Secretary shall circulate the Draft Resolutions translated in the four official languages of the Commission to the IOC Member States for information before their formal review by the Resolutions Committee. During the session, Draft Resolutions must be submitted preferably in English to facilitate the work of the Resolutions Committee (see article VII below). The Draft Resolution will mention whether it replaces a past Resolution or not, stating the latter is not longer in force. V. Deadline No Draft Resolution shall be discussed or put to the vote unless it has been delivered to the Executive Secretary at least two working days before the adoption of the resolutions. This article will not be applicable to the Programmes and Budget resolutions. VI. Admisibility The IOC Executive Secretary shall examine Draft Resolutions to determine their admissibility on the basis of Articles II and III above. Admissibility of DRs may also be judged on its relevance to the Commissions needs, modus operandi and allowable sources of funding, as determined by its Governing Bodies. And finally, admissibility may also depend on the correctness; clarity and preciseness of its text (see Article VI here below). The Draft Resolutions the Executive Secretary considers inadmissible shall not be translated or distributed. Such a decision of the Executive Secretary should be motivated and notified to the Sponsors with an invitation to modify and resubmit the Draft Resolution within the stated deadline. The sponsors of these draft resolutions may submit an appeal to the IOC Assembly or IOC Executive Council through the Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee. To consider these appeals, the Resolutions Committee may be convened as soon as necessary. VII. Structure The wording of a Draft Resolution should meet the criterion of being necessary and sufficient and should avoid extraneous and duplicative material. In particular a Draft Resolution should not replicate or duplicate a decision already in the body of the report and inversely. Draft Resolutions should accurately, though not necessarily in detail, correspond to the discussion and conclusions of the concerned Governing Body in plenary. Draft Resolutions should comprise an initial preambular section, which should be kept to a minimum and should address the question Why is a Resolution needed? This should be followed by an operative section, which should define the action called for by the Resolution and how the action is to be carried out. If possible, a Draft Resolution should consist of one preambular section followed by the corresponding operative section. If more than one operative section is envisaged, the Draft Resolution should be subdivided, with each subdivision comprising one preambular section and one operative section for each action. VIII. Resolutions Committee A Resolutions Committee should be established at the beginning of each Assembly session or each Executive Council session to consider Draft Resolutions as they are presented to ensure that the text of the Resolution is clear and explicit. If the Resolutions Committee considers it necessary to propose changes in a draft resolution, it should ensure that, these are strictly of an editorial nature so that the substance of the original draft is maintained. The Resolutions Committee has no responsibility for the substance of Draft Resolutions. Should a substantive change be considered necessary for any reason, the Draft Resolution should be referred back to the IOC Executive Secretary, with an explanatory note. To facilitate any eventual redrafting of a Draft Resolution, the originator(s) or his/her/their representative could be invited to the meeting of the Resolutions Committee at which the DR in question is discussed. The Resolutions Committee should submit, via the IOC Executive Secretary, to the Financial Committee any Draft Resolution before the Draft Resolution is considered in Plenary. The Financial Committees role is to examine the financial implications, be they explicit or implicit, of Draft Resolutions and thus their practicality. In particular it shall clearly identify the funds that are not committed in the current approved budget. The Resolutions Committee shall review a Draft Resolution in English. Following Article IV, official translation shall be provided if the Draft Resolution is presented in another official language of the Commission. The Chairperson of the Resolution Committee shall be agreed upon, among the present Delegates, by the Governing Body at the beginning of each session. The Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee together with the IOC Executive Secretary shall submit a report to the Governing Body by the end of the session about the proposed Draft Resolutions and the work of the Resolutions Committee. IX. Past Resolutions A document entitled Review of Past Resolutions should be presented by the IOC Executive Secretary at each session of the IOC Assembly. This document shall list all the past resolutions still in force. X. Subsidiary Bodies In general, Subsidiary Bodies should follow similar procedures to those proposed above for the Governing Bodies when adopting Recommendations and Resolutions. Subsidiary Bodies should review all relevant Governing Body Resolutions still in force that refer to the Subsidiary Body at the date of their session, as well as their own Recommendations. XI. Publication All resolutions will be published in the official languages of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. XII. Coding and citation of Resolutions Assembly Resolutions [Number of Assembly in roman numerals]-[1,2number of the particular Resolution]; e.g., IOC Resolution XXIII-3 (third Resolution adopted by the IOC Assembly at its 23rd Session) Executive Council Resolutions EC-[Number of Executive Council in roman numerals].[1,2number of the particular Resolution]; e.g., IOC EC-XXXIX.2 (second Resolution adopted by the IOC Executive Council at its 39th Session) Primary IOC Subsidiary Body Resolutions and Recommendations [Acronym of the Subsidiary Body]-[Number of the session in roman numerals].[1,2number of the particular Resolution]; e.g., IODE-XVIII.1 (first Resolution adopted by the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) at its 18th Session). APPENDIX I PROPOSED STANDARIZED PRESENTATION OF DRAFT RESOLUTIONS A resolution is composed of: - The author: The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission is the author of an Assembly Resolution. Otherwise the author of Resolutions is the body that adopt the resolutions; e.g. The Executive Council, - A preambular part (paragraphs start with a verb in gerund marked in bold face and end with a comma): The preambular part states the problem and briefly identifies the appropriate texts of reference (reports, past decisions/resolutions, etc.) and facts and events. While the following customary preambular terms may be used, it may be helpful to group more than one consideration under one such term (i), (ii) etc. Preambular terms: Having considered, Acknowledging, Appreciating, Welcoming, Noting, Taking note, Bearing in mind, Aware of, - An active part (paragraphs starts with an operative verb marked in bold face and end with a semi-colon): The active part of the draft Resolution states precisely what the body in session resolved to do. Every effort should be made to define who or which entity will carry out the action called for. While the following customary preambular terms may be used, it may be helpful to group more than one consideration under one such term (i), (ii) etc. Active terms: Decides; Resolves; Accepts; Endorses; Adopts; Authorizes; Congratulates; Thanks; Supports; Urges; Requests; invites; Encourages; Calls upon DRAFT RESOLUTION & ./DR. ResNo (Agenda item) Submitted by  FORMTEXT       (See article III) [TITLE] The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission/The Executive Council, Having considered, Acknowledging, Appreciating, Welcoming, Noting, Taking note, Bearing in mind, reports, past resolutions or any other documents..., Emphasizing, Reiterating, Reaffirming, Recalling, Recognizing, Considering,...facts, subject, Decides to take action on Recommendation of a Subsidiary Body as follows Requests, Authorizes the IOC Executive Secretary to........................ Urges, Encourages, calls upon relevant governmental authorities in IOC Member States............. Invites the Director-General of UNESCO  The Assembly at its 24th session agreed on the following practice regarding reports of its Subsidiary Bodies: The Assembly or the Executive Council accepts the executive summary/report of the Subsidiary Body in the body of its own report (Decision). A Resolution may be deemed necessary if the Governing Body decides additional actions or modifications, notably on the proposed work plan.  Under Rule of Procedure 42  see the proposed standardized presentation of DR appended to this document  see the proposed standardized presentation of DR appended to this document  Under Rules of Procedure 12.2 and 19.2  Under Rule of Procedure 42  The word Instruct and similar expressions will be avoided.     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 2 Restricted Distribution IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 11 Paris, 21 May 2008 Original: English  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Forty-first Session of the Executive Council UNESCO, Paris, 24 June1st July 2008 Item 6 of the Provisional Agenda Second Draft revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions (SC-2008/CONF.203/CLD.13) IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 11 page PAGE 2 IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 11 page PAGE 3 IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 11 IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 11 page PAGE 6 IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 11 page  PAGE 5  CEQ p          ছzlze^ezlzezlze^eze hk'h. hk'h/hk'h/>*^JmH sH  h/h/hk'h/>*h/h/mH sH  hBhhkthBhhh0B*phhBhhh0B*^JaJphhwwh@~6^JaJhy.^JaJh*CSh@~^JaJhh@~H*^JaJh@~^JaJhBhhh0^JaJhBhhh0>*^JaJ# p    ] ~~~~~qqq " 7^gd.gdk'gd/gdl}Ogkd$$IfTlV<024 laT x$Ifgd H69;;  7=Hk   ǺǶǩǞ㘒wjwjh/h/H*Uh !h/>*hk' hk'PJh/hk'PJ h/PJ h !PJh/h/mH sH hH;h/^JmH sH hH;h|e}h/^JmH sH  h/h/jh.0JPJUh.h.PJh/h/PJ hk'h/hk'h/^JmH sH & #7kEi{"$ & F 7nb^n`ba$gd !gd/gdk'OYgh. $05RrMN ꡚ{njh/h/H*Ujh^#0JUhFh/^JmH sH h/h/6 h/h^#h^#h^#^JmH sH h^#h/6h^# h/h !h !h !^JmH sH h/h/mH sH h !hk'h/^JmH sH  h/h/h !h/>*^JmH sH +  "b$:%%&&''S() )))*a+,,,,,,--gda$a$gda & Fgdagdk'gd/ abktd j n#y#>%I%%%8&>&&&'') )$)/))))))&*'*6*=*u*w*******++ ++U+W+a+++,&,,,ƹhFh/>*hk'h/H*hk'h/5 hk'h/hk'h/>* hFh/hk'h/^JmH sH h/h/mH sH h^#h^#^JmH sH hFh/^JmH sH jh/h/H*U h/h/6,,,,,,-"---.. //////// 0 0 00w0{0ƽs[sMhaha5]^JaJ.h^#ha56]^JaJfHq +h^#ha5]^JaJfHq (h^#ha5^JaJfHq %h^#ha^JaJfHq hah^#]^JaJha]^JaJhaha]^JaJh^#^JaJhaha5^JaJhaha^JaJhahKk hk'h/---// 0 011222:33334 44454E4F4444$a$gdadhgda$a$gda -DM gd^#gda{0091M11112222 3 3336383:3T3V3j3l3n3x3z33333 4t4ŷٮŝŝŝَ|jٮ^ShahvZ^JaJhvZha5^JaJ"jhU^JaJmHnHu#jhahaU^JaJjhahaU^JaJ jhaha5U^JaJhvZ5^JaJhaha5]^JaJhaha5^JaJh^#^JaJhaha^JaJhaha]^JaJhaha5\]^JaJt44444444 5555'5-5l5m5o5w5x5555 6'6G6H6I6J6K6ӻ竜}sjcYUJh.h.mH sH h.jh.0JU hk'hahaha^Jhaha5^J!jhaha0JU^JaJhahah^JaJhaha^JaJmH sH haha5^JaJmH sH haha56]^JaJhvZ5^JaJhaha5^JaJhvZ^JaJhaha^JaJh.ha5]^JaJ444455+5,5-5n5o5556 6H6777>8888gd/$a$gd/ & Fgda $h^ha$gda$ & F0 7G$a$gda$a$gdaK6X6a6c666677777777777=8>8?8@8A8E888888888888ɾ{tj{ff_jf{fXjf{ hH>h/ hh/h/jh/0JU h^#h^#h@~h^#jh^#0JU hh/h^#CJ^JaJh^#h/CJ^JaJ%jh^#h/0JCJU^JaJh.h.mH sH h|e}^JaJmH sH h.h.H*^JaJmH sH h.^JaJmH sH h.h.^JaJmH sH "8888888 99999999999!96989>9?9E9F9G9H9I9J9[9]9c9d9j9k9l9m9n9ǽǮǒpepphkth/0JaJjhkth/0JUaJ *hkth/aJhkth/aJh>ch0JaJmHnHuhbhb0JaJjhbhb0JUaJ *hbhbaJhbhbaJjhUUhU hhahvZhajha0JU hH>h/h/%899999999 9!999I9J9^9n9o9p99999 $ 7a$gd\n $ 7a$gd#  gd\ngd/ r gd/gdan9o9p999999999999999999:: ::-:.:=:?:D:F:褜赇{ocZ{Z{oQoQh\nCJ\^Jh\n5CJ^JhLT^h 5^JaJh h CJ\^Jh h 5CJ^J(jhLT^h\nU^JaJmHnHuh\n^JaJhvZ^JaJh#5^JaJhLT^h/5^JaJh/5CJ$^JaJ$h#h/5CJ$^JaJ$h\nh\n5CJ$^JaJ$hLT^h/^JaJh>ch/hbaJ9999::.:S:oS # `0p@ P ^ gdq? # `0pEP ^ gdq? $ & `0p@ P ^ a$gdq?  `0pP ^ gdq?$ & `0p@ Pa$gd/$ ,`0p@ Pla$gd/F:H:R:S:T:U:V:X:Y:Z:[:_:`:z:{:}::::::::::;ƾƟwnwgc\UQDh\nh\nCJ^JaJhlH h/h\n h/h/h hh/h@~CJ\aJh/CJ\aJh#hCJ^Jh/5CJ^Jh#h/CJ^Jh#h/>*CJ^JhLT^h ^JaJh ^JaJh/^JaJhLT^h/^JaJhLT^h/\^JaJh h5CJ^Jh\nCJ\^Jh\nh\nCJH*\^JS:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:{:|:}::::::: ;!;I;  r ^gdF r gdktgd/ gdgd/ D%gd/$a$gd/ `0pP ^ gdq?; ;;;;;;;; ;!;,;4;:;>;?;E;F;G;H;J;K;L;M;ֶ󲡐lYlFlB>hhF%h0JCJ^JaJmHnHsH u$hFh/0JCJ^JaJmH sH %jhFh/0JCJU^JaJ hFhFCJ^JaJmH sH  hFh/CJ^JaJmH sH  hFh\nCJ^JaJmH sH h!h0JCJ^JaJmHnHuhBhhkt0JCJ^JaJ%jhBhhkt0JCJU^JaJhFCJ^JaJhBhhktCJ^JaJI;J;K;L;M;c;d;e;f;;;;;;;;;;; & Fgda r gdktgdvZ$a$gdkt^gdFM;X;`;b;c;d;e;f;q;y;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;viXKX<h0JCJaJmHnHuh vh v0JCJaJ!jh vh v0JCJUaJh vh vCJ^JaJ!h0JCJ^JaJmHnHuhBhh v0JCJ^JaJ%jhBhh v0JCJU^JaJh vCJ^JaJhBhh vCJ^JaJh\nh vCJ^JaJhr hvZhvZhh/CJ^JaJhBhhktCJ^JaJh\nh\nCJ^JaJ;;;;;;;;; hk'hahAhU hvZhvZhrh vh vCJ^JaJ!jh vh v0JCJUaJC 0 00&P 1hP:pq?. 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