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PrPBP{PP7PP iB r  7    | )=BG-1: Recommendations (2/2) For better US <> EU collaboration>>(|Activity: Develop the JCOMM ETOOFS @ GODAE symposium + associated Research teams in US and EU Standards: IT, formats, products, validation, verification etc. Activity: Request a GOOS/JCOMM/Coastal/element to the ECO informatics initiative Initiative: Involve IPCCC discussions for oceanography: US-EU discussions on climate change adaptation and the role of the observing system b^@ U@Discussion threads(L GODAE future opportunity? Inter-comparisons  formalism required? Meteorology vs Oceanography differences, politics, standards Need metrics that are useful small in mumber. Need to join up Academia with Operational centres  need to recognise that Op Centres can t do all the work Progress in the EU (NCOF example) Concept of applications  does not need to be perfect. Verification and validation are both required. Analysis and forecasts Meteorology and forcing fields. Idealised process studies  standard verification and validation cases. Importance of community software engineering Ocean modelling use of libraries (e.g., netCDF) Use of new tools (Petci - a Numerical solver) Making tools for simple inter-comparisons& Tools for multi-product ensemble approaches& What are the KPI? Importance of community model systems Forcing from met: is it good enough? Clearly there are limitations to ocean and met communities. Need to join up the met and the oceans. EVALUATION challenge  what are you doing and what for? Observing system requirements and population  make available the obs system and outputs for all to use. We need a plan for the obs. System both satellite and in situ tP7PuPPP7 u PNUc Oceanography needs to recognise limits to the inherent modelling. What are we doing this for. Discipline, accountability, ownership  exists in meteorology but not in oceanography. Eco-Oceanography NWP Climate Defence Reciprocal Skill assessment(dIn 12 months we can: Plan Workshop Presentation at COP JCOMM ETOOFS @ GODAE symposium + Research team WMO reorganisation good/bad? Operationalisation 2/3 do not need operational oceanography Diversity of approach is useful  the  operational observing network is the same network as the research network. BPQPPQ EEA and US partnerships on a variety of issues. Proposal: GOOS/JCOMM/Coastal/element: Ask to be part of the ECO informatics initiative (formal legally binding agreements) for exchange data, formats, GODAE, etc. Has been going on for many years. Now being promoted. INSPIRE Climate and suggestion to involve IPCCC discussions on oceanography. US-EU discussions on Climate change adaptation observing system.P/     0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6x  `} x T Click to edit Master title style! !  0x  ` x RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0x ^ ` x >*  0x ^  x @*  0x ^ ` x @*H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.2T Default Design0 zr0  (     0\x P   x P*    0`}    x R*  d  c $ ?  x  0  0 x RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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