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Too short notice to influence G8+5 summit in June in Japan. UK and US should find out who will be there and to  plant a message relating to observing systems Greenland (June/July/August 2008) University of Copenhagen, Major public lectures (c400 people) International Scientific Conference on Climate change March 2009 , Copenhagen Copenhagen Climate Council- May 2009 Industry Meeting June 2009, Subsidiary Body for Science and Technology Advice will consider a report from GCOS on implementing observing systems for GCOS Ё,†P$aѓŸЈAdvocacy and OutreachŸ ЎThe COP Adaptation Climate change deal at Copenhagen will result in billions of dollars of funding for adaptation Industry workshop leading up to COP (similar to IMarEST workshop in Oct 07) Exhibition stand and side event would be optimal position. Need to work with IOC and GCOS to take advantage of position of privalege IOC secretariat to take the lead on organising depending on size of the project Key Factors: Need to make sure the exhibition stand carries the correct message, need to make sure that the program of events is planned well enough in advance for logistic and funding purposes Ё"XPPЊ; ѓŸЈAdvocacy and OutreachŸ ZNeed to perhaps be  light on technical to engage the public Professional communicators need to be involved Progress activities with Google Ocean Parallel issue to Google Ocean with Microsoft not expanded further due to lack of resources Need to build up a pot of funds to enable things to get startedЁ.P.ѓŸЈAdvocacy and OutreachŸ |Explore potential of private donors. Need some initial resource to put together proposals, work out the trust, type of proposal etc. Use Jim Baker s knowledge. Follow up proposal to Sloan foundation (COML and POGO bids) to get a small amount of money to accelerate process. 2 page proposal to be written to Sloan. Need to be in position to write 50/100 proposals. Collation of different foundations and contact people  standard foundations and foundations that have specifically supported ocean initiatives e.g. National Academies to pull a list together. Foundations asked to specifically look at the business of advocacy and outreach. Not to fund the observing system per se. Take all the activities and package well. Anyone who knows of any foundations/individuals  need to send to Missy Feely who will compile a listЁ?P?ѓŸЈAdvocacy and OutreachŸ œ The message of GOOS needs to be consistent. I-OOS elevator message for example to be used in the wider GOOS community. The message is always different and people don t know what they are being asked to support. Review should be part of GSSC meeting. Need a clear branding- more consistent message- needs to come from GOOS and make sure everyone buys in Space obs are based in context with in-situ for societal benefits then should have the space agencies etc on board. If sensitive to what the message is the support from space agencies is in the bag! Jason II on June 15th  Launch -30 on May 20th (European Maritime Day! Should be an explicit presentation on what is the specific message and some letter of what is the coordinated message Stan Wilson and Jean-Louis Fellous to produce a target list- who, where and when to make the case Ё OPNЊ,išBѓŸЈAdvocacy and OutreachŸ ш What is the hook? It will vary depending on the system. What are the three key acheivements. Cascade of supporting material so can pick or chose per case. Null hypothesis- what if don t have this information - Standard message. Benefits good case but costs of not knowing also very important. Need to pull all these initiatives together. Demonstrate that entire cost of ARGO worth more to a countries economy then the cost. Need to have the facts to argue that case. Vignettes more suitable. For example offshore engineering costs that could be saved? Shipping industry costs for example? Example: GMES spend Ќ 400 m on the economic impacts of GMES. Need to tease out all case studies of cost benefits. Can we compile it? M Feeley offered to assist. 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