ࡱ> >@=a jbjbA]A] $.+?+?.......a,{R.d..ddd6..dB4v"....dd:X,.. 64SR 10a.dd.\ D\ Renewing our Understanding of Co-Sponsorship of the Global Observing Systems (and the related Memoranda) ICPC 7, Paris 27 May, 2008 Prepared and submitted by IOC (K. Alverson) Recalling that, At ICPC 6 it was decided: to look into the possibilities for enhanced cooperation with the respective programmes the ICPC members are sponsors of, and to foster interagency cooperation; work toward harmonization and updating of existing MOUs of the co-sponsored Observing Systems; analyze new approaches that could facilitate joint programming with the related action: IOC to submit by 15 May 2008 a one-page plan to review in a harmonized way the MoUs of the existing co-sponsored Observing Systems (GCOS, GTOS, GOOS) The MOUs covering sponsorship of GOOS, GTOS and GCOS are in part expired and in part no longer reflect realities of sponsor engagement. The meaning of sponsorship no longer includes financial commitment and has generally become somewhat murky. Thus, sponsors should now take the opportunity to renew them following a mutually agreeable format common to all. It is clear that each observing system may require unique elements in its MOU, but these can hopefully be contained in TOR and/or as annexes, with the basic MOU remaining a common core format. The new MOU should clearly indicate the authorities and responsibilities for sponsors. IOC has drafted (below) a very rough strawman template which sponsors may wish to consider and build on initially at ICPC7. Italics indicate text that would be specific to a given observing system. IOC suggests that partners may wish to work intersessionally and to be sure to include the three GPO directors in this work - so that we are able to agree on a final version at ICPC8 (which will perhaps occur alongside the GEO plenary in November, 2008 ?) and set a target signature date for all three MOUs of January 1, 2009. Memorandum of Understanding on the co-sponsorship of the Global xxx Observing System MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION of UNESCO, THE WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION, THE UNITED NATIONS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION, THE UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME AND THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE ON THE CO-SPONSORSHIP OF THE GLOBAL xxx OBSERVING SYSTEM The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Council for Science (ICSU): Recognizing the role of the Global xxx Observing System (GxOS) to provide comprehensive information on the properties and variability of the oceans for societal benefit, Recognizing further that the system comprises the oceanographic components of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS), Considering that the system is built from the combined, sustained, research and operational measurements contributed by Member States, and that its viability as an integrated global system additionally requires substantial multilateral cooperation and coordination, Recalling that the executive heads of IOC, FAO, WMO, UNEP and ICSU signed an initial Memorandum of Understanding on the co-sponsorship the Global xxx Observing System that came into effect on the 1st January 1998. Recalling further the terms of reference for the GxOS Scientific Steering Committee adopted by IOC Resolution XXIII-5 and reprinted in an annex to this memorandum Agree to continue to sponsor the Global xxx Observing System. This sponsorship entails a responsibility to (1) jointly employ the GxOS to meet all of their sustained ocean observation needs (2) provide, on a voluntary basis, the financial and human resources that are required to meet these needs and (3) ensure that GxOS reports are regularly considered by a relevant institutional governing body and (4) assign a director level staff member to serve as point of contact for GxOS in their organization. Agree that xxx, as the identified host sponsor, is responsible for the provision of the staffing and budget for operation of the GxOS Project Office. Agree to urge member states to assist in the coordinated implementation of the GxOS and to contribute to the staffing and budget of the GxOS project office. This Memorandum of Understanding comes into effect on the 1st January 2009 and may be reviewed at any time at the request of one of the parties. Otherwise, it shall continue for a period of ten years or until all parties agree that it should be terminated. Additional organizations may become sponsors with the agreement of the initial parties to this Memorandum. Signed: Executive Secretary, IOC Secretary General, WMO Secretary General, FAO Executive Director, UNEP Secretary General, ICSU GOOS Memorandum of Understanding - Annex 1. Terms of Reference (eg for scientific steering committees, forming subpanels, whatever) should be added here 2. Any other items/rules/etc that are unique to a single observing system (eg rules that are set by the host sponsor governing body) should be added here 3. FINANCIAL AND OTHER ARRANGEMENTS FOR GxOS Project office SUPPORT 3.1 The international coordination of GxOS is financed by voluntary contributions from its sponsors and their member states. Host sponsor contributions are provided as a portion of its regular staffing and budget. Funding from the other sponsors and member states is provided as contributions to xxxfundxxx earmarked for the support of GxOS. 3.2 Should GxOS activities be terminated, the balance of the related contributions, after all financial commitments are settled, shall be shared between the donors in proportion to their respective contributions over the last full calendar year. j :l   iut~9;K\≮̸̸̸̸̸h}3&CJOJQJaJh Yh}3&5mH sH h}3&mH sH h Yh}3&5OJQJh}3&H*OJQJh}3&OJQJh Yh}3&6OJQJh}3&5OJQJh}3&5CJ$OJQJaJ$h}3&OJQJ^J hmh}3&h}3&hmh}3&53Mj :  Y Z k 1$7$8$H$ $1$7$8$H$a$ &dPgd}3& $ ha$gd}3& &dP$a$gd}3& G}   Z  histJK~1$7$8$H$ $1$7$8$H$a$>?JK 1$7$8$H$gd}3&1$7$8$H$=>IKh}3&h Yh}3&6OJQJh}3&5OJQJh}3&mH sH h}3&5CJ$OJQJaJ$h}3&OJQJh}3&CJOJQJaJ ":p}3&/ =!"#$%<@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List. z z zlUDMj :YZk G} Z h i s t J K ~>?JK0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ00ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ000ʀ0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0ʀ0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0ʀ0О0ʀ0О0ʀ0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0О0ʀ0О0ʀ0О0О000О0О0Оj :YZk G} Z h i s t J K ~>?JK000 0 0 0 0 0 00 @38 @38@38 @38@38 @38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38 @38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38@38 @38@38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @380  @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38 @38@38@38`X8 +5L\QV F J | qu,0im VXswOR $::::::n(p8 cn(p^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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