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The information you need for the workshop and especially your pre-work is set out in this Briefing Note (Document No 1). The Workshop Time-table (Document No 2) was distributed earlier. Please contact me at  HYPERLINK "mailto:iandean@iafrica.com" iandean@iafrica.com or on + 27 825530360 at any time should you wish to discuss and/or clarify any aspect of the workshop. Venue, timings and dates Venue: Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), "Ocean Valley", P.B No.21,IDA Jeedimetla P.O, Hyderabad - 500 055, India. Telephone: +91-40-23895000 (Office Hours: 9 am-5:30 pm) +91-40-23895002 (24 hrs) Fax: +91-40-23892910 E-mail: pattabhi@incois.gov.in Starting date and time: 08.29am Sat 10 May Concluding date and time: 5.15pm Tuesday 13 May for the Leadership component and Wednesday 14 May for the Mapping session. See the time-table for details. Objectives/Outcomes On successful completion of the workshop, you will have: Acquired an integrated framework for leadership at a senior level and will have renewed and extended your existing leadership competence. Received feedback and new insights on your leadership to help you focus on specific (practical) development actions and sharpen calibration of self-insight. Identified blockages and constraints to effective performance in your work environment and developed credible interventions (leadership application and/or collaborative projects) to address them. Strengthened your working relationships in a Regional Network of Senior Leaders. Enjoyed a time of personal growth and renewal. Workshop process and content The workshop is structured around individual and team exercises, video material, individual skill development simulations, team assignments, self-study, facilitator inputs and case study materials. It is experiential (very hands on leaning by doing) in nature. Practical application in your work environment will be a primary focus during the workshop. The process takes full account of the seniority of the group and is designed to be both challenging and intrinsically rewarding. 5. Dress Smart casual for the opening session and informal thereafter. There will be many special experiences, lots of laughter and special memories. You may want to capture a few on camera and are most welcome to bring one along! 6.Preparation and pre-work Good preparation is absolutely essential. Experience has repeatedly shown that participants who are well prepared, derive several hundred percent more benefit than those who are not. Would you therefore please complete the following assignments prior to commencement of our workshop: 6.1 Your personal leadership: Please prepare a self-evaluation of your (i) strengths in priority order, and (ii) your most important development needs as a leader. Exercise worksheet No 1 (page 3 below) provides a useful template for this self-evaluation but you are welcome to use any format you like. It is helpful to consult at least 2 or 3 colleagues/team members/reports and ask them to prepare a similar assessment of your leadership strengths and development needs. This will allow you to calibrate your own evaluation. Please have a copy of your self-evaluation available for collection on day 1 of the workshop. Prepare a short note setting out your vision(s) for your life. Prepare a list of the things you want to achieve/learn by attending the workshop and email to  HYPERLINK "mailto:iandean@iafrica.com" iandean@iafrica.com by 7 May. Leadership in general: Record your answers to the following questions: What are the most important shifts/changes taking place in both your local and global work environments and what impact is that having on the requirements for leadership in your Institution? What are the most important criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a persons leadership? Stated differently, what criteria should be used to assess your effectiveness as a senior leader? What are the most important leadership roles/responsibilities for individuals holding senior positions in your organization/institution? What are the basic steps to follow when trying to help another person change his/her behaviour(s)? 6.3 Leadership applications: Identify another participant who will be attending the workshop. Make contact with him/her and set up a Learning Contract on how you will help and support each other to achieve your respective learning goals/objectives. (See last bullet under 6.1 above) Prepare a short motivational talk (minimum 8, maximum 12 minutes) to persuade a small team of 3 to 4 people who have become a bit cynical and disconnected about working in your organization, that (1) the work and purpose of the organization remains important, and (2) their contribution is valued and needed. (Use actual information from your work environment). Prepare a list of the names in order of priority based on decision making authority, of the people you regard as being the most influential leaders in your region when dealing with matters/issues that are relevant to your organization and your work. In summary, there are 10 action items that need your thoughtful attention before you arrive for the workshop! One is already due by 7 May. Name: ____________________ Organisation: __________________ Date: __________ Exercise Worksheet No 1: Leadership performance and impact: Self-evaluation List in priority order, the areas where your leadership is most successful and/or where you feel you have the highest impact. For example, you may feel that you are really good at selecting and appointing the right people for specialized tasks.Try to identify the corresponding competence(s) that enable you to achieve the leadership performance you have recorded in the first column. Competence: The underlying knowledge, behaviours and skills that are causally related to performance. List the areas where your leadership is least successful and/or where you feel you have difficulty making an impact from a leadership perspective. For example, you may feel that you struggle to deal with poor performers and procrastinate when it comes to decision-making. You may be unable to convince a selected group of people to support a range of change initiatives you want to introduce.List in priority order, the competence(s) you have not yet mastered or may still need to acquire in order to improve your influence and impact as a leader. This list should reflect your most important development needs especially those areas you want to address during the workshop. Competence: The underlying knowledge, behaviours and skills that are causally related to performance.      Page |  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5 G  7 8 9 L M l m n o u x y ɷɳ|jZJZJZhkyh\X6OJQJ]^JhkyhK-6OJQJ]^J"hkyhK-6CJ,OJQJ]^J"h\XhK-6CJ$OJQJ]^J"h\XhK-6CJOJQJ]^J%h\XhK-6>*CJOJQJ]^JhK-"jhPCJUmHnHsH uhPhP0JCJjhPCJUjhPCJU hPCJ hK-5\ hP5\ N l m o p  $N&`#$/If^$$N&`#$/Ifa$$ l $N&`#$/If]^a$$$N&`#$/If]a$$$N&`#$/Ifa$$N&`#$/If&&Y&  D v w x y _YY]kd$$Ifl_FG # ? 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