ࡱ> y{x` +!bjbjss E2:::::::p8$4I  666j. kImImImImImImI$Lh@O|I:!jj!!I::664I9$9$9$!:6:6kI)$!kI9$9$E::H6 6"F"HlI0IFOC#|ODHO:Hlf|$dF II#XI!!!!444d444Nbp::::::  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO)WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATIONUNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMMEINTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE Eleventh Session of the Global Ocean Observing System Scientific Steering Committee (GSSC-XI) 8-10 April 2008 Room XIV UNESCO BONVIN Paris, France Group on Earth Observation Summit REPORT (submitted by J. Field, GSSC Chair, and H. Roe, POGO) The meeting was held in Cape Town with the plenary sessions on 28-29 November and the Ministerial Summit on the 30 Nov.Some 500 delegates registered from national representatives through toparticipating organizations. The meetings were accompanied by a parallel exhibition of observing systems, programmes, countries etc in the Exhibition Hall of the Cape Town International Conference Centre. Here oceans were prominent thanks to the excellentOcean United exhibit put together under the leadership of Chris Reid of POGO (Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean) thisfeatured stands by the main members of Ocean United: GOOS, Argo, Jason, POGO, CoML (Census of Marine Life), ChloroGIN (Chlorophyll Globally Integrated Network), and SAHFOS (Sir Alistair Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science). All the participants created posters, brochures, and movies for the event, and there was even a model of the Argo float and a working model of the Continuous Plankton Recorder by SAHFOS. Ocean United members manned the booths. Two magic globes (spherical plasma video screens) with a range of displays were in play from Argo floats to remotely sensed Sea Surface Temperature and Surface Chlorophyll depicting El Nino. Each stand hadplasma screens showing videos etc. POGO and CoML had the two videos that were funded by the Sloane Foundation thanks to Jesse Ausubel and these proved to be a great hit, and many DVDs of these were given out. Probably the main impact the exhibit had was simply bybeing there in a coordinated manner and demonstrating that various ocean activities had come together. Visitors to the booths came from other delegations, the general public, school parties and ministerial delegations on the final day. The exhibit is now back in Plymouth, UK were it can be used in future for any ocean type exhibition itwas certainly well worth the effort and a lot of people worked extremely hard toprepare it and toput it up and down in Cape Town. The plenary was primarily concerned withapproving the GEOProgress Report and associated Annex that were taken to the Ministerial; with approving ongoing work; and with finalizing the Declaration that was accepted by the Ministerial meeting. The latter is attached marked draft but it was approved! You will see that oceans, sustainability and so on are in the Declaration. Accompanying the Progress Report and Annex was a book TheFull Picture. Various members of Ocean United had contributed ocean-related chapters to this and taken part in preparing both the Progress Report and the Annex available on the GEOwebsite. At thismeeting participating organizations were allowed to make statements and Howard Roe delivered one for POGO and Ocean Unitedon the importance of the oceans and the need for continuity. Aside from the formal meetingswe had an afternoon of presentations to local press in Cape Town, and prior to and duringthe meetinga number of us took part in a very successful series of media interviews (spear-headed by Terry Collins, media consultant, with much help from Jesse Ausubel) which resulted in worldwide interest and awareness ofocean activities within GEO. Overall the meeting was successful the declaration was approved and it is very likely thatGEO will continue to be a major player in the interests of the Global Ocean Observing System which is now much better recognized as an essential and well organized component of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Appendix A GEO Publication of The Full Picture Several chapters for the GEO publication were prepared by GOOS and Ocean United participants: The Green Ocean - Observations of Marine Biodiversity, D. James Baker, David Farmer and Kristen Yarincik Why the World needs a Global Ocean Observing System, Keith Alverson The Blue Planet - Observations of the Global Ocean, D. James Baker, Tom Gross and Howard S. J. Roe Argo - A Global Ocean Observing System for the 21st Century , Howard Freeland, Dean Roemmich, John Gould and Mathieu Belbeoch Applications of remote sensing in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Trevor Platt, Shubha Sathyendranath and Venetia Stuart Appendix B GOOS intervention at the GEO Ministerial Session by Thomas Gross for the GOOS Program Office. Mr. Director, Honorable Ministers, Distinguished Delegates, I thank you on behalf of the Global Ocean Observing System for the opportunity to address the Ministers about our program. GOOS has been mentioned as the ocean component of GEOSS. We welcome this role and cooperation with GEOSS. While serving the needs of our UN sponsors, IOC, WMO, ICSU and UNEP, GOOS seeks to forge alliances between the global community of ocean research and nascent observing programs. The strength and success of GOOS are based firmly on our United Nations assemblies of delegates. The intergovernmental forums allow GOOS to respond to international needs and embrace the needs of developing nations while helping to implement and target resources of our wealthier supporters. Our thirteen GOOS Regional Associations help us target local needs, identify coastal uses and implement capacity building priorities. Now, after 15 years of observing system work, GOOS may boast of our share of a number of accomplishments, including an operational tsunami warning system, sustained moored buoy systems and the recent deployment of the 3000th active Argo profiler. GOOS is an operational system, and stands anxiously ready to participate in the broader goals of GEOSS. Interoperability and information sharing across science, management and national domains will allow us to meet all our priority societal goals. The next few years will be an exciting time for all operational environmental observing systems, as we begin to reap the harvest of our efforts. I thank you all for your attention.     IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-XI/14 page  PAGE 2 Restricted distribution IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-XI/14 Agenda Item: 5.2 Paris, 8 April 2008 English only    ! " A B C l m { wh]O]h]KD hh50hJHh/hJH5\nHtHhJH5\nHtHhVhJH5\nHo(tHhJHmH sH hJHmH nHsH tH$hJHhJHCJaJmH nHsH tHhJHhJH6CJhLjr6CJnHtHhJHhJH6CJnHtHhJHhJHCJhJHhJH5CJ\hJHhJH5CJ\nHtHhJHhJH5\aJhJHhJH5PJ\aJ,?a:tkd$$IfTx\ )   (4 xaT$d$$7$8$If]a$gdJH$ld$$7$8$If]^la$gdJH$Nd$$7$8$If]^Na$gdJH *! 4 B C D m _UVaPvgdqAgdqA$a$gdJHgdJH $]a$gdJH$7$8$]a$gdJH Va ")WXa ƾm$hXvhRCJaJmH nHsH tHhXvhXvB*CJaJphhXvhRB*CJaJphhjhUhqAhqAH*mH sH hqAmH sH hjRmH sH hjRhqA5mH sH hjR5mH sH  hqAhqAhqAhgmH sH hgmH sH hqAhqAmH sH &W|/] y$Bgd50$ y$B^a$gd50gdqA !! !!&!'!(!)!*!+!޿񲮡~slh]hqAhqAmH sH h hJHhRhJHhJHCJaJhKCJPJaJhJHCJPJaJhJHhJHCJaJnHtHhJHhJHCJPJaJhRh\.hRaJmH sH  hjR0JCJaJhmHnHuhXvhR0JCJaJh$jhXvhR0JCJUaJhhXvhRCJaJmH sH  !&!'!(!)!*!+!gdqAgdJH $a$gdJH$ 7$8$]a$gdJH$ E7$8$]Ea$gdJHC 0 00&P 1hP:pJH. 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Field.9)32 ai, 52 aiGSSC Chair, and H. Roe, POGOF33BB3.).33HB.)8HGG 2  ai) 2  ai 1@Times New Roman- 2 ai )2  aiTheF9.(h2  g>ai meeting was held in Cape Town with the plenary sessions on 28'F)).-'B)$'-)-'.&=).)&9.B-'B.&.('-)-)-'$)#$-.$&..&.. 2  l ai-22  ai29 November and the Minist..'B.-*F.)').-'.)&R.#2  aierial ((+2 aiSummit on the 30 Nov.3.GF...)..B.- 2 ?ai t2 VFaiSome 500 delegates registered from national representatives through to3-F)....))-))$)-#)(..F.)..((.($)-)-)$...-.. 2 ai  2 aiparticipating .((.(--2 haiorganizations. The meetings were accompanied by a parallel exhibition of observing systems, programmes, .-).()..$9.(F)).,$B))))).F.).)..-)-)(().-......#)-.-$-$)F$..-)GF)$F2 [ 'aicountries etc in the Exhibition Hall ofT)...)$ )(!-!-)!8.-..-!B)!-m2 [ }Aai the Cape Town International Conference Centre. Here oceans were g!.)!=(.) 9.A.!.).).-)!=-.()-)(!=).)!B() .))(.$!B('=2 !aiprominent thanks to the excellenta..F.)..).-$.-))-)))- 2 ai z2 JaiOcean United exhibit put together under the leadership of Chris Reid of )B)().B-(.))--..-.-).)...(-))).($-..=-$=(.-^2 . 7aiPOGO (Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean) p3BBB$3).($-.#-$B-$)-).-$.$-)$A..($A()).$ 2 . ai-2 . ai this $-$ 2 . m ai +2 . aifeatured stands by th)(.)-$$)..#$.-$.&2 . aie main members of ($F).$F)F.)$$.2 ^aiOcean United: GOOS, Argo, Jason, POGO, CoML (Census of Marine Life), ChloroGIN (Chlorophyll )B))).'B-).('BBB3&B-.'$)$..'3BBB'=.Q8'=).#.$'-&R).('8('=...BB'=...-.-2  daiGlobally Integrated Network), and SAHFOS (Sir Alistair Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science). All the B..)-'.)-)).&B(B--&)..&3BB3B3&3&B$(&B).-&3....)..&-&B))).&3().()&B&.'M2 j ,aiparticipants created posters, brochures, and.)(.)-$)))). .-$(# ..)-.($ )-.h2 j ,>ai movies for the event, and there was even a model of the Argo F.-)$ - -) )-).)...() B)#)-). ) F..) ..) A-.2 ^aifloat and a working model of the Continuous Plankton Recorder by SAHFOS. Ocean United members .()).-*)*B--.-*F..**-).)*=-....-$*2).-..*=()..)*.-*3BB3B3*B)))-*B.)-*F*F.)#2 =daimanned the booths. Two magic globes (spherical plasma video screens) with a range of displays were iF)..)..(..-.$9B.F)-)-..)#$..()(-)#F)-.).$)))-$B.((.-).-$-)-$B((2 =ain play d--(-2 gaifrom Argo floats to remotely sensed Sea Surface Temperature and Surface Chlorophyll depicting El Nino. .F B-. .($- )F.)- $).#). 2)( 3.)()8)G.)(.)).- 3.)() =-....- -).).- 8 B., 2 aiEach stand had8)).$(..-). 2 ai 2 &Uaiplasma screens showing videos etc. POGO and CoML had the two videos that were funded -)$F)$()).#$..B.--.).$)(2BBB)..=.R7.)--)B.-.).$.(B((.-.(.P2 y.aiby the Sloane Foundation thanks to Jesse Ausub.-!.)!2.)-)!3-...(-. .).-$ . $)#$)!B-$.._2 y 8aiel and these proved to be a great hit, and many DVDs of ( )-.!-)$(!..-).!-!.(!(!-()!-!(..!F).-!BCB$!-}2 Laithese were given out. Probably the main impact the exhibit had was simply by.)#)B))--)...3--).-.)F).F.)).)(..--).B)$#F.-.- 2 X ai 72 o aibeing there in a coordinated /).-.().))-.-.()-2 L^aimanner and demonstrating that various ocean activities had come together. Visitors to the bootF)..))...)F..$(.-.(-).-$.()).()-($.).(.F).-).)B#-$.-)..-2 L aihs came from .$))F).E2 paiother delegations, the general public, school parties and ministerial delegations on the final day. The exhibit ..(.()-)..$.)-).()...)$)..--)($(..F.$().))-)-.$...).).)-9-)).--2 Xaiis now back in Plymouth, UK were it can be used in future for any ocean type exhibition $..A.))--3-F...BCB))))..)-$)...-).).-.)().-.)(..-.. 2  ai-2 7ai itl 2 ai  2 aiwas certainly B)$)((-,/2 aiwell worth the effort anB)B-..)).).J2 [*aid a lot of people worked extremely hard to.(.-.)-.)B--).).)F)-.).. 2  ai %2  aiprepare it and tof.).())-.. 2 =ai ,2 Taiput it up and down in .-..(....B.-2  aiCape Town. =).)9.B. 2 ai (G2 (aiThe plenary was primarily concerned with9.("-).(-"B)#".F)-")..()-)."A- 2 !ai %2 8aiapproving the GEOn).-.-.-"-)"B8B 2  ai J2 2 *aiProgress Report and associated Annex that 3.-($#"=)..!).."($$-)()-"B..(.!.(e2 <aiwere taken to the Ministerial; with approving ongoing work; B))")-).".".)!R-#))"B.").-.-.-"..-..-"B.-"O2  -aiand with finalizing the Declaration that was b).."B.".((--".)"B))))..".)"B(#e2 `<aiaccepted by the Ministerial meeting. The latter is attached ))))-)-.-.(Q.$()F)).-8.))($))(.). 2 `` ai.S2 ` 0ai marked draft but it was approved! You will see F)-)..).-A)$)-..-).B..B$'(2 faithat oceans, sustainability and so on are in the Declaration. Accompanying the Progress Report and Ann.(.))(.$$-$)-).-)..$...()..)B()()..B().F.).-.-.)3.-)$$=)-.)..B..2 3aiex l(-2 3 aiwas a book B)$)...- 2 3ai.2 3ai They(9.) 2 3ai q2 3DaiFull Picture. Various members of Ocean United had contributed ocean3.3(.()C).-$F*F.)$.B))).B.)..).(..--)..()). 2 3$ai-%2 3Aairelated chapters n)().).)-(#|2 Kaito this and taken part in preparing both the Progress Report and the Annex .-$)..)-)..)..).).-....)3.-)$$=)..(...)B..(. 2  ai.+2  ai available on the GEO ).)).)...)B8B 2 Cai 2 Z aiwebsite. B).#(2 aiAt thisdB.# 2 ai =2 !aimeeting participating organizatioeF)).-.)(.(--.-).().k2 @ains were allowed to make statements and Howard Roe delivered one .$B))(.B)..F)-*$))F).$(..B.B).=.).)-)).--(12 oaifor POGO and Ocean United.3BBB)..B))).B-). 2 oai 2 o5Maion the importance of the oceans and the need for continuity. Aside from the ..-)F..)-)).-).)))-$)..-).)(..)...--B$.).F.("2 aiformal meetings.F).F)).-$ 2 Fai y2 ]Iaiwe had an afternoon of presentations to local press in Cape Town, and pritB).-)..(..)).....-.-)#).)-.$.-.-))..)$$-..<).(.9.B..)..-.2  aior to and .-.-)--2 Baiduring...- 2 Bai 2 B aithe meeting-)F)).- 2 Bai 2 BOaia number of us took part in a very successful series of media interviews (spear)..F.)-.$..-.(.)-)-$.))($#.$()#.F).).)-)A$$.() 2 Bai-2 B aiheaded by .)).)-.-2 \aiTerry Collins, media consultant, with much help from Jesse Ausubel) which resulted in worldw9(-=..$F).)(..$-(.B.F.).-)-.F%)#$(B.$.-)B-)-($-(..B-.A2 aiide intd.(-2 aierest ()##2 aiand awareness of)..$)B)(.)#$$. 2 kai 2  aiocean activi.()).$((-Y2 G4aities within GEO. Overall the meeting was successful )$$B-.$B8B$B-))#.)$F)).-$B)$$$.)(($$-$ 2 Wai.+2 ai the declaration was $.)$.())(..$B(%@2 ~#aiapproved and it is very likely that )...-).$)-.$$$$-)-$-)-$.) 2 ~ai t2 ~FaiGEO will continue to be a major player in the interests of the Global B8B$B$).--.)$.$-)$)$F).$-)-)#-$.)#.)($$#.#.)$B..(S2 0aiOcean Observing System which is now much better B))).5B.$(-.-53-$)G5B.).5$5..B5F.).5.)(52 O airecognized)).-.().&2  ai as an essential a5)$5(.5)##).)4)2 aind well ..5B(52   aiorganizedd--).()- 2 ai s2 QEaicomponent of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). ).F...)...(B.-)7)-B.$(-).-3-$)F.3-$)F$B8B33 2 Q ai ) 2 ai )-iiaahh``gg__ff^^ee]]dd\\cc[[bbZZaaYY ` `X X  _ _W W  ^ ^V V  ] ]U U  \ \T T [[SSZZRRYYQQXXPPWWOO՜.+,0p hp|  8, w GSSC-X  - Group on Earth Observation Summit REPORT Appendix A Appendix B Title Headings  !#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnoqrstuvwzRoot Entry Fq6|Data 1Table"PWordDocumentE2SummaryInformation(JKDocumentSummaryInformation8pCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q