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Millares [0]4"Moneda5* Moneda [0] 6NeutralANeutral  e%3Normal % 7Notasd Notas  8* Porcentaje 9SalidawSalida  ???%????????? ???:Texto de advertenciaO Texto de advertencia %;Texto explicativoI5Texto explicativo % <Ttulo3Ttulo I}% =Ttulo 2ETtulo 2 I}%? >Ttulo 3ETtulo 3 I}%23 ?TotalMTotal %OOXTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`Workplan 2016-17 WORKPLAN AGREED"9!  ;1ZR 3 A@@   LSpecific objectivesActionsAction 2 (A2): Develop a functional, online module of Decision-Support (DS)/Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) tool for Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem level through join efforts with CLME+ (CLME+ to provide the data and information inputs for deliverables under this Action)5Action 3 (A3): Create and enhance awareness, capacity and participation of key national-level stakeholders (both data users and data providers) in the development and use of the DS and M&E mechanism for ICZM (with special attention to long-term sustainability, and further up-scaling of CMA-2 Project results)Action 4 (A4): Provide mechanisms for seeking and acting on feedback to encourage both partners and stakeholders involvement with project milestone events, activities and results, based on the communication planSO4. To provide a mechanisms for seeking and acting on feedback to encourage both partners and stakeholders involvement with project milestone events, activities and results, based on the communication plan.Deliverable 1.1. Online Technology Platform (CMA interface) for supporting ICZM-related DS and M&E processes in at least 7 countries.Deliverable 1.2. Inventory of critical/priority (geospatial) data sets/information layers (with indication of associated relevant disciplines) required supporting ICZM-related DS and M&E processes.Deliverable 1.3. Collection & repository of key/priority data sets and information layers (both raw data sets and derived products), with corresponding metadata, tailored to the results from a participatory priority-setting exerciseTasksOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSep IndicatorsSDeliverable 3.1. Training - Set of training, incl. workshop regionals and nationals>Deliverable 3.2. Prototype (promotional) Marine Atlas on the Status of the Coastal Zone (environmental/ecosystem status indicators and socio-economic indicators), existing and potential risks and threats, and its management (process indicators and stress reduction indicators), for each of the selected pilot countrieswDeliverable 3.3. Final Report  Lessons learnt /best practices recommendations for sustainability/up-scaling of resultsmDeliverable 4.2. Coordinate communication activities with the target audience from project events and results!One memory and list of assistanceJReport with lessons learnt/best practices, conclusions and recommendations## of regional indicators published ReportaReport of problems, limitations and strengths during information management with pilot countries# of methodological sheets%# of data sets by indicator collectedMemoryMeans of verification DeliverableWorkplan documentXWeb site on line / Brochure# of users trained and actives+CMA2 platform active, countries interested QCM2 web site on line and updated (statistic report: visits, downloading's, etc.) %# of data and documents with metadataCMA2 platform active5# of layer or atlases inventoried / OnLine Catalogue-# of documents inventoried / OnLine CatalogueM# of data sets and information layers uploaded (regional and by pilot countrySPINCAM- CLME+ - CMA2 sharing lessons learnt, best practices identified, recommendations for up-scaling, sustainability strategy; available in English and Spanish N4.2.1 To establish and maintain a CMA2 web site and produce a project brochurew4.2.2 To organize, in collaboration with the IOC/IODE and IOC/MPR Secretariats, a meeting of the project steering groupJ4.2.3 To submit a status report on implementation of project (2nd payment)Q2.4.4 To submit an annual report on project implementation (3rd & final payment)Starting Process1.1.1 To Assist the IOC/IODE Secretariat with the implementation of the CMA2 project by hosting and operating the CMA2 project office at INVEMAR, Santa Marta, ColombiaM1.2.1 To develop a regional atlases directory of marine and coastal atlases]1.2.2 To develop a regional e-repository of documents related to marine and coastal atlases1.3.1 To upload thematic spatial data and documents, regional and by pilot country (emphasizing in ten thematic maps planned) following standards and information policy established >1.3.2 To develop and populate a regional metadata repositoryReport xSO2. To contribute with the DS/M&E mechanisms at Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem level through join efforts with CLME+. 7# of participants of CMA2 countries (RTC lationamerica)V3.1.1 Geonode training on line for CMA2 pilot countries (at least one/ pilot country)>3.1.2 Marine GIS training course in Spanish with OTGA support3.2.1 Management and support to national data and information management to each country (to solve technologic impairments or limitations)Q3.2.3 Indicators management: data collecting and report to coordination project93.2.4 Indicator management: publishing indicators on webFinal report of project%Intermediate status report of project X: Report submitionIndicators on-line!One detailed work plan generated cTo prepare a detailed work plan and time table related to the actions under ii) to v) (1st payment):3.2.2 Indicators management: final methodological sheets RDETAILED WORK PLAN AND TIMETABLE FOR CARIBBEAN MARINE ATLAS (CMA) 2 - ( 2016-2017)Q SO1. To provide and operate an information platform , in up to 7 pilot countriesAction 1 (A1): Create a functional, online Decision-Support Monitoring & Evaluation tool for improved ICZM in at least 7 countriesSO3. To enhance awareness, capacity and participation of key regional - and national-level stakeholders in the development and use of the information platform  Task teamTECHPRODCOORDRTC LACOM>Deliverable 3.2. Prototype (promotional) Marine Atlas on the Status of the Coastal Zone (environmental/ecosystem status indicators and socio-economic indicators), existing and potential risks and threats, and its management (process indicators and stress reduction indicators), for each of the selected pilot countries ) 3.2.6 Permanent comunication coordination - NFP (monthly teleconference 1st Thursday 2 pm, use of webinar tool -CLME+, social networks)3.3.1 SPINCAM- CLME+ - CMA2 sharing lessons learnt, best practices identified, recommendations for up-scaling, sustainability strategy; available in English and Spanish (address information management to NFP)$4.2.2 and produce a project brochure;3.2.7 CMA2 - CLME+ NFP - coordination meeting by countriesh3.2.8 Generation of templates as support to NFP on dissemination of project (ppt available on website) ,3.2.9 CMA2 space on institutional web on NFPP3.2.9 "E-mailing list service" for dissemination of new uploads ("CMA2 friends").3.2.10 Enhance display of web page on Google &3.2.11 Dissemintaion of events (notes)4.2.1 To establish and maintain a CMA2 web site (enhacement and complementation of contents, news hystory, screen cast, video tutorial )0c3.2.2 Indicators management: generation of methodological sheets (new indicaotrs and last selected)3.2.5 Indicator management: publishing indicators on web (Invasive, Threaths, coastal density rate, Coral health and MPA indicators);3.2.4 Indicators management: data collecting and report to coordination project (Invasive, Threaths, coastal density rate, Coral health and MPA indicators)S Deliverable MilestoneTargetsTaskProject IndicatorDeliverable 2.1. Online Module developed together with CLME+ mapping expert in the Technology Platform (CMA interface developed in the Action 1) for supporting DS and M&E processes on sLMR governance and management in the CLME+ Region.:Website(s) with data/map server; (final) project report(s)LT 1 (b 1): regional, spatial data layer-based CMA Platform, by project end KL~Acordar listado de clasificacin temtica de informacin a usar como categoras temticas de informacin en toda la plataforma<ydPI 1: regional state-of-the-art CMA is built and operational (CMA focus: sLMR/CLME+ SAP DS and M&E) 1T 2 (b 2): CMA with basic components operational Generacin de catlogo de dominios posibles para el campo "palabras clave" (metadata), que asegure la consulta de la informacin en cualquier formato por temas.]PI 2: basic CMA interface components: import/export, exploration and analytical functionality.Mantenimiento de la plataforma (actualizacin)sDeliverable 2.2. Inventory of critical/priority (geospatial) data sets/information layers (with indication of associated relevant disciplines) and collection & repository of key/priority data sets/information layers, with corresponding metadata required to support implementation of the CLME+ SAP (sLMR governance & management; M&E of SAP implementation/SAP indicators) M 1: report *,**T 1 and (b 1): at least 20 priority data/information sets identified, linked to the 6 CLME+ SAP Strategies, 4 Sub-strategies, and their associated policy cycles for sLMR governance and managementCCompartir con CMA2 nuevas fuentes de informacin para la plataformabSeleccin de capas a incorporar de acuerdo a objetivos CLME+ y su cargue en Atlas de la plataforma PI 1: number of priority data/information sets identified (global/regional/subregional datasets; thematic coverage as compared to CLME+ SAP Strategies and Actions)$Diseo de plantilla para mapas CLME+Seleccin de mapas a cargar de acuerdo a objetivos CLME+ y su cargue en Atlas de la plataforma (mapas en visor y/o pdf de la salida grfica)Seleccin de documentos (informes, libros, reportes enlaces) a cargar de acuerdo a objetivos CLME+ y su cargue en la seccin "documentos" del GeoNode xIdentificacin, seleccin e implementacin de indicadores a reportar en plataforma (Hoja metodolgica, datos y metadato).9xMetadatos: Diligenciamiento de metadato sobre campos mnimos y bilinge, acorde con instructivo de diligenciamiento CMA2 M 2: report *,**T 2 and (b 2): participatory approach implemented involving key organizations with a formal mandate in sLMR governance in the CLME+AInvolucramiento de pases en el manejo de la plataforma (GeoNode)PI 2: number and type of participants/contributors to the inventory (countries/organizations/sectors + their linkage to CLME+ SAP Strategies and related policy cycles).7Control de cargue de informacin de pases socios CLME+;Metadatos: Implementar control de calidad a Metadatos CLME+0Detectar vacos de informacin en los temas CLMETT 3 and (b 3): module with repository user friendliness functional (baseline: metadata portal IMS-REMP website), including at least 10 of the priority data/information sets for enhancing policy cycle implementation (DM) and SAP M&E, relevant to minimum 6 of the 10 SAP Strategies/sub-strategies (baseline: no known collection mechanism(s)) }Compartir oportunidades de enlace con pases (desde sus PFN) y con fuentes de informacin que pueden enriquecer la plataformaPI 3: operational module repository website and number of data sets collected / assembled; geographic and thematic coverage relative to the different CLME+ SAP Strategies@Compartir lecciones aprendidas y mejores prcticas al grupo CMA2CLME+ (GIS EXPERT)CLME+ (GIS EXPERT) - CMA2 PRODCLME+ (GIS EXPERT) - CMA2 COM3.2.3 Indicators management: final methodological sheets (Invasive species, Threateneds species, coastal density rate, Coral health and MPA indicators):3.1.2 Marine GIS training course in Spanish with OTGA support (new training proposal from Mexico, and ACMA - SPINCAM request of GeoNode training)?S uX~YZ] d^m _ c(eg-j6m#oqtYyD| 6! 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