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Project Leader(s): Project Manager: Mika ODIDO Members of the project Steering Group: Prof Dr Desiderius CP MASALU, ODINAFRICA Regional Coordinator ASCLME Dr.Anja KREINER, ODINAFRICA Regional Coordinator BCLME Mrs. Arame Ndiaye KEITA, ODINAFRICA Regional Coordinator CCLME Prof Dr Angora Aman, ODINAFRICA Regional Coordinator GCLME Dr. Malika Bel HASSEN-ABID, ODINAFRICA Regional Coordinator Mediterranean andRed Sea region Mr Mika Odido, IOC Coordinator in Africa Dr Monde Mayekiso, IOCAFRICA Chair Dr Aka Marcel KOUASSI, IOCAFRICA Vice Chair Group A Mr Renganaden VIRASAMI, IOCAFRICA Vice Chair Group B Prof. Mohamed Said, IOCAFRICA Vice Chair Group C Dr Ashley Johnson, IOC Vice Chair Group V Objective(s) of the Project: The primary objective: Expanding and strengthening the network of marine scientists and institutions in the region to foster the sharing of data and information. Developing high quality products and tools to support decision making, management and conservation of the marine and coastal environment. Promoting the use of products and services developed by the project to all stakeholders. Fostering active south-south, intra-Africa, north-south and Africa-Flemish collaboration for marine training, research and technology transfer. Expected outcome (result) of the Project: The following were the expected outcomes and deliverables of ODINAFRICA-IV: Strengthened and sustainable marine data and information management infrastructure in the ODINAFRICA countries; National multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder data networks to maximize the use of available data and to make available IODE NODCs data management expertise to other stakeholders; Priority [customised] products such as forecasts, predictions, models, atlases, scenarios focusing on the following priority areas; Improved mechanisms for the dissemination and application of data, information and products [through standards based catalogues of data and metadata and integrated web based portals and connection to the IODE OceanDataPortal] Expected duration of the Project 2009-2016 URL of the project or of the page in the IODE web site:www.odinafrica.org Problems experienced during implementation and measures taken: The key challenges faced in implementation of ODINAFRICA included: Disparity in capacities between the institutions (resources, facilities and skills); varying areas of focus (research institutions, university departments, operational institutions such as meteorological agencies, and resource management institutions such as fisheries departments); staff mobility and limited staff; and sustainability of products and services developed beyond the current phase. Disparity in capacities between the institutions (resources, facilities and skills) Internet access is still a problem in some of the countries, though the situation continues to improve. The pace of development of products and services still differs between the countries. This also depends on the resources, including manpower, that have been dedicated to the project by the institutions. Some of the librarians and members of the national atlas teams still have problems with the software. Focused training, coupled with support from other experts in the region will be utilized to address this. Future initiatives should involve smaller number of countries/institutions, with broadly similar capacities to ensure that all the partners are able to deliver on the planned outcomes. varying areas of focus (research institutions, university departments, operational institutions such as meteorological agencies, and resource management institutions such as fisheries departments) This was a strength for the development of products such as the atlas that required a broad range of datasets. However, some of the institutions were handicapped in the development of specialized products (such as ocean forecasts) as they did not have the required capacities, neither was this part of their mandates. In countries where there was good collaboration between institutions as the national level they were able to assign the development of specific products to the relevant institutions. Access to local data sets. Access to broad range of data required for atlas developed is difficult in some of the institutions due to either limitation in capacity for data collection/ocean observations, or the lack of clear policies on data access/exchange. There is an urgent need to improve the flow of data to the NODCs to enable them fully serve the ocean data and information requirements of their constituencies. Other programmes such as the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition and the FAO/EAFNANSEN project that address the collection of data will complement the efforts of ODINAFRICA which has has focused on capacities for the management of data and information. The establishment of active national networks of institutions will also be crucial in mobilizing data for the NODCs that will be necessary for preparing products such as atlases. staff mobility and limited staff. Staff mobility in the participating institution continues to be a challenge [including resignations from institutions and promotions or transfers to different departments). Local training that can be attended by more people have been organized to address this. The implementation of the Ocean Teacher Academy Global Classroom initiative and the use of distance-learning tools will also go along in assisting with capacity development. Development of software. In the earlier phases the project had used commercial software for some of the products such as INMAGIC for the library catalogues, and ARCGIS for the preparation of maps for the atlases. There was a move towards open-source software and developing tailored software during the current phase to address the issue of costs. However, this too had its challenges: There were long delays in finalizing the AgriOcean/DSpace software and the functionalities were limited especially for the bigger libraries. The SmartAtlas software could not adequately handle the larger number of layers available in the African Coastal and Marine Atlases (more than 3,500 layers) and the loading speed was very slow, even with broadband internet. The technical support for SmartAtals was also not assured due to the departure of the core staff who were handling its development at the Coastal and Marine Resources Centre of the University of Cork (Ireland). The Ocean Data Portal software was only available towards the end of the project, thus limiting the amount of the work that could go into populating the portal before the end of the project. It was recognized that networking and collaboration at national and regional level has contributed substantially to the successful implementation of activities. However, this has not been well developed in some of the countries and regions. The sustainability is assured in countries that have mainstreamed the ODINAFRICA activities into the institutional planning framework this assuring national funding. This still has to be follow-up in some of the countries. Results achieved during the duration of the project: The following are the main results of the fourth phase of ODINAFRICA: Extension and strengthening of the network of marine scientists, as well as data and information managers to incorporate new institutions that had not been previously in the network. In particular working with the Large Marine Ecosystem projects, the IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre, the Western Indain Ocean Marine Sciences Association enabled the project to work with a broader group of experts and serve their requirements for ocean data and information. Capacity development, especially in the fields of marine GIS, development of atlases, repositories and other databases is another area where many experts were trained. The equipment and software in both the data and information centres were upgraded. The Agri-Ocean DSpace software was developed in collaboration with FAO and used for developing library catalogues and repositories of publications from/about Africa. These have been updated and availed online as part of the OceanDocs database. The African Register of Marine Species was developed and the records incorporated increased to more than 24,000 The African records in the oceanexperts database were updated and a database for African marine experts created and availed online A projects/programmes database was created and availed online The ODINAFRICA and NODC websites were revamped to provide access to the services and products developed by the project. The SmartAtlas software was developed and used for developing the African Coastal and Marine Atlases and providing these online. The artwork competition enabled the ODINAFRICA and IOCAFRICA communities to interact with a constituency that they had not been dealing with before (youth and children), and the book published was one of the nost popular products of the project. The setting up of facebook and twitter accounts for the project substantially increased visitors to the project websites and broadened the appeal beyond the focal institutions. The African node for the Ocean Data portal was established. However, the African Coastal and Marine Atlases will need to be further developed so that they can generate products that can be used for marine spatial planning and coastal management, especially as the focus on the Blue Economy in Africa increases. The African node for the Ocean Data portal also needs to be completed and further developed. Should project continue: O yes It is important to develop follow-up activities that the institutions (or groups of institutions) in the network can work on together in order to sustain the ODINAFRICA network that now serves as a useful forum for bring together marine science institutions and professionals in Africa. The ODINAFRICA Steering Committee that met annually during the duration of the project served as a monitoring framework. This was complemented by the two ODINAFRICA Planning and Review meetings October 2011 (Dakar, Senegal) and May 2013 (Maputo, Mozambique). The progress reports on implementation were also provided to the meetings of the Steering Committee for Flanders UNESCO Science Trust fund. The products and services developed in all the phases of ODINAFRICA were in the framework of the project 513RAF2020 and provided useful information for the evaluation. The planned activities were implemented and expected results achieved. The delays in development of software (SmartAtlas, AgriOcean/DSpace and Ocean Data Portal) had an impact on delivery time for the affected products. There is need to improve on the local data content of the atlases. Some of the institutions still rely wholly on public domain data from regional/international databases for atlas development. The preparation of policy briefs was not implemented, but is still an important required that should be addressed in the framework of another project. The atlas continues to be an important product that should be further developed to address the information/data requirements for coastal management and the development of the Blue Economy that has been identified as an important area in the African Unions Agenda 2063. There is an urgent need for improvements in data collection/ocean observations to increase the utility of the NODCs The African node for the Ocean Data Portal should be finalized as it is an important mechanism for accessing information on available data sets. An inventory of research cruises, observation stations, and data availability should be undertaken for other sub-regions as already done for the Western Indian Ocean. Outreach activities such as the artwork competition should be a regular feature of the network. Coastal and Marine Atlases (ACMA) will be upgraded and updated to support sustainable management of the marine and coastal zones of Africa. The ACMA team will work with the Caribbean Marine Atlas team to improve functionality of ACMA and enable the incorporation of new products. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2017 March 2019) (if project should continue): 12.1 Description of activities, expected results and deliverables to be produced during the period April 2017 March 2019 including timeline. Development of the African Coastal and Marine Atlases The African Coastal and Marine Atlases (ACMA) will be upgraded and updated to support sustainable management of the marine and coastal zones of Africa. The ACMA team will work with the Caribbean Marine Atlas team to improve functionality of ACMA and enable the incorporation of new products. Development of an African Ocean Data and Information portal to improve access to ocean data and information Developing and implementing a marine biodiversity and biogeography programme, building on the African Register of Marine Species and the African node for the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (Afri-OBIS) 12.2 Required financial resources (indicate in-kind human resource contributions (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan) or DeliverableTiming (month, year)Required person-daysTotal required funding in US$Funds already identified (and source) in US$Funds requested from IODE in US$1African Ocean Data and Information portal50,00010,0002African Coastal and Marine Atlases200,00020,0003Marine Biodiversity and Biogeography programme for Africa50,00010,000 Actions requested from the Committee (in addition to work plan/budget) or other comments. Review and comment on the achievements of ODINAFRICA, the challenges faced and the possible mechanisms for ensuring sustainability of the products developed in the different phases of the project. Advise on development of follow-up activities that the institutions (or groups of institutions) in the network can work on together to sustain the ODINAFRICA network that now serves as a useful forum for bringing together marine science institutions and professionals in Africa. Draft text for the annotated agenda and summary report The activities of the network were introduced by Mr Mika Odido, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIV/18-ODINAFRICA. He recalled that fourth phase of ODINAFRICA project which ended in August 2016 was supported by the Government of Flanders.. The achievements of this phase included the extension and strengthening of the network of marine scientists as well as ocean data and information managers, capacity development in a wide range of aspects of data and information management, development of several products such as: AgriOcean/DSpace software and its use in developing OceanDocs database, the African Register of Marine Species, the SmartAtlas software and the related suite of African Coastal and Marine Atlases, the African node of the Ocean Data portal. He further informed the Committee on the results of the project on the Review and Consolidation of ODINAFRICA Services and Products: 19892015 ODINAFRICA Connect that had been implemented in 2015-2016. The Committee was requested to advise on development of follow-up activities that the institutions (or groups of institutions) in the network can work on together to sustain the ODINAFRICA network that now serves as a useful forum for bringing together marine science institutions and professionals in Africa. The Committee was informed of the relevant recommendations of the 4th Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa which was held in Alexandria, Egypt between 6-8 March 2017. 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