ࡱ>  ibjbj RVaspp8 lR&Lrrr+"M YfRhRhRhRhRhRhR$U;XrRa "+aaR%rrR%%%arrfR%afR%%RLp POtP}"N&RRR0RN"X1$rXL P% PHaaaRR%aaaRaaaaXaaaaaaaaap* :   Limited Distribution IOC/IODEXXIV/3.6.2  5 December 2016 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-fourth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXIV) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28-31 March 2017 PROJECT REPORT Ocean Data and Information Network of Black Sea region (ODINBLACKSEA) Submitted by: Murat ELGE elgem@shodb.gov.tr 10 November 2016 TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Ocean Data and Information Network of Black Sea region (ODINBLACKSEA) PROJECT ESTABLISHED BY: The XIXth Session of the IODE Committee (Trieste, Italy, March 2007) through the Recommendation IODE-XIX.10 Project Coordinator: Murat ELGE Members of the project Steering Committee: Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC), Institute of Oceanology - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Georgia: Tbilisi State University, Oceanological Research Center and GeoDNA (ADU) Romania: National Institute of Marine Research and Development Grigore Antipa (NODC) Russian Federation: All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information World Data Center (RIHMI-WDC) -Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (NODC) Turkey: Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography (NODC) Ukraine: Scientific Hydrophysical Center of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (NODC) Objective(s) of the Project: OBJECTIVE 1: Provide assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of National Oceanographic Data (and Information) Centres and Associate Data Units (ADU) of Black Sea Countries and to establish oceanographic data and information network amongst them by applying IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) OBJECTIVE 2: Provide training and education in oceanographic data and information management as well as data collection, taking into account the requirements of operational oceanography; applying standard formats and methodologies as defined by the IOC/IODE ; OBJECTIVE 3: Enhance national and regional awareness for oceanographic data and information management; OBJECTIVE 4: Assist in integration and maintenance of national and regional oceanographic data, metadata and information databases; OBJECTIVE 5: Assist in development and dissemination of oceanographic data and information products and services, meeting the needs of user communities at the national and regional levels, and responding to national and regional priorities; OBJECTIVE 6: Undertake the ODINBLACKSEA activities in close collaboration and networking with The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) and other relevant organizations, programs and projects operating in the Black Sea; Expected outcome (result) of the Project: All the objectives are aimed to be the outcome of the project. Expected duration of the Project: The project is open-ended and the starting year of the project is March 2007 URL of the project or of the page in the IODE web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.odinblacksea.iode.org" www.odinblacksea.iode.org Activities implemented between April 2015 and March 2017 One Steering Committee (SC) Meeting was conducted between 28 September 01 October 2015 in Varna/Bulgaria by participation of the representatives by all member states. The SG Meeting hosted by the Bulgarian Academy of Science Project Document dated in March 2007 was revised for approval by IODE Committee New Project Coordinator was elected. Contacted with The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) about possible collaboration New Ukrainian NODC was established. Black Sea Nations Research Vessels Black Sea Cruise Plan for 2017 was prepared. Survey questionnaire about real-time stations in Black Sea was prepared. Problems experienced during April 2015-March 2017 and measures taken: There is no fundamental problem was experienced during April 2015-March 2017 Results achieved between April 2015 and March 2017: Project Document dated in March 2007 was revised for approval by IODE Committee New Project Coordinator was elected. Contacted with The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) about possible collaboration. New Ukrainian NODC was established. Black Sea Nations Research Vessels Black Sea Cruise Plan for 2017. Inventory of real-time stations in Black Sea Deliverables produced between April 2015 and March 2017: Black Sea Nations Research Vessels Black Sea Cruise Plan Document for 2017. Map on project site with coordinates and meta information about real-time stations in Black Sea Should project continue: YES 14. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2017 March 2019) 14.1 Description of activities, expected results and deliverables to be produced during the period April 2017 March 2019 including timeline. - 2 SC Meetings will be held. - 2 Capacity Building Activities will be held. (one ODP training in IOC/IODEproject office or in Russian NODC, one Data Management and Collection training in Turkish NODC) - ODINBLACKSEA web site will be established and sustained. - Research Vessel Work Plan Documents for 2018 and 2019 will be prepared. - BlackSea Expedition Scientific document will be prepared. - The inventory of Data Base/MetaData Dase directories of the Member States will be prepared - Collaboration with Black Sea Commission through its Advisory Group on Information and Data Exchange. - Provide assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of National Oceanographic Data (and Information) Centres and Associate Data Units (ADU) of Black Sea Countries and to establish oceanographic data and information network amongst them by applying IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) 14.2 Required financial resources (indicate in-kind human resource contributions (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan) or DeliverableTiming (month, year)Required person-daysTotal required funding in US$Funds already identified (and source) in US$Funds requested from IODE in US$12 SC Meeting-September 2017 -September 2018-6 persons/5 days/year15K/year15K/year2ODP Training Activity in IOC/IODE Project Office or in Russian NODC- November 2017 -6 persons/5 days20K20K3Data Management and Collection Training Activity in Turkish NODC- November 2018- 6 persons/5 days20K20K4Expertise Assistance to Member States in the Region to Establish D&IM Centers-October 2017 -October 2018-3 persons/5 days/year 20K/year20K/year Actions requested from the Committee: to adopt the revised project document to decide to continue the ODINBLACKSEA to adopt the proposed work and budget plan Draft text for the annotated agenda and summary report: ODINBLACKSEA Project was established during the The XIXth Session of the IODE Committee (Trieste, Italy, March 2007) through the Recommendation IODE-XIX.10 with the main objectives of increasing the collaboration amongst the Black Sea Nations and establishing a oceanographic data and information network in the Black Sea. During the past intersessional period; - One Steering Committee (SC) Meeting was conducted between 28 September 01 October 2015 in Varna/Bulgaria by participation of the representatives by all member states. The SG Meeting hosted by the Bulgarian Academy of Science - Project Document dated in March 2007 was revised for approval by IODE Committee - Mr. Murat ELGE from Turkey was elected as the new Project Coordinator. - Contacted with The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) about possible collaboration - New Ukrainian NODC was established. - Black Sea Nations Research Vessels Black Sea Cruise Plan for 2017 was prepared. - Survey questionnaire about real-time stations in Black Sea was prepared. The following action items are planned to be conducted for the next inter sessional period of 2017-2019:, - 2 SC Meetings will be held. - 2 Capacity Building Activities will be held. (one ODP training in IOC Project office for IODE or in Russian NODC, one Data Management and Collection training in Turkish NODC) - ODINBLACKSEA web site will be established and sustained. - Research Vessel Work Plan Documents for 2018 and 2019 will be prepared. - BlackSea Expedition Scientific document will be prepared. - The inventory of Data Base/MetaData Dase directories of the Member States will be prepared - Collaboration with Black Sea Commission through its Advisory Group on Information and Data Exchange. - Provide assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of National Oceanographic Data (and Information) Centres and Associate Data Units (ADU) of Black Sea Countries and to establish oceanographic data and information network amongst them by applying IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Any other comments: N/A ANNEX. Revised ODINBLACKSEA Project Document Annex to ODINBLACKSEA REPORT IODE XXIV Fifth meeting of the ODINBLACKSEA Steering Committee REVISED PROJECT DOCUMENT FOR THE OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION NETWORK FOR THE BLACK SEA (ODINBLACKSEA) INTRODUCTION The IOCs International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) is established to enhance marine research, exploitation and development by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products. The main objectives of the IODE Programme are: (i) to facilitate and promote the exchange of oceanographic data and information; (ii) to develop standards, formats, and methods for the global exchange of oceanographic data and information; (iii) to assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage oceanographic data and information and become partners in the IODE network; (iv) to support international scientific and operational oceanographic programmes of IOC and WMO and their sponsor organizations with advice and data management services. Recognising that the lives of at least 160 Million people are profoundly influenced by the Black Sea and considering that all riparian countries depend to a large extent on marine and coastal resources, the ability to acquire, manage, archive and disseminate data, as well as the capacity to generate products and services in support of decision making and management of the Sea and Coastal Zones is of vital importance. The Oceanographic Data and Information Network for the Black Sea Region (ODINBLACKSEA) was established during IODE XIX to respond to these needs through: (i) providing assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of National Oceanographic Data (and Information) Centres and Associate Data Units (ADU) of Black Sea Countries and to establish oceanographic data and information network amongst them by applying IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP); (ii) training and education in oceanographic data and information management as well as data collection, taking into account the requirements of operational oceanography by applying standard formats and methodologies as defined by the IOC/IODE; (iii) enhancing national and regional awareness for oceanographic data and information management; (iv) assisting in integration and maintenance of national and regional oceanographic data, metadata and information databases; (v) assisting in the development and dissemination of oceanographic data and information products and services, meeting the needs of user communities at the national and regional levels, and responding to national and regional priorities; (vi) undertaking the ODINBLACKSEA activities in close collaboration and networking with The Commission on The Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) and other relevant organizations, programmes and projects operating in the Black Sea. The ODINBLACKSEA was first proposed during the IODE XIX in 2007 and accepted by the Committee. It was also the pilot project to implement Ocean Data Portal (ODP) infrastructure at the regional level. Between the years of 2007-2015 the project was conducted and ODP as oceanographic data and information environment was implemented successfully where all the Black Sea NODCs became a data provider for ODP. Georgian and Romanian NODCs were established in agreement with IODE procedures within this period in comply with the project objectives. Ukrainian NODC has mooved from Sevastopol to Odessa. Since the ODP software (Data Provider and Integration Server) was upgraded and the need of further development the NODCs in the region, the revised ODINBLACKSEA project document is being proposed. CURRENT STATUS All Black Sea countries have now well established NODCs. Since the old version of Data Provider software of ODP is being used for oceanographic data and information exchange, the data cannot be exchanged efficiently. At the same time, due to the technological improvements in data and information management during recent years, the capacity building activities must be reorganized within the revised project. On the other hand, increased need of closer cooperation with Black Sea Commission and other oceanographic data management and exchange projects involving Black Sea such as SeaDataNet make ODINBLACKSEA project to be revised and sustainable. At this stage the all the Black Sea countries NODCs and oceanographic data management organisations are involved in ODINBLACKSEA (in alphabetical order): Bulgaria Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC), Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Georgia Tbilisi State University (ADU); Romania National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" (NODC); Russia - All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC), Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Environment; Turkey - NODC-Turkey, Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography; Ukraine Scientific Hydrophysical Center of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (Assigned as Ukranian NODC by the Resolution Nu:110 of the Presidium of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine of 9 June 2016.) PROJECT OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE 1: Provide assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of National Oceanographic Data (and Information) Centres and Associate Data Units (ADU) of Black Sea Countries and to establish oceanographic data and information network amongst them by applying IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) OBJECTIVE 2: Provide training and education in oceanographic data and information management as well as data collection, taking into account the requirements of operational oceanography; applying standard formats and methodologies as defined by the IOC/IODE ; OBJECTIVE 3: Enhance national and regional awareness for oceanographic data and information management; OBJECTIVE 4: Assist in integration and maintenance of national and regional oceanographic data, metadata and information databases; OBJECTIVE 5: Assist in development and dissemination of oceanographic data and information products and services, meeting the needs of user communities at the national and regional levels, and responding to national and regional priorities; OBJECTIVE 6: Undertake the ODINBLACKSEA activities in close collaboration and networking with The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) and other relevant organizations, programmes and projects operating in the Black Sea; ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION OBJECTIVE 1 Provide assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of National Oceanographic Data (and Information) Centres and Associate Data Units (ADU) of Black Sea Countries and to establish oceanographic data and information network amongst them by applying IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Provision of expert support for development, operation and strengthening of NODCs structure in the Black Sea region National experts will work in close collaboration with each other and with IODE experts to improve NODCs structure in the Black Sea region aiming to meet IOC-IODE requirements and best practices. Expected result: Strengthen the structure of existing NODCs and ADUs in the Black Sea region. Setting up/Maintaining the Project office Project office could be set up in one of the participating countries. It is recommended to set up the office in the project Coordinators country. The main function of the office will be to support day-to-day activities of the project. Expected result: Project office set up/maintenance. 1.3 Setting upgraded version of ODP software regional segment for ODINBLACKSEA to establish oceanographic data and information network The ODP technology as an umbrella that comprises NODCs data systems and provides communication and transparent interaction between metadata, data and products resulted from these local data systems and also an end-user access to any data and information generated by systems. ODINBLACKSEA Regional ODP will be set-up and other ODINBLACKSEA NODCs and/or ADUs will be data providers to ODINBLACKSEA ODP. Expected result: Oceanographic data, information, products and services exchange network will be set for the Black Sea called as ODINBLACSEA ODP OBJECTIVE 2: Provide training and education in oceanographic data and information management as well as data collection, taking into account the requirements of operational oceanography; applying standard formats and methodologies as defined by the IOC/IODE ; 2.1 Participation in advanced data and information management training course These data management training courses should be attended by the staff of NODCs with special emphasis on Ocean Data Portal technologies and operational oceanography with the support of IOC/IODE. Expected result: Increased expertise of the NODCs staff. 2.2 Operational oceanography training, provided by top experts To organize a basic course on Operational Oceanography for the specialists from regional NODCs with the support and collaboration with GOOS and IODE. Expected result: NODCs will obtain expertise on Operational oceanography. 2.3 Training and capacity building activities on Oceanographic Data Collection will be organized at regional level. In cooperation with all NODCs and related oceanographic research institutes in the region, when possible, joint data collection cruises with Black Sea Countries research vessels will be conducted in close collaboration with other projects in the region. Expected result: Oceanographic data gaps in the region will be defined by the NODCs and these gaps will be closed during theses expeditions while on the job training on data collection will be implemented for NODCs experts. OBJECTIVE 3: Enhance national and regional awareness for oceanographic data and information management; 3.1 Support to enhance national awareness To enhance awareness about the importance of oceanographic data and information management, NODCs will develop a number of promotional products such as brochures, posters, newsletters etc in local language. The NODCs will also organize national awareness workshops for data and information users. Expected result: Enhanced national awareness and increased institutional and public support. 3.2 Development and maintenance of project web site In order to assist the coordination of project activities, as well as to create awareness and to promote the project, an ODINBLACKSEA project website will be developed. It will be hosted and maintained by the Project Office. Expected result: ODINBLACKSEA web site set up. OBJECTIVE 4: Assist in integration and maintenance of national and regional oceanograhpic data, metadata and information databases; 4.1 Development and updating of inventory of oceanographic data sources (observing platforms, such as: research vessels, buoys, coastal stations, automatic stations, drifters, etc.) and integrate mentioned inventory at regional level. In order to provide best knowledge about the data collection infrastructure in the Black Sea region, the inventory of the oceanographic observation platforms (such as research vessels, buoys, coastal stations, automatic stations, drifters, etc.) will be prepared in comply with existing national and international projects. The inventory data base will be integrated through ODINBLACKSEA ODP. Expected result: Updated inventory of the above mentioned will be in use for the region. 4.2 Integrating of NODCs oceanographic metadata bases and if possible data bases at regional level. In order to make oceanographic metadata and the data itself if possible to be visible and useful for scientific use and other end users such as Black Sea Commission these data bases will be integrated through ODINBLACKSEA ODP. Expected result: Update NODCs Oceanographic Metadata and data if possible and integrate them through ODINBLACKSEA ODP OBJECTIVE 5: Assist in development and dissemination of oceanographic data and information products and services, meeting the needs of user communities at the national and regional levels, and responding to national and regional priorities; 5.1 Support for elaboration of concept of data products To enhance utilization of the existing oceanographic data and information products and services, ODINBLACKSEA will support these efforts in terms of data and information management concepts. Expected result: Enhance utilization of the existing oceanographic data and information products and services. 5.2 Development of user oriented data and information products ODINBLACKSEA will work in close collaboration with the research community which will develop products and services that can be provided to the decision makers and stakeholders at the regional level. Expected result: End-user oriented products and services. 5.3 Specification of potential need of information and data for the Black Sea Black Sea countries will assess users data and information needs and prepare the list of information resources which it has to be submitted to the ODINBLACKSEA ODP. Expected result: List of information resources. OBJECTIVE 6: Undertake the ODINBLACKSEA activities in close collaboration and networking with The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) and other relevant organizations, programmes and projects operating in the Black Sea; 6.1 To increase potential partnership with Black Sea Commission in terms of Oceanographic Data and Information ODINBLACKSEA will increase the collaboration with Black Sea Commission through its Advisory Group on Information and Data Exchange. Common needs for both initiatives will be defined jointly and assist each other in the field of ocean data and information management. ODINBLACKSEA ODP will be proposed as main environment to exchange data and information. Expected Result: ODINBLACKSEA and Black Sea Commission partnership in oceanographic data and information exchange and management. 6.2 To harmonize ODINBLACKSEA activities with the other relevant organizations, programmes and projects operating in the Black Sea. ODINBLACKSEA ODP will be aligned with the existing international oceanographic data and metadata standards and formats developed under the other programmes and projects related to oceanographic data and information management whereas ODINBLACKSEA ODP will be one of tools for the future programs and projects in the region. Expected Result: Promoting ODINBLACKSEA ODP as the one of the tool for oceanographic data and information exchange in Black Sea. ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT The project will be directed, monitored and supervised by the Project Steering Committee. Members of the Project Steering Committee are IODE national coordinators from Black Sea countries. It is recommended that the Steering Committee will meet once a year. Project Coordinator will be elected by the Steering Committee and will manage day-to-day activity of the project. He/She is elected every two years by the Project Steering Committee. The Project Coordinator is eligible for re-election, but only once for successive terms. It is recommended to set up project office equipped with all needed communications to support everyday activities. ODINBLACKSEA may have joint meetings and activities with Black Sea Commission through its Advisory Group on Information and Data Exchange. FUNDING The activities of ODINBLACKSEA project will be funded by: participating countries; IOC/IODE; Projects; Donors. Requested Actions from the Committee The Committee is requested to: Comment on the PROJECT DOCUMENT FOR THE REVIVAL OF THE OCEAN DATA AND INFORMATION NETWORK FOR THE BLACK SEA REGION (ODINBLACKSEA) Adopt the Recommendation IODE-??/?? 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