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Expected outcome (result) of the Project: Augment data and marine information management infrastructures and capabilities. Active engagement of DM and MIM components in programs and projects at national and regional levels. Expected duration of the Project (if open-ended then indicate starting year only) Starting year 2001 URL of the project or of the page in the IODE web site: http://www.odincarsa.org/ Activities implemented between April 2015 and March 2017: The region took part in 20 capacity development activities (7 in the region and 13 outside the region) involving a total of 137 participants from 21 countries. The establishment of one OTGA RTC in Colombia (INVEMAR/Santa Marta/courses in Spanish) and a Candidate RTC in the USA (Nova Southeastern University/Florida/courses in English) resulted in an important thrust. Adequate gender balance is being achieved with a 55/45 male to female rate. An expert visit to Panama was conducted in September 2015 to promote IODE activities and the possible establishment of an ocean data national system. Close contact was kept with undergoing projects (SPINCAM and CMA2), as well as with the IOCARIBE Secretariat. IOC Manuals and Guides No. 73, Guidelines for a Data Management Plan was translated into Spanish and provided to the IODE Project Office. It was also distributed among the participants of the GOOS GRA OCEATLAN. Members of the ODINCARSA-LA MIM attended the IAMSLIC Conference, Merida, Mexico, October 2016, and Sunday October 16, 2016, and held an ODINCARSA-LA MIM meeting. Financial support to some participants was provided through IODE Project Office. The ODINCARSA - LA group participated in OceanDocs through the intersession, and several new Latin American countries began to deposit articles in OceanDocs. Problems experienced during April 2015-March 2017 and measures taken: The weaknesses of the IODE programme identified at IODE XXIII and summarized as (i) inadequate funding, (ii) lack of focus, (iii) poor communication, and (iv) lack of visibility and coordination apply to ODINCARSA-LA A continuous rotation of ODINCARSA-LA focal points in some countries resulted in a lesser ability to agree upon and implement actions as well as to coordinate and plan. A message to IOC National Focal Points is being sent to confirm current coordinators for DM and MIM. There were limited financial resources to support activities. Nevertheless, contributions for the establishment of RTCs as well as participation in different projects alleviated circumstances in some cases. A better communication strategy needs to be put in place to ensure adequate resources (human resources, funding, and infrastructure) are committed to DM and MIM activities. The distribution of experts and infrastructure within the region is clearly asymmetrical. There is a continuing need to support the development of DM and MIM at basic and advanced levels in certain areas of ODINCARSA-LA. Awareness on the importance of DM and MIM activities and best practices. These activities are often underestimated or overlooked. The distribution at different venues of IOC Manuals and Guides No. 73, Guidelines for a Data Management Plan was carried out. Results achieved between April 2015 and March 2017: The main results are derived from the increased number of participants in capacity development activities, fostering the human networks within the region. An adequate gender balance is being achieved, with 55% of males and 45% of females participating in the different activities. Deliverables produced between April 2015 and March 2017: More than 50% of the respondents of the National Reports survey contribute to ocean observations and marine policy, whilst 70% informed they share data and information with other international networks. The vast majority of the data holdings in the region correspond to physical, chemical and biological data. 70% of the respondents informed they provided GIS services, and 60% indicated they had QC, data archival and communication tools in place. All (100%) indicated they provided online data visualization. User audiences are evenly spread along all the communities at an 80% level of the responses. Should project continue: yes Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2017 March 2019) (if project should continue): 14.1 Description of activities, expected results and deliverables to be produced during the period April 2017 March 2019 including timeline. 14.1.1 Expert visits. Conduct 3 (three) expert visits to different countries within the region to assist Member States in their DM and MIM activities, promote IODE activities and related IOC programmes. Provisional dates are October 2017, May 2018 and October 2018. 14.1.2 Continuing capacity development in the ODINCARSA-LA region by providing financial support to participants to attend training activities at the RTC Colombia and the Candidate RTC USA. The requested funds are to be included in OTGA budget and earmarked for ODINCARSA-LA region. Specific trainings are subject to the RTCs plans according to the priorities identified by the region. 14.1.3 Support contributions to OceanDocs. Permanent activity throughout the biennium. 14.1.4 Support participation in IAMSLIC conference (October 2017) 14.1.5 Support the development of a regional digital marine library 14.2 Required financial resources (indicate in-kind human resource contributions (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan) or DeliverableTiming (month, year)Required person-daysTotal required funding in US$Funds already identified (and source) in US$Funds requested from IODE in US$1Expert visits (3)10/2017 to 10/20181 person, 4 days ea. visit7,5007,5002Training 2017 / 2018 according to OTGA RTCs plansUp to 2020,00020,0003OceanDocs2017/20181,0001,0004IAMSLIC10/20175 memberships for 3 years + support of attendance to Conference5,0005,0005Marine digital library2017/20184,0004,000 Actions requested from the Committee Recommend that the IODE Communication Strategy includes the discussion and possible ways forward with regards to funding, visibility and awareness issues faced by Data and Information Centres, both at local and international level. Draft text for the annotated agenda and summary report This project was introduced by xxxxxx (SG-ODINCARSA) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIV/xx-ODINCARSA-LA. xxxxxx highlighted the activities implemented and results achieved during the inter-sessional period, including the participation in CMA2, SPINCAM and CLME projects. xxxxxx noted that despite the fact that the region continued suffering from extremely limited financial resources to support activities, the establishment of the OTGA RTC at INVEMAR, Santa Marta, Colombia, constituted an import turn of events as it provides a necessary hub for continuing capacity development in the region. Furthermore, the candidacy of Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA, as RTC provides the necessary means to ensure CD activities for English speaking countries in the region. An asymmetrical distribution of capacities in terms of human resources and infrastructure continues to be a challenge that requires, inter alia, support for the development of DM and MIM at basic and advanced levels including the development of products and services. In line with the recommendations of the IODE XXIII Committee Meeting, closer contact was established with on-going projects that have a data and information management component or require data and information management expertise; as well as with the IOCARIBE Secretariat. The direct link between IODE/ODINCARSA-LA and the GOOS GRA for the Tropical and Upper Southwest Atlantic (OCEATLAN) was strengthened and the IOC Manuals and Guides No. 73 was distributed as a guide for best practices. 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