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PROJECT ESTABLISHED BY IODE Recommendation IODE-XIX.8 Establishment of the Ocean Data and Information Network for European Countries in Economic Transition (ODINECET) Project Leader(s): Olga Akimova, project coordinator Members of the project Steering Group: Snejina Bacheva (Bulgaria), Sofija Konjevic (Croatia), Irina Krasenkova (Russian Federation), Malgorzata Grabovska-Popow (Poland), Olga Akimova (RF). Objective(s) of the Project: (i) To support the networking of aquatic libraries in ECET countries; (i) To support the development of national aquatic information and training centres and national/regional projects; (iii) Provide training opportunities in marine information management, applying standard formats and methodologies as defined by IODE; (iv) Assist with the development and dissemination of aquatic information, responding to the needs of the scientific community; (v) Provide assistance to IODE in the recruitment of National Information Management Coordinators. Expected outcome (result) of the Project: Further recovering and elaboration of the ODINECET project. Development of new initiatives and projects. A new ODINECET project coordinator has to be identified. Expected duration of the Project - 2006 URL of the project or of the page in the IODE web site:  HYPERLINK "http://odinecet.iode.org/"http://odinecet.iode.org/ HYPERLINK "" Activities implemented between April 2015 and March 2017 (eg meeting of SG, workshop, development of products/services,): Meeting of the ODINECET Steering Group was held in Rome, Italy 7th and 11th September, 2015. (See SG ODINECET Meeting Report ANNEX 1). Koha electronic catalogue for Russian and Ukrainian libraries was developed and hosted now at Cloud technologies  HYPERLINK "http://marine-research.org/"http://marine-research.org/. Future designing is still needed. Problems experienced during April 2015-March 2017 and measures taken: A webserver where IBSS and CEEMaR repositories were existed was broken when the Crimea has switched to autonomous reserve power after transmission towers in the adjacent Ukrainian Kherson region were blown up, causing a blackout. This happened on 21 November 2015. After some efforts to recover webserver it was found inoperative. In November 2016 the Institute (IMBR) acquired a new powerful webserver just for the library and uploading of backups of IBSS and CEEMaR Repositories is expected. Results achieved between April 2015 and March 2017: Deliverables produced between April 2015 and March 2017: Should project continue: yes Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2017 March 2019) (if project should continue): As there was no active actions during 2016 year (except of the Koha project implementation) by the coordinator of the Group and due to low activities of the ODINECET participants a new ODINECET coordinator is suggested for identifying. It is proposed to hold a short SG ODINECET workshop during the forthcoming EURASLIC conference (May, 2017), as it is assumed that the entire group will participate in the conference. At the short Workshop an ODINECET activity Report will be done by Coordinator and a new Coordinator has to be elected. Before the EURASLIC conference to do consultations with the Group in a matter of finding of a new ODINECET coordinator. 14.1 Description of activities, expected results and deliverables to be produced during the period April 2017 March 2019 including timeline. Updating of the ODINECET website. As it was a task of the IODE 2015-2017 inter-session period it will be done till February 2017, before the next session. The Pilot Project website for ODINECET was created and maintained by IODE. Later the website was updated though not regularly. The site was maintained by IT staff of IBSS. But the responsible person has moved to another country and it is again stopped for updating. To the period of February 2017 the IT person is hoped to be identified and the website updated. Updating the ODINECET booklet/leaflet within recent programs is going to be also before the IODE-XXIV Session, February, 2017. Final designing of the Koha catalogue and invite Russian and Ukrainian libraries to join. Koha is hosted now at the Cloud technologies  HYPERLINK "http://marine-research.org/"http://marine-research.org/ and after the webserver installation in the Institute Koha electronic catalogue will be uploaded there. Continuation to work with IBSS and CEEMaR Repositories. Install a webserver, acquired specifically for the Library by authorities of the Institute. Uploading backups of the IBSS and CEEMaR repositories on the webserver. Digitization of rare books on marine science available in the ODINECET region. Find sponsors for the project. Start project by volunteers. Establishment of the Regional Training Center in Russian Federation is under discussion. Its place and responsibility. The SG ODINECET Group Meeting planned to hold during the EURASLIC meeting in May, 2017 where almost all SG ODINECET group is going to be. 14.2 Required financial resources (indicate in-kind human resource contributions (Budget expressed in US Dollars) NoActivity (as per work plan) or DeliverableTiming (month, year)Required person-daysTotal required funding in US$Funds already identified (and source) in US$Funds requested from IODE in US$1Updating of the ODINECET web siteFebruary, 20172Update the ODINECET booklet/leaflet within recent programs February, 20173Final designing of the Koha software March, 20174SG ODINECET Group Meeting During the EURASLIC conference, May, 2017 Actions requested from the Committee (in addition to work plan/budget) or other comments. other comments : Be tolerant to the ODINECET group activities. Draft text for the annotated agenda and summary report Mrs Olga Akimova introduced this agenda item. In her presentation she recalled that the project aims at assisting marine libraries in European Countries in Economic Transition and during the inter-sessional period 2015-2017 the following activities were implemented: (i) Meeting of the ODINECET Steering Group was held in Rome, Italy 7th and 11th September, 2015. (ii) Koha electronic catalogue was developed and hosted now at Cloud technologies  HYPERLINK "http://marine-research.org/"http://marine-research.org/. IODE allocated funding for Koha implementation in 2015. Future designing is still needed. (iii) A webserver where IBSS and CEEMaR repositories were existed was broken when the Crimea has switched to autonomous reserve power after transmission towers in the adjacent Ukrainian Kherson region were blown up, causing a blackout. This happened on 21 November 2015. After some efforts to recover webserver it was found inoperative. In November 2016 the Institute (IMBR) acquired a new powerful webserver and uploading of backups of IBSS and CEEMaR Repositories is expected. (iv) Other ODINECET initiatives and projects are under elaboration and implementation. ANNEX-I ODINECET Steering Group meeting MINUTES Venue: FAO, Rome, Italy. Dates: 7, 11 September 2015 Introduction and background information Olga Akimova, Coordinator of the ODINECET (Ocean Data and Information Network for European Countries in Economic Transition), opened the ODINECET Steering Group meeting and welcomed the participants. O. Akimova noted that the purpose of the meeting was to review the activities implemented by the ODINECET in 2012-2015 and proposals for a new initiatives. The agenda for the Meeting was approved. It was decided to work two days on Monday and Friday afternoon. ODINECET Progress Report for 2012-2015 Olga Akimova reminded the participants of the ODINECET objectives that were approved at the IODE-XIX meeting in Trieste. It was decided to keep to the objectives as they were formulated initially. Then the participants analyzed the ODINECET action items for 2012-2015 proposed during the ODINECET-MIM Workshop held in September 2011. The results of the analysis showed that the most action items were fulfilled, some of them were done only partly. Ten years have passed when the ODINECET program started. The number of members increased from 16 to 23 (7 countries and 19 organizations); some projects have been implemented, other emerged. E-repositories regularly updated at the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS) and the Central and Eastern European Marine Repository (CEEMaR) and are among the projects of ODINECET group that are going well. IBSS 3914 fulltext documents. CEEMaR 1600 fulltext documents. The VNIRO Repository was renewed: the RuFIR (Russian Fishery Industry Repository) is a thematic digital repository covering the marine, brackish and freshwater environments and providing access to papers produced by staff of the Russian Fishery Industry Institutes. It has now about 5500 items. Some years ago we started with Koha project and at last it will be finished at the end of this year. Fund was allocated by IODE for the final designing of the e-catalogue. The overall objective of the KOHA development project is to support the development of the KOHA ILS software for libraries of the ODINECET group. Converter (ISIS > KOHA) development and import converted items to KOHA. Development of the union bibliographic catalogue for the selected Ukrainian and Russian marine libraries accessible through Internet. (to those marine libraries which do not have catalogues accessible by internet). Digitization of rare books on marine science available in the ODINECET region. Framework for a Grant Proposal was discussed during the ODINECET Workshop in Sevastopol. A new project have been prepared and titled ECETRAR - digitization of rare monographs related to marine sciences held by ODINECET partner libraries. List of rare books was compiled. Project was submitted to the Elsevier Foundation. Despite being in the final 40 of 500 proposals it was not approved for funding. The Pilot Project website for ODINECET was created and maintained by IODE. Later the web site was updated though not regularly. The site was maintained by IT staff of IBSS. But the responsible person has moved to another country and we again stopped for updating. OTA Training Courses Altogether 14 students from the ODINECET region participated in OceanTeacher Academy courses in 2011, 2012 and 2013. All the participants emphasised the usefulness of the courses for their professional development. ECET Union Catalogue of Serials The new web-based input interface for the management of the ODINECET Union Catalogue of Serials has developed by VLIZ IT staff and launched from September 2012. The relevant project involves 22 participating libraries of Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. Future activities At the Session the group reviewed tasks and ongoing programs and projects and discussed future proposals. More detailed was discussed the ECET Union Catalogue of Serials project as it is needed some decisions for continuation as almost all participants of the ODINECET group are involved into this project. After long discussion during the session all items was not resolved. This project is still open for discussion. Final designing of the Koha software and invite Russian and Ukrainian libraries to join. Digitization of rare books on marine science available in the ODINECET region. Find sponsors for the project. Start project by volunteers. A renewal of the ODINECET website is needed. Identify IT person for this work. Among new initiatives which discussed slightly was the Establishment of a Regional Training Centers for conducting training courses, meetings and other actions aimed to upgrade professional skills of the aquatic and marine librarians and information specialists. The creation of the Regional Training Centre in Russia (Moscow, VNIRO) was proposed and under discussion with authorities. The SG also proposed to apply to IODE to have one Training course for ODINECET group in IODE Project Office in 2016-2017. Subject for training will be suggested by Group. Other projects mentioned in the Progress Report are under implementation. ODINECET coordinator Olga Akimova List of Participants NoNameCountriesInstitutions1Ms. Akimova Olga  HYPERLINK "mailto:o.akimova@ibss.org.ua"o.akimova@ibss.org.ua UkraineInstitute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS), Sevastopol2Ms. Bacheva Snejina  HYPERLINK "mailto:library@io-bas.bg"library@io-bas.bg BulgariaInstitute of Oceanology (IO), Varna 3Ms. Catic, Ingrid  HYPERLINK "mailto:catic@izor.hr"catic@izor.hr CroatiaInstitute of Oceanography and Fisheries4Ms. Grabowska-Popow Malgorzata  HYPERLINK "mailto:GRABOWSKA-POPOWpopow@mir.gdynia.pl"popow@mir.gdynia.pl PolandNational Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Gdynia5Ms. Kondratjeva Natalia natalja.kondratjeva@bior.gov.lvLatviaInstitute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR", Fish Res. Research Dep.6Ms. Krasenkova Irina  HYPERLINK "mailto:library@vniro.ru"library@vniro.ru RussiaFederal Institute for Fisheries & Oceanography (VNIRO)7Ms. Kulakova Ekaterina  HYPERLINK "mailto:l.veselovskaya@ibss.org.ua"katia_faust@mail.ruUkraineSouthern Scientific Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (YugNIRO), Kerch8Ms. Mayer Marina  HYPERLINK "mailto:marina.mayer@irb.hr"marina.mayer@irb.hr CroatiaRudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb9Ms. Konijevic Sofija  HYPERLINK "mailto:sofija@irb.hr"sofija@irb.hr CroatiaRudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb     IOC/IODE-XXIV/3.6.5 Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXIV/3.6.5 Page  PAGE 3 )*:LN3 <    + @ A B ̶s_s*CJOJQJaJhB*CJOJQJaJphhCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJaJ'hB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph  Qy 0R .3 & FG$$ & Fa$ q & F^`q$ & Fa$$a$ & Fq & Fp}~-PQ-2ʿΙΊ}q}q}q}qd}qTB#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJphhB*CJOJQJaJphh>*CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJaJh6CJOJQJ]aJJh0Ji6B*CJOJPJQJ]^JaJfHmH phq sH jhUhjhURh6B*CJOJPJQJ]^J_HaJfHmH nHphq sH tH29:bcdOPݵzR.GhB*CJOJPJQJ]^J_HaJfHnHphq tHOhB*CJOJPJQJ]^J_HaJfHmH nHphq sH tHGh0JiB*CJOJPJQJ]^JaJfHmH phq sH jhUhjhUOhB*CJOJPJQJ]^J_HaJfHmH nHphq sH tHDhB*CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJfHnHphq tH PQ<i$If $G$If hh^h`h q & F^`t & FxG$ & F P    < M N O j 3!j!#)#*#R#~~VNjhUOhB*CJOJPJQJ]^J_HaJfHmH nHphq sH tHh5CJOJQJaJKhB*CJOJPJQJ]^JaJfHmH nHphq sH tHDhB*CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJfHnHphq tHhB*CJOJQJaJphhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJ3+! tx$G$If$IfkdT$$If֞M ,bAY"S644 lalpF $G$If $$G$Ifa$ 3+#$G$If$Ifkd^$$If֞M ,bAY"S644 lalpF      $G$If $$G$Ifa$   = 3+#$G$If$Ifkdh$$If֞M ,bAY"S644 lalpF= I J K L M $G$If $$G$Ifa$M N P k 3+! tx$G$If$Ifkdr$$If֞M ,bAY"S644 lalpFk $G$If $$G$Ifa$ 3-( & F^kd|$$If֞M ,bAY"S644 lalpF 4!k!&&& &.&6&a&&&'((((t)q* q$ & Fxxa$9$9a$$&dPa$$a$$a$$a$$p^pa$ & F^R#S#T#o#p#&& &-&5&`&&&켴mP63hB*CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJnHphtH9h6B*CJOJPJQJ]^J_HaJnHphtH)h6B*CJOJQJ]^JaJph)h5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph9h5B*CJOJPJQJ\^J_HaJnHphtHhCJaJhCJOJQJaJGh0JiB*CJOJPJQJ]^JaJfHmH phq sH jhUjhU &&'(((((/+>+Q,a,--/01122334ǫ~lWlWlWlWlClClCl&h5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph4hB*CJOJQJ^JaJfHphq #hB*CJ OJQJ^JaJ ph7hB*CJOJPJQJRHY^J_HaJnHphtH3hB*CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJnHphtH<h5>*B*CJOJPJQJ\^J_HaJnHphtHq*0+M,t-!./!011223344c56677Q99$xxa$G$$a$ q$ & Fq1$^qa$ q$ & F91$^9a$ q$ & F1$a$44556666B7777828999E:G:h:n:ۤ{fTfTTH84hhB*CJOJQJaJphhCJOJQJaJ#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphQh5B*CJOJPJQJ\]^JaJfHmH nHphq sH tHKhB*CJOJPJQJ]^JaJfHmH nHphq sH tH h5CJOJQJ\^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ,h5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph9F:G:\:i:j:k:l:m:n::::::: $$Ifa$9$9a$ q$ & F1$a$ q$ & Fxxa$n::::::::::::::?;A;B;V;^;_;;;;;;;;;;;;<<<<<@<B<C<c<d<e<<ɰɓynɰj hU2hCJOJPJQJ^J_HaJmHnHsHtH"h0JiCJOJPJQJ^JaJjf hUh0JiCJOJQJaJjhUjhUhB*CJOJQJaJphhhCJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJ\aJ*::::;@;wqwq$If $$Ifa$kd/$$If\3 br 3M 47a7p(@;A;C;;;;~uouo$If $$Ifa$kd $$Ifs\3 br 3M 47a7p(;;;<<A<wqwq$If $$Ifa$kd $$If\3 br 3M 47a7p(A<B<D<<<<~uouo$If $$Ifa$kda $$If\3 br 3M 47a7p(<<<<<<<<< = =+===========>>>5>ڴ찇y쒴]6h0Ji>*B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmHphsHh0JiCJOJQJaJjehU;hB*CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJmHnHphsHtHhhCJOJQJaJ2hCJOJPJQJ^J_HaJmHnHsHtH"h0JiCJOJPJQJ^JaJjhUj" hU<<<,=3==wqwq$If $$Ifa$kd $$If\3 br 3M 47a7p(=====>~uouo$If $$Ifa$kd$$If\3 br 3M 47a7p(>>>>>>wqwq$If $$Ifa$kd$$If\3 br 3M 47a7p(5>?>@>n>o>p>>>>>>>>>???2?3?4?^?`?a?y?z????ٸ٬լtiٸtլ^jhUj9hU2hCJOJPJQJ^J_HaJmHnHsHtH;hB*CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJmHnHphsHtHhCJOJQJaJ"h0JiCJOJPJQJ^JaJjhUhjhU<h0Ji5>*B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJmHphsH>>>5?=?_?~uouo$If $$Ifa$kdx$$If{\3 br 3M 47a7p(_?`?b????wqwq$If $$Ifa$kd$$If\3 br 3M 47a7p(???????????????????@@@@ @ݿwbwP=b%hzCJOJQJ^JaJmHnHu#jhzCJOJQJU^JaJ)jhzhzCJOJQJU^JaJ hzhzCJOJQJ^JaJhzCJOJQJaJhzhzCJOJQJaJh:jh:UhhCJOJQJaJ;hB*CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJmHnHphsHtHjhU3h0JiB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmHphsH???????????? @ @||xvxvxvxvtvr9kd8$$If\3 br 3M 47a7p( @ @ @ @@ @%@&@,@-@.@/@0@1@3@4@節ܒh%hzCJOJQJ^JaJmHnHu#jhzCJOJQJU^JaJ)jhzhzCJOJQJU^JaJhzCJOJQJaJh:hzhzCJOJQJaJ hzhzCJOJQJ^JaJ @1@2@3@4@9r$a$gdz5 01h:pz. 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