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Members of the project Steering Group: Kathrin Kopke (co-chair)MaREI Centre, IrelandMarcia Berman (co-chair) VIMS, USAJohn BemiasaInstitute of Marine Research, Madagascar, African RegionNed DwyerEurocean, PortugalTanya Hadad Alejandro Iglesias-CamposOregon Coastal Zone Management, OSU IOC/MPR - UNESCOAnja KreinerODINAfrica, NamibiaTony La VoiNOAA, USAAdam Leadbetter Marine Institute, IrelandRoger Longhorn GSDI Association, BelgiumAndrus MeinerEEA, EULiz O' DeaState of Washington Dept. of Ecology, USARamon RoachCoastal Zone Management Unit Barbados (CMA), Caribbean Lucy ScottASCLME, African RegionAndy SherinACZISC, Canada  5. Objective(s) of the Project: The long-term strategic goal of ICAN is to encourage and help facilitate the development of digital atlases of the global coast based on the principle of distributed, high-quality data and information. These atlases can be local, regional, national and international in scale. This can be achieved by sharing knowledge and experience among atlas developers in order to find common solutions for coastal web atlas development whilst ensuring maximum relevance and added value for the users. In some cases users may be significantly involved in atlas development itself. In order to reach this goal ICAN has the following objectives: Ensure that ICAN has representation from coastal web atlas development and user groups from across the world. Develop technical and policy guidelines to assist coastal web atlas developers in acquiring data and engaging with data providers. Accordingly, collate and publish a set of best-practise guidelines for the development of coastal web atlases. Highlight the benefits of interoperability and standards based systems to the coastal atlas developer communities. Develop collaborative projects to share experiences, knowledge, implement technical solutions and demonstrate the benefits of atlases to end-users. Align the atlas efforts of the Network partners in order that interoperability can be facilitated. Engage with other relevant international projects and developments. Involve representatives of the relevant user communities to help in tailoring coastal web atlases to their needs. 6. Expected outcome (result) of the Project: The expected outcome of the project is a professional network that facilitates the exchange of information and best practice in relation to coastal atlas development and use. Specific outcomes include training materials, workshops, technical software tools and a number of interoperable atlases. 7. Expected duration of the Project ICAN is an IODE project since 2013, the activity started in 2006 and is planned to be ongoing. 8. URL of the project or of the page in the IODE web site:  HYPERLINK "http://ican.iode.org/" http://ican.iode.org/ 9. Activities implemented between April 2015 and March 2017 (eg meeting of SG, workshop, development of products/services,): Governance/Member Meetings - Steering Group Meetings: Meetings of the Steering group were held via conference/web-x on 12, May, 2016; 22 June, 2016; and 7 September, 2016, - Tech Group Meetings: Meetings of the Tech group were held via conference/web-x on 10 August, 2015, 21 September, 2015, 26 October, 2015, 10 December, 2015, 22 January, 2016, and 2 March, 2016. - Website Working Group: Meetings of the ICAN Working Group were held on 14 June, 2016, 05 July, 2016, 19 July, 2016, and 8 August, 2016. See below for description of their accomplishments. - Vocabularies Governance Group: this group was established so that ICAN members have a mechanism for proposing, accepting and publishing new vocabulary terms to allow better interoperability between atlases. The group has established a GitHub for the sharing, archive, and exchange of discussions and input related to controlled vocabularies. The ICAN Technical Group oversees the activities of this group and invite interested participants to browse the GitHub home for this work and welcome any and all comments and contributions:  HYPERLINK "https://github.com/ICANTech/VocabularyDiscussions" https://github.com/ICANTech/VocabularyDiscussions. Status: ongoing Web site Transition and Update: This ongoing activity is being carried out by a team of 7 individuals that make up the ICAN Website Site Team. In 2016, the team has held 4 meetings to discuss software upgrades and content migration of the ICAN Website from the original Oregon State University host to the IODE website platform. Progress improved significantly with a dedicated summer intern working at the COIN Atlantic; demonstrating the need for dedicated personnel. While phases of this initiative are complete the team continues to work on updating content and migrating essential materials from the original site. Status: ongoing Expert Travel and Outreach: - ICAN 7, Coastal Atlases Supporting Ecosystem Based Management, took place in Cape Town, South Africa in April, 2015 with 35 participants from 17 countries, representing 27 organizations. In addition to presentation of new and existing CWAs and how CWA development can support ecosystem based management, two mini-workshops were held, namely: Connecting Atlases Implementing Semantic Interoperability; and Data Accessibility, Self -Assessment and Interacting with Users. The 2nd Session of the ICAN Steering Group for IODE was held after ICAN 7. - ICAN was represented at the Coast GIS in Cape Town, South Africa, which took place 22nd 24th of April, 2015. ICAN SG members attended the conference and ICAN members presenteding the following:: Spatial Modeling for Shoreline Best Management Practices Decision Tools for Enhancing Ecological Services and Coastal Resiliency -M. Berman Developing the West Coast Data Viewer through a Use Case driven approach T. Hallenbeck, Y. Lassoued, T. C. Haddad Semantic Integration of Marine Debris Data from Multiple Cleanup Organizations Y. Lassoued, T. C. ,Haddad, T. Hallenbeck (54) Introduction to ICAN M. Berman - ICAN co-chair Kathrin Kopke organized a session on the global networks at the MaREI Centre, UCC, Ireland providing an overview of ICAN. The session explored links between ICAN, the Future Earth Coast and the Coastal Thematic Exploitation Platform with invited guests representing their respective networks. In addition, ICAN member Dr David Hart, University of Wisconsin Aquatic Sciences Centre and Assistant Director for Extension - University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute Affiliate, Department of Urban and Regional Planning presented the Wisconsin Coastal Atlas linking to ICAN activities from a CWA perspective. - ICAN member Luis Conti, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil visited MaREI, UCC in Ireland from the 1st to the 3rd of May, 2016 linking with ICAN co-chair Kathrin Kopke and exploring the role of CWAs in relation to mobile and geoweb services to collect, manage and deliver marine and coastal spatial information and presenting relevant research from Brazilian involving CWAs. - ICAN SG member Anja Kreiner represented ICAN during the establishment of the Marine Spatial Planning National Working Group (MSP NWG) and presented the Namibian Coastal Atlas developed under ODINAFRICA as a potential tool to be used for MSP at the inception meeting on 8 and 9 August 2016 in Windhoek. - ICAN co-chair Kathrin Kopke represented ICAN at the IODE Steering Group for OceanKnowledge Project (IODE SG-CEANKNOWLEDGE-I) in Oostende, Belgium, 4th & 5th September 2015. - ICAN SG member Anja Kreiner presented The impacts of coastal developments in Namibia. Funded and representing ICAN utilizing maps created through the African Marine Atlas at the ECSA symposium in Bremen from 4 to 7 September, 2016, - ICAN SG member Roger Longhorn presented ICAN at the INSPIRE 2016 conference 27th of September 2016 in Barcelona, Spain Status: Implemented Training Visits Short Course on Ontologies ICAN SG member and Tech Group member Tanya Haddad conducted a short course on ontologies to support the New York Geographic Information Gateway Project ( HYPERLINK "http://opdgig.dos.ny.gov/#/home" http://opdgig.dos.ny.gov/#/home) in New York for 9 individuals representing the NY Dept of State, Division of Community Resilience and Regional Programs, and Stone Environmental, Inc. Status: Implemented - Eight ICAN SG members contributing to the OTGA Training Course: Marine Spatial Planning 20 - 22 April 2015, Cape Town, South Africa linking an activity from IOC/MPR, OTGA (IODE) and RTC with ICAN expertise. The event had 40 participants. Status: Implemented Guide on Interacting with Users - Kopke K. & Dwyer N. (Eds.). (in prep) ICAN - best practice guide to engage your CWA user community. Paris. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC Manuals and Guides xx) 28 pp. (English) (IOC/2016/MG/xx). This hand book was compiled by gathering information from ten atlas developers as well as extracting relevant information from ICAN workshop reports. This information is summarised and analysed here leading to two sets of recommendations, one focused on the development of new atlases and the other focused on how to maintain interactions with audiences of already developed atlases. The handbook will therefore allow both new and established CWA developers and hosts to benefit from best practice examples as well as to learn from mistakes made in the past, in order to increase capacity to successfully interact with user communities and target audiences, while managing coastal and marine data and information in a user friendly way. The final product is a resource that hopes to complement and link to a variety of OceanTeacher activities, support IODE training in courses, and it will be made available within the OceanTeacher Digital Library, thereby being of value to all who manage and present marine data and information. Status: Implemented Searchable CWA Catalogue The Development of a searchable CWA catalogue/navigational inventory is proposed to be a component of the ICAN website and linked to OceanTeacher digital library. The resource is envisioned to allow a search for CWAs according to specific categories; where users will receive relevant summary information about the individual CWAs as well as a link to resources about the site. Searchable categories of interest have been identified through the expertise within the ICAN network such as; technologies used, geographic area, thematic areas, data type/management and available downloads and/or targeted user groups. The activity includes developing an updated inventory of ICAN CWAs, and cataloging information by the selected categories. This information is currently held within an xls document. The catalogue is expected to include an online searchable interface within the ICAN website and link to the relevant areas within the OceanTeacher library. ICAN experts are currently exploring best available technology to make this as user friendly as possible at minimal cost. While funding was granted for the 2nd part of the activity we have not drawn down any funds as we have not identified, which ICAN member will implement the CWA catalogue or which type of technology to use. Status: ongoing ICAN Technical Cookbooks/Guides ICAN cookbooks or technical manuals have been prepared for atlas developers. Under the Tech team activities, the previous format of the cookbooks have been reworked into a modular format, enabling readers to more easily follow the steps to connect their atlases to the ICAN interoperability demonstrator. The new cookbooks can be thought of as containing recipes and supporting docs following the ISO-9000 approach. As part of this activity the cookbooks have been moved into GitHub at  HYPERLINK "https://github.com/ICANTech/ICANCookbooks" https://github.com/ICANTech/ICANCookbooks. Status: ongoing 10. Problems experienced during April 2015-March 2017 and measures taken: Funding for international travel is costly and remains an impediment to progress in an organization with a global client base. ICAN has used its limited resources wisely by dispersing funds in order to support each of the projects missions in some way. In many cases the SG seeks to leverage travel against other members travel awards. Despite this, there is very little remaining for administrative travel required of all project managers. This year, this specifically includes provisions to attend the Twenty-fourth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange being held in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. Limited resources delay the implementation of certain workplan activities (e.g. website transition and CWA catalogue implementation). Members have employed interns to assist with some of these tasks, which have helped with progress. 11, 12. Deliverables/Results achieved between April 2015 and March 2017: Workshop with 35 participants successfully implemented Awareness of ICAN raised by presentations and networking at ten events on three different continents. ICAN has built strong synergies with the Ocean Teachers through collaborating in training events in particular with the SPINCAM, ODINAFRICA and Caribbean LME projects. ICAN members have presented 10 scientific and technical papers on the topic of CWAs at international conferences, symposia, or workshops ICAN has built robust links with Future Earth Coast (formerly LOICS) as the secretariat is housed within MaREI, UCC, Ireland and have organized an information networking event at MaREI to explore future collaborative events for example Future Earth Coast will attend ICAN 8 and views ICAN and CWA development as crucial to accomplish some of their objectives e.g. reinvigorating the LOICS Typology tools and approaches for coastal zones. ICAN experts have contributed to a number of IOC, IODE training events, as well as at least 6 international venues providing fundamental knowledge and guidance on atlas tools and their usage. ICAN members have collaborated to produce the ICAN - best practice guide to engage your CWA user community and this hand book is conceived as a practical cookbook rather than a fully peer-reviewed publication but aims to systematically identify and address issues and challenges related to Coastal Web Atlas (CWA) user interaction through examples and expertise from within the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN). This best practice guide will explore how atlas developers can engage with their user communities through conception, development, implementation, operation and revision of their atlases. 13. Should project continue: YES 14. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2017 March 2019) ICAN will continue its advisory mission to provide expert advice to individuals and organizations developing CWAs. In particular, ICAN members will place specific emphasis in engaging new members, supporting global and regional projects of the IOC/IODE such as SPINCAM, and increasing participating in established educational forums such as the Ocean Teacher Academy. Members will continue to work on the development of the searchable CWA catalogue; which had minimal progress this past budget period due largely to the absence of available personnel. The ICAN SG has determined that this is a valuable activity to pursue as it produces an important resource for the global community. The migration of the original ICAN website to the IODE site was completed; however, there is much to do pertaining to the content development and upgrades. This will be one of the targeted budget items with deliverables in the coming 2017-2019 period. The biannual workshop (ICAN-9) will be coordinated and organized by the ICAN SG. In the past, this event has been held in conjunction with the International CoastGIS Conference and the Ocean Teachers Academys technical training. In 2017, ICAN-8 will be held in Santa, Marta, Colombia and hosted by the INVEMAR team. ICAN members will participate in both the OTA and the CoastGIS. The ICAN SG will hold regular quarterly meetings to discuss governance, training, and outreach activities. The ICAN Technical work group will meet independent of the SG to identify technical actions to be taken regarding cornerstone activities of the organization (e.g data catalogues, interoperability prototype, ICAN website). The required financial resources necessary to accomplish the above outlined work plan is presented below Activity (as per work plan) or DeliverableTiming (month, year)Required person-daysTotal required funding in US$Funds already identified (and source) in US$Funds requested from IODE in US$ (2017/2018/2019)1Expert TravelOngoing (2017 2019)n/a14000Member organisations own funds3000/4000/30002Website Migration and MaintenanceOngoingn/a2500In-kind750/750/03Searchable CWA CatalogueDecember 2018~ 80 days12000Internship programmes and postgraduate students0/4000/04ICAN- 8 organisationSept 2017n/a5000Sponsorship and Member contributions3000/0/05ICAN SG MeetingSept 2017n/a2500015000/0/0 15. Actions requested from the Committee (in addition to work plan/budget) or other comments. Recommendation and approval of the ICAN work plan and budget Feedback from the committee on ICAN activities Support ICAN activities by encouraging relevant organizations and projects within the Committees networks to join the ICAN if appropriate and take part in ICAN workshops 16. Draft text for the annotated agenda and summary report: International Coastal Atlas Network Project (ICAN) This project was introduced by Ms Marcia Berman (Co-Chair SG-ICAN). The Co-Chair of the ICAN introduced the overall objective of the project which is to encourage and facilitate the development of an integrated network of digital atlases of the global coast based on the principle of distributed, high-quality data and information. Coastal Web Atlases (CWAs) are being developed at local, regional, national and international scales all over the globe. Through the sharing of knowledge and experience, the ICAN has seen a great expansion of this activity of the last decade. ICAN provides solutions and support to atlas developers and the user community to maximize data integrity, product relevance, and added value for the coastal community of practice. Ms. Berman reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented: (i) continued expansion of the website transition ( HYPERLINK "http://ican.iode.org" http://ican.iode.org); (ii) expert travel and outreach: two ICAN Newsletters were published; ICAN has built strong synergies with the Ocean Teachers Academy by providing technical expertise and training at OTA sponsored events such as SPINCAM, ODINAFRICA and the Caribbean LME projects. ICAN members participated in 6 other training programs around the globe. ICAN members presented 10 scientific and technical papers and talks at 10 international meetings around the globe; (iii) the ICAN-7 workshop on Supporting Ecosystem Based Management was held in April, 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa. This event was held in conjunction with the OTA and the international CoastGIS conference. (iv) the network of global coastal web atlases has expanded to 71; (v) a published guide edited by two ICAN SG members on best practices for engaging your CWA user community was in final draft and ready for press at the time of this reporting [Kopke K. & Dwyer N. (Eds.). (in prep) ICAN - best practice guide to engage your CWA user community. Paris. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC Manuals and Guides xx) 28 pp. (English) (IOC/2016/MG/xx)]; (vi) the technical team created access to cookbooks, archived information, and technical forum discussions globally through the use of the GitHub; (vii) the ICAN SG has begun planning discussions and coordination with INVEMAR to host the ICAN8 Workshop in 2017 in Santa Marta, Colombia; teaming once again with the Ocean Teacher Academy and the International CoastGIS Conference, with what promises to be another well attended event in direct support of the coastal web atlas community. 17. Any other comments: none     PAGE  PAGE  PAGE  PAGE 9 IOC/IODE-XXIV/3.4.6 Page PAGE   -345DX    , - . < = ` g h v ѿѺ{ple^ h#h D h(xh Dhx2lh#h(xCJaJh8CJaJhk!CJaJh(xCJaJhk!h8hLhk! h(xhshx2l h*2fh D h*2fhPuhPuhk!    5Ykdx$$If0 %F F t(#634BaytPuYkd$$If0 %F F t(#634BaytPu $Ifgd6 $IfgdJ  ! 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