ࡱ> _a^ 0Bbjbj bjj=!lT8 $ 0l800000000$2 4|=0-=0j0*00(F-0 0D 4{8T <{.00<0.6X6088Coordination/collaboration Mechanism of the UN Specialized Agencies and Programmes with regard to GEO/GEOSS a proposal 1. GEO/GEOSS The establishment of the permanent intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the adoption of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10-Year Implementation Plan at the Third Earth Observation Summit in Brussels on 16 February 2005 initiates a new era in the worlds long history of taking and using observations of the global atmosphere, oceans and land. During GEO sessions and at Earth Observation Summits, the Executive Heads of FAO, UNESCO, UNEP and WMO have provided Joint Statements that agreed to identify modalities for increased integration and coordination of the resulting enhanced UN-based observing systems within GEOSS and to seek approval from their respective governing bodies. The enhanced UN-based observing systems require an appropriate coordination mechanism to which the Sponsors Group for co-sponsored observing systems conducted a review of its terms of reference. This proposal contains a proposal for a coordination mechanism that includes a transmutation of the Sponsors Group into a three-tiered collaborative inter-agency mechanism to enable the UN to better address a wide range of Earth Observations issues, including GEOs GEOSS. 2. GEO/GEOSS and the Participating UN Agencies The new dynamic that is associated with GEO/GEOSS makes the relationship with the intergovernmental agencies significantly different from other interagency coordination efforts of the past. Here the Secretariats of the UN Specialized Agencies and Programmes are not the principle sponsors of the efforts themselves, however, they do have a fundamental role to assist the Members of their respective organizations that are the sponsors of major components of the effort and/or as representatives of major user communities. A potential of GEO/GEOSS to provide crucial resources and connections to a broader user community and thus increase the value and usefulness of the individual systems and information products is key to fulfilling their purpose and scope. The working relationship of GEO/GEOSS with the Participating Organizations especially the Intergovernmental Organizations sponsoring Systems that are integral parts of GEOSS, has now been clarified in that Participating Organizations can be members within the GEO committee structure but not a member of the GEO Executive Committee. However, it is recognized that the UN Specialized Agencies and Programmes and the International Council for Science that sponsor Earth observation systems or that represent international communities of users of information generated through such systems have a major stake in the GEO/GEOSS plan and its implementation. The GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan and its Reference Document address and call on many specific observing systems and programmes sponsored and often operated through the auspices of the UN Agencies either individually or jointly (e.g., World Weather Watch, Global Atmospheric Watch, Global Ocean Observing System, Global Terrestrial Observing System, Global Climate Observing System, GEMS/Water and others). GEO/GEOSS structures and activities should be instituted to optimally interact with the existing structures and activities of the various Systems. GEO/GEOSS will also interface with UN Agencies in their capacity of representing global communities applying information (data and analysis products) derived from the Earth observing systems. A coordinated and collaborative approach by the participating Agencies will be necessary to ensure that the procedures and processes developed in the first years of GEO/GEOSS, and that the specific actions taken by GEO/GEOSS, contribute to the joint effort. 3 Inter-agency coordination proposal in the context of GEO/GEOSS The new dynamic introduced through the creation of GEO and the preparation of the GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan offers a unique opportunity for the United Nations System Organizations and Specialised Programmes involved in Earth observations and/or their application (FAO, UNEP, UNESCO and its IOC, WMO and potentially other UN Agencies and Programmes such as WHO) and other international groups with specific system related term of reference such as ICSU and CEOS, to join together to coordinate and collaborate on issues and activities that would help GEO/GEOSS effectively address global needs. The Joint Statements that the Executive Heads of the UN Agencies and Specialised Programmes have prepared for various GEO meetings and Earth Observation Summits have been well received, and have helped keep the continuing role that the Agencies and Programmes play in Earth Observations  a central component of GEO and the planning for GEOSS. As we enter the new and more operational role of GEO/GEOSS, it is proposed that a systematic, and at the same time flexible, inter-agency coordination and collaboration mechanism be instituted so that the UN agencies and Programmes can benefit as much as possible from the GEO initiative, and contribute more effectively to GEOSS planning and implementation. 3.1 The Coordination Mechanism It is proposed that a coordination mechanism be instituted for an initial period of three years and that has a three-tiered level of activity: Consultation of Agency Executive Heads on GEO/GEOSS Matters: the continuation of the meetings held in connection with the Chief Executive Board (CEB) meetings. (See draft Terms of Reference in Appendix 1); Interagency Coordination and Planning Committee for GEO/GEOSS: A permanent body with representation at Director level (Agency GEO Focal Point) from all participating Agencies and Programmes and for agendas that are appropriate to include UN Agencies and Programmes and observers from ICSU and other bodies (See draft terms of Reference in Appendix 2). Ad Hoc Interagency GEO/GEOSS Task Teams: Issue specific, task focused, activity (time bound) addressing specific GEO/GEOSS implementation issues and opportunities that affect more than one agency. Lead-agency concept employed for each task with participation by agencies and other organizations involved in the specific issue (See Draft Terms of Reference in Appendix 3). The agencies Executive Heads, at the informal consultations arranged by the Secretary General of WMO during the last three CEB meetings, have agreed to proceed with the formation of a coordination mechanism with the broad structure and function as proposed above. Details of the structure and function of the mechanism including its relationship to existing groups and activities need to be further defined. 3.2 Proposed tasks Benefits to the Executive Heads and UN Agencies and Specialised Programmes GEO has organized an ad hoc Work Plan Development Team charged with the task of developing its 2005-2006 Work Plan based on the GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan and its Reference Document. The Team has isolated some 107 Work Plan targets for the initial 2-year period many will have direct impact on the existing global observing systems. Lead experts have been identified to begin work defining the actions appropriate for each target. Many of the lead experts are staff of Agency Secretariats or are closely associated with one of the observing systems of GEOSS. Work to identify all targets for the 6 and 10-year horizons has also begun. Many of these action areas could benefit greatly if the participating UN Agencies and Specialized Programmes would coordinate on their inputs to the action items and provide guidance to the GEOSS process so that the Sponsors Group of the Global Observing Systems (G3OS) experience, on-going actions and requirements of the existing systems are assimilated as integral parts of the GEOSS implementation planning process. GEOSS could assist in initiating important actions that have been called for in the context of the existing global observing initiatives and which have not yet been realized but for which intergovernmental organizations have an important role. The GEO ad hoc Work Plan Development Team has already recognized the importance of one such requirement within the remit of Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) and Global Climate Observing systems (GCOS) planning, i.e. the need to create an intergovernmental mechanism for establishing guidance materials, standards, and reporting guidelines for terrestrial observing systems for both in situ and space based systems. In the GCOS Implementation Plan, for example, FAO, UNEP, WMO, UNESCO/IOC and ICSU are allocated the action. Such a mechanism would fulfil the role played by the WMO Technical Commissions for the atmospheric domain and by the WMO/IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) for the oceanic domain. The GEOSS ad hoc Work Plan Development Team has identified this action as a 2-year target under the climate area. However, the requirement for such a body actually applies broadly to most of the societal benefit areas as well and planning that could be undertaken by the intergovernmental agencies in association with GEOSS with the participation of GTOS (lead), GCOS, CEOS, WMOs CHy, WMOs CBS and other groups. 4. Opportunity for consolidation and reconfiguration of interagency coordination activities related to Earth observations Interagency coordination in the context of the new and emerging activity presented by GEO/GEOSS provides the opportunity to re-evaluate the current interagency coordination/collaboration activity in Earth observations. While an exhaustive study has not been undertaken, a brief review of some activity reveals that some currently existing standing coordination activities closely related to Earth Observations could be accommodated in the context of this proposal. Some groups (e.g., G3OS, CEOS, IGOS-P) charged with planning and coordination functions have already initiated discussions regarding their role, objectives and terms of reference in the light of the emergence of GEO/GEOSS. The mechanism being proposed in this document should be a factor in these discussions and provide a basis upon which a coherent coordination can be developed. With regard to the G3OS Sponsors Group, it was established in 1995. Its membership included FAO, UNESCO including its IOC, UNEP, WMO and ICSU; and its primary purpose was to coordinate development of three co-sponsored observing systems (GCOS, GOOS and GTOS), as well as to address common strategic issues. Since 2003, the Sponsors Group has reviewed its terms of reference in order to be able to adapt and respond to new developments related to Earth observations. The Sponsors Group recognized the emerging maturity of the co-sponsored observing systems as they become more operational. The Sponsors Group also recognized the increased importance placed on observing systems within the UN system as evidenced by the series of Joint Statements made by the Executive Heads of FAO, UNESCO, UNEP and WMO at meetings of GEO and Earth Observation Summits. At its tenth session (G3OS-10, held 0n 25 May 2005, in Geneva, Switzerland), the Sponsors Group recommended that it be transmutted into the 3-tier collaborative interagency mechanism, as described in this proposal, subject to the approval of their respective Executive Heads. Additionally, some programmes such as UN System-wide Earthwatch may benefit from the coordination mechanism that is focused on GEO/GEOSS objectives. For example, operational aspects of the observational networks and systems required to provide data and analyses critical to the wide ranging environmental assessment and advisory objectives of Earthwatch would be usefully undertaken in the context of interagency planning and coordination focused on GEO/GEOSS. Environmental applications typically demand data and products from more than one domain, often with special requirements for variables observed, as well as accuracy and resolution issues. Appendix 1 Consultation of Agency Executive Heads on GEO/GEOSS Matters: Draft Terms of Reference Meet periodically, such as on the occasion of the CEB, at the initiative of one of the Executive Heads. Some issues will be handled through correspondence; Identify one Executive Head as lead and agree on a report to be submitted to the GEO Plenary; Set broad policy for joint interagency participation in GEO/GEOSS; Each Executive Head to identify one Agency Focal Point for GEO/GEOSS coordination and collaboration. Agency Focal Points will be members of the Interagency Coordination and Planning Committee for GEO/GEOSS (see Appendix 4); Review and consider recommendations from the periodic reports from the Interagency Coordination and Planning Committee for GEO/GEOSS. Appendix 2 Interagency Coordination and Planning Committee for GEO/GEOSS: Purpose, Membership, Chair term and draft Terms of Reference Purpose - As sponsors of the global observing systems, to provide strategic guidance and to support efforts for increase visibility and in the implementation of their mandates. Membership - Agency Focal Points (FAO, UNESCO including its IOC, UNEP, and WMO, for Earth Observations. Designated by Executive Heads and a representative from ICSU. Chair and term - Identify one Agency Focal Point as Chair for a one-year period. Terms of Reference Identify areas of the GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan requiring Interagency coordination and collaboration; Organize and set the work program and timetable for ad hoc Interagency GEOSS/GEO Task Teams as required. Arrange for participation of other appropriate bodies as appropriate (e.g., ICSU, CEOS and IGOS Themes); Prepare joint interagency inputs to GEO meetings and GEOSS committees and panels as appropriate (e.g. Joint Statements); Review and consult on individual Agency input to GEO meetings and sub-group activities; Serve as an interface for interagency activities with the GEO Secretariat and provide coordinated interagency input to GEOSS activities; Track Agency activities as they are related to GEO/GEOSS implementation; Review the structure and function of existing interagency coordination bodies as they relate to GEO/GEOSS planning and implementation and coordinate on changes that would foster and improve the contribution of the UN System Earth observation programs to GEOSS; Prepare periodic reports for consideration at the Consultation of Agency Executive Heads on GEO/GCOSS matters on interagency coordination and collaboration activities as required. The periodic reports should identify issues and recommend solutions or options for decision Appendix 3 Ad hoc Interagency GEO/GEOSS Task Teams: Draft Terms of Reference Work program objective, timetable, agency participation and lead agency set by the Interagency Coordination and Planning Committee for GEO/GEOSS; Criteria for tasks: Must be relevant to co-sponsored observing systems and GEO/GEOSS Must be time limited Outputs and outcomes must be specified Each designated Task Team to develop its own work programme with guidance from the Interagency Coordination and Planning Committee for GEO/GEOSS; Report on progress periodically and prepare a final report as appropriate to the Interagency Coordination and Planning Committee; Appendix 4 Designated GEO/GEOSS Focal Points FAO - Dr Dietrich Leihner, Director, Research, Extension and Training Div, Sustainable Development Department UNEP - Dr. Marion Cheatle, Acting Director Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA) and Chief of DEWAs Early Warning Branch UNESCO - WMO - Dr Donald Hinsman, Director WMO Space Programme (D/SAT) IOC - Final Version 27 June 2005 y8 g b c (Gf3)0P<##$$J&Q&''])),4-4.4/4:4;4448797D7E7777t8~89,9p99&:-:>>>>>>> A AA8A|BBBBBBmH sH CJ aJ 56]^JaJ6]^JaJ 6^JaJ6>*^JaJ >*^JaJ^JaJ \^JaJ 5^JaJ WIyz  6 7 8 g h c d )*FGfgBB()oih^hF & FEƀҖ.F & FEƀҖ.);<OP%"&"##m&n&F & FEƀҖ.n&[)\)])))++,---0011sDC$EƀҖDC$EƀҖ 11-4.4/4:4;444055iH & FxEƀҖH & FxEƀҖ 55687m$H & FxEƀҖH & FxEƀҖH & FxEƀҖ8797D7E777s8t899o9p9999H & F xEƀҖx9:=;;m$H & F xEƀҖH & F xEƀҖH & F xEƀҖ;<g<l=m$H & F xEƀҖH & F xEƀҖH & F xEƀҖl=}>~>>>>>>>a?kH & F xEƀҖH & F xEƀҖ a?u???m$H & F xEƀҖoH & F xEƀҖoH & F xEƀҖ??@Am$H & F xEƀҖH & F xEƀҖH & F xEƀҖoAAA A AAA8A9AA2B M%y`@l-'MR.W =2N܇y 2Rl|%>؜~W?H,P NhSS^S`o(.h ^`hH.h pLp^p`LhH.h @ @ ^@ `hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.h ^`hH.h ^`hH.h PLP^P`LhH.;^`;o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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