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[Completed at GEO-II] Action item 1.5 Consultation of Agency Executive Heads on GEO/GEOSS Matters should discuss and agree on the proposed mechanism to develop appropriate standards, regulatory material and guidance (CEB Oct 2005) [See paragraph 3 below] Since the first formal session of the ICPC, several key events have occurred relevant to the participation of FAO, UNESCO, UNEP and WMO in GEO/GEOSS. The second GEO Plenary (GEO-II) was held 14-15 December 2005 in Geneva. GEO II accepted a process for additional revisions to the draft 2006 Work Plan within the budget of known contributions. The Rules of Procedures for GEO were also approved including Terms of Reference for 4 Committees (Architecture and Data; Science and Technology; Capacity Building; and User Interface) and a Working Group on Tsunamis. The GEO Work Plan for 2006 is being developed through a process involving the above-named Committees. GEO Member countries and Participating Organizations have submitted proposals for leadership and/or contribution towards the 95 individual Tasks proposed in the GEO Work Plan. The 95 Tasks have been distributed among the Committees. These Committees will meet in late February and early March to review and recommend the work to be carried out in 2006. Planning meetings of the Capacity Building and Science and Technology Committees will be hosted by UNESCO in April 2006. Recommendations will be considered by the GEO Executive Committee in April 2006 and a 2006 Work Plan will be approved within the approved Budget. ICPC organizations continue to be major contributors to the GEO process. Input into the first version and comments on subsequent versions of the 2006 GEO Work Plan were made. The following ICPC organizations are currently serving on the 4 GEO Committees and Tsunami Working Group (IOC, ICSU, UNESCO, UNEP and WMO) with three ICPC participants serving as GEO Committee Co Chairs (ICSU, IOC and WMO). With regard for activities towards the establishment of a joint mechanism for terrestrial observations, the GTOS Secretariat has continued its support in developing the required framework for the terrestrial ECVs. The GTOS Secretariat is currently beginning a more detailed analysis of the possible frameworks that could be adopted with the expectation that this information would be reviewed by ICPC and other stakeholders to determine which framework would be the most suitable. ICPC noted that the Chairmanship by WMO will end at IGOS-P13 at which time IOC will assume Chairmanship for 2006-2007 to be followed by UNESCO for 2007-2008. 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