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ICPC should contribute to: the fostering of increased cooperation in the framework of the Observation Systems (e.g. by discussing reinforced collaboration in the GTOS context.); develop UN system-wide coherent approaches on Earth Observation issues that are being developed by GEO/GEOS; enhance the participation of he UN System in the governance of GEO; work toward an increased contribution or sponsorship by GEO/GEOSS to the environmental programme of our agencies. II. The meeting took the following decisions: 1. to contribute to the UNFCC Conference in December 2007 in Bali by: - the preparation of a joint statement of ICPC member agencies for SBSTA meeting on standardization of essential climate variables; - actively participating in the GTOS side event on Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables for Assessment, Mitigation and Adaptation taking place on 6 December 2007. 2. to look into the possibilities for enhanced cooperation with the respective programmes the ICPC members are sponsors of, and to foster interagency cooperation; work toward harmonization and updating of existing MOUs of the co-sponsored Observing Systems; analyze new approaches that could facilitate joint programming. 3. the meeting agreed that closer cooperation in the framework of ICPC will be of great importance with respect to the major issue of Adaptation to Global Climate Change. the meeting and its outcome would be reported to the CEOs of the participating organizations. This should become a regular practice. UNEP will take over the chairmanship of ICPC at the end of its 7th session on 27 May 2008. III. Action items decided during the 6th session of ICPC: 1. Joint actions in Bali UNFCCC Conference: preparation of joint statement and participate in GTOS side event; 2. Participants to provide information on the structural set up regarding Earth Observation within their respective organizations; 3. Participants to communicate before 15 May 2008 to the Chair (to the attention of Mr Robert Missotten at  HYPERLINK "mailto:r.missotten@unesco.org" r.missotten@unesco.org) the information needed for discussion in the preparation of ICPC strategy regarding the following items: - the role taken by the ICPC members in the GEO committees, work plan preparation and tasks implementation - priority areas of ICPC member organizations in their cooperations with GEO; - perceived and expected benefits from participating in GEO; - support by GEO for ICPC members programmes. IOC to submit by 15 May 2008 a one-page plan to review in a harmonized way the MoUs of the existing co-sponsored Observing Systems (GCOS, GTOS, GOOS) The next meeting will be held in UNESCO Headquarters, Paris on 27 May 2008, back to back with the IGOS Partnership. IV. Update of past action items Note that this update is included in the ICPC5 report but was left for discussion during the meeting in Cape Town. - ICPC5-Action 1: WMO to circulate finalized ministerial statement by 23 October. Done. - ICPC5-Action 2: Determine who will deliver the statement in view of the agency heads present at the meeting. Done. - ICPC5-Action 3: A lunch meeting was agreed upon for Wednesday the 28th of November at 13h00 in Cape Town. Done. ICPC4-Action 1: Chair to distribute amended version Transitioning of IGOS-P themes to GEO document prepared by IGOS-P co-chairs for IGOS-P 14 to members, incorporate any subsequent comments by members, and then forward to IGOS-P co-chairs on behalf of our agencies. Deadline: April 1. Done. ICPC4-Action 2: WMO to distribute scoping paper. Deadline: one week in advance of the CEB meeting in April. Superseded. ICPC4-Action 3: WMO to prepare draft joint statement for GEO ministerial and circulate for comment. Deadline September 1, 2007. Done. ICPC3-Action 1: ICSU to provide a proposed text amendment to the Chair by email. Deadline September 29. Superseded. ICPC3-Action 2: Chair to circulate the new TOR, including both ICSU proposed text changes and new title, by email to all members. Deadline: One working day after receipt of ICSU input. Done. The chair has produced an updated TOR including both the amended title and changes suggested by ICSU. This may be tabled at a future ICPC meeting for consideration. ICPC3-Action 3: Chair to table TOR at ICPC-4. Superseded. ICPC3-Action 7: Chair to select appropriate participants to deliver the ICPC statement on GEO strategy to GEO User Interface Committee and Science/Technical Committee. Superseded. ICPC3-Action 8: Chair to send a message to chairs and secretariats of our observing systems (GOOS, GTOS, GAW and GCOS) on behalf of all our agencies noting the lack of obvious value added so far, but encouraging them to work closely with GEO in anticipation of future possible benefits. Superseded. ICPC3-Action 9: All to inform their respective agency heads of our statement to GEO and the possibility of planning future inputs to the Ministerial meeting in 2007. Deadline: After the GEO plenary when appropriate. Ongoing. WMO Lead. Done by IOC and UNESCO.     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