ࡱ> FHE#` bjbj 040 8 DN v L ( $ h"B```B W`  ` j PjƘ p4m0{#{#{#L6G,sBB````   SATELLITE OCEANOGRAPHY 2008 August 3rd to 23rd Department of Physical Oceanography and Department of Biological Oceanography Oceans Division at CICESE Ensenada B. C., Mxico an advanced international course (for the series Satellite Oceanography Summer School:1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006), focus on extreme events mainly (not limited) to the coastal ocean and the relevant processes in the vicinity of the interface between the two most important sub-systems in our planet, the ocean and the atmosphere. Postgraduate students and research scientist interested in remotely study the oceans are invited to a three-week intensive international course on satellite oceanography. Undergraduate students in the last year of their career are also welcome to apply for admission, specially those from physics, oceanography, marine and environmental sciences, applied physics, applied mathematics, engineering or related subjects. Lectures and hands-on exercises will cover topics on the basis of the ocean surface dynamics, the importance of oceanographic and meteorological phenomena and the physics in the vicinity of this interface, as well as the ways to observe the sea surface from space. Most lectures will be offered during mornings while afternoon sessions will be devoted to exercises, group discussion, visualisation, etc. Starting with a description of the most important satellite missions on the earth observing system, lectures will also cover the basics and most of the physics involved in remotely sensing oceanographic and meteorological parameters. Synergy of information is also considered as an important aspect. Our ability to see the ocean from the space and to use the information retrieved will lead us to understand new applications and their impact on understanding climate change and its numerical modelling. Future important research topics and potential novel applications will also be addressed in satellite oceanography lectures, as to predict relevant extreme events such as tropical storms, hurricanes, El Nio, etc. The students will be prepared to create the next generation of ocean remote sensing products, useful and relevant not only to scientific research but also to socio-economic applications. Participant students are expected to attend the full course (including laboratory sessions). Those requiring academic credits must register and complete all course assignments for official evaluation. CO-SPONSORS (support applied for to): ESA, CSTARS, GKSS, CONACYT, UABC, IOC, DLR, LOICZ, CICESE. To apply for admission, please send a letter of intent explaining why you should be accepted/supported, and a short version of your CV as soon as possible (deadline: April 20th 2008-extended!), including full name, affiliation, and full postal address, e-mail, tel, fax, etc. to the COURSE SECRETARIAT. Course registration fee is 300US (or equivalent in Mexican pesos), to cover all course activities, including laboratory sessions and student notes. Those participants interested in showing some of his/her activities and/or recent results are encouraged and welcome to bring a poster. Suitable space will be allocated for such purpose mainly with the objective of initiate discussion and maintain continuous interaction among participant students and lecturers. Please, indicate so if this is of your interest when applying for admission to organise a proper program and provide with all information to the participants with some advance notice. Confirmed/invited lecturers: Werner Alpers (U Hamburg, Germany) Peter Challenor (NOC, UK) Bertrand Chapron (IFREMER, France) Fabrice Collard (BOOST, France) Yves-Louis Desnos (ESRIN, ESA, Italy) Roland Doerffer (GKSS, Germany) Reginaldo Durazo (UABC, Mxico) Jochen Horstmann (GKSS, Germany) Hans Graber (CSTARS, U Miami, USA) Johnny Johannessen (NERSC, Norway) Mati Kahru (SIO, UCSD, USA) Susanne Lehner (DLR, Germany) Ken Melville (SIO, UCSD, USA) Greg Mitchell (SIO, UCSD, USA) Rosemary Morrow (LEGOS, France) Paco Ocampo-Torres (DOF, CICESE, Mxico) Trevor Platt (BIO, Canada) Francesco Sarti (ESRIN, ESA, Italy) COURSE SECRETARIAT Sra. Elvia Serrano ( HYPERLINK "mailto:eserrano@cicese.mx" eserrano@cicese.mx), Departamento de Oceanografa Fsica, CICESE Km 107 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, Ensenada B.C., 22860 Mxico ( HYPERLINK http://www.cicese.mx http://www.cicese.mx) Tel: +52 646 1750500 x24027 Fax: +52 646 1750547 or 1750574 Course Director: Dr. Francisco J. Ocampo Torres ( HYPERLINK mailto:ocampo@cicese.mx ocampo@cicese.mx) Laboratory sessions coordinator: Dr. Rafel Hernndez Walls ( HYPERLINK "mailto:rwalls@uabc.mx" rwalls@uabc.mx)     PAGE 1 PAGE 1 Satellite Oceanography 2008, CICESE Ensenada B. C., Mxico REV.2008.03.31 #$&+,.0:=ST^}~   $ ' 0 > ? 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