ࡱ> GIF @ j#bjbj)) "0KzKzi      8L `   y  $R>y y  X   | = d0oX` 5 Q5~ dP XP IGOS Coastal Theme: GEO Transition Plan Purpose: Pursuant to the action given to the IGOS Theme Team Leads at the IGOS-P-14 Meeting (May 2007, Paris), the IGOS Coastal Theme Co-Chairs, Drs. Paul M. DiGiacomo and Liana Talaue-McManus, provide the following guidance and recommendations for the (potential) transition of the Coastal Theme into GEO. Background: The IGOS Coastal Theme Report was approved by the IGOS Partners in November 2004, and published in January 2006, with coastal observing coordination and implementation activities ongoing since 2005. Among others, these include leadership in developing a Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP) to address user needs under the auspices of the GEO User Interface Committee (UIC). Complementing the CZCP, a Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO) was recently established as a technical sub-panel of the GOOS Scientific Steering Committee. PICO is the first step toward establishing a Joint Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO) for coordinated development of GEOSS in the coastal zone across the land-sea interface. The establishment of J-PICO is a Coastal Theme priority recommendation. The CZCP, Coastal Theme, PICO, GTOS and LOICZ have members and leadership in common ensuring effective coordination of these efforts. LOICZ provides a solid research base for the development of operational capabilities. GTOS brings the land side of the land-sea interface to the table and remains committed to J-PICO to support its contribution through Coastal-GTOS. Thus, the need for an integrated J-PICO is considered critical among the CZCP leadership team. Transition Plan As the Coastal Theme provides a framework for the establishment of the GEO CZCP and remains active in guiding its efforts, the CZCP represents the most logical vehicle for transitioning the Coastal Theme into GEO this transition should be fairly straightforward for reasons discussed above. However, since the function of the CZCP is principally user engagement and support, the role and responsibilities of the Coastal Theme vis--vis providing technical guidance, support and coordination on coastal observing requirements, capability assessments and system development and implementation also need to be transitioned as these issues are beyond the purview of the CZCP. These technical responsibilities can be accomplished through PICO (and ultimately the J-PICO to include GTOS as well as other international partners with coastal interests), which is charged with providing scientifically sound guidance for developing the coastal module of GOOS. GOOS is already recognized as the ocean component of GEOSS. As such, a strong GEO linkage with GOOS already exists. This linkage could be strengthened by affiliating PICO (and eventually J-PICO) in some manner with the GEO Science and Technology (S&T) Committee to further the integration and coordination of coastal activities within and external to GEO. Interaction between the GEO S&T Committee, J-PICO and the CZCP (as part of the GEO UIC) could enable synergy between the development of user and observing system requirements that could jump start coordinated implementation of GTOS and GOOS across the land-sea interface as a significant contribution to GEOSS.  EMBED PowerPoint.Slide.8  Finally, it is requested that the IGOS Coastal Theme remain active until it is replaced by J-PICO which will represent a broader coastal constituency that includes both GOOS and GTOS expertise. Coordination It is requested that the GEO Secretariat formally recognize the CZCP and PICO as the principal GEO advisory, coordinating and engagement bodies in support of coastal observations and user needs. This will help ensure efficient and effective engagement with data providers and coastal users across the globe, expanding upon and extending the efforts initiated by the IGOS Coastal Theme. It is important to avoid duplication of efforts with unnecessary creation of other coastal planning, organizing, or implementing bodies under GEO; the CZCP and PICO working in concert will provide the necessary support and guidance to GEO. CZCP (for the user-GEOSS interface) and PICO (for scientifically and technically developing GEOSS capabilities across the land-sea interface) will work with GEO (including the GEO S&T and User Interface Committees) and all its member nations and participating organizations to promote visibility and engagement on coastal users, issues and observing needs and capabilities. In addition, both will initiate and/or coordinate planning and follow-through work activities on new or existing GEO Work Plan tasks with coastal components. In terms of adequately addressing both sides of the land-sea interface, equal recognition to PICO should be accorded the Coastal GTOS panel, once it is formed. The two panels in cooperation, working with the CZCP, will then interact to establish J-PICO, providing an integrated and coherent voice on coastal zone observations. Next steps Following up on another priority implementation activity in the IGOS Coastal Theme Report, the first in a series of regional coastal workshops is now being organized by the CZCP in conjunction with PICO, Coastal GTOS and other members of the international coastal research and user community, as well as the GEO Secretariat and the Greek GEO Office. The workshop series is entitled GEOSS Support for Decision-Making in the Coastal Zone: Observing Requirements for Coastal Development, Urbanization and Hazards, to be held April 2008 in Crete, with a particular focus on regional user issues and observing needs in Mediterranean waters. We request logistical and financial support, particularly travel funding for participants from developing nations for this and a related follow-up regional workshop to take place in Africa, possibly South Africa in Fall of 2008. We anticipate subsequent workshops in 2009 in support of coastal users in the Americas (perhaps Brazil or Argentina), as well as Asia (meeting host suggestions welcome). Building on the anticipated results from these workshops, support will be needed to develop prototype efforts and pilot projects that will support the information needs of coastal managers and decision-makers in both developed and developing nations. Finally, we request programmatic support from the GEO Secretariat, asking them to formally designate a technical/scientific expert who will liaise with and support the coastal observing activities of the CZCP and PICO (ultimately J-PICO) on at least a part-time, if not full-time, basis.  The CZCP leadership team includes Paul DiGiacomo and Tom Malone (Coastal Theme, GOOS-PICO), Bob Christian (Coastal GTOS) and Liana McManus (LOICZ) which enables coordination among the GEO User Interface Committee, an major IGBP global research program, and technical advisory panels for the development of operational capabilities to achieve GEOSS benefits.     ()3( 3 a n n 2 V | t v   $ % )  Rakqrs}~hL hg6hohg6hchghqh9; hch hchL hchg hchqjhq0JUhqhhgmH sH hqhgmH sH h.ihhg6hFLh?hg6hg hg>*1()34` a n o ( ) rs  gdggdg$a$gdg!\#i#:@f=!!!![#\#]#_#`#b#c#e#f#i#j#jhtUhthkjhk0JUhxhg5hhg6hOrhg6 hzhghXhg6 hZhgj0gJ h!yhgU h!yhgjh!yhgUhz hg6hg h9hg#NOef !![#\#^#_#a#b#d#gdg  gdg $  a$gdgd#e#g#h#i#j#gdg 1h/ =!"#$% Dd ":oB  S    A"> 5~#I QE D@= 5~#I QE]$>F[s=Ws:!SVu^[t,=f),.,dpbH!p6Z\2'}nɦl:,2\|:\|"ecE9Ep9v%+B\dx ^mGltDbIؓ/Kڽ{Hq>ʈ1vM 7=A/*'uKe~un%6bi"Cj~Zk*isீ{ 6Hq/BM1Nط'(0 9Xcc8F.B Ô(yPz!b4]ۡay3"~OLoU1>EX˭a=! 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