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To cover topics such as: Advocacy and outreach plans Advocacy tools Publicity Connectivity with Regional and local needs Facillitator: Mary Altalo Rapporteur: Justin Ahanhanzo A session to consider how best to connect to regional and local systems. To cover topics such as: Engagement with regional alliances/associations Tools and techniques required Workshops and demonstrations What we hope to get out of the day Reports from the breakout sessions Tasking for IOC/JCOMM and government institutions both sides of the Atlantic Direction and tasking for the GSSC and the GSSC Outreach and Advocacy working group A full report of the workshop outcomes and recommendations for actions will be compiled to ensure that actions are taken forward. Feedback from workshop participants will be used to develop a subsequent workshop being planned for 2009. This workshop will aim to bring together operators from Australia, Asia and China. On Tuesday 8 April the GSSC meeting will include presentations on GODAE and on developments in adaptive grid techniques as well as a breakout session on future technical directions in global/basin scale modelling. All participants in the 7 April workshop are welcome to attend.     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