ࡱ> Y gbjbj[[ MM9 \9 \yDD!(! &&&&&&X0(<l*&-~//^z/z/2RNRR$T&R@KR"RR""z/z/22d2d2dRV"z/%8z/2dR2d2d^$%z/%[ahNH]L&=RR2dRRRRR`FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD> :  POLICY DOCUMENT (2016) BACKGROUND OceanDocs started life as OdinPubAfrica, an open access repository developed by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Ocean Data and Information Network (ODIN) Project, Marine Information Management Group, to contain the scientific literature from African marine science institutes. Other, ODIN groups were also interested in developing a similar repository project for their region. As a result the OdinPubAfrica repository was extended to accept other ODIN groups and was renamed OceanDocs ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.net" http://www.oceandocs.org). The implementation of the OceanDocs Network: Makes scientific research of marine science institutes more quickly, and easily and freely accessible to the research and policy management community, Makes local and regional grey literature available on a worldwide scale Enhances the internal scientific communication Facilitates publishing of research findings (e-journal as well as e-archive), specifically for scientists in Developing Countries thereby promoting their research and increasing their access to the international research forum. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The OceanDocs Network has been created to provide a multi institutional distributed network of OceanDocs Central and institutional, regional and national repositories : Development of OceanDocs Central, hosted by IOC/IODE Project Office, to provide a repository for any ODIN or marine related institute within IOC Member States, that does not have the capacity to set up their own repository. Development and support of an OceanDocs Network of OAI-compliant repositories (Institutional, National and Regional) hosted by ODINs or individual institutes within ODINs. These provide access to full-text publications/research created by scientists affiliated to oceanographic and marine institutes and managed by their libraries and information centres. Build an IOC/IODE harvester: to utilize the harvester functionality offered by repository software to facilitate one search capability across OceanDocs Central and all autonomous marine related repositories Integration of Repositories into ODIN Information Portals, Digital marine atlases, Ocean Knowledge Platform and Databases: ASFA, OceanExpert and Datasets linking Cooperate with other UN Agencies Repository initiatives to share expertise and investigate interoperability Develop a capability to archive other media e.g. Data etc. PARTNERS (see list in Annex 1) OceanDocs Network provides repository services at the Central, National, Regional and Institutional level for: IOC/IODe Projects ODINs : ODINAFRICA,ODINCARSA, ODINCINDIO, ODINECET, ODINPIMRIS, ODINWESTPAC Institutes within ODINs Individual Institutes within IOC Member States OceanDocs Central may also host collections produced by IOC Partner Agencies (eg. GEOHAB, SPINCAM, ICAN etc). at the discretion of the OceanDocs Project Manager. Partners will: appoint 1 or 2 regional repository coordinators implement the OceanDocs Network policy at the local level where possible develop promotional activities in the region develop capacity building/training on a regional level provide Yearly Planning and Activity reports to be delivered to the OceanDocs Network Project Manager. GOVERNANCE The OceanDocs Network is hosted by the IOC/IODE Programme, and funded through a variety of programmes and projects. The coordination and organisation of the Network is managed by a Project Manager and Technical Manager, reporting annually to a Steering Group who are tasked with the development of a coherent repository network with a goal of creating better access to research in the marine sciences. MEMBERSHIP OF THE STEERING GROUP The members of the OceanDocs Steering Group are from the following: IODE Project Office; OD Technical Manager; OD Project Manager; an OceanDocs Coordinator from each ODIN; GE-MIM Representative; Aquatic Commons Representative; Invited Experts (MIM & Researchers) Ad Hoc Invitations to Advisory Groups eg. Partner Agencies, Regional Policy Administrative members) Chair or co-Chairs to be appointed from members, term limit of two sessions One meeting every two years held between IODE Sessions; other regular meetings will be held in the virtual environment. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STEERING GROUP The responsibilities of the OceanDocs Steering Group are the following: Receive annual reports from the Project Manager and Technical Manager. Agree Policy, Strategy and two yearly Operational Plan Recommend technical developments and services Liaise with complementary organisations in repository matters Maintain and implement a dynamic communication strategy Support repository training: Training session of trainers (for ODIN Coordinators at IOC level) Regional training sessions (By ODIN Coordinators in the ODIN) Development of training material (in OceanTeacher) POLICIES AND STANDARDS Partners in the OceanDocs Network agree to a common approach to policy and standards. SOFTWARE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT Until early 2015, a customized version of DSpace, named AgriOcean DSpace was the preferred repository software for OceanDocs. AgriOcean DSpace is a joint initiative of FAO and UNESCO-IOC/IODE ported to version 1.6 and developed, maintained and adapted by the Hasselt University Library. It offered such major add-ons as an alternative submission module with refined metadata and an export/print basket functionality. Hasselt University under an IODE contract continues to support AgriOcean DSpace for standalone ODIN repositories and also ODINAFRICA library databases. From May 2015 OceanDocs has now migrated to DSpace 5 (DS5) adopting the XMLUI interface, tailored to accommodate an item based deposit workflow. Other repository software packages may be used by Network partners for their own institutional repository, provided they meet recommended metadata standards, but OceanDocs Central cannot provide technical support for these. The use ofthe same metadata standards and controlled vocabularies is highly recommended (Annex 2). METADATA STANDARDS OceanDocs endorses the use of good practices for the creation, management and exchange of bibliographical metadata as it is recommended by Linked Open Data -enabled bibliographic data (LODE-BD) (Annex 2). OceanDocs promotes the use of well-established metadata standards as Dublin Core Metadata Elements or MODS for the exchange of bibliographic metadata OceanDocs encourages the use of authority data, controlled vocabularies, and syntax encoding standards whenever possible in order to enhance the quality of the interoperability and effectiveness of information exchange. OceanDocs also recommends the use of resource URIs as names for things, for data values when they are available. METADATA POLICY OceanDocsindexes, stores and exposes intellectual works in the field of marine science. All bibliographic data are open according to theOpen Data Commons Open Database License. In support of this practice,OceanDocs endorses theOpenBiblio Principlesas published 17 January, 2011. Third parties may collect bibliographic data from OceanDocs via automated mechanisms and facilitate end-user services to support the dissemination and retrieval of the repositorys content. OceanDocs general policy is to allow the harvesting of bibliographic data, but explicitly prohibits the automated harvesting of the full content of the intellectual works. 5. ACCESS TO FULL TEXT The purpose of OceanDocs is to make full text marine science material visible, accessible, harvestable, searchable and usable by any potential user with access to the Internet. Searching and downloading full text documents in OceanDocs is free for any user. Only in special cases, a temporary limitation to access facility may be applied, according to copyright restrictions, e.g. embargo period. Single copies of full text items may be reproduced for personal research or study, education or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge provided the following are displayed: The correct citation to authors, title and full bibliographic details The hyperlink and /or URL for the original metadata page The original copyright statement The original Rights permission statement The content must not be changed in any way. 6. SUBMISSION It is appreciated that the following conditions may need to be amended in accordance with local ODIN requirements a copy of the amended ODIN Policy Document should be deposited with the OceanDocs Network Steering Group. DEPOSITORS Items may only be deposited by accredited registered members of the OceanDocs Communities, or their delegated agents. Eligible depositors must deposit full texts of their publications, although they may delay making the full text publicly visible to comply with publishers' embargos. The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the author. Submitting authors will be responsible for ensuring the documents they archive do not have any restrictions on their electronic distribution. If the submission task is delegated to other persons (e.g. the librarian), then the institute should clearly state the responsibility of the depositor and the author. This statement can be included in an Institute policy or by completing a Permission to Deposit agreement. (Annex 4). Duplication of papers in different open repositories is permitted. CONTENT OceanDocs is focused on research in marine sciences related fields. The OceanDocs Editorial Team has the right to reject any deposit not deemed to be within the subject scope of the repository. Only metadata submitted with a full text deposit will be accepted (see also embargoes). The repository accepts the following type of material: Book/Monograph A book or a conference volume or complete serial issue Book Section A chapter or section in a book, monograph or conference volume Conference contribution A paper, poster, presentation, other Journal Contribution An article, review, editorial, letter, meeting abstract, note, other) Report This may be a technical report, project report, documentation, manual or guideline, working paper, discussion paper includes administrative reports Thesis and Dissertations Other (charts, images, sound, video, datasets: the limitation is related to file size and internet access) COPYRIGHT Only items complying with copyright conditions should be deposited (see Annex 3: Copyright Decision Flowchart & Copyright Guidelines). A Permission to Deposit Agreement should be signed by the author and filed with the Repository Administrator, where a delegated agent is the depositor (Annex 4). It also can be resolved in an institutional copyright policy document. Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibility of the authors. If the repository receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed immediately. 7. PRESERVATION The OceanDocs policy for preservation of documents is: All materials posted in the OceanDocs will be retrievable but OceanDocs strongly recommends authors to use PDF/a. OceanDocs will try to ensure continued accessibility. Supportedmeans that OceanDocs will make the file usable in the future, applying whatever combination of techniques (such as migration, emulation, etc.) as is appropriate, given the context of need. Not all proprietary formats can be supported. These files will still be preserved. It is likely that for extremely popular but proprietary formats (such as Microsoft .doc, .xls and .ppt), OceanDocs will be able to help make files in those formats viewable in the future. Items will be retained indefinitely. OceanDocs regularly backs up its files according to current best practice. Items may be removed at the request of the author/copyright holder, but this is strongly discouraged. Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include: Journal publishers' rules Proven copyright violation or plagiarism Legal requirements and proven violations National security Falsified research Withdrawn items are deleted entirely from the database and metadata will not be searchable. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited. In the event of OceanDocs being closed down, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive. FILE FORMATS OceanDocs will fully support and preserve the following formats using either format migration or emulation techniques: (supported: we fully support the format; known: we can recognize the format, but cannot guarantee full support) DescriptionExtensionsLevel INCLUDEPICTURE "http://eprints.rclis.org/images/dibuix.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Adobe PDF/APdfSupported INCLUDEPICTURE "http://eprints.rclis.org/images/dibuix.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://eprints.rclis.org/images/dibuix.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Exceldoc, ppt, xls, docx, pptx,xlsxknown INCLUDEPICTURE "http://eprints.rclis.org/images/dibuix.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Open Office odt, opp, ods known  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://eprints.rclis.org/images/dibuix.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET TexttxtSupported INCLUDEPICTURE "http://eprints.rclis.org/images/dibuix.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Long-term support for files uploaded in compressed format (zip, rar, 7z, ) is explicitly not guaranteed. Deposit of other file formats (eg. for images, video, audio, spreadsheets) should be discussed with the Repository Administrator. DISCLAIMER A disclaimer will be published on the website: To the extent permissible under applicable laws, no responsibility is assumed and is hereby disclaimed by OceanDocs Network and for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a result of any actual or alleged libelous statements, infringement of intellectual property or privacy rights, or products liability, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, including without limitation from any use or operation of any ideas, instructions, procedures, products or methods contained in the material therein. Access to the site is provided on an "as is" basis, and neither does OceanDocs warrant that the information or software contained herein is complete or accurate or free from error. Information downloaded by the user should be checked for defects or viruses before being used. Submitting authors or delegated agentswill be responsible for ensuring the documents they archive do not have any restrictions on their electronic distribution. [end] Annex 1. OceanDocs Network @ Jun 2016 OceanDocs Central at IOC-Ostend: Africa (ODINAFRICA) - EGYPT National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries - GHANA Marine Fisheries Research Division - KENYA Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute - MADAGASCAR Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines - MAURITANIA Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Ocanographiques et des Pches - MAURITIUS Albion Fisheries Research Centre - MOROCCO Universit Mohammed V-Agdal, Facult des Sciences - MOZAMBIQUE INAHINA  NAMIBIA NatMIRC - NIGERIA Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research - SENEGAL Direction des Pches Maritimes / CRODT - SEYCHELLES Seychelles Fishing Authority - TANZANIA Institute for Marine Science - Zanzibar - TOGO Centre de Gestion Integre du Littoral et de l'environnement - TUNISIA Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer Latin America (ODINCARSA) - ARGENTINA Instituto Nacional de Investigacin y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/3533"Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientficas (CADIC) HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/3680"Instituto de Biologa Marina y Pesquera Almirante Storni (IBMP) - CHILE HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/2930"Escuela de Ciencias del Mar. Facultad de Recursos Naturales. Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Valparaiso (PUCV) HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/3219"InstitutoAntrticoChileno (INACH) HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/1365"Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP) HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/1372"Servicio Hidrografico y Oceanografico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/3229"Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG) - COLOMBIA Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - CUBA Acuario Nacional de Cuba Centro de Bioproductos Marinos Industrias Pesqueras Instituto de Oceanologa Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras - Ministerio de Industrias Pesqueras - ECUADOR HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/3912"Escuela Superior Politcnica del Litoral (ESPOL) HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/2872"Instituto Nacional de Pesca HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/1407"Instituto Oceanogrfico de la Armada  - MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Baja California-Ensenada Facultad de Ciencias Marinas Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas - TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Institute of Marine Affairs Marine and Coastal Information - URUGUAY Direccin Nacional de Recursos Acuticos Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras Western Pacific (ODINWESTPAC) - CHINA National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) - PHILIPPINES Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center/Aquaculture Department ASCLME GEOHAB ICAN ICG/IOTWS SPINCAM HISTORICAL MARINE DOCUMENTS IODE CEEMAR (ODINECET repository) - BULGARIA: Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS) - POLAND: Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot Sea Fisheries Institute, Gdynia -RUSSIA: Federal Institute for Fisheries & Oceanography (VNIRO), Moscow Sakhalin Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (SakhNIRO), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Scientific-research Institute of the Azov Sea Fishery (AzNIIRKH), Rostov-on-Don - UKRAINE: Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Odessa branch Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB), Kiev Institutional Repositories: Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (Sebastopol, Ukraine) ODINPIMRIS Network (Pacific Islands) DRS at National Institute Of Oceanography (Goa, India) related partner Annex 2. OCEANDOCS METADATA SCHEMA : RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON LINKED OPEN DATA-ENABLES BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA VERSION 1.1. Source:  HYPERLINK "http://aims.fao.org/lode/bd" http://aims.fao.org/lode/bd OceanDocs has from the start chosen to support a rich metadata set. It is characterized by its granularity and by the use of ontologies. Metadata formats like MODS and Agris AP are supported. The ASFA and Agrovoc thesauri are used as descriptors and where possible resource URIs are included. The use of a rich metadata set is necessary to create quality services. The metadata set is still in development and has to be supported by the ODIN and if possible the aquatic community. The guidelines of the LODE-BD will help OceanDocs in the further development of its metadata set. The latest version of OceanDocs Metadata set is always available at:  HYPERLINK "http://hdl.handle.net/1834/4182" http://hdl.handle.net/1834/4182 The Linked Open Data enabled bibliographic data (LODE-BD)is a list of recommendations to assist data providers in selecting appropriate encoding strategies to exchange bibliographic metadata asLinked Data. Although LODE-BD focuses on the exchange of data in RDF/XML or RDF, it also containsrecommendations about the minimal set of metadata properties,and syntax encoding rules, controlled vocabularies and authority data, necessaryto produce, manage and exchange meaningful bibliographic metadata. Key Principles In order to enhance the quality of the interoperability and effectiveness of information exchange, LODE-BD is built on five key principles: To promote the use of well-established metadata standards (Dublin Core, Agris AP, MODS); To encourage the use of authority data, controlled vocabularies, and syntax encoding standards whenever possible (ASFA, Agrovoc, Other possibilities: OceanExpert, Catalogue of Life, GeoNames, ...); To encourage the use of resource URIs as names for things for data values when they are available; To facilitate the decision-making process regarding data encoding for the purpose of exchange and reuse; To provide a reference support that is open for suggestions of new properties and metadata terms according to the needs of the Linked Data community. Content Model The definition of a conceptual model helps to establish an overall picture of involving entities and relationships in bibliographic descriptions. In a broader context, the use of a similar conceptual model among data providers should also help to foster a common understanding of the involving data models. LODE-BD proposes a simple conceptual model based on three entities: Resource: the center of every description, Agent:the responsible body for the creation of the content and/or the dissemination of the resource; and Thema: subjects, topics, concepts, and categories that the resources content is about. The model should provide sufficient capabilities for the data providers to present their content (such as document repositories and library catalogues) for sharing in the traditional environment or transferring to the Linked Data environment. List of Properties The LODE-BD Recommendations have identified a list of common properties for describing bibliographic resources based on nine groups: about two dozen properties used for describing a bibliographic resource as well as an additional two sets of properties for describing relations between bibliographic resources or between agents with specific best practice recommendations. 1. Title Information: Title is one of the most important and relevant access points for any resource. The information is usually supplied through a number of properties including title,alternative title-(handling subtitle(s), parallel title(s), translated title(s),transliterated title(s)), and title supplement. 2. Responsible Body: This group contains the properties associated with any agent who is responsible of the creation and publication of the content of the resource, for example, thecreator, contributor, and publisher or issuer of a resource. 3. Physical Characteristics: Properties that describe the appearance and the characteristics of the physical form of a resource are placed into this group. They are: date, identifier, language, format, and edition/version. 4. Location/Holdings (physical location): It is considered important for a resource to be located and obtained in the information exchange. Properties that record the location and availability information are taken into account in this unique group. 5. Subject: In contrast to the physical characteristics, the Subject group embraces the properties that describe or otherwise help the identification of what the resource is about or denotes, in the form of subject term, classification/category, freely assignedkeyword and geographic term. 6. Description of content: Two major types of descriptions that focus on the content of the resource rather than the physical object are considered in this group: a) any representative description of the content, usually in the form of abstract, summary, note, and table of contents and b) type orgenre of the resource. 7. Intellectual property: Any property that deals with an aspect of intellectual property rights relating to access and use of a resource is included in this group, with special regard to rights, terms of use and access condition. 8. Usage: Properties that are related to the use of a resource, rather than the characteristics of the resource itself, are considered to belong to this group. Typical properties are: audience, literary indication, and education Level. 9. Relation: This group has a different perspective for describing the resources from other groups that focus on describing the resource itself. Here various relations between two resources or between two agents are the focus of description. Due to the significant number of such properties, no specific properties are listed under the Relation group in the following table. Details of the properties designed for describing the relations are introduced in the sections 9.1 and 9.2 of the recommendations. These groups of information are listed together in Table 1, with the specific properties included in each group. Special attention should also be given to the additional recommendations on cardinality, value control, and important attributes. Table 1 comprises the following components in corresponding columns: A. Groups of properties B. Properties included in each group. Two special styles are used to signify the importance of the properties: two plus signs ++ (also in red colour) for the mandatory property; one plus sign + (also in blue colour) for the highly recommended property in the context of bibliographic information exchange. The rest are recommended or optional. C. Requirements of properties in the context of both non-analytical and analytical bibliographic descriptions, specified with (M)andatory, (H)ighly-(R)ecommended, (R)ecommended, and (O)ptional marked for either process. D. Recommendation on the control of values, indicating (n)ot controlled, should use a name authority or a controlled vocabulary, or should follow a syntax encoding rule. E. Some important attributes associated with individual properties, with special regard to the language and scheme attributes. A scheme can be either a value encoding scheme or a syntax encoding scheme. Table 1. Groups of Common Properties ABCDEGroup PropertyRequirement | M | HR | R | O | Value ControlImportant AttributesNon AnalyticalAnalytical1. Title Informationtitle++MMnlanguagealternative titleOOntitle supplementOOn2. Responsible Bodycreator+HRHRn or Name authority (personal, corporate body, conference)schemeContributorOOn or Name authoritypublisher/issuer+HRRn or Name authority 3. Physical Characteristics date++MMSyntax encoding ruleschemeidentifier+HRHRSyntax encoding ruleschemelanguage++MMControlled listschemeformat/medium+HRHRControlled listschemeedition /versionRRnsource+HRRn4. Locationlocation++MMn or Rule [Holding unit names may be managed through a controlled list] AvailabilityOOn 5. Subject subject term+HRHRControlled vocabularylanguage schemeClassificationOOControlled vocabulary, Classification systemscheme[freely assigned] keywordRRnlanguagegeographic termOOControlled vocabularylanguage scheme6. Description of contentdescription/abstract (or note/ summary/ table of contents)RRnlanguagetype/form/genreRRControlled vocabularylanguage scheme7. Intellectual propertyrights+ term of use access conditionRRn [Rights holders may be managed through name authorities] 8. UsageAudienceOOControlled listschemeliterary indicationOOControlled listSchemeeducation levelOOControlled listScheme9. Relation[relation between resources]+OHRControlled resource IDs[relation between agents]OOn or Name authority                     COPYRIGHT GUIDELINES  Copyright laws are not identical in all countries. It is important to be aware of this because academic work frequently crosses national boundaries. Still, there is much in common among national copyright laws because they are based on international agreements, such as the Berne Convention. Always check national copyright and publishers policies. It is advisable also to know whether: The Institute has a policy about retention of copyright ownership The Institute uses the Creative Commons License  HYPERLINK "http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses" http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses Open Access is the immediate, online, free availability of research outputs without restrictions on use commonly imposed by publisher copyright agreements. Open Access includes the outputs that scholars normally give away for free for publication; it includes peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and datasets of various kinds. Open Access provides the means to maximise the visibility and availability, and thus the uptake and use, of research outputs. Copyright: the main question is whether a work has been published. If it has not yet been published, the author holds the copyright. When a work is published, the key question is whether the rights have been transferred in writing to the publisher by means of a contract. If no contract has been signed, the author owns the copyright and can determine how the work is used. In the case of a signed contract, much will depend on the wording of the contract. Contracts are not absolute. Authors that receive contracts from publishers can stipulate a clause whereby they stipulate that they want to place the work to be published in an Open Access Repository. An increasing number of publishers agree to such stipulations. There are also many publishers that have already included such permission in their own policies. However, different publishers have different policies in this regard. For information about publishers policies that could affect you, see, for example, the Sherpa web pages.  HYPERLINK "http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/" Publisher Copyright Policies & Self Archiving http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo There, you will also find those publishers that object to pre-publication in the form of a working paper or something similar. Most publishers prefer to use such pre-publications for finding interesting texts; but an occasional publisher will object to this. If the publisher does not provide the author with a written contract for signing, the author is free to publish in the journal and deposit the article in an OA Repository. If the author does receive a contract for signing, the author must stipulate certain rights in the contract with the publisher. There are two methods of doing this: 1. The author can retain the copyright themselves, but grant the publisher certain rights, for example, the right to publication in a journal 2. The author can assign the copyright to the publisher in the contract, but at the same time stipulate that he/she may place your article in an academic repository 3. The author informs the publisher that as a requirement of his project funding from which the paper was produced, he/she is required to deposit in an OA Repository. Three different situations: 1. Storage before actual commercial publication (pre-print) 2. Parallel publishing 3. Storage after actual commercial publication (post-print) Storage before actual publication Authors hold all rights to their work. They may therefore decide whether they want to have their work included in a repository. If authors store their work in an OA repository, for example as a working paper or as a research memorandum, they retain the option of offering this work to a commercial publisher for inclusion in a journal. Most publishers no longer object to this. On the contrary, publishers also consult OA repositories in their search for suitable articles. Parallel publishing Some publications, for example dissertations or publications at your own institute, may be placed in the repository and published by the Institute simultaneously. Authors retain all rights to their work. Storage after actual publication The possibilities of storage in an OA repository after publication of a work will depend on whether a written contract has been concluded with the publisher and, if so, the stipulations in that contract. Publishers usually stipulate an embargo. This means that, although a paper will be included in the OA repository, the full text will only be available after a specific period. As a rule, this period will be six months, sometimes a year, after commercial publication. In any case, realise that publishers may own rights to a specific text, a specific article or book. Any changes made to the contents constitute a new work with new rights. Several examples: 1. There is no written contract concluded with the publisher Author owns all rights to the work because no transfer of rights has taken place. 2. There is a written contract a. Exclusive rights The publisher owns all commercial rights to the authors work, or the author must have specific conditions included in the contract. b. Non-exclusive rights It is not unusual for a publisher to own the rights to distribute a work in printed form. Sometimes a publisher also has the rights to an electronic edition of the work, but authors can also hold the rights to exploit their work, for example, the right to place his work in an OA repository. c. Other contracts A contract is binding. Read the authors contract to see which publication potential can be exploited. Anything that is not expressly prohibited is permitted. If a contract explicitly states that authors may not place their work in an OA repository, they can try to delete this stipulation. If that is not possible, they can always ask the publisher for permission later to place their work in an OA repository. 3. There is mention in the colophon that the author has relinquished his rights A colophon is not a contract. Without a contract, there is no legal transfer of rights. The author still retains all rights to his work. 4. Verbal agreements If the author agrees verbally that their work will be included in a specific edition of a journal, he will still own all rights to his work. As mentioned above, virtually all publishers permit pre-print publication of authors work ("working paper"). An increasing number of publishers have also decided that post-print publications are permitted. Publishers allow articles, after publication in journals, to be included in repositories in the authors final version. You are free to make changes, but you may not use the format of the journal. You must also include a reference to the publishers website. Authors should take care to save their final version the version that is sent to the publisher for publication. Even better, send the latest version (pre-print) both to their publisher and to OceanDocs. If the author makes a habit of this, nothing can go wrong. Co-authorship If Authors co-write an article and the contribution is interwoven in the text to the point that reference can no longer be made to it, this is called co-authorship. That means that, in order to place the article in a repository, the author will require permission from his co-authors. When sections of an article are clearly written by different authors, the author will own the copyright to the section of the article written by him. In both cases, it is desirable that they ask their co-author or authors for permission to upload into the repository, so that the complete article can be included. Annex 4. OCEANDOCS - DELEGATED AGENTS PERMISSION TO DEPOSIT FROM AUTHOR Permission to digitize and/or deposit electronic files to the OceanDocs Repository Network Understanding that the OceanDocs Network is an open, free repository offered as a global service to the marine and aquatic research communities I, ______________________________________(Authorizing individual) of ________________________________________ (Name of Organization) Authorize _________________________________________ (Name of delegated agent) of _________________________________________(Name of Organization) to digitize and/or deposit, and to distribute via the OceanDocs Network or successive technologies, the electronic files of my work, as well as the right to migrate or convert my work, without alteration of the content, to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation and/or continued distribution. The author represents that the submission covered by this permission is his/her original work and that he/she has the right to grant this permission to OceanDocs. The author further represents that the submission does not, to the best of his/her knowledge, infringe upon any third-partys copyright. If the submission contains material for which the author does not hold copyright, the author represents that he/she has obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright holder to grant this license to the institution, and that such third-party material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission. In the event of a subsequent dispute over the copyrights to material contained in this submission, the author agrees to indemnify and hold harmless OceanDocs Partners or agents for any uses of the material authorized by this permission. This is a non-exclusive grant of permission for on-line and off-line use for an indefinite term. Digitization allows the OceanDocs Network to generate image- and text based versions as appropriate and to provide and enhance access using search software. This grant of permissions prohibits use of the OceanDocs Network digitized versions for commercial use or profit in line with Creative Commons License : Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 . Copyright of the work remains with the author or other copyright holder, and subsequent uses of the submitted material by that person(s) are not restricted by this permission. OceanDocs Network is simply an online archive. Signature _____________________ Date _________________________  A repository makes available electronically, the scientific research output of an institution or group of institutions. Primarily, it is a way to make their own scientific publications/research available to their own community and to other interested scientists through Open Access (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.opendoar.org" http://www.opendoar.org). A repository is not an electronic library. In an e-library all material relevant to a community is collected. The storage of all these documents on a library server cannot be realized as a result of the limitations enforced by copyright laws. An electronic library will use search tools for electronically accessible documents (commercial publishers and open access document collections). Universities and research centres all over the world create their own repositories to manage and present their scientific output through Open Access. In the field of marine sciences the number of repositories is growing (see http://www.ifremer.fr/avano/archives.htm).  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