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Arctic ROOS has established a secretariat at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center in Norway. The Arctic ROOS now has established a web site at  HYPERLINK "http://arctic-roos.org/" http://arctic-roos.org/. Many existing EuroGOOS systems were promoted as integral components for the Arctic ROOS, in particular MERSEA (HYPERLINK http://www.mersea.eu.org http://www.mersea.eu.org), DAMOCLES (HYPERLINK http://www.damocles-eu.org http://www.damocles-eu.org), MyOcean (HYPERLINK http://www.eurogoos.org/documents/MyOcean.pdf http://www.eurogoos.org/documents/MyOcean.pdf) The founding members of Arctic ROOS include: - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) - Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) - Institute Franais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (Ifremer) - Institute of Marine Research, Norway (IMR) - Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAS) - Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) - Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) - Mercator Ocean - University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMPT) - Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar und Meeresforschung (AWI) - Finnish Institute of Marine Research (FIMR) - University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) - Norwegian Meteorological Institute - Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NIERSC) For further information, HYPERLINK http://arctic-roos.org/ http://arctic-roos.org/ or contact: Stein Sandven Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center Phone: +4755205800 E-mail: stein.sandven@nersc.no SAON A co-effort has been organized with the strong support of the Canadian government and the Canadian IPY Secretariat, Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks, SAON ( HYPERLINK "http://www.arcticobserving.org/" http://www.arcticobserving.org ). The IPY workshop on SAON met in Stockholm, 12-14 Nov. 2007. The second workshop is taking place 9-11 April 2008 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. GOOS is a cosponsor of SAON and should work with the group to assure integration of the SAON with GOOS. The report from the SAON 1 workshop:  HYPERLINK "http://www.arcticobserving.org/images/stories/workshop_report/SAON1_report_total.pdf" http://www.arcticobserving.org/images/stories/workshop_report/SAON1_report_total.pdf Sponsors of the workshop included: - Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program - Arctic Ocean Sciences Board - Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project - International Arctic Science Committee - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Swedish Environmental Protection Agency - Swedish IPY Committee - US National Science Foundation To summarize in the Artic there are 54 active networks, 11 planned networks, 31 observatories, 25 Arctic data centers, archives, portals, 17 coordinating bodies. The SAON will be a network of of networks and systems.     PAGE  GSC-III/1 prov. 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Q `g), DAMOCLES ( !HHYHD;=8!- (2 .  `ghttp://www.damoclesu22HIH2,N2,,' 2 . _`g-1"2 . `geu.org,22"1- @ !y9  -   2 . }`g), !2  `gMyOcean (Z0I,,,2!- O2 -`ghttp://www.eurogoos.org/documents/MyOcean.pdf 22HHH-2!2122'3"122,2N,2'Z0I,,,223!- @ ! -    2 `g)1! 2 `g 1. 2  `g 1-M2 ,`gThe founding members of Arctic ROOS include:=2,!222231N,N2,!'3!H!,,CHH82,22, 2 z `g 1. 2 `g-1!^2 7`g Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC)H,2',2=22!22O,2,,22C,N2,8,2'21C,3,!!H=C8C! 2 `g 1- 2 l`g-1!52 l`g Swedish Meteorological and 8H,2'2Y,,2!231,-,2272 l`gHydrological Institute (SMHI) I03!231,, 2'2,!8YI ! 2 lh `g 1. 2 `g-1!"2 `g Institute Fran 2'2,7!,3 2 *`g1,P2 V.`gais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer,'2,C-,2,!,3,222!=322,222,,Y,! 2  `g 12  `g(Ifremer) # !",N,"! 2  `g 1. 2 R`g-1!L2 R+`g Institute of Marine Research, Norway (IMR)M 2'2,2!Y,!2,C,(,,!,2H2!I.0" YC! 2 R `g 1. 2 `g-1!d2 ;`g Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAS) 2'2,2!H,-,2233182'2H,,2,O03!8,-2,,'" H8H8! 2  `g 1. 2 8`g-1!O2 8-`g Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVArH2!H-1,2 2'2,!2!_,,!C,',,",2!J HH 2 8 `g)1! 2 8 `g 1. 2 `g-1!D2 &`g Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)H,2'2Y,,2!231-, 2'2,!H[ ! 2 (`g 1. 2 `g-1!"2 `g Mercator OceanY,!-,2!H-,,2 2 `g 1. 2 `g-1!2 [`g University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMPT)H22,!'02!C,N2!32,H,2-!N,22!H22,3Y,2,N,,',22=2,3!-,,830','!IHY8=! 2 w`g 1- 2 `g-1!2 `g AlfredgH!!,3 2 `g-1!2 8`gWegenerg_,2,2," 2 `g-1"M2 ,`gInstitut fur Polar und Meeresforschung (AWI) 2'2!2!82,!222Y,-!,'!2"',2221!H` ! 2  `g 1. 2 w`g-1!I2 w)`g Finnish Institute of Marine Research (FIW722'2 2'2,2!Y,"2,C,',,",2"8 2 w_`gMR)YC! 2 w `g 1. 2 `g-1!j2 ?`g University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)H22,!'02!B!,N,2!2'2,2!=22!22N,2,830','" H8! 2  `g 1. 2 ]`g-1!@2 ]#`g Norwegian Meteorological InstituteMH2!H-1,2Y,,2!231,, 2'2, 2 ]`g 1- 2 `g-1!s2 E`g Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NIERSC H,2',2 2,!2,22,>22!22N,2,,22C,N2,8,2'21C,2-!!J =C8C 2  `g)1! 2  `g 1- 2 C`g 1-12 `gFor further information, 72!!3!2,!2!2!O,22-  2 `gh122  `gttp://arctic2,!,, 2 |`g-1!2  `groos.org/!22'2"1- @ !T-    2  `g 12  `gor contact:2!,22,, 2  `g 1.2 ) `gStein Sandven8,28,222,2 2 )`g 1-P2 .`gNansen Environmental and Remote Sensing CenterH,2',2=22!22N,2,-22C,N2,8,2'21C,2,! 2  `g 1.&2 `gPhone: +47552058008222,82222222222 2 3`g 1- 2 `gE1= 2 `g-1!42 6`gmail: stein.sandven@nersc.nN,',2',222,2\3,!',2 2 `go12 2 `g 1. 2 `g 1- 2 h`g 1-- 2 `gS182 `gAONHNH 2 `g 16- 2 N`gA1H 2 N `g 12 N9`gco,2 2 N`g-1!2 N`geffort g-!!2!&2 N`ghas been organized2,'3,,22"2-2-,2e2 N<`g with the strong support of the Canadian government and the H22,'!221'2222!2!2,C,2,2,2123,!2N,2,222,M2 ,`gCanadian IPY Secretariat, Sustaining Arctic C,2,2,2 8H8,-!,,!,82',221H!,,&2 `gObserving NetworksH2(,"221H,H3!2'2  `g,  2 D `gS182 | `gAON HHH 2 4`g(1!- 2 4`ghttp://g222 4 `gwww.arcticHHH,!,,2 4 `gobserving.org22'-!3212"1- @ !?-    2 4`g 1 2 4`g)1! 2 4`g.12 43`g I2 4f)`gThe IPY workshop on SAON met in Stockholmi=2, 8HH3!3'222228HHHN,282,222N2 4`g, 1222 2 4|`g-1!2 4`g14 Nov. 22H222 `g2007. 22222 `g T=A2 A$`ghe second workshop is taking place 92,',,222H3!3'222',2212,-,2 2  `g-1!12 8 `g11 April 2008 in Edmonton23H2!22222=2N2222(2  `g, Alberta, Canada. 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