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It draws on a variety of sources and the work of numerous individuals many of whom provide their efforts on a voluntary basis. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged. Background This report draws on the activities of a number of closely related groups: The Marine Information Alliance (MIA) of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST). The MIA was specifically established to seek better connections between government, academia and industry with regard to all aspects of marine data collection and marine data and information use. Advocacy and outreach projects are a major part of the Alliances activity. The outcome of a year of activity of the GOOS Scientific Steering Committee Advocacy, Outreach and Role of Industry Working Group. This working group was set up during the April 2007 GSSC meeting in Korea. Over the past year the working group has sought to develop a strategy for effective outreach and advocacy for the GOOS endeavour. Outreach, advocacy and industry participation activities of Ocean.US. As the US national office for a sustained Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Ocean.US is concerned with advocacy and outreach to government, industry and the general public. Outreach, advocacy and industry participation activities of the NOAA IOOS Office and in particular the NOAA IOOS messaging working group. Outreach and advocacy activities of other regional and national GOOS Alliances/Associations and regional programmes such as the marine component of the European Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES). Marketing material Although it is possible to engage in advocacy and outreach on an ad hoc basis all effective outreach and advocacy programmes are backed by well produced, well targeted and coherent marketing material. Without any criticism intended it would be fair to say that marketing material in support of the GOOS case has been generally poor. Production of marketing material is a professional activity demanding specific communication skills and, to be effective, requiring substantial investment. Much of the material promoting GOOS at a global, regional, national and local level has lacked both of these essential ingredients. What is needed is a core package of well produced material which can form the basis for promoting GOOS to a wide audience. Over the last twelve months progress has been made with achieving this although much remains to be done. The pace of progress is largely determined by availability of funds. The series of marketing tools being developed by the NOAA IOOS Messaging Working Group sums up what is required in total: A high level mission statement (i.e., 3 key messages); A one page elevator message that succinctly captures the benefits of IOOS (problems IOOS will help solve) and describes what IOOS is; A more detailed supporting document which expands on the mission statement and elevator message in non technical language for the non specialist who wants to get a bit more detail; A standard set of visuals from which to draw material to support presentations about IOOS; A series of case studies that demonstrate specific societal and business benefits of IOOS and which can be used to support communication with a range of public and private beneficiaries; A short DVD/CD/video that conveys the key messages in a captivating way. Much has been achieved in respect of 1 and 2 and work is in progress on 3 and 4. The POGO DVD produced for the GEO Ministerial meeting in Cape Town goes a long way towards fulfilling item 6. It should now be possible to draw all of this material together into a single toolkit. Item 5 is more problematic. Although there are numerous economic studies around they are of very variable quality and certainly do not present a consistent case. Achieving a defensible overall cost benefit for GOOS is very difficult but a well documented set of case studies should be possible. This is a key priority for the coming year. There is also a need for a well produced display system for use at relevant exhibitions and conferences. The Ocean United display produced in Cape Town comes close to what is required and this system was used very successfully at the recent Oceanology International Exhibition and Conference in London. Work now needs to be done to update some of the display material and plan (and fund) future events. Workshops Workshops can be a very effective method for engaging a wider audience. Over the past year the GSSC Working Group has been associated with a number of successful workshop events aimed at a variety of stakeholder groups. Funding workshops is an issue. With no central GOOS fund for this purpose it is necessary to raise funds for each event separately or to associate workshop events with major projects which have budgets for outreach activities. Unless and until a general support fund is in place for this purpose workshop events will need to be develop on an ad hoc basis with achieving sponsorship being an essential prerequisite to planning any workshop. Engaging Industry Past attempts to engage industry have focused on the direct beneficiaries of GOOS (ie those that might help build and sustain the system and those that directly benefit from the outputs). For effective advocacy we need to engage more widely that this. We especially need to have strong advocacy support from major industries who do not directly profit from GOOS but who benefit from what GOOS can provide as part of GEOSS (for example, improved seasonal forecasts, better understanding of climate change etc). Work over the past year has concentrated on this target group. Modest success has been achieved so far and much remains to be done. Funding Despite the best endeavours of willing volunteers the pace at which effective advocacy and outreach can be achieved and sustained depends on funding. The Working Group and associated organizations have been relatively successful in raising funds to support workshops, exhibitions and promotional material on an ad hoc basis but working on this basis is painfully slow. What is needed is a core fund to support sustained outreach and advocacy. Through efforts so far the MIA has secured sufficient funds to retain a skilled marketing professional on a part-time basis. This time is being used to target large industry players across a wide range of industry sectors to seek to engage their financial support. With some success having been achieved and with several opportunities for institutional and charitable foundation support having been identified it is hoped that the next twelve months we see a more continuous effort being applied.     PAGE  GSC-III/1 prov. 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Session of the Global Ocean Observing System    '  ' ' ) 2 {= -@2  # Scientific Steering Committee (GSSC  $)) '$ 2 < - 2 M X$ 2 q I 2  )- 2  @Times New Roman- 2  8 2  -2    10 April 2008   2  2 , 2 D Room Xh $  2  I2  V  2 -  2 E UNESCO BONVIN $!!$ $!! 2  2 'P  Paris, France  2 'e @Times New Roman- 2 \ -L2 + Advocacy, Outreach and the Role of Industrye$ '   $    2  @Times New Roman- 2  - 2  -2 L  Introduction 2 L -:2  This brief report summarises pr  && h2 > ogress with promoting and supporting the case for a sustained $ %   2 \ Global Ocean Observing System over the period since the GSSC Advocacy, Outreach and Role of %  $% %  $!# $! v2 G Industry Working Group was established following the last GSSC meeting. .  $ $   %    $! %  2   2 1 72 j It draws on a variety of sourp$ q2 j(D ces and the work of numerous individuals many of whom provide their $ %    &%%   2 P efforts on a voluntary basis. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged.               %  2   2  -2   Background" 2  -z2 PJ This report draws on the activities of a number of closely related groups:   $         &       2 P  2  @Symbol- 2 7 @"Arial- 2 N 4-(2  The Marine Informat, &v2 *G ion Alliance (MIA) of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and $ ,#  ,       '2 W Technology (IMarEST). The MIA was specifically established to seek better connections  , ,#$     '2 :T between government, academia and industry with regard to all aspects of marine data $& &  %  %   ' 2 s collection and  w2 sH marine data and information use. Advocacy and outreach projects are a %  % #   'D2 & major part of the Alliances activity.&     $     2 X  '- 2 7 - 2 N 4-2 V The outcome of a year of activity of the GOOS Scientific Steering Committee Advocacy, %  $$$    !&' #  'd2 #; Outreach and Role of Industry Working Group. This working e$! . $  $ 52 # group was set up during the $   '2 ]V April 2007 GSSC meeting in Korea. Over the past year the working group has sought to # $!%  # $$   '2 P develop a strategy for effective outreach and advocacy for the GOOS endeavour.           $$$  2   '- 2 7 - 2 N 4-g2 = Outreach, advocacy and industry participation activities of O $        $72 d cean.US. As the US national p $ #$  '2 V office for a sustained Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Ocean.US is concerned   $$ %$$$ $   'z2 F J with advocacy and outreach to government, industry and the general public.%      &       2 F p  '- 2 7 - 2 N 4-n2 B Outreach, advocacy and industry participation activities of the NO$        $%,2  AA IOOS Office and in $#$$%  'U2 1 particular the NOAA IOOS messaging working group.    $$$# $$%  $   2   '- 2 7 - 2 N 4-s2 E Outreach and advocacy activities of other regional and national GOOS $>>>   >>>  >?  >$$$  '2 4 S Alliances/Associations and regional programmes such as the marine component of the e$ #    &&& %  ';2 m   European Global Monitoring for E %  ,   :2 m 9 nvironment and Security (GMES).E &    $, 2 m   ' 2 7  2 7 -&2  7 Marketing material0 ) 2   -2 S 7\ Although it is possible to engage in advocacy and outreach on an ad hoc basis all effective $          2 7Y outreach and advocacy programmes are backed by well produced, well targeted and coherent v&&$  $  (2 7 marketing material.i& %  2   2 7  2 9 7 W/2 9 f` ithout any criticism intended it would be fair to say that marketing material in support of the    %  #  % %    2 s 7` GOOS case has been generally poor. Production of marketing material is a professional activity $$$      & &        k2 7@ demanding specific communication skills and, to be effective, re%  &&       =2 W! quiring substantial investment. v     & -                           ՜.+,0 hp   IOC-UNESCO57 Documentation Plan Title  "#$%&'(*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghjklmnopsRoot Entry FpwHnuData !1Table)BWordDocumentt@SummaryInformation(K;DocumentSummaryInformation8iCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q