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OPENING OF THE SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc324687917 \h 1 1.1 Opening words from Chair of IOC/WESTPAC  PAGEREF _Toc324687918 \h 1 1.2 Remarks from Co-Chair IODE  PAGEREF _Toc324687919 \h 1 1.3 Remarks from IOC/IODE Secretariat  PAGEREF _Toc324687920 \h 1 1.4 Remarks from State Oceanic Administration (SOA)  PAGEREF _Toc324687921 \h 2 1.5 Opening words from host  PAGEREF _Toc324687922 \h 2 1.6 Introduction of participants  PAGEREF _Toc324687923 \h 2 2. Administrative arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc324687924 \h 2 2.1 Adoption of the agenda  PAGEREF _Toc324687925 \h 2 2.2 Designation of Chair of the meeting  PAGEREF _Toc324687926 \h 3 2.3 Local information  PAGEREF _Toc324687927 \h 3 2.4 Group photo  PAGEREF _Toc324687928 \h 3 3. The establishment of THE Advisory Group  PAGEREF _Toc324687929 \h 3 3.1 Background  PAGEREF _Toc324687930 \h 3 3.2 Terms of Reference and membership of the AG  PAGEREF _Toc324687931 \h 3 4. Report from IODE on the future of ODINs from the last IODE session  PAGEREF _Toc324687932 \h 4 5. Report from IOC/WESTPAC on WESTPAC and its future plan  PAGEREF _Toc324687933 \h 5 6. Review OF the progress since the ODINWESTPAC Regional Workshop held in Tianjin, March 2014, identify the problems encountered  PAGEREF _Toc324687934 \h 6 7. Brainstorming  PAGEREF _Toc324687935 \h 7 7.1 ODINWESTPAC future development proposal  PAGEREF _Toc324687936 \h 7 7.2 Comments from AG members  PAGEREF _Toc324687937 \h 9 8. ODINWESTPAC vision and action plan for the next 2 years  PAGEREF _Toc324687938 \h 10 8.1 Data and information management requirements in the WESTPAC region  PAGEREF _Toc324687939 \h 10 8.2 ODINWESTPAC proposed workplan and budget for 2016-2017  PAGEREF _Toc324687940 \h 11 9. Other matters  PAGEREF _Toc324687941 \h 11 9.1 Relationship between the Advisory Group and the IODE Steering Group for ODINWESTPAC  PAGEREF _Toc324687942 \h 11 9.2 Planning for AG-ODINWESTPAC Session  PAGEREF _Toc324687943 \h 12 10. Closure  PAGEREF _Toc324687944 \h 12  ANNEX I:  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexI" AGENDA  ANNEX II:  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexII" LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ANNEX III:  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexIII" Draft Terms of Reference for the Ocean Data and Information Network for the Western Pacific Region (ODINWESTPAC) Advisory Group ANNEX IV:  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexIV" REVIEW OF ODINWESTPAC WORKPLAN FOR 2014-2015 ANNEX V:  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexV" ODINWESTPAC proposed action plan for 2016-2017 (draft) ANNEX VI:  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexVI" ADDRESSES AND STATEMENTS OPENING OF THE SESSION Dr Yu Ting (Julia), on behalf of National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS/China), the host center of the ODINWESTPAC, opened the First Session of the Advisory Group for ODINWESTPAC (AG) at 9h00 on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 at the #2 meeting room on 5th floor Holiday Inn Tianjin Riverside, Tianjin, China. Opening words from Chair of IOC/WESTPAC Dr Somkiat Khokiattiwong welcomed all participants to the Session. He complimented NMDIS with the preparations for hosting and organizing the Session. He congratulated Dr Shi with his designation as Project Coordinator and expressed the appreciation to Dr Yu Ting for continuing communicating in the region. He reminded the participants that at the ODINWESTPAC side meeting held during WESTPAC-X (May 14, 2015, Cape Panwa Hotel, Phuket, Thailand) it was agreed to establish the Advisory Group (AG). Its a very good opportunity for the WESTPAC experts in the data and information field to get together to constructively find a way to promote the project. He encouraged all the participants to contribute to the session openly and freely. Remarks from Co-Chair IODE Dr Yutaka Michida, Co-Chair of IODE, thanked NMDIS for organizing and hosting the 1st Session of the Advisory Group for ODINWESTPAC. He also thanked Dr Somkiat Khokiattiwong, Wenxi Zhu, Peter Pissierssens, and Greg Reed for participating in this meeting. He mentioned that currently there are 8 ODINs. 8 NODCs have been established in the WESTPAC region, some of them are new. He believed that one goal of the ODINs will be to have Member States to establish NODCs. He reviewed the history of ODINs and RNODCs which were responsibility for certain data or region. RNODCs were dissolved some time ago. Some functions were then taken over by ODINWESTPAC. He pointed out that the most important mission of ODINWESTPAC is Capacity Development. Another is to provide regional users with free and open access to marine data and information. As Co-Chair of IODE and as person with long experience in region he hoped that current meeting would be successful. Remarks from IOC/IODE Secretariat Mr Peter Pissierssens thanked NMDIS for hosting the meeting. He also expressed appreciation to NMDIS for all the efforts on coordinating and implementing the project during the past years. He referred to IODEs role, guidelines data management plan, long term historic archives. He expressed the hope that ODINWESTPAC could be further organized and coordinated by both IODE and WESTPAC. He ended by wishing a great success of the session. Remarks from State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Ms Zheng Rui, Programme Officer of the Department of International Cooperation State Oceanic Administration (SOA), expressed a warm welcome to all participants and the appreciation to IODE and IOC/WESTPAC for supporting the meeting. She emphasized that China has a long cooperation history involved in IOC activities including IODE and SOA attaches great importance to the development of the ocean cooperation project/programmes at the regional level. The development of ODINWESTPAC needs involvement of all Member States. The purpose of the meeting is brainstorming on the future of ODINWESTPAC in facing the challenges and diversity of cooperation status. In view of the huge potential to collaborate, she encouraged the meeting to build consensus- there is huge potential to collaborate; to work together rather than going alone; to be more pragmatic than just talking, since raising pragmatic proposals for future would be extremely important to the project. Opening words from host Dr Shi Suixiang, as the Project Coordinator, welcomed all participants and expressed his appreciation for the commitment of the AG Members. He especially thanked the support from the IODE project office for co-funding of the meeting. He briefly reviewed the history of ODINWESTPAC which started in 2008. He pointed out that since the First Planning Workshop hosted by NMDIS in March 2014, a number of actions had been implemented according to the work plan agreed for 2014-2016. However, more involvement from the Member States is still needed in view of the limited progress made. He recalled the side meeting for the project during WESTPAC-X (12-15 May 2015, Phuket, Thailand), which led to the establishment of the AG. He pointed out that the meeting would be an opportunity to identify the needs in marine data and information management in a constructive way and wished a great success of the meeting. Introduction of participants All participants were invited to introduce themselves. The list of participants is attached as  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexII" Annex II. Administrative arrangements Adoption of the agenda The AG decided on its working hours and other arrangements for conducting the session. The host centre then introduced a brief background of the AG meeting and the purpose of the meeting in accordance with the provisional agenda. Noting that the session aimed to identify the needs and future development direction of the project from the AG members, a brainstorming agenda item was added. The AG agreed on the revised agenda, noting that it would be flexible depending on the time needed for each agenda item. The AG also agreed that the meeting would be organized at technical level. The Agenda is attached as  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexI" Annex I. Designation of Chair of the meeting The AG designated Dr Shi as the Chair of the meeting. The meeting was conducted in English only. Local information The local host introduced the local arrangements for the meeting, including the welcome reception at 18h00 on 27 Jan 2016. Group photo A group photo was taken at the lobby of the Holiday Inn Tianjin Riverside. The establishment of THE Advisory Group Background Dr Yu Ting recalled that with the strong support from IOC/WESTPAC during the Tenth Intergovernmental Session for IOC/WESTPAC held in May 2015 in Thailand, NMDIS as the host centre of ODINWESTPAC called for a side meeting of the project. Consensus on the establishment of an advisory group (AG) for the project was reached by all participants. The objective of the AG is to provide scientific and technical advice on the development, planning and implementation of the project to the Project Coordinator. It was agreed that the host centre should be responsible for drafting the Terms of Reference of the AG. Then, ToRs were drafted by NMIDS and circulated to Member States for comments. 4 countries: Australia, Indonesia, Japan and Thailand responded. Her presentation is available from the meeting web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16622" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16622 Terms of Reference and membership of the AG The meeting noted that the aim of establishing the AG is to give technical advices to the Project Coordinator in terms of marine data and information management. This initiative is supposed to be a consultative group to benefit the smooth implementation of the project. Discussions addressed the following aspects: the responsibility of the AG, the selection of the membership, operation of the AG, etc. The membership of the AG is based on volunteers. Current membership: Shi Suixiang (China), Somkiat Khokiattiwong (Thailand), Greg Reed (Australia), Bui Long Hong (Vietnam), Joon Soo Lee (Korea), Susilohadi Susilohadi (Indonesia), Yasuhiko Karigome (Japan) were re-identified. The ToRs of the AG were revised and agreed upon. The revised version of Terms of Reference of the Advisory Group for ODINWESTPAC is available from the meeting webpage on  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16623" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16623. It is also attached as  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexIII" Annex III. Report from IODE on the future of ODINs from the last IODE session The IODE Co-Chair, Dr Yutaka Michida, gave a brief report on IODE-XXIII (16-20 March 2015, Bruges, Belgium). He introduced the outcomes from the most recent IODE Session as relevant to WESTPAC. He indicated that the re-structuring of IODE is an important activity of IODE, and briefed the meeting on the progress of the inter-sessional working group to propose a re-structuring of IODE. The meeting proposed to designate an ODINWESTPAC representative to join the inter-sessional working group. It was noted that IODE is undergoing a re-structuring by proposing to reduce the number of projects. Concerns on the role and function of Ocean Data and Information Networks (ODINs), especially the ODINEWESTPAC, in the new structure of IODE were expressed by some participants. The possible duplication with OTGA in terms of training activity was also addressed. The background of the IODE re-structuring and the need to link IODE to ocean science and observation was provided at the meeting. Mr Pissierssens introduced the OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) as a cornerstone of the IODE capacity building programme and its main aim is to underpin all IODE training activities. Over the past decade, ODINs have been actively contributing to oceanographic data and information exchange and sharing within regions, but it is also being challenged at the same time. It was noted that ODINs provide a Capacity Building framework within the regions on marine data and information, but Capacity Building is much more than just training. ODINs are expected to provide help with setting up networks of scientists, providing opportunity for internship for participating in meetings/workshops and assistance on infrastructure, etc. ODINs also had a regional coordinating and community building role that should not be lost. For example, ODINWESTPAC should be seen as an element within the WESTPAC programme to link with science and observation programmes, and to build the scientific community within the region. Dr Michida concluded this agenda item by encouraging the AG members to provide constructive advices to the future strategic plan of ODINWESTPAC to be discussed by the Steering Group of ODINWESTPAC. His presentation is available from the meeting web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16621" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16621 Report from IOC/WESTPAC on WESTPAC and its future plan The Head of the IOC/WESTPAC Office, Mr Wenxi Zhu introduced the background of the establishment and current status of IOC/WESTPAC. He addressed the WESTPACs function, organization structure, Member States, on-going projects, and capacity development approach. He especially emphasized the guiding principle and unique feature of capacity building within WESTPAC, which is self-driven, fully reflecting the Member States practical needs. He referred to the current programmatic areas and priorities within WESTPAC: ocean processes and climate, ensuring marine biodiversity and sea food security, health of ocean ecosystems, and called for broader cooperation by taking advantage of the existing oceanography institutes, agencies and universities. He also expressed the future expectations of IOC/WESTPAC from ODINWESTPAC. IOC/WESTPAC expects the ODINWESTPAC to provide capacity building on data and information management; sharing of data and information management tools, plans and technical manuals; and joint development of products and services based on regional needs. He pointed out that the primary objective of ODINWESTPAC is to provide an effective framework for capacity building, and to promote cooperation on data and information management, which were documented in the summary report of WESTPAC-VII (Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 2327 May 2005) through Resolution SC-WESTPAC-VI.2. He expressed his concern that theres no clear documentation on the formal establishment of the project, except for the pilot project which was created through Recommendation IODE-XIX.9 at IODE-XIX (Trieste, Italy, 12-16 March 2007). He appreciated the efforts made by NMDIS since WESTPAC-VIII (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 2629 May 2008) at which time the pilot project coordinator was shifted from JODC to NMDIS, and hoped the project could be formally established soon. He further mentioned that the 10th WESTPAC international scientific symposium would be held during 17-20 April 2017 in Qingdao, China, and called for strong participation from ODINWESTPAC. Dr Shi concluded this agenda item by appreciating Mr Zhus comments and supporting his recommendations on the future of ODINWESTPAC. He encouraged all the AG members to provide the meeting with practical needs related to the marine data and information, and constructive suggestions on the future development strategy. Mr Zhus presentation is available from the meeting web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16629" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16629 Review OF the progress since the ODINWESTPAC Regional Workshop held in Tianjin, March 2014, identify the problems encountered Dr Yu reviewed the history and objectives of ODINWESTPAC and reported on the following working progresses since the First Planning Workshop for the ODINWESTPAC (Tianjin, China 4-6 March 2014): (i) re-identify National Focal Points for 11 Member States; (ii) website developed and routinely updated ( HYPERLINK "http://www.odinwestpac.org" http://www.odinwestpac.org). A number of Chinese products and services are linked (Chinese institutions and experts, Chinese coastal station data, repository of marine documents); (iii) ODINWESTPAC national ODP training course was held in April 2014 (Tianjin, China); (iv) establishment of WESTPAC ODP node ( HYPERLINK "http://portal-odp.nmdis.gov.cn" http://portal-odp.nmdis.gov.cn); (v) ODINWESTPAC side event at the WESTPAC-X (May 2015, Phuket, Thailand) held to renew project coordinator, discuss the establishment of advisory group, actively seek to collaborate with IODE projects and with WESTPAC projects; (vi) establishment of new NODCs and ADUs. She further reported on the problems encountered during the implementation of work plan agreed during the regional workshop: (i) GeoNetwork training (metadata) did not happen: help on teacher and technical support are needed; (ii) low response on the E-repository survey; (iii) need guidance on the appropriate language of repositories; (iv) no data and information management training; (v) no clear conclusion on the need of ocean data assimilation. Her presentation is available from the meeting web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16625" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16625 Overall there is still lack of effective coordination mechanism and response from member states. And due to the low participation, actions that require contribution or involvement of the Member States were hard to promote. Participants all agreed that the AG could be seen as a coordination mechanism. Concerning training activities that were not implemented, Mr Pissierssens pointed out that training priorities needed to be identified and suggested the meeting look again at 2014 work plan and see what is still needed. Dr Michida agreed with the advice and further suggested that ODINWESTPAC should focus on data and information management. The Project Coordinator can survey amongst members regarding prioritizing needs of training in this field. Prof Lin recalled that in 2014 there were 7 Member States who considered Geonetwork at priority. She suggested the AG prioritize courses and then circulate to Member States for their advice. Some courses may be combined in this case. Mr Greg Reed suggested that the AG could prepare a training programme and send this to the 2 IODE/OTGA Regional Training Centre (RTCs) in the WESTPAC region. Then the RTCs would bring the training programme to the OTGA Steering Group II Meeting in March in Oostende for further discussion. Dr Shi thanked the participants for the comments and suggestions. He concluded that training courses are very important for ODINWESTPAC. One of the objectives of ODINWESTPAC is to provide capacity building in data and information management; ODINWESTPAC will try every effort to strengthen data and information management. The host centre could plan and organize a training course in 2017. The document with the review of the workplan 2014-2015 is available at the meeting webpage  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16624" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16624 . The finalized version is attached as  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexIV" Annex IV. Brainstorming ODINWESTPAC future development proposal The Project Coordinator Dr Shi pointed out that the main reason the project was in difficulty was that the project plan did not fit well the needs of the region. He believed that so far too much attention been given to data and it is needed to give more attention to data products, information, ocean knowledge and service technology. So he proposed the project focus on 5 issues in the future: (i) data products (reanalysis, forecast with special focus on WESTPAC); (ii) marine information (marine expert, institutions, marine library, etc.); (iii) ocean knowledge (such as blue economy and sea level products; (iv) user-oriented services (GIS, 3D sphere); (v) data processing, quality control, product development. Three proposals from NMDIS on the visions on the future development of ODINWESTPAC were then reported. Ms Wan Fanfang gave a presentation on data and products service. She introduced the marine meteorological, wave, sea surface temperature and salinity data from Chinese oceanographic stations that have been shared with the region through the project website. She mentioned that China would continue updating data and metadata already available and try to expand scale of data sharing; increasing amount and type of data shared. Meanwhile, the host centre NMDIS will explore and start some initial researches and development on data and information products that fit more to the social-economical development of the WESTPAC region, like marine climate statistical product, ocean reanalysis product and nowcasting product. Her presentation is available from the meeting web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16628" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16628 Mr Cai Renhan reported on the proposal of ocean information and knowledge. He introduced the evolution process from data collection to knowledge (leading to decision making); proposed themes of ocean knowledge to be served: blue economy, ocean climatological graphics, regional sea level rise, impact of sea level rise. He also presented the concept of knowledge maps of the WESTPAC region. His presentation is available from the meeting web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16627" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16627 Ms Wang Yi introduced the data and information management and services for ODINWESTPAC. She referred to the problems of the existing website and presented a detailed illustration of the new version of the website from the perspective of data and products service, information service and customer oriented service. She then briefly introduced jobs needed to be done to implement the above functions, including database design, developing loading and upgrading tools, data management tools, etc. Her presentation is available from the meeting web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16626" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16626 Dr Yu explained to the participants that the presentations gave by the project host centre were focused on national work, or were some on-going examples from the Chinese side. The activities proposed will be expanded to the WESTPAC region in the near future. Comments from AG members Mr Greg Reed pointed out that the presentations gave by NMDIS described a lot of new services, which require lots of resources for implementation. He suggested prioritizing these services and making clear where resources would come from. Participants showed more interest in the new version of the website for ODINWESTPAC. Dr Shi explained that the website the host centre was planning to rebuild would use new technologies, i.e. more directly visualized tools to provide download and link service, to realize the change of data management and service mode, and to increase the user access experience. He hoped that this job could be finished by the first half of 2017. The identity of ODINWESTPAC was discussed under this agenda item. Some participants proposed that ODINWESTPAC should be included in the structure of WESTPAC. Mr Pissierssens further explained that activity of WESTPAC should be managed within the region and it is important that ODINWESTPAC is considered as owned by WESTPAC. Meanwhile, WESTPAC countries are members of IODE. IODE agrees on common standards and best practices that are recommended for use amongst all members. It is also the source of expertise that can be shared among all members. Participants showed some concerns on the uncertainty of ODINWESTPAC due to the restructuring of IODE. Mr Pissierssens explained that the restructuring is in the hands of Member States. In terms of the WESTPAC region, it will be very much appreciated if the WESTPAC member states provide information to the IODE Committee on how they see the continuation of ODINWESTPAC. IODE will obviously keep the project if Member States see ODIN platforms are essential. Its up to the region to decide and define whats should be the terms of reference of the regional network that focus on data and information. However, IODE still needs guidance from Member States in the region to decide what ODINWESTPAC should be. The need for experience sharing on quality control of various data types was discussed. Dr Michida proposed that ODINWESTPAC should provide a platform for Member States to share quality control expertise and experience of NEARGOOS. He also mentioned that as the restructuring of IODE is on-going, ODINWESTPAC can use IODE/OTGA RTCs for training. Mr Pissierssens suggested that the project coordinator should speed up the development of the new website, and demonstrate it at IODE-XXIV in March 2017. It will be very helpful to show all the Member States present from the WESTPAC region what NMDIS has been developing so that they can comment and provide input. Mr Reed noted that there would be a draft report of the inter-sessional Working Group on the re-structuring of IODE in July 2016 and this would be sent to all Member States. Mr Pissierssens then suggested the inter-sessional group consult with WESTPAC Member States, including members of the Advisory Group, on the future of ODINWESTPAC after release of the draft report. The limited progress of ODINWESTPAC and the actions not been implemented were also discussed under this agenda item. Mr Pissierssens pointed out that the work plan should be implemented by member countries. Dr Shi expressed that it was not easy to implement regional projects with a coordinator only and the loosely organized national focal points, which are suffering from high personal shift. The leadership of IODE and the strong support from IOC/WESTPAC, as well as the valuable suggestions from AG members, will better promote the progress of ODINWESTPAC. Dr Shi stressed that from the host centre side the primary objectives for the ODINWESTPAC would be marine data and information network; data and information products, ocean knowledge and service technology. And advices on the feasibility of these objectives would be needed from AG members. Mr Reed suggested not to make the work plan too ambitious but keep it in the framework that could be managed. It is better keeping it small and focus on what is really needed. Mr Pissierssens reminded that if ODINWESTPAC should be established as an IODE project at IODE-XXIV (March 2017), then the Terms of Reference need to be prepared for IODE-XXIV and for WESTPAC-XI to review and approve. ODINWESTPAC vision and action plan for the next 2 years Data and information management requirements in the WESTPAC region The meeting skipped this agenda item as this part was discussed under agenda item 7. ODINWESTPAC proposed workplan and budget for 2016-2017 Dr Yu Ting introduced the draft workplan and budget for 2016-2017 which had taken into account of the main points of the brainstorming. Some unimplemented activities in the ODINWESTPAC workplan for 2014-2015 were identified to be included into the ODINWESTPAC action plan for 2016-2017(see  HYPERLINK \l "AnnexIV" Annex IV). Priority of training needs and other action items were also discussed and identified. The newly proposed action plan for 2016-2017 is attached as HYPERLINK \l "AnnexV"  Annex V. The Project Coordinator will send the proposed workplan to all WESTPAC Member States after the meeting to ask for comments. Mr Pissierssens recommended that if there is any training request from ODINWESTPAC, the Advisory Group could send email to IODE/OTGA for discussion and possible support. Dr Shi reiterated that China will continue updating the data and metadata and make it available, start the initial researches and the development of data and information products in 2016 first, and then invite other Member State to join together as the products will focus on the Northwestern Pacific region instead of the Chinese coastal area. The report of the meeting will be emailed to IOC, IODE, members of AG, and all Member States of ODINWESTPAC for their opinions. If ODINWESTPAC is to be established as a real project rather than a pilot project at IODE-XXIV, the Steering Group of IODE for ODINWESTPAC will then be established as well. In this case, Mr Pissierssens suggested an ad hoc session of the Steering Group for ODINWESTPAC immediately after IODE-XXIV which can then look at the work plan in more detail. Other matters Relationship between the Advisory Group and the IODE Steering Group for ODINWESTPAC For the relationship between the AG and SG, Mr Pissierssens explained that SG is at intergovernmental level and AG is at technical level. The AG will provide scientific and technical advice on development, planning and implementation of the project to the to the SG. The project coordinator was asked to prepare Terms of Reference of ODINWESTPAC and SG and disseminate for comments by Advisory Group. Documentation should be ready by December 2016. Planning for AG-ODINWESTPAC Session It was noted that the AG members should meet at regular basis and take advantage of the intergovernmental sessions and scientific and technical workshops. An ad hoc meeting of SG will be arranged immediately after IODE-XXIV. Timing of the AG will depend on decision on the project, its SG and IODE-XXIV. Closure The meeting was closed on Thursday 28 January 2016 at 16h15. In his closing words Dr Shi, on behalf of NMDIS, thanked all participants for attending the meeting and for the active and constructive discussions. He also welcomed the activities identified and looked forward to their successful implementation. He also thanked Dr Khokiattiwong, Dr Michida, Mr Wenxi for attending despite their busy schedules. He especially thanked Mr Pissierssens for attending the meeting and for his colleagues in IODE project office who helped a lot to make this meeting happen. Noting the increasing needs for oceanographic data and information products to address the oceanographic research and management and the challenges of climate change, as the new coordinator for ODINWESTPAC, Dr Shi called for close cooperation between the AG members, and all the Member States to continue collaboration in ODINWESTPAC. He expressed the hope that all ODINWESTPAC Member States could make staff time and resources available for the implementation of action plan. He expressed the NMDIS commitment to effectively coordinate ODINWESTPAC with the help of AG. Mr Pissierssens thanked the host for organizing and co-funding the meeting. He indicated that China has a very good cooperation history with IODE. He expressed the hope that China could continue to support the IODE activities that benefit the region. He noted the difficulties that ODINWESTPAC has been facing since 2007, and encouraged the AG together with the all Member States to face the challenges noting the diversity of the WESTPAC region. He encouraged the Project Coordinator to collect the training needs of the region and submit the result to OTGA for related support. He also expressed the hope that ODINWESTPAC could be well seen as the baby of WESTPAC and nurtured by WESTPAC. He appreciated the work proposal made by NMIDS and encouraged it to carry out the related pilot research and show the member with outcome at the next WESTPAC Intergovernmental Session in 2017. He referred to the successful election of Dr Yutaka Michida as the Co-Chair of the IODE in March 2015, which is symbolic. Dr Michida will able to make a very good bond between the region and global IODE. He ended by thanking all the participants for attending the meeting. Dr Khokiattiwong briefly addressed the meeting. It was encouraging that ideas and thoughts concerning ODINWESTPAC were exchanged at the meeting. He expressed the hope that the work plan adopted today would be implemented fully and efficiently. He looked forward to further cooperation with all the AG members. Dr Michida thanked Dr Shi and the host center for organizing the meeting to push forward the implementation of ODINWESTPAC. He was very much pleased to join in the meeting. The meeting gathered not only the AG member but also the officers from both IODE and IOC/WESTPAC. He expressed the hope that ODINWESTPAC in the future would become a very important, essential infrastructure of ocean data management of the region. He encouraged all the ODINWESTPAC members as a group and all the IODE Member States to participate in much more activities to promote ODINWESTPAC. Mr Zhu appreciated the host centre for organizing the meeting and the invitation to him. He pointed out that it is a challenge but also opportunity for further integrating two different communities, research communities, and data management communities. There are strong and clear requirements from the Member States in the region for more data and products. He expressed the hope that ODINWESTPAC can play an important role in providing better service, and producing more data and products for the benefit of the research communities in the region. He further referred to many activities on going and organized in the WESTPAC region, which are not focusing on data and information management issues. He indicated that its beneficial to think about how to make some initial efforts in the near future to link the observation and scientific research community with data and data information management communities. He looked forward to a very efficient and effective actions or progress to be made over the next two years. He thanked all colleagues from WESTPAC Member States and the IODE Officers for the valuable contribution made at the meeting. He ended by warmly welcoming all the participants to join the 10th WESTPAC International Scientific Conference to be held in 2017 Qingdao, China. Dr Shi declared the First Session of AG for the ODINWESPAC closed on Thursday 28 January 2016 at 16h15. Annex I AGENDA OF THE MEETING Opening 1.1 Remarks from Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG, Vice-Chair of UNESCO/IOC, Chair of IOC/WESTPAC 1.2 Remarks from Yutaka Michida, Co-Chair of IOC/IODE 1.3 Remarks from Peter Pissierssens, Head, UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE 1.4 Remarks from Ms. Zheng Rui, State Oceanic Administration (SOA) 1.5 Welcome remarks from Dr. Shi Suixiang, National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) 1.7 Introduction by participants Administrative arrangement Adoption of the agenda Designation of Chair of the meeting Local information Group photo The establishment of internal Advisory Group Background Terms of Reference and membership of the AG Report from IODE on the future of ODINs from the last IODE session The IODE Co-Chair is invited to give a brief report on the results from last IODE Session as relevant to WESTPAC. Report from IOC/WESTPAC on WESTPAC and its future plan The IOC/WESTPAC is invited to give a brief report on the current status and future plan of IOC/ WESTPAC, and the future expectation on ODINWESTPAC. Review the progress since the ODINWESTPAC Regional Workshop held in Tianjin, March 2014, identify the problems encountered Ms Yu Ting will report on implementation of the work plan that was agreed during the regional workshop and identify problems encountered. Brainstorming ODINWESTPAC future development proposal NMDIS, the project host center, will report its vision on the future development of the project. Participants are welcome to present their proposals (if any). 7.2 Comments from AG members ODINWESTPAC vision and action plan in the next two years Data and information management requirements in the WESTPAC region ODINWESTPAC proposed action plan and budget for 2016-2017 Other matters Relationship between the advisory group and the IODE Steering Group for ODINWESTPAC Planning for AG-ODINWESTPAC Session Closure Annex II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS AUSTRALIA Dr Greg Reed Executive Officer Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility Fleet Headquarters Wylde Street Building 89, Garden Island Potts Point NSW 2011 Australia Tel: +61 2 93593141 Fax: +61 2 93593120 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:greg@meoc.gov.au" greg@meoc.gov.au CHINA Dr SHI Suixiang Deputy Director-General National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24015299 Fax: +86 22 24010926 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:shisuixiang@hotmail.com" shisuixiang@hotmail.com Prof LIN Shaohua National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24010803 Fax: +86 22 24010926 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nmdis0803@126.com" nmdis0803@126.com Mr YANG Jinkun National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24010820 Fax: +86 22 24010926 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:newyjk@126.com" newyjk@126.com Dr CHEN Manchun Department of Oceanography and Meteorology National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24010803 Fax: +86 22 24010926 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cmcnmdis@126.com" cmcnmdis@126.com Dr HAN Guijun Key Lab of Marine Environment Technology and Information National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24010846 Fax: +86 22 24010926 Dr JIANG Xiaoyi Department of Data Management National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24013778 Fax: +86 22 24010926 Ms WAN Fangfang Department of Oceanography and Meteorology National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24010831 Fax: +86 22 24010926 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fangfww15@sina.cn" fangfww15@sina.cn Dr YU Ting (Julia) Secretary for International Cooperation National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24010885 Fax: +86 22 24010926 E-mail: julia_yu_nmdis@163 INDONESIA Dr Susilohadi SUSILOHADI Head Marine Geological Institute Jalan Dr. Junjunan 236 Bandung 40174 West Java Indonesia E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:s.susilohadi@mgi.esdm.go.id" s.susilohadi@mgi.esdm.go.id JAPAN Dr Yutaka Michida IODE Co-Chair Center for International Collaboration Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute The University of Tokyo Kashiwanoha 5-1-5 Kashiwa 277-8564 JAPAN E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ymichida@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp" ymichida@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp Mr Yasuhiko Karigome Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) 2-5-18, Aomi, Koto-Ku Tokyo, Japan Tel +81-3-5500-7130 Fax+81-3-5500-7156 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jodcint@jodc.go.jp" jodcint@jodc.go.jp KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) Dr Joon-Soo LEE Senior Researcher Korea Oceanographic Data Center, Ocean and Ecology Research Division National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) Korea Rep E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:leejoonsoo@korea.kr" leejoonsoo@korea.kr THAILAND Dr Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG IOC Vice-Chair WESTPAC Chair Senior Marine Biologist Phuket Marine Biological Center, Department of Marine and Coastal Resources 51 Moo 8, Sakdhidej Rd. Wichit, Mueang District Phuket 8300 Tel: +66 76 391040 Fax: +66 76 391040 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:skhokiattiwong@gmail.com" skhokiattiwong@gmail.com IODE Secretariat Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-340158 Fax: +32-59-79 5220 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org IOC/WESTPAC Mr Wenxi Zhu Head and Programme Specialist IOC Regional Office for WESTPAC c/o the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, 9th Floor, the Government Complex Building B 120 Chaengwattana Road, Lak Si, Bangkok 10210, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2 141 1287-89 Fax: +66 (0) 2 143 9245 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:w.zhu@unesco.org" w.zhu@unesco.org Annex III Draft Terms of Reference for the Ocean Data and Information Network for the Western Pacific Region (ODINWESTPAC) Advisory Group Objective: The ODINWESTPAC Advisory Group aims to facilitate the ODINWESTPAC activity. For this purpose, the ODINWESTAPC Advisory Group has the responsibility to provide scientific and technical advice on development, planning and implementation of the project to the Project Coordinator. Composition: The ODINWESTPAC Advisory Group, composed of the Project Coordinator and some experts in relevant disciplines of marine data and information management (and other experts could be invited to join the AG meeting). The Project Coordinator will select up to six experts from a pool of volunteers. The selection of members will take into account balanced representation of geographical distribution of the WESTPAC member states, gender, and the basis of their professional expertise. Additional experts may be consulted as needed. The Project Coordinator should contact ODINWESTPAC National Focal Point, the related IODE National Coordinators, and other sources of expertise, to identify the expert pool based on the experts willingness. The term of experts in the ODINWESTPAC Advisory Group is two years in office, with possible renewed. Chairperson: The Project Coordinator shall serve as the chairperson for the Advisory Group. The chairperson shall be responsible for representing the Advisory Group and reporting to the ODINWESTPAC Steering Group. He/She shall report to the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) and IOC/WESTPAC, at their respective regular sessions, as the Project Coordinator. Operation of the Advisory Group: The Advisory Group should conduct its business by emails and telecommunication means. It may organize face to face meetings if necessary, in order to facilitate discussion among members. Responsibilities: Provide technical advice on - The future development of the ODINWESTPAC; - A short- and long-term strategic plan associated with Ocean Data and Information Network (ODIN); - Assess the requirements for the implementation of the project, including approaches to identifying and mobilizing these requirements; - Review the present status of the project and identify the challenges faced and potential improvements; - Make necessary recommendations towards the project and to advise the participating countries to facilitate progress; - Facilitation of cooperation among member states in the region. Membership Dr SHI Suixiang Deputy Director-General National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93 Liuwei Road. Tianjin 300171, China Tel: +86 22 24015299 Fax: +86 22 24010926 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:shisuixiang@hotmail.com" shisuixiang@hotmail.com Dr Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG Senior Marine Biologist Phuket Marine Biological Center, Department of Marine and Coastal Resources 51 Moo 8, Sakdhidej Rd. Wichit, Mueang District Phuket 8300 Tel: +66 76 391040 Fax: +66 76 391040 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:skhokiattiwong@gmail.com" skhokiattiwong@gmail.com Dr Greg Reed Executive Officer Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility Fleet Headquarters Wylde Street Building 89, Garden Island Potts Point NSW 2011 Australia Tel: +61 2 93593141 Fax: +61 2 93593120 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:greg@meoc.gov.au" greg@meoc.gov.au Dr BUI Hong Long Chairman of IOC Vietnam, Senior researcher, Assoc. Prof National Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission for Vietnam 01 Cau Da Nha Trang Khanh Hoa Vietnam Tel: +84-58.3590772 Fax: +84-58.3590034 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:buihonglongion@gmail.com" buihonglongion@gmail.com Dr Joon-Soo LEE Senior Researcher Korea Oceanographic Data Center, Ocean and Ecology Research Division National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) Korea Rep Emai:  HYPERLINK "mailto:leejoonsoo@korea.kr" leejoonsoo@korea.kr Dr Susilohadi SUSILOHADI Head Marine Geological Institute Jalan Dr. Junjunan 236 Bandung 40174 West Java Indonesia Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:s.susilohadi@mgi.esdm.go.id" s.susilohadi@mgi.esdm.go.id Mr Yasuhiko Karigome Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) 2-5-18, Aomi, Koto-Ku Tokyo, Japan Tel +81-3-5500-7130 Fax+81-3-5500-7156 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jodcint@jodc.go.jp" jodcint@jodc.go.jp Annex IV REVIEW OF ODINWESTPAC WORKPLAN FOR 2014-2015 The following unimplemented activities in the ODINWESTPAC workplan for 2014-2015 are identified to be included into the ODINWESTPAC action plan for 2016-2017. DatesItemAction byCost< end of 2017 Training on metadata/GeoNetworkIODE Secretariat/ Host$30000-50000< end of 2017Training on e-repositories (data entry)IODE Secretariat/ Host$30000-50000As soon as possibleFind out whether marine librarians of the region have experience with e-repositoriesNMDIS/All Member Statesn/aAs soon as possibleSeek advice from the SG OceanDocs about language of metadata in e-repositoriesP. Pissierssens n/a< end of 2016Survey of technical procedures (quality control, vocabularies,) (survey would be designed by NMDIS) IODE Secretariat/ Member States n/a< end of 2016To create a new webpage on the ODINWESTPAC website linking URL data center/institution/agency in each member state on available data services (complimented with the new proposal for action plan )All Member States/ NMDIS n/aASAPNIWA to apply for NODC Status (need further confirmation by IODE Secretariat)NIWAn/a!8h<hXB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHo(phtH)h<hXB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h<hMB*CJOJQJ^JaJph8h<hMB*CJ0OJPJQJ^JaJ0nHo(phtH)h<hMB*CJ0OJQJ^JaJ0ph h<hMCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0h<hMmH sH )h<hMB*CJ$PJaJ$nHphtH)h<hB*CJ$PJaJ$nHphtHh<hMB*CJ$aJ$ph jh<h)UmHnHu  !"#$%&'()*+,$a$gdl/gdM`gdM $`a$gdMgdM $`a$gdM͸͝vdN9#+h<hXB*CJ\aJmH o(phsH (h<hL B*CJ\aJmH phsH +h<hX5B*CJ\aJmH phsH "h<hM5CJ\aJmH sH (jh<h)UmHnHsH tH u h<hMh<hMmH sH 5h<hMB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHphtH)h<hXB*CJOJQJ^JaJph8h<hXB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHo(phtH)h<hMB*CJOJQJ^JaJph    ! 7 8 9   ^ _ ` $1$a$gdX 1$7$8$H$gdX1$gdX $1$a$gdX $1$a$gdL $a$gdX$a$gdl/     ! 7 nn]M24h<hXCJKHOJPJQJaJmH nH sH tH h<hX5CJ\mH sH !jhk#5CJU\mH sH +h<hXCJKHOJQJaJmH o(sH "h)CJKHOJQJaJmH sH (h<hXCJKHOJQJaJmH sH (h<hCJKHOJQJaJmH sH 4h<hXCJKHOJPJQJaJmH nH sH tH h<hM5CJ\mH sH (h<hMB*CJ\aJmH phsH        ( * 2 3 N Q ^ _ ` b s t u ζΡΑ{_SG<h<hLmH sH h<hb5mH sH h<hL5mH sH 7h<hez5CJKHOJPJQJaJmH nH sH tH +h<hX5CJKHOJQJaJmH sH h<hX5CJ\mH sH (h<hCJKHOJQJaJmH sH .h\CJKHOJPJQJaJmH nH sH tH 4h<hXCJKHOJPJQJaJmH nH sH tH +h<hXCJKHOJQJaJmH o(sH ` b t u J a # Y S1n" h " h # h gdT{" h $a$gdL$1$a$u v      ) * + E F ⻧vevT jhT{UmHnHu jDhT{UmHnHuh)mHnHu jǮhT{UmHnHujhT{UmHnHuhT{mHnHu'hihT{CJKHaJmHnHtHuh>.GhT{mHnHsH u1hT{5CJKHOJPJQJaJmH nH sH tH :jhT{5CJKHOJPJQJUaJmH nH sH tH  F G H I J M N o p q       # $ @ A B \ ] ^ _ ` a ǾǾǾǾz jhT{UmHnHu j8hT{UmHnHu jhT{UmHnHu j>hT{UmHnHuhT{mHnHuh>.GhT{mHnHsH u'hihT{CJKHaJmHnHtHuh)mHnHujhT{UmHnHu0a c d       ! 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