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Le Traon) Adaptive Grid Modelling (G. Gorman) GOOS Outreach and Advocacy (R. Rayner) BREAKOUT SESSION I Breakout Group 1: Scoping future possibilities for global-coastal modelling Breakout Group 2: Outreach and advocacy Breakout Group 3 Process and mechanisms for identifying activities for recognition as part of GOOS Operational data streams for JCOMM to take on End-to-End Systems for incorporation into GOOS (e.g. the Ocean Tracking Network) GOOS IMPLEMENTATION Coordination with Implementing Organizations and Programmes WMO-IOC Joint technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) (J-L. Fellous) IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) GRAs Regional Seas, LMEs and other Regional, GOOS- Relevant Programmes (F. Grard) GOOS-GEO Coordination and Collaboration (J. Field) Matters arising from GEO Plenary Other linkages Interaction with Industry (C. Grant) Coordination with Other Organizations and Programmes Global Observing Systems Information Center (GOSIC) (C. Lief) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) (A. Kellerman) North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) (Y-J. Ro) Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) (J. Field) Plans for Pilot Projects and New Studies (Working Group Report) Census of Marine Life (CoML) (J. Gunn) Other research initiatives relevant to GOOS development BREAKOUT SESSION II Breakout Group 4: Developing Present Activities into Pilot Studies and Priorities for Doing So Breakout Group 5: Planning for the 4th GOOS Regional Forum STATEMENT BY INCOMING GSSC CHAIR (R. Rayner) REGIONAL GOOS IMPLEMENTATION Role and status of GRAs in implementation of Coastal GOOS (T. Aarup) Arctic ROOS (T. Gross) Ocean Chlorophyll Pilot Project (ChlorOGIN) (J. Field) Support for Coastal Hazard Mitigation and Coastal Development (D. Y. Lee) Preparation for the 4th GOOS Regional Forum (J. Muelbert) PICO LINKAGES: IGOS COASTAL THEME AND GEO COASTAL ZONE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE Overview and Status of GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (Di Giacomo) Regional GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice Workshop (Di Giacomo) REVIEW AGENDA FOR PICO-I REPORT ON THE SCIENTIFIC WORKSHOP IN-SESSION BREAKOUT GROUP REPORTS INTERSESSIONAL WORK PLAN AND INPUT TO I-GOOS IX Accept GSSC-XI action items to be considered by I-GOOS Board IV FORMAL ISSUES GSSC Membership Membership of the sub-groups (OOPC and PICO) Date and Place of the Next GSSC and PICO Sessions CLOSURE OF THE SESSION     PAGE  IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-XI/01 page  PAGE 2 PAGE  Restricted distribution IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-XI/01 Agenda Item: All Paris, 8 April 2008 English only +,78YZ~( ) < V d e f y z { {vn\MBh#h#CJaJh6Zh6ZmH nH sH tH "hE;&CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h6ZCJaJ hE;&\ hE;&6\ hE;&6 hE;&5\hE;&CJ \aJ .hE;&CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH hE;&(hE;&5CJPJ\aJmH nH sH tH "hE;&CJPJaJmH nH sH tH hE;&CJaJ$hE;&5CJ\aJmH nH sH tH hE;&5CJ\aJ,8Z) V ojbbbb$a$gdE;&gdE;&xkd$$Ifx\0%   U(44 xaytE;& $$7$8$Ifa$ $$Ifa$gdwY CV d e f y z { z <`<gd# & Fgd# & Fgd#gd#gd6ZgdE;&$a$gdE;&{ ] ^ x z   * + ; < I J a m n     ߼߼ߌߌׁׁyh%tCJaJh#h6ZCJaJh%th%t6CJaJh%th#6CJaJh%th=g6CJaJh=gh=g6CJaJh=gCJaJh#hjKCJaJhjKCJaJh#CJaJh#h#CJaJh#5CJaJh#h#5CJaJ/ , J o " #      x`xgd# & F 80]0`gdjK<`<gd# & Fgd#gd# & Fgd# & F`gdjK & F0]0gd=g Y Z de%&d-.no<`<gd#`gdjK & F`gdjK & F]`gdjKgd# & Fgd# PXcYZc!",.m  $/0\¶Ͷ}hw[6CJaJhw[h<[6CJaJh#hjKCJaJh6ZCJaJh<[5CJaJh#CJaJh#h#5CJaJh#hwYCJaJh<[h<[6CJaJh<[CJaJh%th%t6CJaJh%tCJaJh#h#CJaJ/oEF1hi<`<gd# & Fgd#gd# & Fgd#\]g=|35e*ABCDFGIJLMOPVWXZ[]^cͺh6CJaJhGh6CJaJh6 h60Jjh60JUhvajhvaUh=gCJaJh#hjKCJaJh#CJaJh#h#5CJaJh#h#CJaJhw[hw[6CJaJhw[CJaJ1=>345efx`xgd#<`<gd# & Fgd# & Fgd#gd#()*ABCEFHIKLNOXYZh]hgdc &`#$gd(U & Fgd#x`xgd#<`<gd# & Fgd#gd#Zkgd(U $ !$a$gd(U$ !$^a$gd(Uh]hgdc &`#$gd(UgdwY !$h]h^gd(U$d&`#$]da$gdG$ "/&`#$]/a$gdG&TùóäÔh=gCJaJhvah6CJaJmH sH hwYh6CJaJmH sH  h60Jjh60JUh6hwYh6mH sH h60JCJaJmHnHuhGh60JCJaJ!jhGh60JCJUaJgd#5 01h:pc/ =!"#$% $$If!vh5 5 55 #v #v #v#v :V xU(5 5 55 4 xaytE;&D@D NormalCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHb@b E;& Heading 2$$7$8$@&a$"5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJtH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4@4 wYHeader  !4 @4 wYFooter  !.)@. c Page Number6,8Z)Vdefyz{  z,Jo"#YZ de%&d-.noE F   1 h i = >    3 4 5 e f ( ) * A B C E F H I K L N O X Y Z k000000 0000000000f0f 0f 0{f0f 0{f0f 0{f0f0f 0f0f 0f 0f0f0f 0f0f 0f 0f 0f 0f0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f 0#f 0#f0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f 0f 0f0f 0f0f 0ef 0ef0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f 0f 0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f0f0f 0f0f0f0f0f0f 0f0f 0 f0f 0 f 0 f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f0f 0f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f0f 0 f0f0f 0 f0f0f 0 f0f 05 f0f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f0f 0f00@0h00@0h00@0h00@0h00@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0̕@0@0@0@0@0h00,8Z)Vdefyz{  z,Jo"#YZ de%&d-.noE F   1 h i = >    3 4 5 e f ( ) * A B C Z k000000 0000000000f0f 0f 0{f0f 0{f0f 0{f0f0f 0f0f 0f 0f0f0f 0f0f 0f 0f 0f 0f0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f 0#f 0#f0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f 0f 0f0f 0f0f 0ef 0ef0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f 0f 0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f0f0f 0f0f 0f0f 0f0f0f 0f0f0f0f0f0f 0f0f 0 f0f 0 f 0 f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f0f 0f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f0f 0 f0f0f 0 f0f0f 0 f0f 0w f0f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f 0 f0f0f 0f0fj00,j00@0@0@0@0 00 Q\_{ \ V  oZ  DKMQX!!!@  @ 0(  B S  ?H0(  `T}abcDvd4}e}ftzgzhzidjkl$mdVV]  77?K) UU     [cc>JQQ. 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