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Working Group 3 TSUNAMI RELATED SERVICES Progress Report (Draft) Introduction At the Eighth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group Warning System for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG / CARIBE-EWS-VIII), held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from April 29 to 1 May 2013, it was decided to create a Task Team called Communication and dissemination of warnings, which aimed to redefine the structure and objectives of the working group No. 3 to this attend these issues more effectively. The Task Team reviewed the previous documents of the Working Group 3: Alert, Broadcasting and Communications, in particular the documents submitted by the working group at the third meeting of ICG / CARIBE EWS in Panama, 2008; and the report submitted by the former Chairperson Ms. Elizabeth Klute Group (UK), at the seventh meeting of the ICG / CARIBE EWS in Curacao, 2012. the old terms of reference and functions of the Working Group 3 was also revised to guide the proposals made at the time. They took into account the contributions of the members of the team, which were few, but very significant. Also, it takes into account the new direction of the group, with a focus on alerts, dissemination and communication of new services related to tsunamis, which would distribute the PTWC in the future. The new name of Working Group 3 was adopted at the Ninth Session of the ICG / CARIBE-EWS-IX, held in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, from 13 to 15 May 2014: Tsunami Related Services, which new purpose is to advise the IGC on mechanisms and procedures to ensure end to end communication and dissemination of early warnings, based on installed capacity and develop existing each country, focusing on guidance for alerts, dissemination and communication of products related to tsunamis. For work developed were welcomed the recommendations made by France, to include representatives of the Hurricane Committee of the World Meteorological Organization, as a permanent member of the renewed Working Group 3. The invitation to participate has been managed by the secretariat of the ICG. Also, I consider also suggested by Dr. McCreery, as to distinguish messages between regional warning centers and scientific institutions; and between them and the other institutions of the countries and communities, understanding that are different messages for different users. Progress and challenges on aspects of technology and communications platform for alerts: During the years of this management, the opportunities given in the execution of the exercises Caribe Wave 2015 and 2016, to test the media and transmission platforms, and assess their effectiveness far could be exploited. The main observations were: - For the dedicated channels of the World Meteorological Organization, the GTS and AISR (Aeronautical Information System Replacement) there are reports that the systems continue functioned smoothly in countries that use it regularly. As a novelty, Venezuela tries to access this platform to receive messages through this medium. Difficulties arise because FUNVISIS is an institution of seismological research, and are not familiar with these platforms, so it requires joint with their meteorological counterparts in the country, Inameh and SEMETFAV to gain access. - Regarding the use of social networks based on widely available Internet, tests were made to evaluate its use and application for the transmission of alert messages and information exchange. They were scanned messaging networks: Twitter, Whatsapp, Blackberry Messenger, Line; Social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Flirck; videoconferencing and utilities: Hangout, Blackboard, Skype. They were: Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook, Hangout and Skype turned out to be the most accessible and stable. - Is highlighted the brief contact maintained during exercise Caribe Wave 2016, between the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology of Guatemala (INSIVUMEH), the National Monitoring System Tsunamis (SINAMOT) of Costa Rica, the OSSO Corporation and DIMAR of Colombia, who on March 17, as part of the exercise Caribe Wave 2016, established contact via Hangout with FUNVISIS in Venezuela, to receive first hand information from damage and data from earthquake and tsunami scenario, so that these countries could make decisions about alert levels determine needed to protect their coastal populations. - The testing of direct satellite connections of Internet access experienced in Venezuela, enhance the availability of Internet in remote areas and extreme conditions, which will be very useful in a disaster, when it is assumed that conventional platforms of Internet service providers will collapse. This experience could be transferred to other countries in the region. - The impact and scope of the conventional telephone network, fax and cellular wireless networks, as effective means to transmit and receive messages if tsunamis were evaluated. A first approach suggests that much of the infrastructure cell phone on one side, not on the shorelines at sea level due to the need for these teams to work in high places; and on the other hand, have limited battery in case of power failure backup. Given these conditions, one can say that: 1) If not directly affected by the earthquake, no significant damage expected in the infrastructure. 2) While infrastructure remains intact, it may only work for a very limited time, not having an adequate backup power. 3) Studies in more detail are required to establish actual levels of vulnerability of the network. What is conclusive is the fact that this platform is the most widely used throughout the Caribbean region for all people, for information on tsunamis and alerts, coupled with the availability of smartphones interconnected with Internet networks is extensive and disseminated. - In addition to these media, it continues to promote the participation of amateur radio volunteers who consistently maintained networks of radio communications national and international level in the HF bands: 11, 20, 40 and 80 meters, and additionally in the VHF and UHF for more local communications. These ham radio operators have offered their services to ensure redundancy in communications, and contact regions difficult to access, in order to guarantee effective receipt and transmission of messages. During the last few years it has seen an increased interest from this group of people to collaborate and play a leading role in the event of disasters, both in Venezuela and throughout the Caribbean region, demonstrating its importance in emergencies. - It is necessary to assess the experiences that arise spontaneously organized social groups to provide solutions to the problems of communications. It highlights the experience developed by L'association Gwadalug (Guadeloupe), in conjunction with other activist groups, free software enthusiasts, who anticipates a project called "Geek Contre Tsunamis". To exercise Caribe Wave 2015 established an emergency bridge Internet to contact the Dsirade island, and where loss of the connection and emergency data backups (for details simulated: http: //www.gwadalug .org / spip.php? article139). Also, for the Caribbean Wave 2016, they used drones, seismic and meteorological sensors operating in real time as well as emergency Internet connection from the island of Marie Galante with other nearby islands. Progress and challenges on aspects of Protocols for end to end communication and dissemination of warnings During the present year, also they took advantage of the opportunities offered preparation Caribe Wave 2015 exercise, to test the media and platforms of transmission: - There is agreement as to which there must be various types of information for each audience, pursuing certain goals. The information shared by researchers, emergency managers, the different levels of government, the armed forces and the general public are substantially different. The challenge ahead is to recognize what types of information will be managed from the national levels, to whom it is addressed (and in that order), and the purpose of providing this information (notifying authorities, enabled protocols, evacuate coastal populations), o maybe they need be establish training or counseling to do that? - As regards the data exchange network, it is unclear whether the institutions that are generating capabilities of detection and analysis of information threats in the Caribbean wish to make contact during the suspected tsunami in the Caribbean. The last efforts addressed during exercise Caribe Wave 2016, they demonstrated the importance of having at least brief contact to confirm and process the preliminary information on the characteristics and observed tsunami, upon reaching the first coastline of any country effects. - Messages with improved PTWC products already available from March 1 this year. In the document: improved user Warning Center in the Pacific Tsunami Warning System for Tsunami and Mitigation in the Pacific Products Guide. IOC Technical Series No. 105, Revised Edition. IOC-UNESCO, 2014, clarify that: "... In recent years, the use of the terms" alert "and" warning "has generated some confusion when alert levels PTWC own conflicted with established independently by the countries. As each country is sovereign and therefore responsible for the security of its own population, in new products PTWC the "alert" terms and "notice" be avoided and speak instead of expected levels of impact on coasts "(p. 3 section 1.4) This requires each country having to determine levels of alert to their own country; and to design and disseminate information called "domestic products", which used to inform the population on the basis of improved PTWC products. This remains a major challenge for the responsible agencies, governments in the region. - Among the questions to be addressed in the next administration of this working group are the following: In many countries in the region now have a defined protocol or criterion of information on public warning in case of tsunamis, according to the new products PTWC? (Or as transmit countries improved products issued by the PTWC for focal points, population and other local institutions?) Has it been made clear the nature of new products issued by the PTWC, especially the role to be assumed by each country regarding its use in determining alert levels? If every country should have alert levels according to their own realities and contexts, How to propose a common basis from which to compare, evaluate and improve these systems, allowing its evolution? What would be the most appropriate messages that should receive the population in case you need to communicate a tsunami warning? Will this be an area where researchers and postgraduate students of universities could make important contributions? - The media continue to be an important channel for transmission of public information in the event of tsunamis. It is necessary to promote social communicators oriented in order to win them as allies in case of tsunamis, but especially for information campaigns on self-protection measures and preparedness training this threat. In this sense, the idea is gaining strength design short courses, diploma courses and other means to get the attention of these professionals on the role to be played before, during and after a tsunami. - There is still very little information that can help determine whether the information received by countries on related products tsunamis finally reaches the coastal towns and other interests that make life on the sea. - I Cobra more and more effective the proposal on the design of warning dissemination systems "in parallel" based on communities. This means that the subject at risk for tsunami coastal populations, should acquire ability to identify at sea signals tsunamis, and enable organizational plans and response at the local level to implement self-protection measures by themselves, because the formal and bureaucratic channels for transmit and receive alerts at the final destination could delay, too late. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ICG / CARIBE EWS Considering the above in this report, the Working Group 3 recommends the following: - Urge countries to diversify their media, so that the redundancy of communications between PTWC and national centers can be established to ensure receipt of messages. - Invite countries to enable and incorporate within their, means of communication for the exchange of information in real time, allowing exchange scientific data and information for the assessment of tsunamis and response scientific and emergency management agencies to the same. - Invite countries to explore the effectiveness and applicability of the use of social networks and other media based on the web, for the dissemination of educational messages and public awareness, community preparedness, and to disseminate emergency messages. - Urge countries to formally incorporate collaborative initiatives to message broadcast systems, incorporating valuable contribution of amateur radio, and other organized groups of the population. - We suggest countries promote and encourage training programs for representatives of the media, in order to win them and engage them as partners in the dissemination of key information to communities about tsunamis, both in terms of preparation and response, and aspects of risk reduction. - Urge countries to establish mechanisms that help determine whether the information received from PTWC on products related to tsunamis, finally reaches the coastal towns and other interests that make life on the sea, and identify these problems and their solutions. - We recommend countries to continue impulsanso the development of early warning systems, both with technological deployments and institutional protocols; as well as in communities, enhancing and strengthening their capabilities, so they can act for themselves before the occurrence of these phenomena.      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