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The assessor and representative of the candidate centre will then discuss the responses and seek consensus on a final version of the survey. This document will then form the basis of the final assessment of the application. The decision on the suitability of candidate centres will be made by the IODE Secretariat, in consultation with the donor. In case of doubt the decision can be made by the IODE Officers. The results of the survey will be made available publicly through the IODE web site. If candidate centres do not wish to have their survey results made available publicly then they should inform the Secretariat prior to the site visit, in writing. In that case the distribution of the survey results will be limited to the IODE Officers and IODE Secretariat. This survey is composed of 6 parts: PART 1: PHYSICAL AND TECHNICAL FACILITIES Training rooms Training related equipment Internet connectivity Power and climate control PART 2: EVENT RELATED SERVICES Catering Student accommodation PART 3: HUMAN RESOURCES RTC Principal Lecturer RTC Teaching Assistant RTC Administrative Assistant RTC Technical Support Assistant PART 4: RELEVANT EXPERIENCE AND HISTORY OF THE CANDIDATE CENTRE AND ASSOCIATED HUMAN RESOURCES PART 5: PRACTICAL/LEGAL ISSUES Part 6. SUSTAINABILITY OF THE REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRE ANNEXES: Annex I: Terms of Reference for OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centre Annex II: Minimum requirements for hosting an OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centre Annex III: MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ON THE OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centre PART 1: PHYSICAL AND TECHNICAL FACILITIES Number of training rooms: If there is more than one training room then please provide the following information for each room ROOM 1: Size of room 1: L x W x H (in meters): Capacity (persons of room 1): Configuration of room (auditorium, U-shape, other or changeable) Are desks available yes/no, how many and what type/dimensions Computer equipment available in room: yes/no Number of computers available in room: Type(s) of computers available in room (students): Type(s) of computer(s) available in room (lecturer) [note: 2 computers are required near the lecturer] Video projector available in room: yes/no ; Type/resolution of video projector: Projection screen available in room: yes/no and size: Large LCD screen(s) available in room: yes/no how many; Make/model/size of LCD screen(s): SmartBoard (interactive whiteboard) available yes/no and make/model: What computer peripheral equipment is available (printers, scanners,) Podium for lecturer available yes/no Is there a PA system (YES/NO)? please give details (type, model, etc) File server available: yes/no (can also be located elsewhere) Windows available in room yes/no and can room be darkened yes/no and how: Lighting available in room yes/no and type (incandescent/halogen/tube) Is Lighting dimmable: yes/no Is room equipped with climate control (A/C) yes no and what type (window, wall, ceiling,) Is there outside noise or are there potential sources of outside noise: yes/no Is it possible to isolate the training room from external ambient noise (yes/no)? explain how. Ambient Noise level in room (dB(A) can be measured with iPhone app): Without A/C: With A/C: Is power supply overall stable or are there frequent brownouts/blackouts: Does the host institution have a power generator yes/no and how long does it take to start up Is there a UPS for computer equipment yes/no and if so for what equipment (applicable to the training room) Are computers linked to network CABLED AND/or WIFI : (circle applicable) Speedtest CABLED (speedtest.net): download Kbps: / upload Kbps Speedtest WIFI (speedtest.net): download Kbps: / upload Kbps Pingtest CABLED: ping ms/Jitter ms/ Packet loss: % (server: ) Pingtest WIFI: ping ms/Jitter ms/ Packet loss: % (server: ) Number of wifi points: Number of PCs that can be served by available wifi points: Is an internet connection available that is specifically dedicated to videoconferencing (YES/NO)? What bandwidth? Specify or give details if that will be feasible or considered during the courses events. Webex test (qualitative assessment): Skype test: (qualitative assessment): Ports blocked by local firewall: Other relevant comments on facility: Is there backup equipment and spares available (Yes/No)? (PCs, audio visual equipment, video projector bulb, ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 2: EVENT RELATED SERVICES Is student accommodation available on site? Yes/no. If yes then at what cost and describe: Is lecturer accommodation available on site? Yes/No. If yes then at what cost and describe: Are catering facilities available for students and lecturers on site: yes/no. If yes then describe (including cost). IF no then describe where meals can be obtained. Is the meals room/area separate from the training room (yes/no)? If yes, how far? Explain/describe. Are there photocopying facilities available inhouse? YES/NO At what cost: speed (copies/minute) Otherwise where can copies be made: Can the students and lecturers have access to computers, software and internet for study related use during no course time? If no accommodation is available on site then where can students reside and at what cost? If no accommodation is available on site then what transport is available from accommodation to RTC and return, and at what cost? Are there safety/security concerns in the area of the training cenue and/or accommodation? Explain: How far is the host institution from the nearest city centre and what transport is available? (for social activities) What are the normal working hours in your organisation? Is it possible to work late or early if needed (e.g. due to the need to work synchronous with an in institution in a different time zone +2 or -2 hours) What is the distance (km and time) to the nearest international airport? PART 3: HUMAN RESOURCES RTC Principal Lecturer Name: Current job at host institution: Contact phone: e-mail: CV (please provide as annex): Qualifications and Experience relevant to OTGA role: Advanced University degree (MSc or PhD) in a subject area relevant to the Project: yes/no and describe Demonstrable teaching experience (Academic and/or technical): yes/no and describe Excellent command of the main working language of the RTC as well as of English. Main working language of RTC: Proficiency: writing excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none speaking excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none understanding excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none English Proficiency: writing excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none speaking excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none understanding excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none Keen interest in new technologies and their application to training and education: yes/no and describe Demonstrable experience in the use of computers and web-based applications. yes/no and describe Specific experience in teaching ocean data management or marine information (library) management: Specific experience in teaching other IOC domain topics: RTC Teaching Assistant(s) Note: if there is more than one then copy the below questions for each Name: Current job at host institution: Contact phone: e-mail: CV (please provide as annex): Qualifications and Experience relevant to OTGA role: Advanced University degree (MSc or PhD) in a subject area relevant to the Project: yes/no and describe Excellent command of the main working language of the RTC as well as of English. Main working language of RTC: Proficiency: writing excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none speaking excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none understanding excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none English Proficiency: writing excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none speaking excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none understanding excellent/ good/ acceptable/ none Keen interest in new technologies and their application to training and education: yes/no and describe Specific experience in teaching ocean data management or marine information (library) management: Specific experience in teaching other IOC domain topics: Demonstrable experience in the use of computers and web-based applications. yes/no and describe Experience with end-user support (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, MS-Office applications): yes/no and describe Experience on using Moodle and Mediawiki (if none but experience with other content management and/or learning management systems then please specify) RTC Administrative Assistant Name: Current job at host institution: Contact phone: e-mail: Qualifications and Experience relevant to OTGA role (for information only): If the RTC Administrative Assistant is out of the office (sick leave, other leave) then is a replacement available: YES/NO RTC Technical Support Assistant Name: Current job at host institution: Contact phone: e-mail: Qualifications and Experience relevant to OTGA role (for information only): If the RTC Technical Support Assistant is out of the office (sick leave, other leave) then is a replacement available: YES/NO How many staff members does your organisation currently employ? In case of need, who can replace the RTC Administrative Assistant? In case of need, who can replace the RTC Technical Support Assistant? Explain how feasible is it to adapt your organisations default schedule/working hours to another time zone. PART 4: RELEVANT EXPERIENCE AND HISTORY OF THE CANDIDATE CENTRE AND ASSOCIATED HUMAN RESOURCES Provide any information that reinforces the application of the host institution to be designated as a OceanTeacher Global Academy regional training centre. This can include an existing role as training institution, possibility to issue diplomas and degrees, easy access to additional lecturers in various disciplines related to IOCs mandate, experience in hosting and organising international events, etc. PART 5: PRACTICAL/LEGAL ISSUES Are there any restrictions or preferential treatment applied to particular countries in terms of obtaining visas to attend courses: YES/NO Specify: Can the institution provide assistance to students to obtain visas (letter of invitation,) Will the institution provide scholarships to students? YES/NO specify: Will the institution charge fees and other costs to students to attend courses? YES/NO What arrangements can be made for medical/accident insurance for students and visiting lecturers? Does the institution have any formal relation with institutions of higher education (or is a part thereof)? PART 6: SUSTAINABILITY OF THE REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRE The sustainability of the Regional Training Centre for courses other than those funded by the OceanTeacher Global Academy project is crucial to the selection of the RTCs. What projects is the host centre involved in which require training that could be organized by the RTC? What training activities, other than those funded by OTGA, are you planning in the next 4 years (if it is not possible to provide information for the next 4 years then provide what is possible) Is funding available for the courses listed above? What funding opportunities can you identify for the RTC within your region? [end of survey questions] ANNEX I TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR OCEANTEACHER GLOBAL ACADEMY REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRES The OceanTeacher Global Academy project will promote the establishment of Regional Training Centres and will assist with their setup and coordination but the main responsibility of establishment, operation and maintenance of the Centres will be with the host countries/host institutions. The Terms of Reference of the OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centres will be as follows: Plan, organize and host training courses for their region (The Centre shall be open to participants from all Member States in the Region and, subject to availability of resources, to interested countries in other regions, as appropriate) Provide local Lecturers and Teaching Assistants Contribute content to Digital Library and Courses Participate in the OTGA Steering Group Promote OceanTeacher with an active Outreach Programme Provide Annual Operating Reports ANNEX II MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR HOSTING AN OCEANTEACHER GLOBAL ACADEMY REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRE To be designated as an RTC, institutions shall satisfy the following general criteria: The Centre shall: Through its host Government, facilitate entry and exit into/from the country to participants from all IOC Member States; Provide or assist with identifying suitable and affordable accommodation; Provide training room(s), adequately equipped (see Technical Criteria) Provide not less than one (1) Principal Lecturer (see 3.3.3) and two (2) Teaching Assistants (see 3.3.4), competent in at least one of the subject areas covered by IOC; Have access to other institutional or national experts, or experts from other countries in the region, competent in other subject areas covered by IOC; Provide not less than one (1) administrative assistant (see 3.3.6) to assist with the RTC management, funds management, reporting and course organisation Provide not less than one (1) technical support assistant (see 3.3.7) (including IT and telecommunication) to assist with the RTC technical support. In addition to be designated as an RTC, institutions shall satisfy the following technical criteria: The Centre shall provide, in the classroom(s): Reliable high speed Internet connection (at least 2 Mbps); Wired or wireless network, sufficient to support not less than 20 computers; 2 LCD or LED Video screens ( >46 ) and associated sound system (microphone and speaker(s); Firewall with all necessary ports open to enable Webex or similar Internet based video conferencing system, see note (1); PC to be used as file server accessible to all students and lecturer: see note (2) PC for lecturers equipped with webcam, microphone and presentation recording software: see note (3) Note (1): for the virtual classroom communication link the best solution will be studied during the start-up phase of the project. The hardware and software required will be provided by the project. Note (2): students will be required to bring their own laptop computers. These should be equipped with up to date antivirus software. This will need to be checked by the technical support assistant. If such software is not installed on the students laptop or not up to date then the technical support assistant will install a trial version of a popular antivirus software on the students laptop computer. Note (3): we recommend Macbook Air laptop computers and Screenflow software for this purpose. However an equivalent Windows based PC and equivalent screen recording software can be considered. ANNEX III FORMAL AGREEMENT RELATED TO THE ESTABLISHMENT AND HOSTING OF AN OCEANTEACHER GLOBAL ACADEMY REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ON THE OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centre in [city, country] __________________________________________________________________ Between and THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION Through its INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION. (Hereinafter called UNESCO/IOC) (Hereinafter called ..) Now therefore, the parties hereby agree as follows: Considering that one of the UNESCO/IOC mission is to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity-building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making processes of its Member States; Bearing in mind that UNESCO/IOC collaborates with national institutions concerned with the work of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, and especially with those which are willing and prepared to contribute to the purpose and functions of the UNESCO/IOC and/or to seek advice and cooperation in the field of ocean and coastal area scientific research, related services and capacity-building; Considering further that the [host institution name] is [description of host institution and mandate]; Convinced that joint work between the IOC of UNESCO and [host institution name] in the field of ocean related training will be mutually beneficial to both parties and to the marine research community as a whole, with special attention to Member States in the [region]; Taking into account the experience of [host institution name] in [description of expertise and mandate]; Recalling that the IOC Assembly, during its 27th Session, decided to take action in accordance with the Recommendations adopted by IODE-XXII, and agreed with the IODE work plan for 2013-2015; Bearing in mind that the OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centre in [city, country] will contribute to the capacity building requirements of several IOC programmes such as GOOS, Tsunami warning and mitigation, and IODE; Have agreed as follows: I. Purpose The OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centre in [city, country] will: Plan, organize and host training courses for their region. The Centre shall be open to participants from all Member States in the Region and, subject to availability of resources, to interested countries in other regions, as appropriate; Provide local Lecturers and Teaching Assistants; Contribute content to Digital Library and Courses; Participate in the annual meetings of the IODE Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Global Academy; Promote OceanTeacher - active Outreach Programme; Provide annual reports on training courses organized by the Regional Training Centres. II. Principles The Parties enter into this Agreement following principles that are founded in respect, mutual goodwill, accord each other all reasonable cooperation and assistance as may be expected between institutions committed to the highest standards of scientific research, environmental protection and international cooperation. III. Management The Centre will be hosted and managed by [name of host institution] in terms of the physical facilities and their operation as well as the management of the local staff; The Centre will be a member of the IODE Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Global Academy (SG-OTGA) which will be responsible for the governance of the OceanTeacher Global Academy Project; A course programme will be agreed upon by both UNESCO/IOC and the Centre annually as detailed in the Oceanteacher Global Academy Project Document. For such courses jointly organized within the framework of the Project, lecturers/trainers will be selected and approved by both Parties upon advice from the IODE Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Global Academy; IV. Scope of Cooperation Under this agreement, it is hereby agreed that the Centre shall: Through its host Government, facilitate entry and exit into/from the country to participants from all IOC Member States; Provide or assist with identifying suitable and affordable accommodation; Provide training room(s), adequately equipped (see Technical Criteria) Provide not less than one (1) Principal Lecturer (see 3.3.3) and two (2) Teaching Assistants (see Human Resources), competent in one of the subject areas covered by IOC; Have access to other institutional or national experts, or experts from other countries in the region, competent in other subject areas covered by IOC; Provide not less than one (1) administrative assistant (see Human Resources) to assist with the RTC management, funds management, reporting and course organisation Provide not less than one (1) technical support assistant (see Human Resources) (including IT and telecommunication) to assist with the RTC technical support. In addition to be designated as an RTC, institutions shall satisfy the following technical criteria: The Centre shall provide, in the classroom(s): Reliable high speed Internet connection (at least 2 Mbps); Wired or wireless network, sufficient to support not less than 20 computers; 2 LCD or LED Video screens ( >46 ) and associated sound system (microphone and speaker(s); Firewall with all necessary ports open to enable Webex or similar Internet based video conferencing system see note (1); PC to be used as file server accessible to all students and lecturer: see note (2) PC for lecturers equipped with webcam, microphone and presentation recording software. Note (1): for the virtual classroom communication link the best solution will be studied during the startup phase of the project. The hardware and software required will be provided by the project. Note (2): students will be required to bring their own laptop computers. These should be equipped with up to date antivirus software. This will need to be checked by the technical support assistant. If such software is not installed on the students laptop or not up to date then the technical support assistant will install a trail version of a popular antivirus software on the students laptop computer. In terms of Human Resources the Centre shall provide: 1. RTC Principal Lecturer This person will have the following responsibilities: Coordinate the activities of the RTC; Comply with the reporting requirements of the RTC; Participate in meetings of the Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Global Academy (see 3.4); Lecture courses as relevant to his/her field(s) of expertise at his/her own RTC or to other RTCs via video conferencing (or in person); Develop and add content in the OceanTeacher Global Academy Learning Management System; Promote the OceanTeacher Global Classroom at the national, regional and international level. Maintain an RTC web site that describes the RTC, its facilities, staff and activities. Requirements/qualifications: Advanced University degree (MSc or PhD) in a subject area relevant to the Project; Demonstrable teaching experience (Academic and/or technical); Excellent command of the main working language of the RTC as well as of English; Keen interest in new technologies and their application to training and education; Demonstrable experience in the use of computers and web-based applications. The Head of the Host institution of the Centre shall designate the Principal Lecturers. The designation will be submitted to the IODE Secretariat (att. Peter Pissierssens,  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org) and will include a full CV that complies with the requirements/qualifications listed above. The associated staff cost will be covered by the host institution. 2. RTC Teaching Assistants The Centre will provide at least two Teaching Assistants. These persons will have the following responsibilities: Assist the Principal Lecturer with his/her courses, with special emphasis on practical exercises; Assist invited lecturers (lecturing by video conference or in person) with supporting technical exercises; Assist Principal Lecturers and invited lecturers with adding/updating materials in the Learning Management System; Assist Principal Lecturer with the RTC web site. Requirements/qualifications: Advanced University degree (MSc or PhD) in a subject area relevant to the Project; Excellent command of the main working language of the RTC as well as of English; Keen interest in new technologies and their application to training and education; Experience with end-user support (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, MS-Office applications); Demonstrable experience in the use of computers and web-based applications. The Head of the Host institution of the Centre shall designate the Teaching Assistants. The designation will be submitted to the IODE Secretariat (att. Peter Pissierssens,  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org) and will include a full CV that complies with the requirements/qualifications listed above. The associated staff cost will be covered by the host institution. 3. RTC Administrative Assistant The Centre will provide one RTC administrative assistant who will be responsible for the administrative actions related to course events and contract management. The Head of the Host institution of the Centre shall designate the RTC Administrative Assistant. The designation will be submitted to the IODE Secretariat (att. Peter Pissierssens,  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org). The associated staff cost will be covered by the host institution. 4. RTC Technical Support Assistant The Centre will provide one RTC Technical support assistant who will be responsible for : maintaining the PCs of the training room including: regular cleaning/wiping of hard drives ensuring that all PCs are virus-free and have the latest virus definitions ensuring that all PCs have the latest OS and software updates ensuring network integrity and operation providing permanent support during video conferencing sessions assist with the development and maintenance of the RTC web site RTC Administrative assistant will be designated by the Host Country of the RTC. No justification documentation is required. RTC Technical Support Assistants will receive training on video conferencing practices. The associated staff will be covered by the host institution. V. Use of the names and logos Unless authorized in writing in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations regarding the use of the name and logo, neither party shall use the name, acronym or official logo of the other party, for advertising or any other purposes. VI. Privileges and Immunities of UNESCO Nothing in or relating to the present Memorandum of Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of any of the privileges and immunities of UNESCO. [name of host institution] shall hold harmless, defend and indemnify UNESCO against all lawsuits, claims, costs and liabilities resulting from any intellectual property disputes or other disputes occurring under the present Memorandum of Agreement and which arise out of acts or omissions of [name of host institution] . VII. Duration, modification and termination This Memorandum of Agreement shall be in effect from the date of the last signature and shall be valid till [date]. This Memorandum of Agreement may be amended only by written agreement between the Parties. This Memorandum of Agreement may be terminated by either party before the expiry date of the Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other party. The period of notice shall be fourteen days. VII. Settlement of disputes The Parties will negotiate and cooperate with each other in good faith to resolve any disputes or conflicts that arise in connection with this MoA. In witness where of, the duly authorized representatives of the Parties, hereto sign two (2) originals of this Agreement, in English, considered identical in Paris and [city] Signed on behalf of UNESCO/IOC ________________________________ Dr. Wendy Watson-Wright Executive Secretary IOCSigned on behalf of [name of host institution] [name] [designation] 1, rue Miollis, 75015, Paris France[name of host institution] Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:ioc.secretariat@unesco.org"ioc.secretariat@unesco.orgE-mail: ..  With the term region reference is made to the geographic area for which it has been agreed the RTC will provide training. This will be agreed upon by the Steering Group of the Project.     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