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Millares [0]2"Moneda3* Moneda [0] 4NeutralANeutral  e%3Normal % 5Notasd Notas  6* Porcentaje 7SalidawSalida  ???%????????? ???8Texto de advertenciaO Texto de advertencia %9Texto explicativoI5Texto explicativo % :Ttulo3Ttulo DTj% ;Ttulo 2ETtulo 2 DTj%? <Ttulo 3ETtulo 3 DTj%23 =TotalMTotal %[[XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16` Hoja1"98 IDEstadoPresin ?Sea level rise!Sea level historical measurementsFrequency of natural disastersCoastal erosion Coral healthStrategic ecosystems coverage Fisheries total catch by countryCoastal and marine surface area!Protected coastal and marine areaProtected strategic ecosystems-Coastal / Housing infraestructure developmentCoastal population densityPower generation$Ethnic composition and distribution Food securityCoastal economic activities%Port capacity and operational statusMSP-ICZM progress*ENVIRONMENT (Pressure - State - Response) SOCIOECONOMIC GOVERNANCECategoryName of the indicatorStatePressureType of indicator(Compliance with the Cartagena Convention Compliance9State of progress of ICZM (including MSP) in each countryMinistry of the EnvironmentRCEP-UNEP, Caribbean governments, INTERPOL-Environmental compliance and enforcement)Ministries, Governments, Port authorities.Ministries of Trade, Tourism, Transports, etc.)FAO, Governments, UN, Food Security Index4Governments, Ministries of Mining, Energy or similarHMinistries, institution charged with population statistics or equivalent8 Institution charged with statistics and national census$Marine research centers, Governments Governments/Ministries of Fisheries, Environment or similar,Marine research centers, Healthy reefs, OHI?Research centers, Ministries of the Environment or universities Research centers or universitiesMarine research centers, OHIMNational Geological Institutes or organisation devoted to study this pressure4Meteorological centers, Disaster prevention centers 4Feasibility according to availability of informationHigh Medium-High Medium-Low Low-MediumMediumScaleELocal, National, subregional (island - mainland) and Caribbean regionNational Caribbean regionNational / localNational Local National Caribbean region 'Local or national (1:5000 to 1:100.000) Local National Caribbean regionLocal or national Local National  National Caribbean region National >Percentage of coastal population with guaranteed food security7How power is generated in coastal areas in each countryAInventory of economic activities in coastal areas in each country/Marine and coastal surface area in each country8Proportion of marine areas designated as protected areas@Proportion of strategic ecosystems designated as protected areasChanges in the coverage of marine and coastal strategic ecosystems (sandy beaches, rocky shores, mangrove forests, seagrass and coral reefs)[Progress achieved on policies and their implementation on the coastal and marine management[Existence of ICZM policies, plans and/or actions to evaluate progress on coastal managementDBar chart showing progress of the ICZM-MSP processes in each country% (percentage)'% percentage of affected coral coverageHectaresn% contribution of each type of fishing activity to total fishing catches Total catches per country (tons/year)Hectares or km2 % percentage5Percentage of population suffering from malnutrition.inhabitants / km2Types of energy sources (renewable sources, fosil fuels, certified clean energy), percentage of coastal population using each type of energyUPercentage of complied agreements by country More difficult agreements to comply withbDepending on the reliability and the temporary nature of data, significant changes may be observed on sea level rise of countries. It might be even observed the heterogeneous nature that sea level rise may have in the different countries of the region, allowing the identification of areas facing a higher impact caused by climate change (vulnerability).cRate of sea level rise expressed in centimetres for a specific time interval (fa year for example).n(sea level in a spefic year - sea level in the following year ) = mm / year It could be annual, decadal, etc.>Trend graph (points). Value for the rise rate of each countryJSerie of sea level historical data (at least one one station per country).Units COUNTRY: Available information? AICHI target What to show How is seenHow is calculated&Where comes from (organisations, NGOs)How is representedBase information requiredIncrease/decrease of events Registering what kind of incidents occur during the year, comparing to previous years Historical variations in the range of incidents of these events*Places in the coastline presenting erosionBehaviour of the recent temperature with regard to the historical average to detect effects and positive anomalies caused by climate changeCChanges in specific places regarding diseases in corals and impacts[Proportion of the chatch of a country corresponding to a artisanal and industrial fisheriesBOperational status and capacity of the main ports in each country.^- Map with port locations - Data on port operations, dimensions, infraestructures and capacity8Commitment acts, revisions, implementation of agreementsBar chart comparing countriesTables. Rows: agreements, Columns: countries which complied with. Pie chart showing percentage of compliance of agreements by countries. M- Map showing port locations - Bar graph showing port dimensions, size, etc. Maps with layers showing where disasters occurred by year. Bar graph with years vs. Number of incidents per country, different colours per each type of incident.Malnutrition rate per countryBar graph with ethnic subdivisions per each ethnic group per country. Layers represented by colours showing the distribution of the different ethnic group (if any and if it is sectorised)Data on coastal population composition per ethnic groups (indigenous, Afro-descendents, mestizo and white people) in each country.bPie chart showing percentage of uses per country, pie chart showing percentage of total population[Types of energy source used in the Caribbean, percentage of the population using each type.(coastal indigenous population / coastal total population) x 100 (coastal Afro-desdendet population / coastal total population ) x 100 (coastal mestizo population / coastal total population ) x 100 (coastal white population / coastal total population) x 100oShow cultural diversity and concentration in coastal areas in order to support actions to solve social problemsOPercentage of the population belonging to different ethnic groups in the regionPercentage of population suffering from malnutrition vs. percentage of the coastal popularion with guaranteed basic nood provision - pressures on coastal/marine ecosystems *High risk of bias by some countries zNatural/artificial Surface -Docks - Channel draught - Main land road connections - Containers annual volume Type of cargoUStablish scales for catalouguing according to the a rapid diagnosis made by countrieswCounting of port installations per types in the coastal area in each country (include attributes for each port, if any)|Conditions of the marine water and the air during the last years to demosnstrate and calculate the effects of climate changegBased on the studied corals of each country, stablish what percentage is affected by any coral disease.6Stability of strategic ecosystems in terms of coverage6How is the Caribbean distributed between the countriesDContribution of each type of fisheries and total catches per country(annual artisanal fisheries catches / annual total ficheries catches) x 100 (annual industrial fisheries catches / annual total ficheries catches) x 1000Number of inhabitants per unit area in the coastZPie chart showing the contributions of artisanal/industrial fisheries to the total catches3Represent coastal-marine areas on maps or bar graphXGraduated symbols with the proportion value corresponding to protected areas per countryaPie chart with the proportional value corresponding to protected strategic ecosystems per countryBar chart showing built areas divided by type of infrastructure per country. Maps showing critical points where pressure and development have more i<bmpacted foressen in the Caribean.Graduated symbols according to a range of values of densities or with graduated colours over the politic-administrative divisions.dData on recent population census (less than 5 years if possible) of the coastal aras in each countryyRegistering legislation (policies) in ICZM-MSP, existence of plans formulated, in process of implementation or evaluationLevel of compliance. Progress made from 1986. Efficiency of the Protocol, where more policy and work is needed in order the Protocol to be complied * Risk of generating tensions between countriesSurface in the coastal area that is built (type of construction). Land cover map in the coastal zone. Vectors for diffrerent kind of rodas in the coastal zone per country.Pressures impacting coastal ecosystems because of human development, determining sustainability approximately and consequences that may have on fragile ecosystemsCDegree of population concentration in coastal areas in each countrylExisting demand of coastal, natural/modified territory for developments (infrastructure, roads, ports, etc)9(protected coastal area surface/ total coastal area) *100D(coastal-marine surface in a country / total country surface) x 100Values of the extent or coverage of strtaegic ecosystems in each country. Extent of strategic ecosystems in marine protected areas in each country.]Marine and coastal surface in each country. Extent of marine protected areas in each country.kNumber of events / year per type of event in a town, state (political-administrative divisions) or country jChanges, if any, in the frequency of events/year as a consequence of climate change Changes, if any, in the extent of phenomena (latitude) as a consequence of climate changenumber of events / year / type Types de events: high swells, hurricanes, storms, sicigia, earthquakes, floods caused by high swells, floods caused by high precipitations.jRecording ocurrence of natural disasters per type, location. date (at least of the last year per country) Cdregree of erosion in the coastal zone and and degree of the impactJ(linear extent of coastal erosion / total extent in the coastline ) x 1005Map with vectors and valoue per coast in each country>Coastline vector Vector for coastline areas presenting erosionstrategic ecosystem area (ha) changes of coverage in the strategic ecosystem (ha) = previous year ecosystem area (ha) - current ecosystem area (ha)JBar graph or lines of loss/gain. Traffic-light maps (loss, gain or stable)MMonitoring fishing catches (standarise sources (landings or ships records...)&Coastal and marine surface per country^Multitemporal analysis of strategic ecosystems coverage (satellite images, aerial photography)KGraphs at regional level. Dispersion in case of comparable historical data.5% of coral areas affectd by diseases, bleaching, etc.Ocurrence of diseases in monitoring stations or bleaching records and reef health by means of indexes derived from monitoring (CARICOM)Data series from stations such as: air temperature (maximun, average y minimun), sea surface temperature, precipitations. Satellite imagery series of sea surface temperature.5Pie chart or analysis with linear anomalies over timeAverage temperature in a month - verage temperature for that month over a period of analysis (10, 20 or more years) = anomalies Positive values of the indicator mean higher temperatures than usual in that month while negative values indicate lower temperatures than usual2unit of the variable to be measured (C, mm, etc.)Ocurrence of anomalies on sea surface temperature (may be applied to othe attributes (precipitation,maximun ambient temperature, maximun water temperature, etc)Mechanisms for the generation of power in the Caribbean (clean, sustainbles energies), existing sustainable initiatives, percetage of population with access to electricity, average energy comsumption+Demographics of ethnic groups in the regionsDistibution, status, capacity of the major ports of the Caribbean *Conection with infrastructure indicator iCountries that respected the agreement, who mantains it in force, where the problems/mistakes still exist(protected strategic marine-coastal ecosystem surface / strategic marine-coastal ecosystem total area) * 100 Strategic ecosystems: sandy shores, coral reefs, seagrass, mangrove forest, rocky shore)]% Proportion of coastal areas that are built. Number of ports. Roads linear extent (km/miles) (surface of the built coastal / total coastal zone surfacea ) x 100 = % built area Ocurrence and number of ports Linear extent of roads in the coastal zoneQ aRhSITyTVWXY[J e] A_q Ebuctfjnp(ux{ ~ [gcc9 PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V{&;q 8ЊK߳/ :!IJmU/T,D"?hֶnR fqD֥֒?x@B>Jp 8˩8Iqbɬ4tnɱ (ikU oq8_KPDQKPwݨy nNnhx ǭ{ic]i]s-wddLÌ,G>kӭ&#Jyxae|gOg<={Çg~|i8/o?E=ţTgh׏x7# ѐ*9E7&3',Fu3KJ@BLˋ;a,85|%5QnpEDxfΓoGZj9h'5ѼpD#.>&0۔jq=~u15dDDZ4Tk913GNt$, Gia&#25&e⫸~!3bԟ45\K`Jү|~ĖL8=6n3`sxbtT{Lk$馓5, 0|XD b+ko:=< F߂q\ݦ6HU Ӷ2>)g8-f3$[QyN,Rt25)' b4l[bl`ɭZAxgɵ@V5rt=d:%>WӮHg*0 xS4f)4"'j FaeW,(P֎fgAժiQ52;D\LMUD4ê l|E^a 1Kgҽ)m*/gQj4j [ڱ+NPT]݈[Q#A*?mZh2Caw@U'<'̯Pd5Jvr,GʒFִkJ-(=6h[]Ԫw%mZ-\<ܷЉ۝gfɭz^v+~UjصZnt}s?3cᕼPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!7Ttheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  T8   dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?M Kyocera ECOSYS M2035dn KX$dXX"dPcKMp o @*3*$o @*3*$ EE0010000L -L -2 dd@ ? ?XX0J,X< No0000Arial?  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