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Since the old version oQOn the other hand, increased need of closer cooperation with Black Sea CommissioQAt this stage the all the Black Sea countries NODCs and oceanographic data managQBulgaria Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC), Institute of Oc*Georgia Tbilisi State University (ADU);QRomania National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore AntipaQRussia - All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - WorQData Centre (RIHMI-WDC), Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and MoniKTurkey - NODC-Turkey, Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography;QUkraine Institute of Marine Biology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (PROJECT OBJECTIVESQOBJECTIVE 1: Provide assistance in the development, operation and strengthening QOBJECTIVE 2: Provide training and education in oceanographic data and informatioQOBJECTIVE 3: Enhance national and regional awareness for oceanographic data and QOBJECTIVE 4: Assist in integration and maintenance of national and regional oceaQOBJECTIVE 5: Assist in development and dissemination of oceanographic data and iQOBJECTIVE 6: Undertake the ODINBLACKSEA activities in close collaboration and neACTIVITIES DESCRIPTIONQOBJECTIVE 1 Provide assistance in the development, operation and strengthening oQProvision of expert support for development, operation and strengthening of NODCQNational experts will work in close collaboration with each other and with IODE QExpected result: Strengthen the structure of existing NODCs and ADUs in the Blac*Setting up/Maintaining the Project officeQProject office could be set up in one of the participating countries. It is reco4Expected result: Project office set up/maintenance.Q1.3 Setting upgraded version of ODP software regional segment for ODINBLACKSEA tQThe ODP technology as an umbrella that comprises NODCs data systems and providQODINBLACKSEA Regional ODP will be set-up and other ODINBLACKSEA NODCs and/or ADUQExpected result: Oceanographic data, information, products and services exchangeQOBJECTIVE 2: Provide training and education in oceanographic data and informatioN2.1 Participation in advanced data and information management training courseQThese data management training courses should be attended by the staff of NODCs :Expected result: Increased expertise of the NODCs staff.?2.2 Operational oceanography training, provided by top expertsQTo organize a basic course on Operational Oceanography for the specialists from LExpected result: NODCs will obtain expertise on Operational oceanography. Q2.3 Training and capacity building activities on Oceanographic Data Collection wQIn cooperation with all NODCs and related oceanographic research institutes in tQExpected result: Oceanographic data gaps in the region will be defined by the NOQOBJECTIVE 3: Enhance national and regional awareness for oceanographic data and *3.1 Support to enhance national awarenessQTo enhance awareness about the importance of oceanographic data and information QExpected result: Enhanced national awareness and increased institutional and pub43.2 Development and maintenance of project web siteQIn order to assist the coordination of project activities, as well as to create 0Expected result: ODINBLACKSEA web site set up. QOBJECTIVE 4: Assist in integration and maintenance of national and regional oceaQ4.1 Development and updating of inventory of oceanographic data sources (observiQIn order to provide best knowledge about the data collection infrastructure in tQExpected result: Updated inventory of the above mentioned will be in use for theQ4.2 Integrating of NODCs oceanographic metadata bases and if possible data basesQIn order to make oceanographic metadata and the data itself if possible to be viQExpected result: Update NODCs Oceanographic Metadata and data if possible and inQOBJECTIVE 5: Assist in development and dissemination of oceanographic data and i85.1 Support for elaboration of concept of data productsQTo enhance utilization of the existing oceanographic data and information producQExpected result: Enhance utilization of the existing oceanographic data and info@5.2 Development of user oriented data and information products QODINBLACKSEA will work in close collaboration with the research community which :Expected result: End-user oriented products and services.O5.3 Specification of potential need of information and data for the Black Sea QBlack Sea countries will assess users data and information needs and prepare th0Expected result: List of information resources.QOBJECTIVE 6: Undertake the ODINBLACKSEA activities in close collaboration and neQ6.1 To increase potential partnership with Black Sea Commission in terms of OceaQODINBLACKSEA will increase the collaboration with Black Sea Commission through iQExpected Result: ODINBLACKSEA and Black Sea Commission partnership in oceanograpQ6.2 To harmonize ODINBLACKSEA activities with the other relevant organizations, QODINBLACKSEA ODP will be aligned with the existing international oceanographic dQExpected Result: Promoting ODINBLACKSEA ODP as the one of the tool for oceanograORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENTQThe project will be directed, monitored and supervised by the Project Steering CQProject Coordinator will be elected by the Steering Committee and will manage daQIt is recommended to set up project office equipped with all needed communicatioQODINBLACKSEA may have joint meetings and activities with Black Sea Commission th Title Headingsd 8@ _PID_HLINKS'AdHx9#mailto:borys.aleksandrov@gmail.comg6mailto:m_elge@hotmail.com^n3mailto:vjaz@meteo.ruG 0mailto:incdmct@datanet.roq -mailto:valchev@io-bas.bg 9*mailto:marinova@io-bas.bgG'mailto:a.stefanov@io-bas.bgy$mailto:palazov@io-bas.bgw?!annex4w8annex3w9annex2w:annex1  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^`abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     Root Entry F$RData _1TablelWordDocument cSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8 MsoDataStore.#ROQ#RUISVTAQ==2K#R'Q#RItem  PropertiesUCompObj `  F Microsoft Word 97-2004 DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8