ࡱ> !# #` Qbjbj .I,uuuut(v,Txxxxxyyy$hRb;yyyyy;xxPu{u{u{y.xxe{yu{u{J\xx q{muy"=B f0zyf yyS{yyyyy;;I{ yyyyyyy,,,9=8,,,=,,,  EXAMPLE OF A SCORECARD TO HELP EVALUATE A CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY This is an example of a scorecard proposed to facilitate the development of specific scorecards adapted to specific activities, bearing in mind that evaluation methodologies and scorecards should be developed with all parties involved in the activities, in a participative process. In this example, the scorecard is to be used in the evaluation at project-level of a cooperative project with the goal of empowering an institute to use earth observations to better participate in decision-making and planning processes for environmental management and economic development. This evaluation scorecard is to be filled by staff from the beneficiary institute. It is conducted along the dimensions of ownership and self-drive, relevance, transparency and efficiency/effectiveness, impact, sustainability and coordination with and streamlining into the overall GEOSS strategy. Please refer to the principles and guidelines of GEO capacity development indicators for more information. It is emphasized that this scorecard only is a tool to facilitate the evaluation of objectively verifiable indicators to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation process. The indicators will not by themselves provide key information to improve project and programmes, which will be better obtained through a more open-format questionnaire (e.g., what was the aspect that most gave your institute a sense of ownership of this project? What aspect should be improved in highest priority for strengthening your institutes ownership? ). The table is structure as follows: ownership and self-drive ownership of resources ownership of project content ownership of expertise relevance transparency, efficiency and effectiveness transparency efficiency of funds utilisation effectiveness impact output outcomes sustainability evaluation during project evaluation after project streamlining and coordination with GEO priorities coordination and harmonisation contribution of GEO to harmonisation of this project Unless otherwise noted, in the table below, institute refers to the beneficiary institute. Dimension measured and indicator definition Guidelines for indicator evaluation Scores For qualitative indicators Value for quantitative indicators Ownership and self-drive 1. ownership of resources Institute control of expenses expenses were controlled by foreign agency with little input from institute or its ministry foreign agency controlled expenses but plans were somewhat adapted to information and requests provide by institute funds were controlled by foreign agency but expenses were well adapted to reflect institutes requests most of the funds were provided directly to institute or relevant authority with freedom to allocate in ways they saw as optimal Institute self-drive in seeking funds (How did the project arrive at the institute?) Low self-drive: sponsor approached institute and the latter invested no resources, in-kind or financial, in preparing the proposal for funding The sponsor approached the institute but the institute actively participated in preparing the project proposal The institute approached the sponsor but the project document and proposal were not entirely its own Self-driven: institute approached sponsor and prepared proposal on its own N/A Ratio of self-sponsorship to external funds in the project N/AN/A Ratio of funds going to recipient country to those going to foreign partners N/A N/A Ratio of funds managed by institute to total funds for the project N/AN/A 2. Ownership of project content Project concept The idea originated from sponsor and/or institute in sponsoring country and remained the main thrust of the project project idea originated from sponsors but adapted to information provided by institute project idea originated from institute but was modified significantly by sponsor before acceptance of support project idea originated from institute, is in the plans of the instt and has been approved by the instt board of directors and sponsor accepted it with little modifications Minister in charge directed inst to sort out an issue that lead to the projectN/A Project formulation (ownership by institute) 0. Project document was developed by external consultant with little input form recipient institute 1. Project document was developed in large part by external consultant, but much of the substance is provided by the institute 2. Project document developed mostly by institute experts, with guidance provided by external consultant 3. Project document developed entirely by institute experts Project formulation (ownership by beneficiary communities or decision-makers) project beneficiaries contacted only after project is formulated project beneficiaries contacted in conception phase, but no mechanism and resources were allocated to take much of their input beneficiaries contacted and mechanisms were set to allow them to play an active role in project formulation beneficiaries were the initiator and driving force of the project Project implementation project is entirely coordinated by organizations and consultant from outside the region project is partly coordinated by national or regional experts and/or agencies project is mostly coordinated by national or regional experts and/or agencies project entirely coordinated by national or regional experts and/or agencies, with sponsoring country or region providing oversight or advisory services as requested 3. Ownership of expertise Use of nationally available expertise no effort was made to identify locally, nationally or regionally available expertise for this project some effort was made to identify local expertise, but project tends to use external expertise too often high priority is given to use nationally available expertise when available national or regional expertise was used for most of the project, with external expertise only called upon in exceptional cases as needed Ratio of in-kind contribution to the projects expertise to the funds spent on external consultants N/A Relevance Relevance to recipient countrys government plans The project doesnt respond to a government priority project is not of high priority at the level of ministries but is of high priority in its particular field project is seen as important in relevant ministries, although it is not the highest priority the project is of the highest priority for the government the instt was directed to address the issue by government Relevance to institutes priorities in its plans to develop capacity The project doesnt respond to a priority expressed by the institute the project does not focus on one of the priority in the institute plans but does address one or more of them The project focuses on one of the priority expressed by the institute The project focus is on the highest priority in the institutional planning Relevance to beneficiary communities or users expressed priorities not known there are no data to show if this is at all relevant to these priorities some data suggest this is relevant to priorities, but no study or survey has been carried out to ensure relevance survey has been carried out and project is relevant to needs although not of the highest priority survey has been carried out and project corresponds to highest priority Legitimacy with communities or stakeholders that beneficiary institute is to serve institute (or NGO) does not have government mandate and does not have trust of communities on the ground institute has a government mandate, but is not necessarily the best organisation to carry out the work for which capacity is to be developed, and does not have the trust of communities on the ground institute has a clear mandate from government to carry out the work, but lacks trust of communities on the ground institute has a clear government mandate and has trust of communities on the ground Ranking in order of priorities in government official policy documents 0 for lower than 5 and 5 for highest priorityN/A Ranking in order of priorities in relevant ministries official policy 0 for lower than 5 and 5 for highest priority N/ATransparency, Efficiency, and Effectiveness 1. Transparency Transparency of funds utilisation funds are not auditable as expenditure information is not available Sufficient information is provided to carry out auditing but no auditing is performed internal auditing is conducted for all funds internal auditing is conducted and all necessary information is available to carry out an external audit Transparency in forming project team no information on why people are in the project team is provided some information is provided but there are no clear and objective criteria and guidelines for selection clear and objective criteria and guidelines are followed, but opportunities have not been very widely disseminated opportunities well disseminated, many applications were received and team selected through an open process Average number of applications effectively considered for each position in the project  N/AAverage number of bids received for purchases or contracts higher than e.g. 10K N/A 2. Efficiency of funds utilisationAdaptability and improvement there are no mechanisms to monitor efficiency efficiency is monitored but the project is not adapting and improving with the information gathered efficiency is well monitored and project is continuously improving using the information For meetings and training: ratio of UN DSA rates to the DSA actually provided N/A Efficiency of travel: estimation of the average ratio of travel to the cheapest available means of transportation N/AFor training: average number of man-days of training per 1000 USD N/A Number of events organised jointly with other programmes with overlapping objectives N/A 3. EffectivenessContribution of activities to the stated outcomes The project did not address the problem it was to supposed to the project allowed to grow the necessary capacity to begin addressing the problem the project gave most of the necessary capacity to resolve the problem the project fully resolved the problem it addressed Adaptability and improvement there are no mechanisms to monitor effectiveness of the project effectiveness is monitored but the project is not adapting and improving with the information gathered effectiveness is monitored and project is continuously adapting and improving using the information Impact 1. OutputIncrease in institute visibility to ministries and decision-makers the project has not resulted in any measurable difference in interaction with DM the project results were presented to relevant authorities and ministries project results were presented regularly to relevant authorities and ministries the project allowed institute to become part of the planning process with relevant authorities Peer reviewed output 1: number of international publications resulting directly from the project N/APeer reviewed output 2: increase in institute publications clearly attributable to the project N/ANumber of demonstrations to ministries N/A Funds that went directly to the institute N/A Value of needed instruments that were acquired within project and are operational after completion N/A 2. Outcomes Environmental benefits no benefit to the environment: institute did not develop a new service of product that can be used to better manage the environment and natural resources a service was developed but of insufficient quality to be of great use for environmental/resources management service of great potential developed but remained largely underutilised (science remained on the shelves) quality service was developed and institute ensured it would be used in community-based or government planning process Outcomes or impact to community (or other stakeholder) no benefit to community: institute did not develop a new service that serves the community Institute developed a service a new service but it does not have the quality necessary to be of great use to the community Institute developed a service of potential great use to the community but that is not used (lack of outreach) institute provides service that is used by community Evaluation of the increase in production attributable to the capacity developed in the project N/A Evaluation of the number of jobs created N/A Sustainability 1. Evaluation during project Project fit in institutes long-term plans for growth poor fit: the project doesnt answer neither a current need neither a need within the longer-term strategy or vision of the institute project does answer a current need, but the need is punctual and will disappear shortly after project execution. Does not fit within institute plans Project answers a need that will remain important after project ends, but is not of high priority within institute plans Project answer a need that will remain of high priority and is an expressed high priority in institutes long term plans Training is conducted with tools (e.g. software) that are available to the institute after project completion the tools are not available after the training and are not affordable to the institute tools are available to the institute after the project but are too expensive to be maintained and or purchased by the institute training was conducted on tools that are affordable to the institute but no plan is made to ensure they will be purchased training is conducted on tools that are affordable to the institute and the institute has plans to purchase or maintain the tool after project completion 2. Evaluation after project (e.g., 2 years after project completion) Sustainability of capacity: 2 years after project completion capacity focussed onto during the project is not used and not maintained 2 years after project completion capacity is somewhat maintained but is not being used capacity is maintained but institute has not put a high priority in updating it capacity is still relevant and useful and was updated/expanded by institute to keep addressing growing demand Sustainability of benefits services provided by the capacity are not available and institute does not a make priority of finding the resources to maintain them services not provided due to insufficient resources but institute is actively searching for resources and ways to re-establish them service is still provided but beneficiary community is loosing interest community taking an active role in using services and requesting its updating and expansion Contribution in the long-term to institute capacitynegative: project has distracted institute human resources from the priorities it had determined for its growth plan project has grown a capacity that was useful punctually but has not resulted in increase in quality of services or science conducted project created new services and created opportunities for improvement in science quality project jump-started the use of tools that now constitute a major axis of growth in service and funding-base for the institute Streamlining and coordination with GEO priorities 1. Coordination and harmonisation Project builds upon existing GEO initiatives little or no research was conducted to identify existing initiatives that could overlap with the project some research was conducted but the project was conceived largely in isolation existing initiatives within GEO were identified, the project was adapted accordingly to focus on an unaddressed need or to coordinate with other projects addressing a similar need Coordination and harmonisation with other GEO CD activities other GEO organizations conducting CD (GEOCDs) were not informed of this project GEOCDs were informed but too late for the project to be adapted to their input most/all GEOCDs were informed and were provided opportunities to give their input starting with project conception most GEOCDs were informed, many provided input and project was adapted accordingly Coordination with other activities within the GEO SBA this project falls into other agencies working in the SBA were not contacted contact was established with a few agencies working in the SBA, but too late in the planning process to allow project to be adapted to information collected most other agencies working in the SBA were contacted and project was formulated with input from these agencies project was conceived and formulated in consultation with other agencies working in the SBA Number of guiding principles in GEO CD strategy that are well adhered to in the project N/A Number of GEO organisations which gave input at project conception N/A Number of meetings and workshops which were held in conjunction with other GEO meetings and workshops N/A 2. Contribution of GEO to harmonisation for this project GEO provided a platform for networking and information exchange that was useful for this project Information collected and organised by GEO was not consulted Some of the significant contacts for this project were established through GEO meetings The GEO community was actively contacted using the resources developed by GEO, but key collaborations for this project were established independently of GEO Many of the key collaborations in this project were established through GEO GEO provides a web portal that was useful for coordinating the project with existing capacity development initiatives web-portal not developed, not yet operational, or not known of the participating organisation web-portal known by participating organisation but information on existing EO CD activities was too incomplete (scale) to be of use to the project web-portal provided a useful picture of ongoing initiatives in CD web-portal provided much of the key information that helped harmonise the project with other ongoing work Use of web portal and other tools by actors in earth observations CD to coordinate their activities web-portal is rarely used and very few actors know of it web-portal is fairly well known, but is not used regularly many actors in EO CD use the web-portal for information web-portal is the acknowledged one-stop shop for information on CD activities in EOGEO provided links to data providers (TBC) Number of partnership developed thanks to GEO-developed resources N/A  IJKn H I s # $  7;<=>bcqu()*ȽȽȽȽȲȽ|t|tlt|hF;OJQJh"OJQJh)OJQJhiOJQJhOJQJh !:OJQJhJmhOJQJhJmhk XOJQJhJmhe+OJQJhJmhzOJQJhJmh\OJQJhJmhFPOJQJhJmhd5OJQJhJmh\5OJQJhF;5OJQJ)*JKLg h # $ <=>bc}1@ & Fgd" & Fgd"gd"gdz$a$gd\Q@HPZj()*' $IfgdxS $Ifgd\gdzgd" & Fgd" & Fgd"*  #%'(_~ŵŨśŵ{l]J>hCJOJQJaJ%hJmhB*CJOJQJaJphhJmhCJOJQJaJhJmhe+CJOJQJaJhJmh5CJOJQJaJhJmhi5CJOJQJaJhxS5CJOJQJaJhIF5CJOJQJaJhJmh}v5CJOJQJaJhJmh\5CJOJQJaJh)OJQJaJh !:OJQJaJh"OJQJaJh"h"OJQJaJ'(BXR$Ifkd$$Ifl\$ 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