ࡱ> . - !"#$%&'()*+,Root EntrydO)9YxvWPowerPoint Document(u3SummaryInformation(xDocumentSummaryInformation8((   Phttp://www.sea-search.net/organisations/Phttp://www.sea-search.net/organisations// 0LDArial(( v00"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` X$ (W   0AA@3ʚ;ʚ;g4GdGd0ppp@ <4ddddh0(  80___PPT10 ?  %  Institutions Issues GCMD WOD/NODC No. of Records 2818 (with very many non-marine entities) 669 Structure/Content Unique codes for each project name WOD codes are unique numerical consist of 3- to 35-letter acronym strings project codes currently ranging from 4- 1226 Acronym strings attempt in many cases NODC codes are 2-character country code to display the hierarchical "location" of the see the ICES/IOC country codes), entity within its larger organization(s) followed by 2-character specific institution identifier (only unique within that country)) Content Governance GCMD Science Keyword RulesI Internal/informal Procedures for Modification of the GCMD Keywords $P  ,Q Institutions InstitutionsGCMD Data Center Keywords SHORT_NAME > LONG_NAME AAG > Association of American Geographers ABDN/GEOG/CMCZM > Centre for Marine and Coastal Zone Management, Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen ACB > Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay ACCDC > Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre AGI > American Geological Institute AGI-UK/GIG > Gigateway, Association for Geographic Information, UK AGI/CRB > Cold Regions Bibliography, American Geological Institute $P, 7 s InstitutionsEuropean Directory of Marine Environmental Datasets (EDMED): This directory lists the organisation profiles of all (1000+) Data Holding Centres, Research Institutes, Monitoring Agencies and Research Vessel operators, that have an active role in one or more of the SeaDataNet Discovery services (EDMED - data sets, EDMERP - research projects, CSR - research cruises, EDIOS - observing stations/ systems, and CDI - index to data). http://www.sea-search.net/organisations/ $Z=NW &y (0 InstitutionsgDesirable outcomes here would include a straightforward coding (which rules out the GCMD long strings), and ISO-compliant country codes (if an NODC-like standard is selected). The huge number of non-marine sources in the GCMD system is another drawback. It would seem that the NODC system, re-tooled to include ISO country codes, might be a good solution. hPh  ` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6@:   `}   T Click to edit Master title style! !  0<   `   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0C  ^ `   >*  0HH  ^    @*  0M  ^ `   @*H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.Qf Default Design}  `$(  r  S   `}   r  S  `    H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.Qt+D=' = @B +   V(  r * S \  `}      T #"&\    I Bx ?\u   ?INST FOR SEA FISHERIES (HAMBURG-ALTONA) (ISH) - USE OCL CODE 82*@ ?"   H Bd ?u \  J0605* "   G B ?u   H70* "   F B[ ?\W u  ;INST FOR NETS AND GEAR INVESTIGATION (HAMBURG-ALTONA) (IFH)*< ;"   E B8` ?W \u  J0604* "   D B ?W u  H69* "   C B ?\:W  ;HELGOLAND BIOLOGICAL STATIONS (HELGOLAND AND LIST AUF SYLT)*< ;"   B B, ?:\W  J0602* "   A Bx ?:W  H67* "   @ B ?\: GCOUNCIL FOR THE DEVEL OF BREMEN LANDS INST FOR MARINE RES (BREMERHAVEN)*H G"   ? B ?\: J0601* "   > BQ ?: H66* "   = BU ?\ O Institute*   "   < B ?\ ] NODC Code8  " "   ; B ? \WOD Code8  " "  HB J C HB K C   HB L C  HB M C  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.Qf+D=' = @B +$   $(   r  S X-  `}   r  S   `   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.R$  $$(  $r $ S   `}   r $ S Q@9YxvWAGHg  L  --$--'@"Arial-. 2 sP Institutions%"&%%"."System-@"Arial-. 2 Issues  .-@"Arial-. 2 GCMD .-@"Arial-. 2 sWOD/NODC  .-@"Arial-. 2 No. of Records    .-@"Arial-. +2 2818 (with very many non       .-@"Arial-.  2 - .-@"Arial-. !2 marine entities) a    .-@"Arial-.  2 s669 .-@"Arial-. "2 9Structure/Content      .-@"Arial-. <2 9#Unique codes for each project name          .-@"Arial-. 62 9sWOD codes are unique numerical          .-@"Arial-. 2 M consist of 3    .-@"Arial-.  2 M?- .-@"Arial-. 2 MJto 35O  .-@"Arial-.  2 Mq- .-@"Arial-. (2 Mwletter acronym strings      .-@"Arial-. @2 Ms&project codes currently ranging from 4           .-@"Arial-.  2 M- .-@"Arial-.  2 ]s1226 .-@"Arial-. @2 &Acronym strings attempt in many cases          .-@"Arial-. 2 sNODC codes are 2     .-@"Arial-.  2 - .-@"Arial-. *2  character country code n      .-@"Arial-. L2 .to display the hierarchical "location" of the               .-@"Arial-. 92 s!see the ICES/IOC country codes), a       .-@"Arial-. -2 entity within its larger r        .-@"Arial-. 2 organization(s     .-@"Arial-.  2 ) .-@"Arial-. 2 s followed by 2s     .-@"Arial-.  2 - .-@"Arial-. 62 character specific institution        .-@"Arial-. K2 s-identifier (only unique within that country))             .-@"Arial-. $2 Content Governance    .-@"Arial-. '2 GCMD Science Keyword       .-@"Arial-. 2 RulesI  .-@"Arial-. !2 sInternal/informalo      .-@"Arial-. C2 $(Procedures for Modification of the GCMD          .-@"Arial-. 2 8Keywords  .-Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles 8@ _PID_HLINKSA)http://www.sea-search.net/organisations/_Q3 gelfeldgelfeldCurrent User 5