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Objectives of the Project: The data collected for biological studies most of the time includes more than just biological parameters. Often additional physical and chemical measurements, and observations of the habitat are collected to study the organism in its environment. These combined data are needed for the study of ecosystem functioning, ecological niche modelling, climate change, etc. However, scientists collecting these mixed datasets currently do not have good mechanisms or a global data system, for sharing these data with their peers. And if at best the data is not lost, it gets split and sent to different data repositories. The OBIS data systems, which are based on the Darwin Core data schema, and the Integrated Publication Toolkit, are able to capture and share these mixed datasets. The data-harvesting project of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET) is currently and successfully operating this way. The main objectives of this project are (i) to ensure mixed data sets stay together, (ii) to demonstrate that OBIS nodes, NODCs and ADUs, that hold mixed data sets, can collaborate on the joint management and exchange of biodiversity observation data including environmental measurements, and (iii) to show what the benefit of this approach is for marine sciences, biological analysis and modelling. This project will also investigate how these mixed datasets can additionally flow to regional and global repositories such as OceanDataPortal, World Ocean Database etc. Expected outcome of the Project: A pilot project showing the feasibility of managing these mixed datasets in OBIS. We aim at involving at least 5 institutions from at least 3 regional groups. A demonstration of the benefits for biological analysis trough scientific publications. Procedures, guidelines and recommendations to take this to a next phase, including prospects for financing, and the relationship with other regional and global data systems. Duration of the Project (if open-ended then indicate starting year only) If accepted by IODE, the pilot project can start in 2015 and run for 2 years. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2015 March 2017): (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan)Timing (month, year)Total required fundingFunds already identified (and source)Funds requested1Hands-on workshop, Ostend (at least 5 institutions from 3 regional groups)Sep, 2015Catering sponsored by VLIZ. All participants are self-funded, but some matching funds for travel will be provided.02Regular web conference calls03Initial agreement and guidelines for the management and exchange of 2-3 types of mixed datasets (e.g. benthos, zooplankton)Dec, 201504First datasets published through IPTDec, 201505Workshop, training and evaluation, held in OstendSep, 2016Catering sponsored by VLIZ. All participants are self-funded, but some matching funds for travel will be provided.06Agreement on guidelines and best practices for the management and exchange of mixed datasets and published in OTDec, 20167Reporting results to IODE-XXIVMarch, 20170 Actions requested from the Committee: The Committee will be requested to endorse OBIS-ENV-DATA as an IODE project and invite OBIS nodes, NODCs and ADUs to express their interest in joining this new activity. -/0689CEPd 2 3 ; C D S g h i ĹymbWHbh@|>hw!CJaJmH sH h@|>h#CJaJh@|>h DCJaJh@|>h D5CJaJh`nhw!\mH sH h`nhP|W5h`nhw!5h`nh D5 h`nh3Mh@|>5CJaJh`nh75CJaJh`nhw!CJaJh`nh`l_CJaJh`nh2CJaJh@|>CJaJh`nhP|WCJaJh7 CJaJh`nh7CJaJ8Qcd2 3 D S P gd $^a$gdw!$a$gd Dgd7 $a$gd7^`gd7$  ^`a$gdP|W $  a$gdP|W $  a$gd D    & 7 = O P u v w       : O s ƻƥưxxmxxmxmmxmmh@|>h=CJaJh@|>hk*CJaJh@|>h CJaJh@|>hC@5CJaJh@|>h`l_CJaJh@|>hCJaJh@|>hCJaJh@|>hw!CJaJh@|>hC@CJaJh@|>h D5CJaJh@|>h#CJaJh@|>hsCJaJh@|>hs5CJaJ*   @ V e ~ $qv3468FHPX[\`tuڿyyyynynh@|>hWCJaJh@|>h`nCJaJh@|>h CJaJh@|>h`l_CJ\aJmH sH h@|>h.CJ\aJmH sH h@|>h=CJ\aJmH sH h@|>h*ECJ\aJmH sH h@|>hk*CJaJh@|>hk*CJ\aJmH sH h@|>h=CJaJh@|>h`l_CJaJ+ 4n0634Pe~ $IfgdTi hh^h`hgdHcO & Fgd.gd  & F^gdf  & F^gd=SUY_gmnɾɨɜwl]]Nh@|>hfCJaJmH sH h@|>h CJaJmH sH h@|>h.CJaJh@|>hCJaJh@|>h.CJaJmH sH h@|>hCJaJh@|>hs5CJaJh@|>hUCJaJh@|>h5Z CJaJh@|>hsCJaJh@|>h`l_CJaJh@|>h`nCJaJh@|>hWCJaJh@|>h CJaJh@|>hCJaJ-./0hn456MO}~ĵӦqf[P[h@|>hCJaJh@|>hw!CJaJh@|>hC@CJaJh@|>ht56CJaJh@|>ht5CJaJh@|>hs5CJaJh@|>h`nCJaJmH sH h@|>hCJaJmH sH h@|>hXCJaJmH sH h@|>h CJaJmH sH h@|>hVtCJaJmH sH h@|>hfCJaJmH sH h@|>h.CJaJmH sH 23  '()CӼ~shs]~~h]h`nhVtCJaJh`nhfCJaJh`nhXCJaJh`nh;GCJaJh`nh]CJaJ h`nhh`nhHcOCJaJh@|>hdCJaJh@|>hHcOCJaJh@|>h(CJaJh@|>h(5CJaJh@|>hd5CJaJh@|>hw!CJaJh@|>hCJaJh@|>hC@CJaJ kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytTi  ) $Ifgd*E $IfgdX $IfgdTiCJ  %&/23457[\ehijklm ɷɷ귬ɬɷɷɷ·ɷɷ h`nhVth`nhCJaJh`nh]CJaJh`nhXCJaJ h`nhh`nhHcOCJaJh`nh;GCJaJh`nhfCJaJh`nhVtCJaJh`nh`nCJaJ:kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytVt $IfgdTikd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytVt&0124 $Ifgd`n $IfgdTi45kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytVt57\fghj $IfgdTijkkd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytVtkm $IfgdVt $IfgdTi kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytVt " $IfgdM|. 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