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Pacific Island marine libraries and information centres staff skills and services improved. Collaboration and information sharing amongst Pacific Island marine libraries and information centres strengthened. Duration of the Project : 2008- Activities Implemented between April 2013 and March 2015: PIMRIS SC Meeting & Training completed (7-11 July 2014) and planned activities continuously monitored until next meeting planned for 2016. Activities implemented between April 2013 and March 2015 (indicate URL if the project has a web site): PIMRIS network 2012-June 2014 activities reviewed, priorities for July 2014-June 2016 planned and implemented for improvement of national and regional fisheries/marine information services. New staff received introductory training on Greenstone (eg. installation and data input) and available online resources. Continuing staff - a refresher on Greenstone e-repository maintenance Updates - PIMRIS website, portal. PIMRIS Greenstone databases added with new materials (Regional Repository & USP Aquatic) National Greenstone databases (or Koha for others) maintained and copies of documents submitted to PIMRIS regional repository (Greenstone) National contacts completed first fisheries/marine information national promotions (via annual Agro-Shows or National Awareness Day and departmental newsletters). Tonga Fisheries library staff to continue scanning departmental documents for website and in preparation for the development of their Greenstone e-repository in 2015 (with PIMRIS assistance). Communication & information sharing maintained and sustained. Problems experienced and measures taken: Staff turnover: Frequent internal changes (national fisheries departments/divisions) means, new unqualified and inexperienced staff assigned to look after the library. More training needed, valuable time taken up familiarizing with new role, activities etc. [A new proposal for Agriculture and Fisheries Departments to work together (ie. share resources, knowledge, skills where needed) can also help train new library staff on either side when needed]. Library computer & Lack of IT support: Replacement machines take months, if not years to replace (depending on local government systems and processes etc). Lack of IT graduates due to brain drain. [IT graduates from the University of the South Pacific has increased numbers might help sustain needed IT workforce in the islands. PIMRIS Coordinator has written to or discussed with relevant Heads of Fisheries (HoF) in the region about ongoing issues]. Results achieved between April 2013 and March 2015: As highlighted in Activities Implemented. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2015 March 2017): (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan)Timing (month, year)Total required fundingFunds already identified (and source)Funds requested1ODINPIMRIS Steering Committee Meeting & TrainingJune-July 2016$ 17,000$ 12,000 USP Library/Regional Partners$ 5,000USD $ 5,000.00 Actions requested from the Committee Consideration and approval of requested funds to support ODINPIMRIS SC Meeting & regional training in 2016.      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