ࡱ>  *wbjbj=G=G 3_-_-ntzzzzz8`2f# %(%%%&Z&&E`G`G`G`G`G`G`,dfrs`z'&&''s`.zz%%`...'z%z%E`.'E`..ZU^A3HP*M]*1``0`w]$g.$gTU^.zU^'''s`s`.'''`$g''''''''' @:   Limited Distribution IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-actionsheet22 Oostende, 24 February 2015 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-third Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXIII) Bruges, Belgium, 17-20 March 2015 REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IODE-XXII (2013-2015) WORK PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1.2 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.1hs4buogu8cv" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.1: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JOINT IODE/IAMSLIC GROUP OF EXPERTS ON MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM) ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT action 1: group created in IODE web site (22/7/2013) action 2: 4 IAMSLIC members added (Lust, Silvoni/Gilkes, Leonard, Parker) STATUS: implemented  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.o07xakq8qvut" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.2: THE IODE OCEAN KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM PILOT PROJECT (OceanKnowledge) ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT, PAULINE SIMPSON (GEMIM) action 1 (17/5/2013): domain name  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanknowledge.net" \h www.oceanknowledge.net registered action 2: the ODINAFRICA connect proposal (if submitted) could be used as trial for OceanKnowledge (input Mika Odido and Pauline Simpson) No further action taken because IODE Officers did not allocate startup funding. Proposal being resubmitted for funds and project team at IODEXXIII.  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.wp0f4ilciy3r" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.3: REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE NATIONAL COORDINATORS FOR MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT action 1: ToRs updated on 22/7/2013 on the web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=60&Itemid=43" \h http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=60&Itemid=43 STATUS: implemented 5.2.1 Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.tif6tur3oxmb" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.4: THE IODE OCEAN BIOGEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (IODE/OBIS) Action 1: Approve the submitted applications of new ADU/OBIS nodes LifeWatch Greece (HCMR): MedOBIS ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity: SEAOBIS Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao NEW CSIRO: OBIS Australia Institute of Oceanology-CAS, Qingdao : OBIS China Note: SEAOBIS is a new OBIS node under the ADU format. FYI: NODCs that have sent letters to express their wish to become/continue to be an OBIS node so far are: VLIZ: EurOBIS CSIR: AfrOBIS IBSS: BlackSea OBIS NIWA: SWP-OBIS (S-W Pacific) INIOAS: PEGO-OBIS (Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman) NEW Action 2 : IOC Manual and Guides for OBIS nodes is under development, publication date expected by end of 2014. 5.2.2 JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.wdu6f1yrfnds" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.5: THE OCEAN DATA STANDARDS PILOT PROJECT (ODS) ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT action 1: 3 standards available online through  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=36&Itemid=44" \h http://www.oceandatastandards.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=36&Itemid=44 STATUS: implemented  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.sjt186qddaol" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.6: THE OCEAN DATA STANDARDS AND BEST PRACTICES PROJECT (ODSBP) ACTION BY: YUTAKA MICHIDA action 1: new page created for ODSBP (July 2013) ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=369&Itemid=100083" \h http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=369&Itemid=100083) action 2 (30/7/13): SG-ODSBP group created:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=282" \h http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=282 action 3: (30/7/13): contacted Yutaka Michida to request start of activities; Yutaka confirmed (31/7/13) he will start with contacting Paul Oloo. action 4: (12/11/2013): reminded Yutaka by email. The Officers noted that JCOMM still has the ODS activity under the ETDMP while IODE-XXII recommended to close the ODS Pilot Project. It was noted that the closing of that project does not imply that the ETDMP task team on ODS should also be closed. The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.ozga183j9w5x" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.7: REVISED TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE STEERING GROUP FOR THE IODE OCEAN DATA PORTAL (SG-ODP)  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.m6imy5okwh3x" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.8: TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE IODE OCEAN DATA PORTAL  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.nfmie9m3p44" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.9: TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE PARTNERSHIP CENTRE FOR THE IODE OCEAN DATA PORTAL ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT action 1: recommendation 8 included in page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=26&Itemid=64" \h http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=26&Itemid=64 action 2: recommendation 7 included in page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=308:iode-steering-group-for-the-iode-ocean-data-portal&catid=10&Itemid=100013" \h http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=308:iode-steering-group-for-the-iode-ocean-data-portal&catid=10&Itemid=100013 action 3: recommendation 9 included in page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=370&Itemid=100085" \h http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=370&Itemid=100085 action 4: (30/7/13): removed Greg Reed from sg-odp action 5: (30/7/13): contacted Tobias Spears to request names of data providers and partner programme representatives who should be added to SG-ODP. action 6: official opening of Partnership Centre planned for 10 September 2013. action 7: Inauguration ODP Partnership Centre took place on 10 September 2013. action 8: reminder sent to Tobias regarding action 5 action 9: The list of new SG-ODP members did not come out of the SG-ODP meeting in September, so Tobias will work on this for completion before the end of January. With GRA, ODIP, RDA, and other (such as Ocean Acidification) programs moving forward, we have a number of existing and key partners above our existing node and data providers. Tobias proposes we would start by expanding the group to encompass major node providers, along with key partner programs (such as ODIP and the GRAs where we are also looking at collaboration at the infrastructure level). We should engage all of our data providers as part of the ongoing relationship management process and this would contribute to ODP work planning. However, above this we would include major players to also take part in the SG-ODP itself. The Officers expressed their gratitude to the Russian Federation for the establishment and support of the Partnership Centre for the IODE OceanDataPortal. The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.p4okio4echzl" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.10: GLOBAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA ARCHAEOLOGY AND RESCUE (GODAR) AND WORLD OCEAN DATABASE (WOD) PROJECTS STATUS: implemented 5.2.10 IODE International Coastal Atlas Network (IODE/ICAN) The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.fxyy8b9wfr93" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.12: THE IODE INTERNATIONAL COASTAL ATLAS NETWORK PROJECT (IODE/ICAN) ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT, ICAN CO-CHAIRS action 1: P. Pissierssens attended the ICAN-VI meeting which was also the first meeting of the IODE Steering Group for ICAN, Victoria, BC, Canada, 16-18 June 2013. Mr Pissierssens provided a presentation on IODE and on how ICAN will be able to function within IODE as a project. action 2: R. Longhorn to create new ICAN web site (September 2013). Note: R. Longhorn reduced his activities in iCAN. action 3: 6/1/2014: contacted Ned Dwyer to ask about web site. R. Longhorn has stepped down as co-chair of ICAN. This post has been assumed by Marcia Berman. R. Longhorn is still committed to contributing to the communications committee, however Mr. A. Sherin has been spearheading and leading most of this charge for ICAN; including development of the website. A new website template has been created, but needs to be populated. The ICAN SG has met on several occasions and has discussed communications, the website, technical development priorities, and the upcoming 2015 ICAN 7 meeting. STATUS: ONGOING STATUS: ONGOING The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.is4ybzz86va5" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.13: IODE GLOBAL DATA ASSEMBLY CENTRES (IODE GDACs)  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.y0akncskrmg5" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.14: THE MARINE CLIMATE DATA SYSTEM (MCDS) Status: unclear The Committee endorsed the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (2013-2016) through the proposed  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.en67djxwdvb2" \h Draft Decision of IOC-XXVII: DRAFT DECISION ON THE IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE (2013-2016) Status: implemented 8.3. CHANGES IN THE IODE OBJECTIVES AND STRUCTURE The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.7zl30wnocdke" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.15: THE IODE OBJECTIVES ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT action 1: (30/7/13): objectives updated in IODE web site page:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=385&Itemid=34" \h http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=385&Itemid=34 STATUS: COMPLETED  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.j48jslhsui3k" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.16:  IODE ASSOCIATE DATA UNIT (ADU) ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT, IODE OFFICERS action 1: (22/7/13): ADU template agreement prepared by Secretariat and sent to IODE Officers for comments by 25 July (30/7/13: responses received from R. Keeley, S. Belov and S. Iona) action 2: Cyndy Chandler, Greg Reed commented on draft. It was further suggested to prepare a flyer for distribution at relevant meetings. action 3: (2/9/2013) P. Pissierssens prepared draft flyer and circulated to G. Reed, A. Troisi, S. Iona, W. Appeltans, C. Chandler and requested feedback. STATUS: COMPLETED  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.hv92tjptrp7v" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.17: STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF IODE action 1: updating of IODE web site as required action 2: 23/4/103: contacted Barbados, Cuba , Croatia, Georgia, Nicaragua, Romania, Ukraine (MHI) on their DNA and possible change to NODC or ADU STATUS: COMPLETED The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.19ut4k4fgm8z" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.18: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE IODE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK PROJECT ACTION BY: SECRETARIAT, MEMBER STATES action 1: (17/4/2013): email sent to IODE NCs to nominate members. action 2: IODE Officers selected members - see  HYPERLINK "http://iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=281" \h http://iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=281 The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjOCUqmRL2slssnrkYBi7w8DLpEX9Gsi6XVig702EZM/edit" \l "bookmark=id.dbbv5h10wpxf" \h Recommendation IODE-XXII.19: IODE CLEARING HOUSE SERVICE FOR DATA/INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PROJECT ACTION BY: A.KAKODKAR (SECRETARIAT), PAULINE SIMPSON (GEMIM) action 1: A. Kakodkar was requested to set up a DSpace site for this purpose action2: A DSpace4 repository has been defined and setup (since end of August, 2014) at  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatapractices.net/" http://www.oceandatapractices.net/ ; content from the JCOMM catalogue has been migrated and some new content added but still waiting for more content. action 3: Agriocean dspace was replaced with standard verison of Dspace5. Content was imported from JCOMM best practices website and IOC manuals and guides from OceanDocs. Some content was also manually added. ACTION SHEET NoParaAction itemDue by dateTo be implemented bySTATUS5.2.3 IODE Ocean Data Portal1141The representative of WMO strongly supported the development of the ODP, and is working closely with the IODE through the JCOMM-IODE ETDMP to achieve interoperability between the WIS and ODP. WMO offered to assist further in this process if required.n/aWMO, ODP PC, ETDMP???2142The delegate of the Republic of Korea announced that his country supports ODP and the Korea Oceanographic Data Center (KODC) is in progress to become an ODP data provider as a national node and invited other Member States to follow. n/aKODC, ODP PC???3143The Committee invited Member States to consider a long-term secondment (either to the IODE Project Office or hosted nationally) to cover this requirement.2013-2014Member StatesImplemented 5.2.4 Data Citation/ Data Publishing (SCOR/IODE)4157The Committee recommended that the SCOR/IODE/MBL WHOI data publication project should be continued with a focus on promoting data publication in the ocean research community.2013-2015SCOR/IODE/MBL WHOI/BODCimplemented5158The Committee also recommended to link the project with similar other initiatives (eg ICSU WDS, RDA, SeaDataNet CDIs,).2013-2015SCOR/IODE/MBL WHOI/BODCimplemented5.2.5 Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue (GODAR)/ World Ocean Database (WOD)6163The Committee called on the United States of America to continue its support to US NODC/WDC Oceanography Silver Spring to enable the continuation of these valuable services.2013-2015US-NODCImplemented Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP)7176The Committee recommended to national data centres to ask for, and store profiles, at instrument resolution rather than a decimated version. This request is referring to the action item no. 32 listed in the Annex III of the meeting report of the First Session of the SG-GTSPP.2013-2015NODCsSee project report5.2.9 OceanExpert8202The Committee noted that, while the number of individual records has increased steadily, the institutional records need heavy quality management as there are too many duplicate records. This was the result of insufficient attention by the experts when creating their record but this should be corrected. The Committee instructed the GE-MIM to identify ways and means to resolve this issue. Regarding OceanExpert quality control the Committee further instructed the ODINs to manage expert entries for their region, including increased coverage as well as regular quality control. In this regard the Committee instructed the project to create a regional editor function as soon as possible. In addition the Committee instructed the GE-MIM to make more use of controlled vocabularies for fields such as academic qualifications and standard affiliations for laboratories or institutions.2013-2015OceanExpert ad hoc working groupImplemented 9203Referring to the proposed linkage of OceanExpert and EDMO (see also Agenda Item 5.1.2) the Committee requested the Chair GE-MIM, Co-Chairs and Mr Serge Scory, Mr Francisco Hernandez, Mr Friedrich Nast to restart discussions with SeaDataNet. 2013-2015Chair GE-MIM. IODE Co-Chairs, S. Scory, F. Hernandez, F. NastFor all EDMO records for which a record existed in OceanExpert the EDMO ID has been filled in that field providing a link from OceanExpert to EDMO. SDN has not reciprocated10204The Committee further requested GE-MIM to discuss the possibility of accessing SeaDataNet data through using OceanExpert userID and password.2013-2015OceanExpert ad hoc working groupNo action taken6.1 OCEANTEACHER AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES11224The delegate of Spain informed the Committee about Spains interest in collaborating with the OceanTeacher Global Classroom project by possibly establishing a Regional Training Centre at the Coastal Oceanographic Center of Canary Island (IEO), located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife to cover the Mediterranean and West African coastal region. 2013-2015Secretariat to discuss further with SpainTerminated without further action12225The delegate of Kenya informed the Committee of Kenyas interest to establish an IODE regional training centre. He noted that Kenya has an experienced NODC and marine library at KMFRI, Mombasa. The NODC and marine library are well known and appreciated regionally as well as internationally. He offered his collaboration to work on the proposal jointly with the Secretariat. 2013-2015Secretariat to discuss further with KenyaImplemented13226 India looks forward to contribute to the OceanTeacher Global Classroom through its International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean) at ESSO-INCOIS, Hyderabad, India. 2013-2015Secretariat to discuss further with Indiaimplemented14227The delegate of Colombia expressed her countrys interest in the possible establishment of a regional training centre. She informed the Committee that national consultation would be organized to identify the best facilities that comply with the technical requirements. 2013-2015Secretariat to discuss further with Colombiaimplemented15228The delegate of China, Prof Shaohua Lin, re-iterated the offer of China to establish an IODE regional training centre in NMDIS, China and invited the IODE Secretariat to further discuss the way forward. 2013-2015Secretariat to discuss further with ChinaImplemented16229 drafting of a new OceanTeacher Global Classroom Project proposal for subsequent submission to relevant donors7/2013Secretariat and interested member statesImplemented and project funded + implemented6.2.1 Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA)17239Noting that the funding for ODINAFRICA from FUST (Government of Flanders) ends in December 2013, the Committee requested the IODE Secretariat to work with the Member States from the region in finalizing a proposal for submission to FUST and other potential partners. 7/2013Secretariat and interested member statesNo action taken 6.2.7. Other regions18294The delegate of Kuwait informed the Committee that a KISR staff has participated in an IODE course. He called on IODE to provide more such training. While he did not have the authority to commit to the establishment of a data centre he expressed his institutions interest in increased collaboration to improve local expertise. In this regard he invited an IODE expert to visit Kuwait. He further informed the Committee of regional research cruises involving Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman. He also recommended closer collaboration with ROPME2013Secretariat and KuwaitNo response from Kuwait since 4/20136.3. CONCLUSIONS FOR IODE REGIONAL CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT19299The Committee invited all Member States who wish to share data with OBIS and/or wish to set up an OBIS node and need training, to inform the Secretariat of their needs, so OBIS can organise regional training workshops. 2013-2015IOC Member States and SecretariatOBIS training course for Africa organized in March 2014; OBIS training course for OBIS nodes organized in 201420300The Committee endorsed the concept of the OceanTeacher Global Classroom combining training in Oostende with training in regional training centres and using advanced video communication. The Committee instructed the Secretariat to develop, together with the Member States that have offered to host a regional training centre, to prepare a project proposal for submission to suitable donors at the earliest opportunity. SEE ALSO PARA 229 7/2013SecretariatImplemented project submitted and approved/ implementing started in 2015The JCOMM Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) 21347, 348The Committee decided to establish an ad hoc team to review the Implementation Plan during the coming intersessional period. The Committee invited Member States to propose members of the ad hoc team through a response to a Circular Letter to be issued shortly by the Secretariat. It was noted that the ad hoc team has a deadline to report to the JCOMM DMCG by 30 September 2013 and suggested changes would be forwarded to JCOMM MAN for approval 4/2013 9/2013Secretariat to issue CL (April 2013) Ad hoc team to report to JCOMM DMCG by 30 September 2013???THE IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE 2013-2016 22364The Committee requested the IODE Co-chairs to formally submit the Strategic Plan and Draft Decision, on behalf of the IODE Committee, to the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2013). 6/2013IODE Co-Chairs at IOC-XXVIIImplemented/approvedIODE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 23380The Committee requested the Secretariat seeking nominations for membership of the SG-QMF. Nominations will be welcome from both long-established NODCs and newly-established NODCs. 4/2013Secretariat (by email)Implemented24384The Committee expressed the need to include external reviewers in the accreditation process. The representative from ICSU confirmed their readiness to provide advice and recommendations to the SG-QMF on accreditation procedures. 4/2013ICSU WDSNo action taken - The Officers noted that there had not been a need for consultations yet but noted that, when applications for accreditation would be received, the ICSU invitation should be acted upon9. NEW INITIATIVES25392The Committee instructed the GE-MIM to undertake the necessary actions to expand OceanExpert to include ocean research and observation community. 2013-2015GE-MIMThe Officers noted the need to identify contacts in the ocean research and observation community who could then assist in bringing us into contact with these communities. The Officers suggested the following way forward: (i) contact IODE national coordinators to provide a list of national ocean research and observation institutions: (ii) request GE-MIM to prepare a comprehensive global list of ocean research and observation institutions based upon the outcome of (i). This list will then be used to invite these institutions to register in OceanExpert. This invitation should be accompanied by a marketing statement explaining the benefits of being imvolved in IOC activities.DATE AND PLACE OF IODE-XXIII 26400The delegate of Kenya informed the Committee that his country will investigate the possible hosting of the 23rd Session. The Committee further recommended that the next Session should be held in 2015. 2013-2015Secretariat to discuss with KenyaSession held in Bruges, BelgiumADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT 27403The Committee requested the IODE Co-Chairs to present the Executive Summary with all Resolutions and Recommendations therein to the Twenty-Seventh Session of the IOC Assembly that would take place between 26 June and 5 July 2013 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.2013-2015IODE Co-Chairs, SecretariatImplemented WORK PLAN AgendaProject/ GroupItem StatusItem4.2Project officeIT staff position P-2ImplementedProject office op. expImplementedParticipation in meetings, travelImplemented5.1.1GE-BICH3rd GE-BICH QC workshopNot implementedGE-BICH-VINot implemented5.1.2GE-MIMGE-MIM-XIIINot implemented During IODE Officers meeting, it was discussed that GE-MIM XIII would take place Sept 7-11, 2015 Jointly with IAMSLIC5.1.3ETDMPETDMP-IVImplemented June 20145.1.4GE-OBISGE-OBIS-INot implemented5.2.1OBISStaff cost project manager P-3ImplementedStaff cost DB manager P-1Implemented (recruited 4/2013)SG-OBIS-IIIImplemented (December 2013)S-OBIS-IVImplemented (February 2015)Training coursesImplemented: OBIS nodes technical training: May 2014Scientific meetingImplemented: OBIS Science Advisory Task team meeting: December 2014Cooperation CBDImplementedCooperation GBIFImplemented5.2.2ODSSG-ODSBPNot implemented5.2.3ODPSG-ODPImplemented September 2013Partnership CentreImplemented September 20135.2.4Data PublishingCookbook published as M&G64 (March 2013)5.2.5GODAR???5.2.6GTSPPSG-GTSPPImplemented June 2014GTSPP training course (IODE PO)Implemented June 20145.2.7GOSUDImplemented June 20145.2.8OceanDocs / Aq. Com.SG-OceanDocsImplemented March 2014software developmentImplemented without fundingadvocacy documentsNot implemented awaiting OceanDocs migration (Feb 2015) to DSpace 5 with a radically different look and feel.5.2.9OceanExpertImplemented5.2.10ICANSG-ICANImplemented (June 2013)Not implemented6.1OceanTeacherSG-OTAImplemented (May 2013)Courses OTA1ImplementedCourses OTA2Courses held: (i) OBIS nodes course; (ii) GTSPP course; (iii) remote sensing course (Hyderabad); (iv) QMF course; (v) OTGA train the trainersCourses Flanders POSite visits candidate RTCsImplemented (Colombia, USA, Senegal, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Malaysia, China): 20146.2.1ODINAFRICAWork plan implementationDecentralized to Nairobi ODINAFRICA workshop ODP: March 2014 ODINAFRICA marie biodiversity course: March 20146.2.2ODINCARSA-LAexpert visitsNot implementedtraining eventsNot implementedOceanDocs supportNot implementedIAMSLIC particip.Not implementedIAMSLIC membershipImplemented6.2.2ODINCARSA CMACMA/OBIS courseNot implemented: will be kickoff meeting of CMA2CMA conclusion meetImplemented Miami, December 2013CMA misc travelNot implementedCMA otherNot implemented no request6.2.3ODINECETODINECET workshopNot implemented no requestSG-ODINECET meetingNot implemented6.2.4ODINWESTPACWork plan implementationImplemented through China SG-ODINWESTPAC: March 20146.2.5ODINBlackSeaNot implemented no request6.2.6ODINPIMRISEquipment and training TongaNot implemented - no requestProject support selected islandsCountry expert visitsSG-ODINPIMRIS6.2.7OtherASFA Board participationimplemented IODE Secretariat attended 13-17 Oct 2014 and reported results to GEMIM ChairIOC-XXVIIImplemented6.4Emerging needs7CooperationJCOMM MANImplementedJCOMM DMCGDMCG-5: implemented (January 2014)IMDIS 2013ImplementedWMO IPET-MDRD meetingImplemented March 2014Participation in POGO meetings2014: implemented (Hobart, Australia) 2015: implemented (Tenerife, Spain)Participation in RDA meetingsImplemented: March 2014Hosting SeaDataNet courseImplemented: May 201412IODE-XXIIIImplemented[end]     IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-actionsheet22 Page  PAGE 10 IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-actionsheet22 Page  PAGE 11 JYjlmwyC D i j   - . / ɼ|xm|\ hyh>*B*CJaJphUjhUhjhUhyhCJaJhyh5CJaJhFh5>* h5h8VhwV5 h625 hwV5h DhwV5CJaJh2h75CJaJhCJaJh2CJaJh2h7CJaJhsCJaJhwVCJaJli j   C Z ^gdm$gd$a$gddegdwV $a$gd7^`gd7$  ^`a$gdP|W $  a$gdP|W $  a$gd D C Z r s t   ) * X Y Z p Ǹָ֩֡ymǸbQ hyh>*B*CJaJphjhUhuB*CJaJphhCJaJ hyh>*B*CJaJphUjQhUhjhUhThB*CJaJphhyhB*CJaJphhd/hB*CJaJphhyhCJaJhyh>*CJaJ#jh>*B*CJUaJphU  ~ 9Z A  & F ^gdm$  & F^gdm$gdm$ ^gdm$ ^gdm$p q } !"#=>?E^_`ǻǧuiaRާGjhUhd/hB*CJaJphhCJaJhyh>*CJaJ#jh>*B*CJUaJphU hyh>*B*CJaJphUjOhUhjhUhuB*CJaJphhB*CJaJphhyhCJaJhB*CJaJphhyhB*CJaJph#jh>*B*CJUaJph`*-÷ҫҫңqbQ@b@b hd/h5B*CJaJph!hd/hB*CJ^JaJphhd/hB*CJaJph#jh>*B*CJUaJphU hyh>*B*CJaJphUjhUhjhUhyh5CJaJhB*CJaJphhThB*CJaJphhyhCJaJ#jh>*B*CJUaJph hyh>*B*CJaJph.3e^_xma ^gd]<m$ ^gdm$  & F ^gdm$`ab}~def]^_z蟐܅tbSHj hUhThB*CJaJph#jh>*B*CJUaJph hyh>*B*CJaJphj_hUhyhB*CJaJphhd/hB*CJaJph#jh>*B*CJUaJphU hyh>*B*CJaJphUjhUhjhUhyhCJaJhyh5CJaJz{|~ lmnPQR23deѺѫqѫѣfqѫѫZhB*CJaJphj hU#jh>*B*CJUaJph hyh>*B*CJaJphj hUhjhUhyhB*CJaJphhd/hB*CJaJphhCJaJhyhCJaJ hyh>*B*CJaJphU#jh>*B*CJUaJphUe^_tuvxymn axyj[Pjh]<Uhyh]<B*CJaJphhd/h]<B*CJaJphjh]<UjLh]<U#jh]<>*B*CJUaJphU hyh]<>*B*CJaJphUj h]<Uh]<jh]<Uhyh]<CJaJhyh]<5CJaJhTh]<56B* aJphhqwhB*CJaJphaxU !!b""#6#U&&(#($(`(^))*+Q+d-- ^gd` m$^gd` ^gd=Km$ ^gd sm$ ^gd]<m$RSTU! 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