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Project Leader(s): Fabienne Gaillard & Loc Petit de la Villon Members of the project Steering Group Dr Fabienne Gaillard, Institut Franais pour la Recherche et lExploitation de la Mer (IFREMER), France Mr Loc Petit de la Villon, Institut Franais pour la Recherche et lExploitation de la Mer (IFREMER), France The steering group is being renewed. Contacts have been taken and must be confirmed Objective of the Project Ocean surface is the location of strong exchanges with the atmosphere but also with ice and continents. Ship based underway measurements can make a significant contribution to the observation of this very active layer on condition that the datasets produced would be properly qualified and assembled. GOSUD aims at assembling in-situ observations of the world ocean surface collected by a variety of ships and at distributing quality controlled datasets. At present time the variables considered by GOSUD are temperature and salinity. To reach this objective, GOSUD strategy is to work on the following aspects: Establish direct contact with the data collectors in order to facilitate all stages of the process from data acquisition to data transmission and feed back on the data quality. Encourage standard procedures for instrument settings and maintenance, water samples analysis, real time quality control and delayed mode processing and provide the corresponding documentations. Ensure real time transmission and apply automatic quality controls on the real time dataflow. Fully document the delayed mode datasets through meta data and links to publications. Facilitate the data access by a large community of users by offering fully documented datasets and products. Highlight the synthetic products based on the GOSUD datasets developed by scientific organisations. Expected outcome of the Project Provide near real time sea surface salinity and sea surface temperature data for operational needs Provide delayed mode sea surface salinity for research purposes and for satellite data validation Duration of the Project: 2001 ~Present Activities implemented between April 2013 and March 2015 Continue GOSUD routine operations to collect, process, archive and distribute real-time T & S surface data and delayed mode Salinity adjusted data.  HYPERLINK "http://www.gosud.org/" http://www.gosud.org/ and ftp Enlarge the GOSUD network to a wider panel of reporting vessels Attend and present the GOSUD project to the IMDIS conference, Lucca-Italy- 23-25 September 2013. Contact with the FerryBox community (FerryBox meeting Tallin-Estonia- September 2015 and FerryBox Eurogoos task team Brussels Belgium- December 2014 Held the 8th meeting of the Project, Oostende, Belgium. 18-19 June 2014. Report available on:  HYPERLINK "http://www.gosud.org/content/download/23139/159504/file/GOSUD_2014-final_report.pdf" http://www.gosud.org/content/download/23139/159504/file/GOSUD_2014-final_report.pdf Attend the meeting and report to the 7th Session of the joint WMO/IOC/JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT), Victoria, Canada-,22-26 April 2013. Attend the meeting and report to the 23rd Session of the IOC Commitee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXII), 17-20 March 2015, Bruges, Belgium. Problems experienced and measures taken: It appeared difficult to drive the project from a data management point of view alone. A scientific leadership is necessary on aspects such as designing the long term strategy, defining the products and validating the datasets as well as promoting the project within the research community. At the last GOSUD meeting, it was decided that the project will be co-chaired by a scientist and a data manager. In order to give a new impulse to the project, it was also decided to identify a new steering team. Contacts have been taken, this action is on going. List of attendees to the last meeting: Ms Rebecca COWLEY,CSIRO, Australia Dr Fabienne GAILLARD, IFREMER, France Dr Ann GRONELL THRESHER, CSIRO, Australia Dr Fengying JI , NMDIS, Australia Mr J R KEELEY, Canada Mrs Paula OSET GARCIA , Flanders Marine Institute, Belgium Mr Mathieu OUELLET, Fisheries and Oceans,Canada Mr Loic PETIT DE LA VILLEON, IFREMER, France Dr Joaquin TRINANES, NOAA, USA Dr Charles SUN, NOAA, USA Mr Mathew BIDDLE, NOAA, USA Dr Gilles REVERDIN, LOCEAN, France Results achieved between April 2013 and March 2015 shutdown the data delivery in format V1 continuously update the TSGQC software that enables to process and deliver in delayed mode the adjusted data Elaborate delayed mode data collected on board research vessels Work plan and budget for the next period (April 2015-March 2017) (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan)Timing (month, year)Total required fundingFunds already identified (and source)Funds requested1Report to SOT-8April 2015NA02Finalise the SC compositionMai 2015NA3Attribution of DOI to the GOSUD archiveMai 2015NA4Continue the routine operations5Third meeting of steering teamJune 2016None Actions requested from the Committee To approve the work plan and budget for the next period (April 2015 March 2017)     IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-gosud Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-gosud Page  PAGE 3 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Yhvws u û{o{c{cWhEhx x5CJaJhEh5CJaJhEhc5CJaJhEh!f5CJaJhEh!fCJaJhEh CJaJhEhcCJaJhEhFCJaJh$NQh5h$NQhx x5h$NQhc5 hc5CJ hCJ hcCJhx xh$NQh$NQCJh$NQhcCJ h$NQCJ h CJ!wt u   & U { gd_@gd!f$a$gd!fgd!f$a$$a$ ^`$  ^`a$ $  a$  & ' \ |     % < T U { R &pxsdYNYCYhEhhCJaJhEh!A,CJaJhEh72CJaJhEh72CJPJ^JaJhEhCJaJmH sH hEh%CJaJhEhx xCJaJmH sH hEh!fCJaJmH sH hEh$r3CJaJmH sH hEhcCJaJmH sH hEhCJaJhEh;CJaJhEh 2uCJaJhEh!fCJaJhEh$r3CJaJ R &N@,e@wgdf6gdf6$a$gdKgdKgd1,gd<gd72gd72gd_@gd_@!@idef45@cZwߨߨߨߨvk`hEh%CJaJhEh$mCJaJhEhhCJaJhEh|0JCJaJhEh$NQCJaJjhEh|CJUaJhEh|CJaJhEhf6CJaJhEhKCJaJhEh1,CJaJhEhzCJaJhEho3CJaJhEh<CJaJhEhCJaJ%890;s *0Hq &'(0έ΢Η΁ΌΌ΁΁vvvvhEh%CJaJhEh;iCJaJhEhi CJaJhEh?QCJaJhEhCJaJhEhCJaJhEhkCJaJhEhhCJaJhEho3CJaJhEh|0JCJaJjhEh|CJUaJhEh|CJaJ.(Or5f @h & F^`gd$NQgd `4 P^gd `4 P^gd;i & Fgd;igd?Qgdgdf60<Of  "?@HKhwx89ABD۹꣘~u~u~u~u~u~j~u~bjbjbh%CJaJhhOCJaJhhOCJhOhEhOCJaJhEhaiCJaJhEh|[ CJaJhEho3CJaJhEhCJaJhEh `4CJaJnH tH $hEh%CJaJmH nH sH tH hEh%CJaJnH tH hEh%CJaJhEh;iCJaJ&hwx $Ifgdgd|[  & F^`gd$NQ kd$$IfsֈQl  rsG044 sap<yt  $IfgdOm$ $Ifgdm$kd$$IfsֈQl  rsG044 sap<yt9BEFG $IfgdDGHIJqrz{}RSTVWYZ\]_|ĹxthEhE0JmHnHu hE0JjhE0JU hECJh$NQhECJh>jh>UhEhCJaJhEh,CJaJhEhx xCJaJhEhcCJaJ h%CJh%CJaJhhOCJhOhhOCJaJ-GHkd$$IfsֈQl  rsG044 sap<ytHJr{~ $Ifgdkd $$IfsֈQl  rsG044 sap<yt $Ifgdkd$$IfsֈQl  rsG044 sap<yt $Ifgdkd$$IfsֈQl  rsG044 sap<ytSUVXY[\^_}h]hgd/ &`#$gdI4 $a$gd$NQgd$NQgd/^gd,gd|[ ^gdOhEh,CJaJh>hEhE0JmHnHujhE0JU hE0J^gd,h]hgd/1 0:p$NQ|. 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