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Overall objectives of the expedition were: Integrated study of water dynamics in the Caspian coastal zone and its impact on distribution of biological communities; Training-through-research in oceanography and ecology of the Caspian Sea and in Integrated Coastal Management (ICAM) for students and young scientists from countries of the Caspian region; Involving trainees in preparing proposals on sustainable development of the Caspian coastal ecosystem and bioresources. Current status of scientific data on the subject of investigation: Impact of water dynamics on biological communities in the coastal areas of the Caspian Sea has not yet been subjected to specific studies; nevertheless, its important role in the sea ecosystem may be concluded considering data available, in particular, the following: Penetration of cold deep water from the Middle Caspian into the North Caspian stimulates hypoxia formation in the bottom layer and impacts species composition, abundance, and benthic biomass as well as distribution and migration of anadromous and semi-anadromous fish species; Temperature fluctuations at the eastern coast of the Middle Caspian are closely correlated with spatio-temporal variability of species composition, abundance and biomass of zooplankton, migration patterns of common kilka and other marine fish species in this region; Water dynamics affects the abundance and distribution of comb-jelly Mnemiopsis, invasion and mass development of this species resulted in the decrease of zooplankton abundance and depletion of fish stocks. The above-mentioned considerations require scientific justification and in situ confirmation. Qualitative and quantitative assessment is indispensable in the ICAM practice. Studies of impact of water dynamics on biological communities (particularly ichthyofauna) gain additional importance in view of the rising Caspian Sea level, geomorphologic changes in the coastal zone and development of offshore oil production. The expedition was organized by: Caspian Floating University Facility (CFU, Astrakhan, Russia) Caspian Fisheries Research Institute (CaspNIRKh, Astrakhan, Russia) Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU, Astrakhan, Russia) Oil and Gas Institute (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) Atyrau State University (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) Kalmyk State University (Elista, Russia) Dagestan State University (Makhachkala, Russia) Hydrometeorological Service of the Caspian Flotilla (Astrakhan, Russia) Ministry of Industry, Transport and Communication of the Astrakhan Oblast (Astrakhan, Russia) Azerbaijan Fisheries Research Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan. Research objectives: Study of impact of water dynamics in the coastal area of the North Caspian on distribution of biological communities (higher aquatic vegetation, benthofauna, ichthyofauna) in the period of rising sea level; Study of impact of water dynamics on distribution of biological communities (benthofauna, ichthyofauna) in the area of cold water advection in the Middle Caspian; Study of impact of abiotic and anthropogenic factors on distribution of hydrobionts in the area of marine oil production (the North Caspian); Monitoring ecosystem status in the Azerbaijan area of the Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan Fisheries Research Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan); Study of impact of abiotic factors on distribution of invasive comb-jelly Mnemiopsis. Training objectives: Familiarizing participants with current research methods of marine studies, with the aim of acquiring skills to operate with instruments and equipment; Collecting data for studying water dynamics and its effect on distribution of biological communities; Gaining experience in presentations. Mastering in processing of obtained data, analysis of results and phrasing practical recommendations. Areas and terms of investigations: In accordance with the above-mentioned objectives and workplan of the expedition research was conducted in the following three target areas of the Caspian Sea. Leg 1. Kazakhstan coastal zone of the North Caspian: 20-30 July 2005, R/V rented by Oil and Gas Institute, Atyrau. Supervisor: Akimgali Kenzhegaliev (Kazakhstan). Leg 2. Russian sector of the coastal zone, area of the Volga-Caspian navigation canal: 5-15 August 2005, 2 riverine research vessels (R/V) Kurs and Raskat. Supervisor: Helen Belyaeva (Russia); Leg 3. Border area between the North and Middle Caspian: 23 August 3 September 2005, hydrographic R/V of the Caspian Flotilla. Supervisor: Dmitry Menshikov (Russia); Leg 4. Expedition by the Azerbaijan Fisheries Research Institute was carried out in July 2005 on board the R/V Alif Gadjiev. Supervisor: Mekhman Akhundov (Azerbaijan). Preparatory stage &Participants: Preparatory procedures included training workshops aimed at familiarizing the participants with training-through-research programme of the expedition. The leading scientists and university lecturers delivered presentations on environmental situation in the Caspian Sea and its coastal zones, current status of marine hydrological and chemical conditions, and Caspian bioresources. The students were acquainted with monitoring methods of marine environment in the laboratories of CaspNIRKh, ASTU, Astrakhan Biosphere Nature Reserve (Astrakhan, Russia) and Monitoring Ltd. (Atyrau, Kazakhstan). Among 26 participants 23 were students and young scientists (Annex 1). In Leg 2 of the expedition included five experienced CFU students who had sufficient knowledge in hydrometeorology, hydrochemistry and hydrobiology research and acted as trainers to other participants. In our opinion, this is a very important outcome for the benefit of the training-through-research principle the CFU students gained the experience of trainers/tutors in their selected fields of competence and, what was even more important, this promoted a friendly and creative atmosphere among young people of different universities and nations. Description and scope of the work Leg 1 - Target Area 1 The tasks of Leg 1 were formulated both by CFU and Hydrometeorological Centre. Observations and data collection were made at 14 stations (Table 1). Table 1 Type of observationSampling parameters## samples/ parameters MeteorologyAir temperature, wind velocity and direction, atmospheric pressure 3 times dailyHydrologyAltitude, water temperature, salinity, water density and pressure, depth, water transparency and color, stream velocity, sound velocity, electroconductivity (each parameter measured at different depth per 1 station)688HydrochemistryConcentration of dissolved oxygen, pH, biogenic substances 42 HydrobiologyMacro-zoobenthos Granulometric composition of bottom sediments14 14 Underwater surveyObservations on distribution of invasive comb-jelly Mnemiopsis with reference to hydrological parameters of marine environment18 Leg 2 - Target Area 2 Observations and data collection were made at 6 profiles that included 42 stations. There geographic positioning was made with the use of GPS. Bathymetric survey was conducted for compiling a map of the investigated area. Characteristics of the sampled parameters are given in Table 2. Table 2 Type of observationSampling parameters## samples/ parameters MeteorologyAir temperature, humidity, wind velocity and direction, atmospheric pressure, cloudage conditions122HydrologyAltitude, water temperature, depth, transparency, color, state of the sea surface, stream velocity 122HydrochemistryConcentration of dissolved oxygen, pH, mineral phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen Oil pollution  74 15HydrobiologyHigher aquatic vegetation (species composition, biomass) Higher aquatic vegetation: pondweed (assessment of toxic concentrations) Macro-zoobenthos Granulometric composition of bottom sediments22 10 42 42IchthyologySpecies composition and distribution of fish species/ juveniles Complete biological analysis (adult specimens)23 120 Leg 3 - Target Area 3 Observations and data collection were carried out in the Kazakhstan coastal waters. These were contracted by the Zhambai Oil Company. The main scientific objective of the cruise was assessment of environmental status in the area of oil survey (17 stations). Samples were taken for estimation of water chemical composition (oil products, synthetic surface-active substances/SSAS, ion concentrations of Cr+, Cu+, Pb+, Zn+, Fe+, heavy metals), pollution of bottom soil and fish tissues, species composition and quantity characteristics of zooplankton and benthos. Leg 4 Monitoring of ecosystem status in the Azerbaijan area of the sea, Middle and South Caspian, included data collection on the following: Hydrology and water chemistry parameters, with the aim of assessing formation of biological productivity; Species composition and quantity characteristics of zooplankton and benthos assessment of food supply for important commercial fish species, sturgeons, kutum (benthivorous), and kilka (planktivorous); Estimation of abundance, commercial stocks and distribution of sturgeon species at the feeding grounds; Species composition, quantity characteristics and complete biological analysis of fish species (trawling bycatch). Four (4) areas were investigated in the Middle Caspian and seven (7) in the Southern part of the Caspian Sea. Research outcomes: Results of the investigations conducted will enable integrated assessment of the current status of the Caspian coastal waters, which includes Feasible impact of the Volga-Caspian navigation canal on surrounding environment; The role of certain areas in formation of biological and commercial productivity of the coastal zone; Evaluation of the sea level rises (since 1978) impact on ecosystem and biological resources; Estimation of environmental status in the areas of oil production development (eastern coast of the North Caspian); Integrated assessment of deep-water penetration from the Middle into the North Caspian, its impact on ecosystem and distribution of hydrobiont species. Training and education: Training programme included lectures and seminars, video shows, excursions. The scheduled programme was extended as the participants expressed keen interest for the lectures and made their own presentations (Annex 2). Lessons familiarizing participants with equipment and methods of studies were conducted by leading scientists and lecturers as well as CFU students responsible for the relevant research directions in the course of data collection. Shipboard lectures and seminars lasted 2-2.5 hours each. The students made daily records in their diaries (performed activities, measurements and observations, calculations, preliminary data analysis). After the expedition was over, the participants submitted individual reports in the following format: Assistance in experimental work/data collection (hydrometeorology, water chemistry, hydrobiology and ichthyology); Familiarizing with methods of data collection, getting practical experience in working with research equipment; Participation in seminars, presentations; Personal impressions (evaluation of knowledge obtained in the course of the expedition, requests). Conclusions: The Programme of Integrated Training-Through-Research Expedition for the Study of Water Dynamics in the Caspian Coastal Zone and Its Impact on Distribution of Biological Communities has been fulfilled completely. In the course of 3 cruises young scientists and students collected extensive materials for characterisation of environmental status (biotic and abiotic components) in the coastal zone and the zone of cold water advection in the border area between the North and Middle Caspian. Thanks to contribution of participating institutions Caspian Fisheries Research Institute, Astrakhan State Technical University, Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute, Caspian Flotilla, Administration of the Astrakhan oblast-, expedition studies were provided with modern oceanographic equipment, were held on a high technical and educative level. It should be mentioned that the Azerbaijan Fisheries Research Institute, a permanent partner to CFU activities, did not participate in the CFU expedition-2005. Nevertheless, the Institute submitted information on the status of ecosystem in the coastal area of the South Caspian. In the course of the expedition the students future experts in marine environmental sciences (oceanography, meteorology, hydrology, hydrochemistry, toxicology, hydrobiology, ichthyology, and coastal area management) mastered in research and data processing methods. The next phase of expedition-related activities will include analysis of the data obtained and preparation of papers for publication in the next issue of the CFU Research bulletin. Training and education program of the expedition aimed also at familiarizing the students with environmental and socio-economic issues of the coastal zone and the Caspian Sea as the whole. Such activities are highly important for developing management potential in marine sciences and capacity building in the Caspian Sea region. It is recommended that TTR-type expeditions for young scientists would become regular events for the Caspian riparian countries. The first step in this direction was signing Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNESCO/IOC CFU project and Association of Caspian Universities (May, 2005). The main CFU principle training-through-research- proved to be a very effective tool in environmental education. Contrary to the standard/traditional methods of field practices at universities, CFU students are involved in innovation research, which forms advanced knowledge and responsibility for the studies. CFU students, in their turn, act as trainers. Presentations and reports made in the course of the expedition were well prepared and caused interest from all the participants. The role of training videofilms in education should be extended. This option can be used in expeditions as well as in on-shore studies. All the participants expressed their wish to develop contacts with CFU in terms of information exchange, events (expeditions, seminars, workshops), etc. Seminar-presentation of results of the expedition is scheduled for 2006. It will gather the students and leading experts from the Caspian countries. Further CFU activities envisage involving students and schoolchildren in environmental and socio-economic survey of the coastal areas in the framework of the expedition Caspian the Live Sea. Annex 1 List of participants R/Vs Kurs, Raskat Students: T. Rabadanov, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala, Dagestan) B. Ogultinov, Kalmyk State University (Elista, Kalmykia) N. Umbetova, Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) A. Abigaliev, Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) M. Belyaeva, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St-Petersburg, Russia) M. Derbenev, Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia) N. Vodovsky, Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia) I. Volkov, Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia) A. Astakhina, Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia) N. Gromovenko, Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia) Tutors: E. Belyaeva (leader) E. Nikitin (ichyologist) R/V of the Caspian Flotilla Students: M. Derbenev, Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia) M. Belyaeva, St-Petersburg State Hydrometeorological University (St-Petersburg, Russia) I. Volkov, Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia) Tutors: D. Menshikov (leader) V. Kabakov (meteorologist) A. Marchenkov (chief of geodetic survey) R/V of the Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute Students: A. Sakharbaev, Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) A. Abilgazieva, Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) A. Shekhmanova, Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) D. Kenzhegalieva, Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) D. Kalimanova, Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) Tutors: A. Kenzhegaliev (leader) A. Kambetov (lecturer) Annex 2 Training and education: List of presentations E. Nikitin: 1. Ichthyofauna of the Lower Volga river 2. Methods of integrated environmental and fisheries research in the Caspian Sea and riverine estuaries T. Rabadanov: A brief analysis of current status and exploitation of the Caspian coastal waters within the Dagestan area M. Derbenev: Presentation of Astrakhan State Technical University N. Umbetova: Presentation of Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute N. Vodovsky: Features of macrobenthofauna in the Volga river delta and assessment of current environmental status based on macrozoobenthos parameters N. Gromovenko: Characteristics of higher aquatic vegetation in the Volga river delta. Research methods M. Belyaeva: 1. Basic methods and means for hydrometeorology observations 2. Presentation of St-Petersburg State Hydrometeorological University A. Astakhina: Pollution of the North Caspian by oil hydrocarbons and its impact on hydrobiont species I. Volkov: Monitoring aquatic environment in the Volga delta. Research methods in hydrology and water chemistry E. Belyaeva: Information on the Small Grants Programme Sustainable development of the Caspian coastal communities, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan B. Ogultinov: Presentation of Kalmyk State University D. Menshikov: 1. Oceanographic research at the Caspian Sea 2. Oceanographic equipment. Maintenance preparation and operation A. Kenzhegaliev: 1. Impact of oil pollution on flora and fauna biodiversity of the Caspian Sea 2. Oil pollution of the Caspian Sea. Assessment methods A. Kambetov: Properties and composition of crude oil Training videos: Introduced and alien species in the Caspian Sea Environmental issues of the Volga river Volga-Akhtuba floodland Caspian Fisheries Research Institute Underwater survey in the Caspian Sea Caspian crayfish International youth camp Children and the Sea Aktau, 2003 Caspian seal Excursions: 10.08 2005, Meteorological station of FSUE Rosmorport at Iskusstvenny island, Volga-Caspian Canal. Conducted by the Head of the station O. Lelikov. Participants were acquainted with facilities and equipment used at the station, principles of work and distribution of information to the users. 14.08 2005, Bertyulsky sturgeon hatchery. Prof. Dr. L. Krayushkina, St.-Petersburg State University, delivered lecture. Prof. Krayushkina told the participants about experimental works conducted by research group on development of hatchery standard of sturgeon fingerlings released from the hatcheries in the Lower Volga region (studies on salinity tolerance and osmoregulation of different sturgeon species). 15.08 2005, Astrakhan biosphere nature reserve, Damchiksky district. Lecturers young scientists (ABNR staff) described to the students the flora and fauna of Astrakhan oblast, monitoring studies conducted by the scientists and their cooperation with Caspian Floating University. The students visited the biosphere museum and had a site trip to the lotus fields.     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